
aus Hannover

(1814-1866) 

Stadt und
zentrale Lage der Stadt Hannover prägte ihre Geschichte von Beginn an. Sie
entstand im frühen Mittelalter als kleine dörfliche Siedlung auf einer
hochgelegenen und damit hochwasserfreien Terrasse der Leine (Honovere =
das hohe Ufer). Daneben lag ein bedeutender Flussübergang, denn hier
kreuzten sich zwei wichtige alte Fernstraßen.
der Siedlung entstand im späteren Mittelalter eine kleine
Marktsiedlung, die schon bald Stadtrechte bekam und an das
Fürstengeschlecht der Welfen verkauft wurde. 1241 stellte der welfische
das Kind«
ein Stadtprivileg aus, das als älteste Erwähnung der Stadt Hannover gilt.
Hannover war damals schon ein lebendiges, von selbstbewussten Handwerkern,
Händlern und Gewerbetreibenden geprägtes Zentrum.
14. Jahrhundert wurde die Stadt mit einer soliden Mauer befestigt, nur
drei Tore stellten die Verbindung zur Außenwelt her: das Leintor, das
Aegidientor und das Steintor.
Die Stadt erlebte zu dieser Zeit eine erste wirtschaftliche Blüte und trat
der Hanse bei. Die hannoverschen Fernkaufleute verkauften Leinwand nach London,
Tuchhandel mit Flandern, importierten Pelze und Häute aus Nowgorod,
Tran und Wachs aus Norwegen, Heringe und Butter aus Südschweden. Anfang des 15. Jahrhunderts wurde mit dem Bau des Rathauses,
heute das Alte Rathaus, neben der Marktkirche, begonnen, das
jahrhunderte lang Machtzentrum der Stadt war. Auch die Altstadt Hannovers
entstammt dieser Zeit.
Die Bürger Hannovers bekannten sich 1533 mit
einem Schwur auf dem Marktplatz zur lutherischen Lehre.
Der Rat der Stadt, der sich nicht der
Reformation anschloss, musste schließlich ins altgläubig
gebliebene, katholische Hildesheim flüchten. 1580 unterzeichneten
»Bürgermeister und
Ratname der Stadt Hannover« die lutherische Konkordienformel
von 1577.
Vernetzung der Wirtschaft über die Hanse begann im 16. Jahrhundert
Während des Dreißigjährigen Krieges machte Herzog Georg von Calenberg
(Herzog von Braunschweig und Lüneburg) Hannover im Jahr 1636 zur
Welfen-Residenz. Als Residenzstadt erlebte Hannover in den folgenden 80
Jahren eine erneute Blütezeit. Die
Stadt begann zu wachsen und die
Einwohnerzahl stieg auf 4000.
Im Jahr 1676
wurde Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646–1716) von Herzog Johann Friedrich
zum Hofrat und Leiter seiner Bibliothek berufen. Der in Leipzig geborene
Philosoph und Mathematiker, der unter anderem das Dualsystem erfand, lebte
bis zu seinem Tod in Hannover.
Hannover war ab 1692 das 9. Kurfürstentum des Heiligen Römischen Reiches
mit dem offiziellen Name »Chur-Braunschweig-Lüneburg«, inoffiziell auch
Chur-Hannover, Kurhannover oder Hannover genannt.
Kurfürst Georg Ludwig als Georg I. 1714 den britischen Thron bestiegen
hatte, verlegte er seine Residenz von Hannover nach London. In Hannover
festigte sich dadurch in der inneren Verwaltung ein Kreis von Adeligen-
und Beamtenfamilien. Die Residenzstadt, die in den Jahren zuvor stark vom
Hof abhängig war, verödete dabei immer mehr. Auch Schloss und Garten
Herrenhausen wurden bald nicht mehr genutzt. Dies änderte sich 1837, als
mit dem Tod Wilhelms IV. die 123 Jahre währende Personalunion der
Königreiche Großbritannien und Hannover zu Ende ging und in Hannover König
Ernst August I. den Thron bestieg.
Auf dem
Wiener Kongress erklärte sich das von Napoleon I. aufgelöste Kurfürstentum
Braunschweig-Lüneburg, auch
genannt, am 12. Oktober 1814 selbst
zum Königreich Hannover. Dank des Verhandlungsgeschicks des
hannöverschen Kabinettministers am Englischen Hof, Graf Ernst zu
Münster, gelang auf dem Wiener Kongress auch eine Arrondierung des
Territoriums. Dem Königreich Hannover wurden die Niedergrafschaft
Lingen, das Herzogtum Arenberg-Meppen, die
Grafschaft Bentheim, das Hochstift Hildesheim, die Stadt Goslar, Bereiche
des Untereichsfelds und das Fürstentum Ostfriesland zugeteilt.
war innerhalb des Königreichs Hannover eine autonome Stadt.
Im Deutschen Krieg von 1866 kämpfte das Königreich Hannover auf Seiten des
Deutschen Bundes und Österreichs gegen Preußen. Die preußische Hauptmacht
gewann die Entscheidungsschlacht am 3. Juli bei Königsgrätz. Vorher hatten
die hannoverschen Truppen am 29. Juni bei Langensalza die Waffen strecken
müssen. Nach der Kapitulation
des Königreichs Hannover wurde Hannover von Preußen annektiert und preußische Provinz. Aus der Residenzstadt Hannover wurde eine preußische
Provinzhauptstadt. Mit dem Anschluss an Preußen wurde der Zunftzwang
aufgehoben. Die Einführung der Gewerbefreiheit förderten das
Wirtschaftswachstum und führten zum Aufschwung der Gründerzeit. In der
Zeit zwischen 1871 und 1912 wuchs die Bevölkerung von 87.600 auf 313.400.

um 1837 |

(1814-1866) |


heute |

Altstadt |

Bahnhofstraße |

1890 |

Das Alte Rathaus
heute |

heute |

König Georg
von Hannover
1866 |

im Königreich Hannover
um 1840 |

um 1880 |
Schloss Herrenhaus

1834 |
Schloss Herrenhaus

19. Jahrhundert

Hartmannus Goddeleve
Geschichte der Familie Gott(e)sleben/Gottleben beginnt mit Hartmannus
Goddeleve, der als Neubürger im Jahr 1320 in das Bürgerbuch der
Stadt Hannover eingetragen wurde:
»Isti facti sunt burgenses,
Item anno domini MCCCXX:
Hartmannus Goddeleve,
Harmannus Godeleve
Hannover war ein lebendiges, von selbstbewussten Handwerkern,
Händlern und Gewerbetreibenden geprägtes Zentrum.
Die Stadt erlebte im 14. Jahrhundert eine erste wirtschaftliche Blüte und trat
der Hanse bei. Die hannoverschen Fernkaufleute verkauften Leinwand nach London,
Tuchhandel mit Flandern, importierten Pelze und Häute aus Nowgorod,
Tran und Wachs aus Norwegen, Heringe und Butter aus Südschweden. Für die
Handelsgeschäfte wurden Arbeitskräfte benötigt, die die Stadt mit der Verleihung der
Bürgerrechte lockte.
wissen, dass der Familienname Gott(e)sleben/Gottleben
Herkunftsname nach dem Ortsnamen
Kutzleben, alt Gozzenleber/Gozzenleba, Kreis Weißensee in Thüringen ist. In den Jahren, in denen das Dorf Kutzleben
mehrfach seine Grundherren gewechselt hatte und die Stadt Hannover
Arbeitskräfte als Neubürger aufnahm, taucht mit Hartmannus Goddeleve der Familienname
erstmals urkundlich hier in Hannover auf. Stammte Hartmann
aus dem weit entfernten Kutzleben? Wir wissen es nicht. Unwahrscheinlich
ist es nicht, denn die Entfaltung des Wirtschaftslebens führte im
ausgehenden Mittelalter zu einer starken Binnenwanderung und der Ruf
»Stadtluft macht frei« lockte viele unfreie Knechte und Bauern vom Lande
in die Stadt. Zur namentlichen Unterscheidung der zahlreichen städtischen
Neubürger erhielt ein beträchtlicher Teil der zu benennenden Personen Bei-
bzw. Familiennamen nach ihrer Herkunft. In unserem Fall könnten wir
annehmen, dass eine der damals gebräuchlichen Namensformen für Kutzleben
zum Beinamen Goddeleve führte.

Der Ortsname
Kutzleben taucht in den ältesten uns bekannt
gebliebenen Urkunden als Cuceslebo, Cuczeleiben, Coczeleibin, Kottenleibn
und Gozzenlebo auf und wird in den Urkunden späterer Jahrhunderte auch
Kozeleibin, Cucceleiben, Cuzcleibin, Kuczeleiben, endlich Kutzeleibin und
Kutzleben geschrieben.
liegt in Thüringen an
der Nord-Süd-Verbindung
zwischen Nordhausen
und Erfurt.

Tractus Eichsfeldiae
Historische Karte des
Eichsfelds von 1759
(Angabe des Ortes
Kutzleben als Gottsleben) |

des 1320 in der Stadt Hannover nachgewiesenen Hartmann Goddeleve sind uns nicht bekannt.
Erst im
19. Jahrhundert finden wir wieder Hinweise auf Familien Gottsleben im
Königreich Hannover. Im Jahr 1851 bekam der
um 1825 geborene Schlachtergeselle Friedrich Gottsleben aus Winsen
an der Luhe
die Genehmigung zur Auswanderung nach Nordamerika. Und mit der am 19.
Juni 1860 in Linden/Hannover geborenen
Anna Christiane Wilhelmine
und ihren Eltern
Carl Friedrich Gottsleben
Louise Friederike Reese
begegnet uns
eine weitere Familie Gottsleben im
Königreich Hannover.
»Telefonbüchern Deutschland«
waren 1997, 1998 und 2004 Hubert Gottsleben,
Hannelore Gottsleben, Doris Gottsleben und Walter Gottsleben
in der Stadt Hannover

Winsen an
der Luhe
um 1825 geborene Schlachtergeselle Friedrich Gottsleben aus Winsen
an der Luhe beantragte 1851 einen Reisepass und erhielt im gleichen Jahr
die Genehmigung zur Auswanderung nach Nordamerika. Die Kleinstadt Winsen
gehörte bis 1866 zum Königreich Hannover. Friedrich Gottsleben, dessen
Vorname in amerikanischen Dokumenten Frederick oder Fred geschrieben wird,
Hamburg am 1. September 1851 mit dem unter amerikanischer Flagge fahrendem
Schiff »Matanzas« in Richtung New York verlassen.
Seine Familie hat sich bis heute über fünf Generationen in den Vereinigten
Staaten und
in Trinidad
and Tobago verbreitet.

an der Luhe
um 1650 |

Königreich Hannover
Landdrostei Lüneburg

an der Luhe
1910 |

an der Luhe
Schloss |

an der Luhe
um 1960 |
verwandtschaftliche Beziehung des Schlachtergesellen Friedrich
Gottsleben zu einer Familie Gottsleben aus dem nahe gelegenen Altona
bei Hamburg ist nicht auszuschließen. Dort in Altona, das bis 1864 unter
Dänischer Verwaltung stand, lebten der um 1790 in Winsen an der Luhe
geborene und 1876 in Hamburg verstorbene Schlachter
Heinrich Gottsleben und weitere Schlachter namens Gottsleben. Im
Jahr 1833 finden wir im Altonaisches Adressbuch die
Christoph Philipp Gottsleben und
Johann Friedrich Gottsleben sowie den Schlachteramtsmeister
Friedrich Wilhelm Gottsleben.

um 1850 |


um 1890

Altonaisches Adressbuch
für das Jahr 1833 |

Green-Wood Cemetery, Brooklyn, Kings
County, New York
der aus Winsen an der Luhe stammenden amerikanischen Familie Gottsleben sind auf dem Green-Wood Cemetery, Brooklyn, Kings
County, New York, Plot 12658, bestattet.
Hier finden wir die Gräber von
Mathilde Gottsleben; bestattet 22. August 1864. - Matilda
Gottsleben; bestattet 12. April 1870. - Fredericka Gottsleben;
bestattet 10. Oktober 1883. - Frederick Gottsleben; bestattet 13.
Oktober 1901. - Auch
Amelia Gottsleben, geb. um 1834, gest. am 28.
Oktober 1860 wurde
hier in Greenwood bestattet.
The Green-wood
Cemetery was founded in 1838
by Henry Evelyn Pierrepoint. The original layout for the cemetery
designed by landscape architect David Bates Douglass.
The 478 acres have a varied terrain and feature both the highest
point in
Brooklyn (Battle Hill) and four glacial kettle ponds. It has been a
destination since the mid 19th century and is the final resting place of
around 600,000 persons. The cemetery was designated
a National Historic Landmark in 2006. |

Emil Gottsleben

Emil Gottsleben
Nassau 1924
Emil Gottsleben,
das siebte Kind von Frederick und Fredericka Gottsleben, war 13 Jahre alt
als die Mutter 1883 in Newark starb. Emil
hat sein Elternhaus früh
verlassen und sich dem Handel zugewandt. Im Jahr 1889 veröffentlichte
er im
York Herald« ein Inserat
»Florida lands for sale on instalmants. For further particulars address
Emil Gottsleben, 351 Halsey St., Newark, NJ«. Emil reiste viel, lebte auch kurz in Florida und verbrachte die meiste Zeit seines Lebens in der Karibik.
Als dortige Wohnorte sind uns Rum Clay und Nassau auf den Bahamas, Trinidad und
Nevis bekannt. 1906, 1915 und 1916 schenkte er der
York Zoological Society« drei
Schildkröten.(1) In den Jahren 1915 und 1916 traf
Gottsleben als amerikanischer Staatsbürger
per Schiff aus
Nassau Bahamas in New York ein. Bei seiner Ankunft gab er in den
Passagierlisten als Familienstand ledig an
und war 45 Jahre alt. Auch 1939 finden wir den nun 68-jährigen Emil Gottsleben in einer Passagierliste des Schiffs
»Nerissa«, mit dem er aus
St. Kitts, B.W.I. kommend in New York einreiste.(2) Emil Gottsleben lebte
als Geschäftsmann seit etwa 1900 in der Karibik und gründete wohl in den
1920er Jahren in Charlestown, Nevis die
Trading Co.«,
die er 1946 an seinen langjährigen, 1912 in Nevis geborenen Angestellten
Chas Nisbett verkaufte. Die »Gottsleben
Trading Co.«
wurde nach dem Tod von Emil Gottsleben 1958 in »Nisbett Grocery« umbenannt.(3)
letztes Mal finden wir den nun 76-jährigen Emil Gottsleben in einer
Passagierliste der Pan American Airways, mit der er am 31. Juli 1945 in
Miami, Florida einreiste.(4)
Emil Gottsleben
der noch heute bestehenden karibischen Linie der
Gottsleben Familie und Vater des von der noch sehr jungen, farbigen Gorgie
(Georgette) Maynard in Nevis unehelich geborenen Hubert Gottsleben. Über
Emil Gottslebens Verbindung mit
Gorgie Maynard und sein Leben in der Karibik
liegen nur mündliche Überlieferungen vor.(5)
Unbekannt sind bisher das Geburtsdatum und
die Beziehung von Hubert Gottsleben zu
seinem Vater Emil. Ob Georgette Maynard ihren Sohn Hubert allein groß
gezogen hatte und Emil Gottsleben sie dabei nur finanziell
unterstützte, wissen wir nicht. Hubert Gottsleben wurde Musiker,
spielte vier Musikinstrumente und war Mitglied der Band
Hubert zog von Nevis nach Trinidad und heiratete dort wohl mehrmals. Von
seinen ehelichen und unehelichen Kindern sind uns namentlich bekannt die Töchter
Oraine L.,
Hyacinth und
Noeline Gottsleben
und der Sohn Maxwell Atlas Gottsleben.(6)
Ihre Nachkommen bilden die noch heute bestehende karibische Linie der
Gottsleben Familie, die wir vor allem in
and Tobago«
Annual Report of the New York Zoological Society, 1906 <Mr. Emil Gottsleben of Rum Clay, Bahama
Islands, presented a large hawksbill turtle>; Annual Report of the
New York Zoological Society, 1915 <Mr. Emil Gottsleben of Nassau,
Bahamas, presented a fine hawksbill turtle, the second specimen which
has been received through his kindness>; Annual Report of the New York
Zoological Society, 1916 <Mr. Emil Gottsleben of Nassau, Bahamas,
presented a tortoise shell turtle>.
New York, Passenger Arrival Lists, Ellis Island, 1892-1924 <Emiles [Emil] Gottaleben [Gottsleben];
geb. 1870, 45 Jahre alt; US Citzen, ledig/single; Wohnort: Roselle Park,
N.J.; Einreise am 26. September 1915 in Ellis Island, New York City, New
York; Abfahrtshafen: Nassau, Bahamas; Schiffsname: Morro Castle>,
<Emil Gottsleben; Letzter Wohnort: Rossll Park, NJ; Einreise: 23. Juli
1916; Alter: 45 Jahre; U.S. Citizen; ledig/single; Abfahrtshafen:
Nassau, Bahamas; Ankunftshafen: New York; Schiffsname: Esperanza>; New
York, New York Passenger and Crew Lists, 1909, 1925-1957 <List of United
States Citizens (for the immigration authorities); S.S. Nerissa; Sailing
from Trinidad, B.W.T., August 2nd, 1939, Arriving at Port of New York,
N.Y. August 12th, 1939; Name in full: Emil Gottsleben from St. Kitts,
B.W.I., August 6th 1939; 68 Jahre
alt; ledig/single; Date and place
of birth (city or town and state): October 5, 1870, Newark, N.J.; Adress
in United States: 11 Brookside road, Maplewodd, N.J.>.
The Caribbean who, what, why/publ.: Lloyd Sidney Smith. 2. ed.
Amsterdam: Dr. Holland, 1965, S. 857 <Nisbett, Chas. Almon, M.B.E.,
Grocery and Provision Merchant, Hotelier. Born: Nevis 27th February
1912. Educ: Lowland Elementary School. Started as Clerk at the age of 18
with the late Emil Gottsleben until 1946 when, on his retirement, Mr.
Nisbett acquired the business of Gottsleben Trading Co. In 1958 it
became Nisbetts Grocery>. - Meier's Adreßbuch der Exporteure und
Importeure. Bd. 12. Hamburg/Grävenwiesbach: Dudy, 1925 (oder Bd. 31.
1935) S. 16b, 26 u. 193 <Nevis, Charlestown, Emil Gottsleben>.
(4) Passagierlisten Florida, 1898-1963 <Emil
Gottsleben; geb. 5. Oktober 1870 in Newark, 76 Jahre alt; Ankunft in
Miami am 31. Juli 1945 mit Pan American Airways>.
Genforum.genealogy.com/germany (Posted September 19, 2001 by
Davilyn Alexander: Emile Gottsleben or Gottsleben 1890's-1920's <Emile
Gottsleben was born in Germany. He was a Jew [?]. He left Germany
when the Nazi's or u could say Hitler started to pursecute the Jews
[Note: Hitler came to power as the 'Reichs-chancellor' in 1933, and the
'Reichskristallnacht' when all the jewish property was distroyed in
Germany by the NAZI-Regime happened in the night from 09 to 10 nov.
1938. So there seems to be an inconsistency in the data. Adolf Hitler
became the leader of the NSDAP in 1923, he was born in 1889, so I think
your Emile is either born later or was not persued by the NAZI regime].
He had a brother who's middle name was 'Emile' and Emile had his
brother's first name as his middle name also. But I don't know what his
name was. Emile went to an island in the Caribbean called 'Nevis'. There
he met this girl named Gorgie Maynard but people called her 'Georgette'.
They were not married. She was probably between 14-18. They had a son
and named him Hubert Gottsleben>); Cousinconnect.com (Posted
27. Jan. 2011 <Does anyone know anything
about a man named Hubert Gottsleben. I think his father was named Emile
Gottsleben. His father came from Germany as a chef on a cruise ship
during the time of the Holocust. I've heard bits and pieces from my
family. I think he used to have one of the first theaters in Nevis. My
great aunt last name was Gottsleben and she married a Roper. Her
mother's last name was Butler. My grandmother was also born a Gottsleben
and was married to a Carey from St. Kitts but she died last year>); Facebook (November 2013, Heslyn
Gottsleben <My
great grandfather was a german jew [?]. His name was Emile Gottsleben.
He open a buisness in Nevis, West Indies. My grandfather Hubert
Gottsleben was born in Nevis and came to Trinidad where he met and
married my grandmother who was working in Trinidad at the time. They
produce my father Maxwell Atlas Gottsleben who got married to my mother
Juilette Sterling Gottsleben. My grandfather Hubert Gottsleben was a
musician. He played 4 musical instruments and was also in a band call
the merrymakers>; Februar 2018, Diskussion Emil Gottsleben <Marlon Gottsleben: 'My aunt told me my great
grandfather migrated to Nevis and there he had a lumber yard and a
hotel, I'm from Tobago by the way'; 'You are correct Hubert is my dad
father, and my aunt always spoke of Emile ... thanks for the info; 'I
would love to meet you guys, who wants to come to the Caribbean, Tobago
to b exact, you can stay at my father's house ... Maxwell Gottsleben';
Thanks Klaus Gottsleben for that info ... and we are a people of great
wealth>; <Debbie Gottsleben: 'Klaus Gottsleben this is such an
incredible finding. I can still remember my dad telling me we had a
relative in the Caribbean. The way my dad told the story and he was
still bitter when he told me the story was when he was a young teen an
uncle who lived in the Caribbean who owned a company and was doing quite
well reached out to my dad's parents to see if my dad would come down to
the caribbean to help him out with the business. This uncle had no
children and wanted my dad to come to learn the business to eventually
take it over! My grandparents wouldn't let my father go. He always felt
that his parents had held him back from a great opportunity. Who knows
what would have happened? One thing is sure I wouldn't be here!'; Debbie
Gottsleben: 'I am the granddaughter of Fred Gottsleben. My dad Ted,
Theodore Frederick, told me about that trading company in the Bahamas.
That was his uncle or great uncle. Wanted my dad come down and visit but
my grandmother wouldn't let him. My father was angry about that'>;
<Pauline Sydney-Taitt: [Klaus Gottsleben auf Facebook: From the Kingdom
of Hanover/Germany to New York, New Jersey, Nassau/Bahamas and Saint
Kitts and Nevis. History of Frederick (Fred) C. Gottsleben's family.
Part 2: Emil Gottsleben] 'This post brought tears to my eyes ... I am
also a grand daughter of Hubert Gottsleben. My mother Noeline Gottsleben
was his daughter from a second marriage in Trinidad'>; <Joshua
Sydney: [Klaus Gottsleben auf Facebook: From the Kingdom of
Hanover/Germany to New York, New Jersey, Nassau/Bahamas and Saint Kitts
and Nevis. History of Frederick (Fred) C. Gottsleben's family. Part 2:
Emil Gottsleben] 'This is amazing'>).
Cousinconnect.com (Posted 27. Jan. 2011 <Does anyone know anything
about a man named Hubert Gottsleben. My
great aunt last name was Gottsleben and she married a Roper. Her
mother's last name was Butler. My grandmother was also born a Gottsleben
and was married to a Carey from St. Kitts but she died last year>);
Genforum.genealogy.com/germany (Posted September 19, 2001 by
Davilyn Alexander <Hubert Gottsleben then met a girl named Pearline Scarbrough. They also didn't
get married. They had a child named Hyacinth Gottsleben>);
Gottsleben (Mitteilung über Facebook, November 2013 <My
grandfather Hubert Gottsleben was born in Nevis and came to Trinidad
where he met and married my grandmother who was working in Trinidad at
the time. They produce my father Maxwell Atlas Gottsleben who got
married to my mother Juilette Sterling Gottsleben>); Pauline Sydney-Taitt (Mitteilung über Facebook,
September 2017 <I am also a
grand daughter of Hubert Gottsleben. My mother Noeline Gottsleben was
his daughter from a second marriage in Trinidad.
ist mit Dave Taitt verheiratet und hat einen
Sohn Josiah Taitt>).
Trinidad and Tobago konnten bisher (August 2018) folgende
Gottsleben aufgespürt werden: Wendy
Gottsleben, geb. 1971, seit 1986 verheiratet; Kinder: Aaron Gottsleben,
geb. 1994 und Randy Gottsleben. -
Ralph Gottsleben. - Thelma
Gottsleben, geb. 1957 [? auch 1947]. - Sö Roya
Gottsleben, geb. 2000. -
Yasmin Gottsleben
Caesar. - Sapphire
Gottsleben. - Darrion
Gottsleben. - Zamaiah
Gottsleben - Marlon Gottsleben, geb. 1981,
verheiratet mit Janelle George Gottsleben; Kinder: Thalia Gottsleben, Tyrese Gottsleben, geb. 2000 und
Prince Mikyelle, geb. 2012.
- Heslyn Gottsleben, geb. 1977. - Indira Gottsleben, geb. um 1980 in
Scarborough, lebt in New York; Kinder: Imani Sandy, geb. um 2007
und King Maxwell, geb. 2016.

Trinidad and Tobago
karibische Inselstaat »Trinidad
and Tobago« umfasst die Inseln Trinidad und
Tobago. Die Inseln sind die südlichsten der Kleinen Antillen und liegen
vor der Küste Venezuelas. Trinidad und Tobago ist 5.128 km² groß und hat
über 1,3 Millionen Einwohner.
von Christoph Kolumbus entdeckten Trinidad wurde ab 1552 von einem
spanischen Gouverneur verwaltet und blieb für rund 250 Jahre im Besitz der
spanischen Krone. Die nur 30 km nordöstlich liegende Insel Tobago war
umstrittenes Gebiet zwischen den Kolonialmächten Frankreich,
Großbritannien und den Niederlanden. Nach dem Spanisch-Englischen Krieg
kamen Trinidad 1802 und Tobago 1814 endgültig in britischen Besitz. Zu
diesem Zeitpunkt wurden die Inseln bereits intensiv bewirtschaftet mit
Baumwolle, Kakao und Zuckerrohr. Für die Arbeit auf den groß angelegten
Plantagen wurden seit Mitte des 17. Jh. afrikanische Sklaven auf die
Inseln gebracht. Nachdem Großbritannien 1833 die Sklaverei in ihren
Kolonien offiziell verboten hatte, wurden billige Arbeitskräfte aus Asien,
überwiegend aus Indien vor allem nach Trinidad geholt. Auf Tobago wurden
die Zuckerrohr- und Baumwollplantagen aufgegeben zugunsten
kleinbäuerlicher Betriebe, die oft von freigelassenen Sklaven
bewirtschaftet wurden. Ab 1889 wurden Trinidad und Tobago als gemeinsame
britische Kolonie verwaltet. Sitz der Kolonialverwaltung war die Stadt
Port of Spain an der Westküste Trinidads.
Jahr 1867 wurde auf Trinidad Erdöl gefunden,
das ab 1910 kommerziell gefördert wurde. Dadurch hatte die Insel eine hohe
wirtschaftliche Bedeutung für Großbritannien. 1956 erhielten die beiden
Inseln die beschränkte innere Selbstverwaltung. Von 1958 bis 1962 gehörten
die Inseln der von Großbritannien geschaffenen »Westindischen Föderation«
an, nach deren Auflösung wurden die Inseln am 31. August 1962 als
parlamentarische Monarchie im Rahmen des britischen Commonwealth of Nations in die Unabhängigkeit entlassen. Staatsoberhaupt blieb somit die
britische Monarchin Elisabeth II., die durch einen Generalgouverneur
vertreten wurde.
ist die am meisten industrialisierte Insel der Karibik. Neben der
petrochemischen Industrie gibt es viele Betriebe der Nahrungsmittel- und
Leichtindustrie für den lokalen Bedarf und die Versorgung der
Nachbarinseln. Das Land hat eines der höchsten Pro-Kopf Einkommen des
gesamten amerikanischen Doppelkontinents.
kulturelle Mischung in Trinidad & Tobago ist aufgrund der bewegten
Geschichte der Inseln einzigartig. Hier trifft Südamerika auf Indien und
Europa auf Asien. Vor allem Menschen indischer und afrikanischer Herkunft
prägen das Bild, hinzu kommen Nachfahren der früheren Siedler – Spanier,
Franzosen, Briten und Portugiesen – sowie der indianischen Ureinwohner.
Einwanderer aus China und dem Nahen Osten ergänzen den bunten Kultur-Mix.
Auf beiden Inseln gibt es eine lebendige
Musikszene. Der Calypso und seine moderne, dynamischere Version Soca haben
sich aus den Liedern der afrikanischen Sklaven entwickelt. Das
Nationalinstrument von Trinidad & Tobago ist die Steelpan, die hier in den
1930er Jahren erfunden wurde. Sie besteht aus einem umgebauten Ölfass, dem
mit Klöppeln Töne über mehr als drei Oktaven entlockt werden.
Wie bei den Festen verweben sich auch in
der Musikszene verschiedene Traditionen zu einem gemeinsamen, typisch trinbagonischen Stil. Soca-Parang mischt afro-spanische Musik, Chutney
Soca afro-indische, und der Rapso macht sich die Straßenlyrik
nordamerikanischer Rapper zu eigen.

Flagge von
Trinidad and Tobago |

Trinidad and Tobago |

Wappen von
Trinidad and Tobago

Einwohner von
Trinidad and Tobago
(um 1880) |

(um 1893) |

Port of Spain
Hauptstadt von
Trinidad and Tobago |

Parlament von
Trinidad and

Trinidad and Tobago |

Dollar |

Port of
Tobago |

Strand in Tobago |

in Trinidad |

Karneva |

Saint Kitts and Nevis
Kitts and Nevis«
ist ein föderaler Inselstaat auf den Kleinen Antillen. Er ist Mitglied im
Commonwealth of Nations und den Vereinten Nationen. Der Staat gehört mit
seinen 56.000 Einwohnern und einer Fläche von 269 Quadratkilometern zu den
zwölf kleinsten Staaten der Erde. Hauptstadt und größte Stadt des Landes
ist Basseterre, die Amtssprache ist Englisch.
beiden Inseln wurden 1493 auf der zweiten Reise von Christoph Kolumbus für
die Europäer entdeckt, aber erst am Anfang des 17. Jahrhunderts von
britischen Kolonisten besiedelt. 1623 gründete Sir Thomas Warner die
Kolonie St. Kitts. 1626 richteten Engländer und Franzosen ein Massaker
unter den Kalinago an. In den Jahren 1629 und 1630 waren die Inseln nach
Eroberung durch Fadrique Álvarez de Toledo y Mendoza für kurze Zeit in
spanischem Besitz.
der Kolonialisierung waren die Inseln ein ständiger Streitpunkt zwischen
Frankreich und dem Vereinigten Königreich. 1783 sicherten sich die Briten
die Inseln und gliederten sie in das Britische Weltreich ein. 99 Jahre
später schloss man die beiden Inseln mit dem nahe gelegenen Anguilla zu
einem Bund mit dem Namen St. Christopher-Nevis-Anguilla zusammen.
den Jahren 1929 und 1930 stürzte die Weltwirtschaftskrise das Land in
wirtschaftliche und politische Schwierigkeiten. Nachdem 1930
Gewerkschaften und Parteien entstanden, führte man 1952 das allgemeine und
gleiche Wahlrecht ein und damit auch das Frauenwahlrecht. 1958 erfolgte
der Beitritt zur Westindischen Föderation, die bis 1962 existierte.
1967 erhielten die Inseln einen Autonomiestatus vom Vereinigten
Königreich. Für die Einwohner Anguillas, das damals zur Föderation
gehörte, gingen diese Regelungen nicht weit genug. So trat Anguilla
faktisch aus der Konföderation aus, blieb jedoch auf dem Papier
19. September 1983 entließ die britische Krone St. Kitts und Nevis in die

Flagge von
Saint Kitts and
Nevis |

Saint Kitts and
Nevis |

Spanische Eroberung
1629 |

Wappen von
Saint Kitts and
Nevis |

Basseterre |

Government house
Basseterre |

Basseterre |

Basseterre |

Saint Kitts and
Nevis |

Friedrich/Frederick Gottsleben
GOTTSLEBEN Friedrich/Frederick (Fred) C.
* um.1825 Winsen/Luhe † 13.10.1901 New York Lebensorte:
Winsen/Luhe New York Newark
Der um 1825 geborene Schlachtergeselle Friedrich Gottsleben aus Winsen an
der Luhe beantragte 1851 einen Reisepass und erhielt im gleichen Jahr die
Genehmigung zur Auswanderung nach Nordamerika. Die Kleinstadt Winsen gehörte
bis 1866 zum Königreich Hannover. Friedrich Gottsleben, dessen Vorname in
amerikanischen Dokumenten Frederick oder Fred geschrieben wird, hatte
Hamburg am 1. September 1851 mit dem Schiff 'Matanzas' in Richtung New York
verlassen. Wir finden Friedrich Gottsleben unter den Namensvarianten <1860:
Frederick Gottsblein>, <1870: Fred C. Gottsliben>, <1873: Frederick
Gottzleiben>, <1880: Frederick Gottleib> und <1885: Frederick Gotteleben>. -
Quellen: "Arcinsys.niedersachsen.de/arcinsys (April 2020; hier: Archive in
Niedersachsen und Bremen, NLA Hannover, SF Auswanderer, Spezialinventar
Auswanderer, NLA HA Hann. 74 Winsen/L. Nr. 225 <Friedrich Gottsleben aus
Winsen/L, Schlachtergeselle; Auswanderung nach Nordamerika; Datum der
Auswanderung/Passerteilung: 1851>)", "Ancestry (März 2021; hier:
Staatsarchiv Hamburg; Hamburg, Deutschland; Hamburger Passagierlisten <J P
Fr[iedrich] Gottsleben, geb. Winsen, Hannover; Beruf: Schlachter; Abreise
mit dem Schiff 'Matanzas' aus Hamburg am 1. September 1851 nach New York;
Kapitän: Stearns>)", "Hans Mahrenholtz: Norddeutsche in aller Welt.
Auswanderungen aus dem Lüneburgischen 1851 <Friedrich Gottesleben, nach
Amerika>. In: Norddeutsche Familienkunde 7 (1951), S. 23-25", "FamilySearch
(März 2014; hier: New York, Passenger Lists, 1820-1891 <Um 1824 in
Deutschland geboren, kam J.P.F[riedrich] Gottsleben 1851 als 27-Jähriger mit
dem Schiff 'Bark Mantanzas' in New York an>; New York State Census, 1855 <Frederick Gottsleben; geb. um 1824, 31
Jahre alt, Arbeitsmann/Metzger (workman/butcher) im Haushalt von Henry Bouck,
E.D. 3, Ward 5, New York City, New York>; United States Census, 1860
<Frederick Gottsblein [Gottsleben]; geb. um 1826 in Hanover, 34 Jahre alt;
Wohnort: 1st Dist 12th Ward City Brooklyn, Kings, New York; Ehefrau [?]:
Amelia Gottsblein [Gottsleben], geb. um 1834 in Preußen, 26 Jahre alt;
Helfer: Philip Walaker, 18 Jahre, geb. um 1842 in Bayern>; New Jersey Deaths
and Burials, 1720-1988 <10. April 1870 Tod der Tochter Matilda; hier nur
Vorname: Fredk.; Vorname der Ehefrau: Frederika; Wohnort: East Newark, Essex,
New Jersey>; United States Census, 1870 <Fred C. Gottsliben [Gottsleben], 45
Jahre alt; Beruf: Butcher/Schlachter; geb. in Hanover/Germany; Wohnort: New
Jersey; Ehefrau: Frederika Gottsliben [Gottsleben], 30 Jahre alt, geb. in
Prussia/Germany; Kinder: Caroline Gottsliben [Gottsleben], 8 Jahre alt, geb.
in New York; Herman Gottsliben [Gottsleben], 6 Jahre alt, geb. in New York;
Frederick Gottsliben [Gottsleben], 5 Jahre alt; geb. in New York; Henry
Gottsliben [Gottsleben], 3 Jahre alt, geb. in New York>; New Jersey, Births
and Christenings, 1660-1980 <5. Oktober 1870 Geburt eines Sohnes; hier Name:
Gotsleben [Frederick Gottsleben]; Name des Kindes: Gotsleben [Emil
Gottsleben], männlich; geb. 5. Oktober 1870 in Newark, Essex, New Jersey>;
New Jersey, Births, 1670-1980 <9. Oktober 1873 Geburt eines Sohnes; hier
Name: Frederick Gottzleiben [Gottsleben]; Name des Kindes: Gottzleiben
[Christian Gottsleben], männlich; geb. 9. Oktober 1873 in Newark, Essex, New
Jersey>; United States Census, 1880 <Frederick Gottleib [Gottsleben]; geb.
um 1825 in Germany, 55 Jahre alt, verheiratet; Beruf: Butcher/Schlachter;
Wohnort: Newark, Essex, New Jersey; Ehefrau: Frederica Gottleib [Gottsleben],
38 Jahre alt, geb. in Germany; Kinder: Carrie Gottleib [Caroline Gottsleben],
18 Jahre alt, geb. in New York; Frederick Gottleib [Frederick G. Gottsleben],
16 Jahre alt, geb. in New York; Hermann Gottleib [Hermann H. Gottsleben], 16
Jahre alt, geb. in New York; Henry Gottleib [Gottsleben], 12 Jahre alt, geb.
in New York; Emil Gottleib [Gottsleben], 10 Jahre alt, geb. in New Jersey;
Christy Gottleib [Christian Gottsleben], 6 Jahre alt, geb. in New Jersey>;
New Jersey State Census, 1885 <Frederick Gotteleben [Gottsleben]; über 60
Jahre alt; Wohnort: Newark, Ward 03, Essex, New Jersey; Haushalt [Kinder]:
Frederick Gotteleben [Gottsleben]; Herman Gotteleben [Gottsleben]; Henry
Gotteleben [Gottsleben]; Amelia Gotteleben [Gottsleben]; Christian
Gotteleben [Gottsleben]>; United States Census, 1900 <John F [Frederick]
Gottsleben; Wohnort: District 5 Newark city Ward 2, Essex, New Jersey;
Familienstand: verheiratet [Witwer], Geburtsort: Germany, Einwanderungsjahr:
1853, Beruf: Retired butcher; Söhne: Frederick G Gottsleben, 35 Jahre alt,
ledig, geb. Dezember 1864 in New York, Beruf: Butcher und Hermann Gottsleben,
35 Jahre alt, ledig, geb. Dezember 1864 in New York, Beruf: Hardwood
finisher>)" und "Findagrave.com (März 2019; hier: Green-Wood Cemetery,
Brooklyn, Kings County, New York <Familie Gottsleben, aus Hannover
eingewandert; Bestattet/Burial in Green-Wood Cemetery, Brooklyn, Kings
County, New York, Plot: 12658. - Mathilde Gottsleben; geb. unbekannt,
bestattet 22. August 1864. - Matilda Gottsleben; geb. unbekannt, bestattet
12. April 1870. - Fredericka Gottsleben; geb. unbekannt, bestattet 10.
Oktober 1883. - Frederick Gottsleben; geb. unbekannt, bestattet 13. Oktober
* um.1834 † 28.10.1860 New York Lebensorte: New York
Quelle: FamilySearch (März 2019; hier: United States Census, 1860
<Amelia Gottsblein [Gottsleben]; geb. um 1834 in Preußen, 26 Jahre
alt; Wohnort: 1st Dist 12th Ward City Brooklyn, Kings, New York;
Ehemann [?]: Frederick Gottsblein [Gottsleben], geb. um 1826 in
Hanover, 34 Jahre alt; Helfer: Philip Walaker, geb. um 1842 in Bayern,
18 Jahre alt>; New York, New York City Municipal Deaths, 1795-1949
<Amelia Gottslebon [Gottsleben]; geb. um 1834 in Germany, gest. 28.
Oktober 1860 in Brooklyn, Kings, New York, 26
Jahre alt; Familienstand unbekannt; Wohnort: Brooklyn, New
York; Anschrift: Conover & Dikeman; Bestattet in Greenwood>).
oo 2 um.1861
N.N. Frederika (Fredricka)
* um.1841 † 07.10.1883 Newark Lebensorte: New York Newark
Quellen: "FamilySearch (März 2014; hier: New Jersey Deaths and
Burials, 1720-1988 <10. April 1870 Tod der Tochter Matilda; hier nur
Vorname: Frederika; Wohnort: East Newark, Essex, New Jersey>; United
States Census, 1870 <Frederika Gottsliben [Gottsleben], 30 Jahre alt,
geb. in Deutschland/Preußen; Wohnort: New Jersey; Ehemann: Fred C.
Gottsliben [Gottsleben], 45 Jahre alt; Beruf: Butcher; geb. in
Hanover/Germany; Kinder: Caroline Gottsliben [Gottsleben], 8 Jahre
alt, geb. in New York; Herman Gottsliben [Gottsleben], 6 Jahre alt,
geb. in New York; Frederick Gottsliben [Gottsleben], 5 Jahre alt; geb.
in New York; Henry Gottsliben [Gottsleben], 3 Jahre alt, geb. in New
York>; United States Census, 1880 <Frederica Gottleib [Gottsleben];
geb. um 1862 in Germany, 38 Jahre alt; Wohnort: Newark, Essex, New
Jersey; Ehemann: Frederick Gottleib [Gottsleben], 55 Jahre alt;
Kinder: Carrie Gottleib [Caroline Gottsleben], 18 Jahre alt, geb. in
New York; Frederick Gottleib [Frederick G. Gottsleben], 16 Jahre alt,
geb. in New York; Hermann Gottleib [Hermann H. Gottsleben], 16 Jahre
alt, geb. in New York; Henry Gottleib [Gottsleben], 12 Jahre alt, geb.
in New York; Emil Gottleib [Gottsleben], 10 Jahre alt, geb. in New
Jersey; Christy Gottleib [Christian Gottsleben], 6 Jahre alt, geb. in
New Jersey>; New Jersey Deaths and Burials, 1720-1988 <Fredricka
Gottsleben, geb. um 1841, gest.
Oktober 1883 in Newark, New Jersey, 42 Jahre alt>)" und "Findagrave.com
(März 2016; Fredericka Gottsleben;
Bestattet/Burial: 10.
Oktober 1883; Green-Wood Cemetery Brooklyn, Kings County, Brooklyn,
New York; Plot: 12658)".
1. Gottsleben Caroline * .um.1862 New York
> 1.1
Gottsleben Mathilde
1Jhr * . .1863
† 20.08.1864 New York
Frederick Gottsleben
wird Vater von Mathilde Gottsleben sein.
Er wohnte 1860 in 1st Dist, 12th Ward, City Brooklyn, Kings, New York.
Mathilde ist in der Grabstelle im Green-Wood Cemetery, Brooklyn, Kings
County, New York, Plot 12658 der Familie Gottsleben aus Hannover
bestattet. - Quellen: "FamilySearch (März 2019; hier: New York, New
York City Municipal Deaths, 1795-1949 <Mathilde Gottsleben; geb. um
1863 in City of Brooklyn, gest.
August 1864 in Brooklyn, Kings, New York, 1 Jahr alt; Bestattet: 22.
August 1864; Anschrift: 17 Vine, 1st
Ward>)" und "Findagrave.com (März 2019; Matilde
Gottsleben; geb. unbekannt, Bestattet/Burial:
August 1864; Green-Wood Cemetery, Brooklyn, Kings County, New York,
Plot: 12658>)".
3. Gottsleben Frederick (Fred) G. * .12.1864 New York † .
> 1.2
4. Gottsleben Herman H. * .12.1864 New York † .
Quelle: FamilySearch
(März 2014; hier: United States
Census, 1870 <Herman
Gottsliben [Gottsleben], 6 Jahre
alt, geb. in New York; Wohnort: New Jersey; Eltern: Fred C.
Gottsliben [Gottsleben],
45 Jahre alt; Beruf: Metzger/Butcher; geb.
in Hanover/Germany und Frederika
Gottsliben [Gottsleben],
30 Jahre alt, geb. in Prussia/Germany;
Geschwister: Caroline Gottsliben [Gottsleben],
8 Jahre alt, geb. in New York; Frederick
Gottsliben [Gottsleben], 5 Jahre
alt; geb. in New York; Henry Gottsliben [Gottsleben],
3 Jahre alt, geb. in New York>; United States
Census, 1880 <Hermann Gottleib [Hermann H.
Gottsleben], 16 Jahre alt, geb. in New
York; Wohnort: Newark, Essex, New Jersey;
Eltern: Frederick Gottleib [Gottsleben];
55 Jahre alt; Beruf: Metzger/Butcher; geb.
um 1825 in Germany und Frederica Gottleib
[Gottsleben], 38 Jahre alt, geb. in
Germany; Geschwister: Carrie Gottleib [Caroline
Gottsleben], 18 Jahre alt, geb. in New York; Frederick Gottleib
[Frederick G. Gottsleben], 16 Jahre alt,
geb. in New York; Henry Gottleib [Gottsleben],
12 Jahre alt, geb. in New York; Emil Gottleib [Gottsleben],
10 Jahre alt, geb. in New Jersey; Christy
Gottleib [Christian Gottsleben], 6 Jahre
alt, geb. in New Jersey>; United States
Census, 1900 <Hermann
Gottsleben, 35 Jahre alt, ledig, geb. Dezember 1864 in New
York, Beruf: Hardwood
finisher, wohnte mit seinem ebenfalls ledigen Zwillingsbruder
Frederick G Gottsleben im Haushalt des
Vaters John F [Frederick] Gottsleben;
Wohnort: District 5 Newark
city Ward 2, Essex,
New Jersey>; United States
Census, 1910 <Herman H
Gottsleben; 45 Jahre alt, geb. um 1865 in
New York; ledig/single; Wohnort: Newark
Ward 6, Essex, New Jersey. Wohnt im
Haushalt seines Zwillingsbruders Fred G
Gottsleben; 45 Jahre alt, geb. um 1865 in New York; Schwägerin:
Eva Gottsleben; 26 Jahre alt, geb. in
Germany; Neffe: Fred H Gottsleben, 3 Jahre
alt, geb. in New Jersey; Nichte: Helen M
Gottsleben, 2 Jahre alt, geb. in New Jersey>; New Jersey State
Census, 1915 <Herman H
Gottsleben; geb.
Dezember 1865 [1864] in New York; Wohnort: Newark, 1 ward, 5 district,
Essex, New Jersey.
Wohnt im Haushalt seines Zwillingsbruders
Fredick [Frederick] G Gottsleben;
Schwägerin: Eva Gottsleben, geb. in
Germany; Neffe: Fredrick Gottsleben Jr.,
geb. in New Jersey; Nichte: Helen Gottsleben,
geb. in New Jersey>; United States
Census, 1920 <Herman
Gottsleben; 55 Jahre alt, geb. um 1865 in New York; ledig/single;
Wohnort: East Orange Ward 3, Essex, New
Jersey. Wohnt im Haushalt seines Zwillingsbruders Fred
Gottsleben; 55 Jahre alt, geb. um 1865 in
New York; Schwägerin: Eva Gottsleben; 35
Jahre alt, geb. in Germany; Neffe: Fred
Gottsleben, 13 Jahre alt, geb. in New Jersey; Nichte: Helen
Gottsleben, 11 Jahre alt, geb. in New
Gottsleben Henry * .02.1866
New York † . um.1930
> 1.3
6. Gottsleben Matilda
1Jhr 1Wo 2Ta * 01.04.1869 Newark † 10.04.1870 Newark
Quellen: "FamilySearch (März 2019; hier:
New Jersey, Births, 1670-1980 <Gotsberben
[Gottsleben]; geb. 1. April 1869 in
Newark, Essex, New Jersey, weiblich;
Eltern: Gotsberben [Gottsleben]>;
New Jersey, Deaths, 1670-1988 <Matilda
Gottsleben; geb. um 1869 in E. Newark,
gest. 10. April 1870 in East Newark, Essex,
New Jersey; 1 Jahr alt; Name des Vaters: Fredk.;
Name der Mutter: Frederika>)" und "Findagrave.com (Januar 2017;
Matilda Gottsleben; Bestattet/Burial:
April 1870; Green-Wood Cemetery Brooklyn, Kings County, New York: Plot
Gottsleben Emil * 05.10.1870
Newark † . >.1946
> 1.4
8. Gottsleben Christian (Chris)
* 18.10.1873 Newark † .03.1941 Linden
> 1.5
Gottsleben Amelia * um.1880
Quelle: FamilySearch (März 2019; hier: New
Jersey State Census, 1885 <Amelia
Gotteleben [Gottsleben],
zwischen 5 und 20 Jahre alt; Wohnort: Newark, Ward 03,
Essex, New Jersey; Haushalt [Vater]:
Frederick Gotteleben [Gottsleben],
über 60 Jahre alt; Haushalt [Geschwister]: Frederick
Gotteleben [Gottsleben];
Herman Gotteleben [Gottsleben];
Henry Gotteleben [Gottsleben];
Christian Gotteleben [Gottsleben]).
New York

New York
und Umgebung
Staatsarchiv Hamburg
Hamburger Passagierlisten

J P Fr Gottsleben,
geb. Winsen, Hannover
Abreise aus Hamburg
am 1. September 1851 |
New York State

New York City, NY
Frederick Gottsleben
Workman/butcher |
United States Census,

Brooklyn, Kings, NY
(Gottsleben) |
United States Census,

Newark, NJ
Fred C. Gottsliben
United States Census,

Newark, NJ
(Gottsleben) |
New Jersey State Census,

Newark, NJ
Frederick Gotteleben
(Gottsleben) |
Newark, N.J.

Generation 1
< 0.1
* um.1862 New York Lebensorte: New York Newark
Eltern: Gottsleben Frederick (Fred) C. , N.N.
Frederika (Fredricka)
Quelle: FamilySearch (März 2014; hier:
United States Census,
1870 <Caroline Gottsliben [Gottsleben],
8 Jahre alt, geb. in New York; Wohnort: New Jersey; Eltern: Fred C.
Gottsliben [Gottsleben],
45 Jahre alt; Beruf: Butcher/Schlachter;
geb. in Hanover/Germany und Frederika
Gottsliben [Gottsleben],
30 Jahre alt, geb. in Prussia/Germany;
Geschwister: Herman Gottsliben [Gottsleben],
6 Jahre alt, geb. in New York; Frederick Gottsliben
[Gottsleben], 5 Jahre alt; geb. in New York;
Henry Gottsliben [Gottsleben],
3 Jahre alt, geb. in New York>; United States
Census, 1880 <Carrie Gottleib [Caroline
Gottsleben], 18 Jahre alt, geb. in New York;
Wohnort: Newark, Essex, New Jersey; Eltern:
Frederick Gottleib [Gottsleben]; 55 Jahre
alt; Beruf: Butcher/Schlachter; geb. um 1825
in Germany und Frederica Gottleib [Gottsleben],
38 Jahre alt, geb. in Germany; Geschwister: Frederick Gottleib
[Frederick G. Gottsleben], 16 Jahre alt,
geb. in New York; Hermann Gottleib [Hermann H.
Gottsleben], 16 Jahre alt, geb. in New York; Henry Gottleib [Gottsleben],
12 Jahre alt, geb. in New York; Emil Gottleib [Gottsleben],
10 Jahre alt, geb. in New Jersey; Christy
Gottleib [Christian Gottsleben], 6 Jahre
alt, geb. in New Jersey>; New Jersey, Marriages,
1678-1985 <Caroline Gottsleben,
geb um 1861, 22 Jahre alt, Heirat am 2.
März 1883 in Newark, Essex, New Jersey mit Chas. Mentze>).
02.03.1883 Newark
* um.1861 Lebensorte: Newark
Quelle: FamilySearch (März 2014; hier: New Jersey,
Marriages, 1678-1985 <Chas.
Mentze, geb. in Deutschland, Heirat am 2.
März 1883 in Newark, Essex, New Jersey mit
Caroline Gottsleben>).
United States Census,

Newark, NJ
Carrie (Caroline)
Gottleib (Gottsleben)
im Haushalt von
(Gottsleben) |
(Fred) G.
Metzger (Butcher)
< 0.1
* 12.1864 New York † >.1940 Lebensorte: New York Newark Irvington
Eltern: Gottsleben Frederick (Fred) C. , N.N.
Frederika (Fredricka)
Quellen: "FamilySearch (März 2019; hier:
United States Census,
1870 <Frederick Gottsliben [Gottsleben],
5 Jahre alt; geb. in New York; Wohnort: New Jersey; Eltern: Fred C.
Gottsliben [Gottsleben],
45 Jahre alt; Beruf: Butcher/Schlachter;
geb. in Hanover/Germany und Frederika
Gottsliben [Gottsleben],
30 Jahre alt, geb. in Prussia/Germany;
Geschwister: Caroline Gottsliben [Gottsleben],
8 Jahre alt, geb. in New York; Herman Gottsliben
[Gottsleben], 6 Jahre alt, geb. in New York;
Henry Gottsliben [Gottsleben],
3 Jahre alt, geb. in New York>; United States
Census, 1880 <Frederick Gottleib [Frederick
G. Gottsleben], 16 Jahre alt, geb. in New
York; Wohnort: Newark, Essex, New Jersey;
Eltern: Frederick Gottleib [Gottsleben]; 55
Jahre alt; Beruf: Butcher/Schlachter; geb.
um 1825 in Germany und Frederica Gottleib [Gottsleben],
38 Jahre alt, geb. in Germany; Geschwister: Carrie Gottleib [Caroline
Gottsleben], 18 Jahre alt, geb. in New York;
Hermann Gottleib [Hermann H. Gottsleben], 16
Jahre alt, geb. in New York; Henry Gottleib [Gottsleben],
12 Jahre alt, geb. in New York; Emil Gottleib [Gottsleben],
10 Jahre alt, geb. in New Jersey; Christy
Gottleib [Christian Gottsleben], 6 Jahre
alt, geb. in New Jersey>; United States
Census, 1900 <Frederick G
Gottsleben, 35 Jahre alt, ledig, geb.
Dezember 1864 in New York, von Beruf: Metzger/Butcher,
wohnte mit seinem ebenfalls ledigen Zwillingsbruder Hermann
Gottsleben im Haushalt seines Vaters John F
[Frederick] Gottsleben; Wohnort:
District 5 Newark city
Ward 2, Essex, New Jersey>; United
States Census,
1910 <Fred G Gottsleben; 45 Jahre alt, geb.
in New York; Wohnort: Newark Ward 6, Essex,
New Jersey; Ehefrau: Eva Gottsleben, 26
Jahre alt, geb. in Germany; Sohn: Fred H Gottsleben,
3 Jahre alt, geb. in New Jersey; Tochter: Helen M
Gottsleben, 2 Jahre alt, geb. in New Jersey; Bruder: Herman H
Gottsleben, 45 Jahre alt, geb. in New York>;
New Jersey State Census, 1915 <Fredick
[Frederick] G Gottsleben; geb. Dezember 1865
in New York; Wohnort: Newark, 1 ward, 5 district,
Essex, New Jersey; Ehefrau: Eva
Gottsleben, geb. in Germany; Kinder:
Fredrick Gottsleben Jr. und Helen
Gottsleben, beide geb. New Jersey; Bruder:
Herman H Gottsleben, geb. in New York>;
United States Census,
1920 <Fred Gottsleben; 55 Jahre alt;
Owner; geb. um 1865 in New York; Wohnort:
East Orange Ward 3, Essex, New Jersey;
Eltern geb. in Germany; Ehefrau: Eva Gottsleben,
35 Jahre alt, geb. in Germany; Sohn: Fred
Gottsleben, 13 Jahre alt, geb. in New Jersey; Tochter: Helen
Gottsleben, 11 Jahre alt, geb. in New
Jersey; Bruder: Herman Gottsleben, 55 Jahre
alt, geb. in New York>; United States
Census, 1930 <Fred G
Gottsleben; 65 Jahre alt; geb. um 1865 in New York; Wohnort:
Irvington, Essex,
New Jersey; Eltern geb. in Germany; Ehefrau: Eva B
Gottsleben, 65 [45] Jahre alt, geb. in Germany>; United
States Census,
1940 <Frederick Gottleben; 75 Jahre alt; geb. um 1865 in Brooklyn;
Wohnort: Ward 1, Irvington,
Irvington Town, Essex,
New Jersey; Ehefrau: Evea Gottleben, 52 [55]
Jahre alt; geb. in Germany; Tochter: Helen Gottleben, 32 Jahre alt, geb.
in Irvington>)" und "Books.google.de
(Februar 2018; hier: Newark Directory, 1901, S. 583 <Marshall
Gottsleben Fred J,
mason, h 74>)".
oo <.1906
N.N. Eva B.
* 04.1883 † >.1940 Lebensorte: Newark Irvington
Quelle: FamilySearch (März 2019; hier:
United States Census,
1910 <Eva Gottsleben, 26 Jahre alt, geb.
in Germany; Wohnort: Newark Ward 6, Essex,
New Jersey; Ehemann: Fred G Gottsleben,
geb. in New York; Sohn: Fred H Gottsleben,
3 Jahre alt, geb. in New Jersey; Tochter: Helen M
Gottsleben, 2 Jahre alt, geb. in New Jersey; Schwager: Herman H
Gottsleben, 45 Jahre alt, geb. in New
York>; New Jersey State Census, 1915 <Eva
Gottsleben, geb. April 1883 in Germany;
Wohnort: Newark, 1 ward, 5 district,
Essex, New Jersey; Ehemann:
Fredick G Gottsleben,
geb. Dec 1865 in New York; Kinder:
Fredrick Gottsleben Jr. und Helen
Gottsleben, beide geb. New Jersey;
Schwager: Herman H Gottsleben, geb. in New
York>; United States
Census, 1920 <Eva Gottsleben, 35
Jahre alt, geb. in Germany; Wohnort: East Orange Ward 3,
Essex, New Jersey; Ehemann: Fred
Gottsleben, 55 Jahre alt,
Owner, geb. um 1865 in New York; Sohn:
Fred Gottsleben, 13 Jahre alt, geb. in New
Jersey; Tochter: Helen Gottsleben, 11
Jahre alt, geb. in New Jersey; Schwager: Herman
Gottsleben, 55 Jahre alt, geb. in New York>; United
States Census,
1930 <Eva B Gottsleben, 65 [45] Jahre alt,
geb. in Germany; Wohnort: Irvington,
Essex, New Jersey; Ehemann: Fred G
Gottsleben, 65 Jahre alt, geb. um 1865 in
New York>; United States
Census, 1940 <Evea
Gottleben, 52 [55] Jahre alt; geb. in Germany; Wohnort: Ward 1,
Irvington, Irvington
Town, Essex, New Jersey; Ehemann:
Frederick Gottleben, 75 Jahre alt; geb. um 1865 in Brooklyn; Tochter:
Helen Gottleben, 32 Jahre alt, geb in
Gottsleben Frederick (Fred) H.
68Jhr * 20.12.1906 † .06.1974 Millington
> 2.1
2. Gottsleben Helen M. *
.02.1908 Irvington † . >.1940
Quelle: FamilySearch
(März 2019; hier: United States
Census, 1910 <Helen M
Gottsleben, 2 Jahre alt, geb. in New Jersey; Wohnort: Newark
Ward 6, Essex, New Jersey; Eltern: Fred G
Gottsleben; 45 Jahre alt, geb. in New York
und Eva Gottsleben, 26 Jahre alt, geb. in
Germany; Bruder: Fred H Gottsleben, 3
Jahre alt, geb. in New Jersey; Onkel: Herman H
Gottsleben, 45 Jahre alt, geb. in New York>; New Jersey State
Census, 1915 <Helen
Gottsleben; geb.
Februar 1908 in New Jersey; Wohnort: Newark, 1 ward, 5 district,
Essex, New Jersey; Eltern: Fredick G Gottsleben; geb. Dezember 1865 in
New York und Eva Gottsleben, geb. in Germany; Bruder: Fredrick
Gottsleben Jr.; geb. in New Jersey; Onkel: Herman H Gottsleben, geb.
in New York>; United States Census, 1920 <Helen Gottsleben, 11 Jahre
alt, geb.um 1909 in New Jersey; Wohnort: East Orange Ward 3, Essex,
New Jersey; Eltern: Fred Gottsleben; 55 Jahre alt; Owner; geb. um 1865
in New York und Eva Gottsleben, 35 Jahre alt, geb. in Germany; Bruder:
Fred Gottsleben, 13 Jahre alt, geb. in New Jersey; Onkel: Herman
Gottsleben, 55 Jahre alt, geb. in New York>; United States Census,
1940 <Helen Gottleben, 32 Jahre alt, geb. um 1908 in Irvington; ledig/single;
Wohnort: Ward 1, Irvington, Irvington Town, Essex, New Jersey; Im
Haushalt ihrer Eltern: Frederick Gottleben; 75 Jahre alt; geb. um 1865
in Brooklyn und Evea Gottleben, 52 [55] Jahre alt; geb. in Germany;
United States Census,
Newark City, NJ
Frederick G
im Haushalt des Vaters
John F
(Frederick) Gottsleben
United States Census,

Newark City, NJ
Fred G Gottsleben,
Eva Gottsleben,
Fred H,
Helen M,
Herman H
New Jersey State Census,

Newark City, NJ
Fredick (Frederick) G Gottsleben,
Fredrick Jr.,
Helen ,
Herman H Gottsleben |
United States Census,


East Orange City, NJ
Fred Gottsleben,
Fred, Helen,
Herman Gottsleben
United States Census,

Irvington, NJ
Fred G
Eva B
Gottsleben |
United States Census,

Irvington, NJ
Frederick Gottleben (Gottsleben),
Evea Gottleben
Mason (Maurer)
< 0.1
* 02.1866 New York † um.1930 Lebensorte: New
York Newark Essex
Eltern: Gottsleben Frederick (Fred) C. , N.N. Frederika (Fredricka)
Quellen: "FamilySearch (März 2019; hier: United States Census, 1870
<Henry Gottsliben [Gottsleben], 3 Jahre, geb. in New York; Wohnort: New
Jersey; Eltern: Fred C. Gottsliben [Gottsleben], 45 Jahre; Profession:
Butcher; geb. in Hanover/Germany und Frederika Gottsliben [Gottsleben],
30 Jahre, geb. in Prussia/Germany; Geschwister: Caroline Gottsliben [Gottsleben],
8 Jahre, geb. in New York; Herman Gottsliben [Gottsleben], 6 Jahre, geb.
in New York; Frederick Gottsliben [Gottsleben], 5 Jahre; geb. in New
York>; United States Census, 1880 <Henry Gottleib [Gottsleben], 12 Jahre,
geb. in New York; Wohnort: Newark, Essex, New Jersey; Eltern: Frederick
Gottleib [Gottsleben]; 55 Jahre; Beruf: Butcher; geb. um 1825 in Germany
und Frederica Gottleib [Gottsleben], 38 Jahre, geb. in Germany;
Geschwister: Carrie Gottleib [Caroline Gottsleben], 18 Jahre, geb. in
New York; Frederick Gottleib [Frederick G. Gottsleben], 16 Jahre, geb.
in New York; Hermann Gottleib [Hermann H. Gottsleben], 16 Jahre, geb. in
New York; Emil Gottleib [Gottsleben], 10 Jahre, geb. in New Jersey;
Christy Gottleib [Christian Gottsleben], 6 Jahre, geb. in New Jersey>;
New Jersey, Marriages, 1670-1980 <Henry Gottsleben Heirat am 16.
1890 in Newark, Essex, New Jersey mit Elisa
Ashfield, 24 Jahre alt,
geb um 1866 in den USA>; New Jersey, Births,
1670-1980 <Henry Gottsleben, 28 Jahre alt,
bei Geburt des Sohnes Joseph W. Gottsleben
am 7.
Oktober 1894 in Newark>; United States Census, 1900 <Henry Gottslabien [Gottsleben];
34 Jahre, geb. Februar 1866 in New York; Wohnort: District 6 Newark city
Ward 2, Essex, New Jersey; Beruf: Mason; Eheschließung (geschätzt):
1889; Eltern geb. in Germany; Ehefrau: Eliza Gottslabien [Gottsleben],
35 Jahre, geb. in New Jersey; Tochter: Elsa M Gottslabien [Gottsleben],
9 Jahre, geb. in New Jersey; Söhne: Clarence F Gottslabien [Gottsleben],
8 Jahre, geb. in New Jersey; Joseph W Gottslabien [Gottsleben], 6 Jahre,
geb. in New Jersey und Herbert C Gottslabien [Gottsleben], 4 Jahre, geb.
in New Jersey>; United States Census, 1910 <Henry Gottsleben; 46 Jahre
alt, geb. um 1864 in New York; Wohnort: Newark Ward 2, Essex, New
Jersey; Eltern geb. in Germany; Ehefrau: Eliza Gottsleben, 46 Jahre alt,
geb. in New Jersey; Kinder: Elsie Gottsleben, 19 Jahre alt; Clarence
Gottsleben, 17 Jahre alt; Joseph Gottsleben, 15 Jahre alt; Henry
Gottsleben Jr., 8 Jahre alt; alle geb. in New Jersey>)", "Books.google.de
(Februar 2018; hier: Newark Directory, 1901, S. 583 <Marshall Gottsleben
Henry, mason, h 351>)" und "Law.justia.com/cases/new-jersey (Februar
2018; hier: Superior Court of New Jersey, Appellate Division, Argued
October 26, 1953, Decided November 5, 1953 <January 22, 1953 Eliza
Gottsleben died a widow and intestate, resident at and seized of title
to premises known as 81-83 West Kinney Street, Newark, N.J. She left her
surviving as her only heirs-at-law and next-of-kin three children, viz.,
Clarence Fred Gottsleben, a son; Joseph William Gottsleben, a son; and
Elsie May Day, a daughter, all of whom were of full age. No
administration has ever been taken out on her estate>)".
oo 16.10.1890 Newark
* um.1866 ± 26.01.1953 Linden Lebensorte: Newark Linden
Eltern: Ashfield John W. , N.N.
Quellen: "FamilySearch
(März 2019; hier: United States
Census, 1880 <Eliza
Ashfield; geb. um 1866 in New Jersey, 14 Jahre alt; Wohnort:
Newark, Essex, New Jersey; Vater: John
Ashfield; 48 Jahre alt, Mutter: N.N.
verstorben; Geschwister: Henry Ashfield,
21 Jahre alt; Anna Ashfield, 19 Jahre alt;
John Ashfield, 13 Jahre alt;
Josie Ashfield,
10 Jahre alt; Clara Ashfield, 7 Jahre alt;
alle geb. in New Jersey>; New Jersey, Marriages,
1670-1980 <Elisa Ashfield; geb. um 1866,
24 Jahre alt, Heirat am 16.
Oktober 1890 in Newark, Essex, New Jersey, mit Henry Gottsleben>; New
Jersey, Births, 1670-1980 <Eliza Ashfield; 29 Jahre alt; 7. Oktober
1894 Geburt des Sohnes Joseph W. Gottsleben>; United States Census,
1900 <Eliza Gottslabien [Gottsleben], 35 Jahre, geb. in New Jersey;
Wohnort: District 6 Newark city Ward 2, Essex, New Jersey;
Eheschließung (geschätzt): 1889; Eltern geb. in Germany; Ehemann:
Henry Gottslabien [Gottsleben], 34 Jahre, geb. Feb 1866 in New York;
Beruf: Mason; Tochter: Elsa M Gottslabien [Gottsleben], 9 Jahre, geb.
in New Jersey; Söhne: Clarence F Gottslabien [Gottsleben], 8 Jahre,
geb. in New Jersey; Joseph W Gottslabien [Gottsleben], 6 Jahre, geb.
in New Jersey und Herbert C Gottslabien [Gottsleben], 4 Jahre, geb. in
New Jersey>; United States Census, 1910 <Eliza Gottsleben, 46 Jahre
alt, geb. um 1864 in New Jersey; Eltern geb. in New Jersey; Wohnort:
Newark Ward 2, Essex, New Jersey; Ehemann: Henry Gottsleben; 46 Jahre
alt, geb. um 1864 in New York; Kinder: Elsie Gottsleben, 19 Jahre alt;
Clarence Gottsleben, 17 Jahre alt; Joseph Gottsleben, 15 Jahre alt;
Henry Gottsleben Jr., 8 Jahre alt; alle geb. in New Jersey>; New
Jersey State Census, 1915 <Elisa Gottsleben; geb. Dezember 1864 in New
Jersey; Wohnort: Newark, 9 ward, 2 district, Essex, New Jersey;
Haushalt: Elisa Gottsleben; Clarence Gottsleben; Joseph Gottsleben;
alle geb. in New Jersey>; United States Census, 1930 <Eliza
Gottesleben [Gottsleben]; 64 Jahre alt, geb. um 1866 in New Jersey;
verheiratet; Wohnort: Newark [Districts 1-250], Essex, New Jersey;
Eltern geb. in New Jersey; Sohn: Joseph Gottesleben [Gottsleben], 38
Jahre alt, geb. in New Jersey>)", "Law.justia.com/cases/new-jersey (Februar
2018; hier: Superior Court of New Jersey, Appellate Division, Argued
October 26, 1953, Decided November 5, 1953 <January 22, 1953 Eliza
Gottsleben died a widow and intestate, resident at and seized of title
to premises known as 81-83 West Kinney Street, Newark, N.J. She left
her surviving as her only heirs-at-law and next-of-kin three children,
viz., Clarence Fred Gottsleben, a son; Joseph William Gottsleben, a
son; and Elsie May Day, a daughter, all of whom were of full age. No
administration has ever been taken out on her estate>)" und "Findagrave.com
(März 2014; Eliza Gottsleben; Birth unknown, Bestattet/Burial: 26.
Januar 1953, Burial: Rosedale and Rosehill Cemetery Linden, Union
County, New Jersey; Plot 33-12-3 /SD; Inscription: 88)".
1. Gottsleben Elsie May (Elsa M.) * 19.04.1891
† >.1953
> 2.2
2. Gottsleben Clarence Frederick (Fred) 87Jhr
* 17.08.1892
Newark † .10.1979 Warren
> 2.3
Gottsleben Joseph William 89Jhr * 07.10.1894 Newark † .04.1983
Jersey City
Quellen: "FamilySearch (März 2019; hier: New Jersey, Births and
Christenings, 1660-1980 <Joseph W. Gottsleben; geb. 7. Oktober 1894 in
Newark, Essex, New Jersey; Eltern: Henry Gottsleben, 28 Jahre alt und
Eliza Ashfield, 29 Jahre alt>; United States Census, 1900 <Wohnort:
District 6 Newark city Ward 2, Essex, New Jersey; Joseph W Gottslabien
[Gottsleben], 6 Jahre, geb. in New Jersey>; United States Census, 1910
<Wohnort: Newark Ward 2, Essex, New Jersey>; United States Census,
1930 <Wohnort: Newark (Districts 1-250), Essex, New Jersey;
Haushaltsvorstand: Eliza Gottesleben, 64 Jahre, geb. in New Jersey;
Joseph Gottesleben, 38 Jahre alt, geb. in New Jersey>; New Jersey
State Census, 1915 <Joseph Gottsleben; geb. Oktober 1894 in New
Jersey; Wohnort: Newark, 9 ward, 2 district, Essex, New Jersey;
Haushalt: Elisa Gottsleben und Clarence Gottsleben>;United States
World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918 <Joseph William
Gottsleben; geb. 7. Oktober 1895 in Newark, New Jersey; Draft
Registration 1917-1918 in Newark City no 9, New Jersey>; United States
World War II Draft Registration Cards, 1942 <Joseph William Gottsleben,
geb. 7. Oktober 1894; Draft Registration 1942 in Newark, Essex, New
Jersey; Arbeitgeber: Joseph William Gottsleben>; United States Social
Security Death Index <Joseph Gottsleben; geb. 7. Oktober 1894 in New
Jersey, gest. April 1983, 89 Jahre alt; letzter Wohnort: Jersey City,
Hudson, New Jersey>)", "Justitia.com (Dezember 2014)", "Findagrave.com
(März 2014 <Joseph Gottsleben; gest. April 1983; Bestattet/burial:
Rosedale and Rosehill Cemetery Linden, Union County, New Jersey; Plot
33-11-3 /SD>)" und "Law.justia.com/cases/new-jersey (Februar 2018;
hier: Superior Court of New Jersey, Appellate Division, Argued October
26, 1953, Decided November 5, 1953 <January 22, 1953 Eliza Gottsleben
died a widow and intestate, resident at and seized of title to
premises known as 81-83 West Kinney Street, Newark, N.J. She left her
surviving as her only heirs-at-law and next-of-kin three children,
viz., Clarence Fred Gottsleben, a son; Joseph William Gottsleben, a
son; and Elsie May Day, a daughter, all of whom were of full age. No
administration has ever been taken out on her estate; January 26, 1953
By deed of this date, 'Clarence F. Gottsleben and Mildred Grace
Gottsleben, his wife' conveyed all of their right, title and interest
in and to the premises in question to Joseph W. Gottsleben; 182
February 9, 1953 By deed of this date, recorded March 5, 1953 in Book
3113 of Deeds for Essex County at page 480, Elsie May Day and Osborne
Harold Day, her husband, conveyed all of their right, title and
interest in and to the premises in question to Joseph W. Gottsleben;
February 16, 1953 An agreement in writing was entered into on this
date between Joseph William Gottsleben, single man, as seller, and
plaintiff Ruben Venetsky as buyer, by the terms whereof the seller
agreed to sell and convey to the buyer by deed of bargain and sale,
but free from all encumbrances, on or before March 15, 1953, title to
the premises in question for a price of $5,000>)"
Gottsleben Herbert C. *
.08.1896 Newark † . <.1930
Quelle: FamilySearch (März 2019; hier:
United States Census,
1900 <Herbert C Gottslabien [Gottsleben],
4 Jahre alt, geb. August 1896 in New Jersey; Wohnort:
District 6 Newark
city Ward 2, Essex, New Jersey;
Eltern: Henry Gottslabien [Gottsleben],
34 Jahre alt, geb. in New York und Eliza
Gottslabien [Gottsleben], 35 Jahre
alt, geb. in New Jersey; Geschwister: Elsa M
Gottslabien [Gottsleben], 9 Jahre
alt; Clarence F Gottslabien [Gottsleben],
8 Jahre alt und Joseph W Gottslabien [Gottsleben],
6 Jahre alt; alle geb. in New Jersey>).
Gottsleben Henry Jr.
* . .1901 Newark † . <.1930
Quelle: FamilySearch (März 2019; hier: New
Jersey, Reclaim the
Records, New Jersey Birth Index, 1901-1903
<Henry Gottsleben; geb. 1901 in New
Jersey; Eltern: Henry Gottsleben und Eliza
P Gottsleben>; United
States Census, 1910 <Henry
Gottsleben Jr.; geb. um 1902 in New
Jersey, 8 Jahre alt; Wohnort: Newark Ward 2,
Essex, New Jersey; Eltern: Henry
Gottsleben, 46 Jahre alt, geb. in New York und Eliza
Gottsleben, 46 Jahre alt, geb. in New
Jersey; Geschwister: Elsie Gottsleben, 19
Jahre alt; Clarence Gottsleben, 17 Jahre
alt und Joseph Gottsleben, 15 Jahre alt;
alle geb. in New Jersey>).
United States Census,

Newark, NJ
Ashfield |
United States Census,

Newark, NJ
Henry Gottslabien (Gottsleben)
Eliza Gottslabien (Gottsleben)
Elsa M, Clarence F,
Joseph W , Herbert C |
United States Census,

Newark, NJ
Henry Gottsleben,
Eliza Gottsleben
Elsie, Clarence, Joseph,
Henry Jr |
New Jersey State Census,

Newark, NJ
Elisa Gottsleben
Clarence, Joseph
United States Census,

Newark, NJ
Eliza Gottesleben
Joseph |
Geschäftsmann (Gottsleben
Trading Company)
< 0.1
* 05.10.1870 Newark † >.1946 Lebensorte: Newark Nassau Charlestown (Saint Kitts and
Eltern: Gottsleben Frederick (Fred) C.
, N.N. Frederika (Fredricka)
Emil Gottsleben is the seventh child of Frederick C. and Fredericka Gottsleben. He was 13 years old when his mother died. Emil will have
left his parental home in Newark early. In 1889 he published in the "New
York Herald" an advertisement "Florida lands for sale on instalmants.
For further particulars address Emil Gottsleben, 351 Halsey St., Newark,
NJ". Emil traveled a lot, lived probably in the short term in Florida
and spent a long time in the Caribbean. There he lived as a businessman
in the Bahamas (Rum Clay and Nassau) and later founded the "Gottsleben
Trading Company" in Navis. In 1906, 1915 and 1916, he donated three
tortoises (Large Hawksbill turtle, Fine hawksbill turtle, Tortoise shell
turtle) to the New York Zoological Society. In 1915 and 1916 he arrived
in New York as an American citizen from Nassau Bahamas. On his arrival
he was unmarried and 45 years old. In 1939, too, we find the now
68-year-old Emil Gottsleben in a passenger list of the ship "Nerissa",
with which he was from St. Kitts, B.W.I. arrived in New York. - Emil
Gottsleben is the ancestor of the still existing Caribbean
line of the Gottsleben family and father of Hubert Gottsleben, who was
born by Gorgie (Georgette) Maynard in Nevis. They were not married. -
Emil Gottsleben veröffentlichte 1889 im "New York Herald" ein Inserat
"Florida lands for sale on instalmants. For further particulars address
Emil Gottsleben, 351 Halsey St., Newark, NJ". Emil reiste viel, lebte auch kurz in Florida und verbrachte lange Zeit in der Karibik.
1906, 1915 und 1916 schenkte er der "New York Zoological Society" drei
Schildkröten (Large Hawksbill turtle; Fine hawksbill turtle; Tortoise
shell turtle). 1915 und 1916 traf er als amerikanischer Staatsbürger aus
Nassau Bahamas in New York ein. Bei seiner Ankunft war er ledig
und 45 Jahre alt. Auch 1939 finden wir den nun 68-jährigen Emil
Gottsleben in einer Passagierliste des Schiffs "Nerissa", mit dem er aus
St. Kitts, B.W.I. kommend in New York einreiste. Schiffslisten enthalten
neben den vielen Einwanderern auch die Namen amerikanischer Staatsbürger,
die mit dem Schiff in New York oder Baltimore ankamen. Ein letztes Mal
finden wir den nun 76-jährigen Emil Gottsleben in einer Passagierliste
der Pan American Airways, mit der er am 31. Juli 1945 in Miami, Florida
- Emil Gottsleben
ist "Stammvater" der noch heute bestehenden karibischen Linie der
Gottsleben Familie und Vater des von Gorgie (Georgette) Maynard in Nevis (Karibik)
unehelich geborenen Hubert Gottsleben. - Quellen: "New York Herald, 1889
<Florida lands for sale on instalmants. For further particulars address
Emil Gottsleben, 351 Halsey St., Newark, NJ>", "Annual Report of the New
York Zoological Society, 1906 <Mr. Emil Gottsleben of Rum Clay, Bahama
Islands, presented a large hawksbill turtle.>"; "Annual Report of the
New York Zoological Society, 1915 <Mr. Emil Gottsleben of Nassau,
Bahamas, presented a fine hawksbill turtle, the second specimen which
has been received through his kindness>; Annual Report of the New York
Zoological Society, 1916 <Mr. Emil Gottsleben of Nassau, Bahamas,
presented a tortoise shell turtle>", "FamilySearch (März 2019; hier: New
Jersey, Births and Christenings, 1660-1980 <hier nur Nachname: Gotsleben
[Emil Gottsleben], männlich; geb. 5. Oktober 1870 in Newark, Essex, New
Jersey; nur Nachname des Vater: Gotsleben [Frederick Gottsleben]>;
United States Census, 1880 <Emil Gottleib [Gottsleben], 10 Jahre, geb.
in New Jersey; Wohnort: Newark, Essex, New Jersey; Eltern: Frederick
Gottleib [Gottsleben]; 55 Jahre; Beruf: Butcher; geb. um 1825 in Germany
und Frederica Gottleib [Gottsleben], 38 Jahre, geb. in Germany;
Geschwister: Carrie Gottleib [Caroline Gottsleben], 18 Jahre, geb. in
New York; Frederick Gottleib [Frederick G. Gottsleben], 16 Jahre, geb.
in New York; Hermann Gottleib [Hermann H. Gottsleben], 16 Jahre, geb. in
New York; Henry Gottleib [Gottsleben], 12 Jahre, geb. in New York;
Christy Gottleib [Christian Gottsleben], 6 Jahre, geb. in New Jersey>;
New Jersey State Census, 1885 <Emil Gottlieb [Gottsleben]; Wohnort:
Hoboken, Ward 03, Hudson, New Jersey>; New York, Passenger Arrival
Lists, Ellis Island, 1892-1924 <Emiles [Emil] Gottaleben [Gottsleben];
geb. 1870, 45 Jahre alt; US Citzen, ledig/single; Wohnort: Roselle Park,
N.J.; Einreise am 26. September 1915 in Ellis Island, New York City, New
York; Abfahrtshafen: Nassau, Bahamas; Schiffsname: Morro Castle> und
<Emil Gottsleben; Letzter Wohnort: Rossll Park, NJ; Einreise: 23. Juli
1916; Alter: 45 Jahre; U.S. Citizen; ledig/single; Abfahrtshafen:
Nassau, Bahamas; Ankunftshafen: New York; Schiffsname: Esperanza>; New
York, New York Passenger and Crew Lists, 1909, 1925-1957 <List of United
States Citizens [for the immigration authorities]; S.S. Nerissa; Sailing
from Trinidad, B.W.T., August 2nd, 1939, Arriving at Port of New York,
N.Y. August 12th, 1939; Name in full: Emil Gottsleben from St. Kitts,
B.W.I., August 6th 1939; Alter: 68 Jahre; ledig/single; Date and place
of birth [city or town and state]: October 5, 1870, Newark, N.J.; Adress
in United States: 11 Brookside road, Maplewodd, N.J.>)", "The Caribbean
who, what, why/publ.: Lloyd Sidney Smith. 2. ed. Amsterdam: Dr. Holland,
1965, S. 857 <Nisbett, Chas. Almon, M.B.E., Grocery and Provision
Merchant, Hotelier. Born: Nevis 27th February 1912. Educ: Lowland
Elementary School. Started as Clerk at the age of 18 with the late Emil
Gottsleben until 1946 when, on his retirement, Mr. Nisbett acquired the
business of Gottsleben Trading Co. In 1958 it became Nisbetts Grocery>",
"Meier's Adreßbuch der Exporteure und Importeure.
Bd. 12. Hamburg/Grävenwiesbach: Dudy, 1925
(oder Bd. 31. 1935) S.
16b, 26 u. 193 <Nevis, Charlestown, Emil
"Ancestry (Juni 2020; hier: US-Reisepassanträge, 1795-1925 <Emil
Gottsleben; geb. 5. Oktober 1870 in Newark, 53 Jahre alt; Wohnorte:
Nevis und Miami; Reisepass ausgestellt am 13. August 1924; Vater:
Frederick Gottsleben, geb. in Winsen/Luhe, Deutschland>; Passagierlisten
Florida, 1898-1963 <Emil Gottsleben; geb. 5. Oktober 1870 in Newark, 76
Jahre alt; Ankunft in Miami am 31. Juli 1945 mit Pan American Airways>)",
"Genforum.genealogy.com/germany (Posted September 19, 2001 by
Davilyn Alexander: Emile Gottsleben or Gottsleben 1890's-1920's <Emile
Gottsleben was born in Germany. He was a Jew [?]. He left Germany
when the Nazi's or u could say Hitler started to pursecute the Jews
[Note: Hitler came to power as the 'Reichs-chancellor' in 1933, and the
'Reichskristallnacht' when all the jewish property was distroyed in
Germany by the NAZI-Regime happened in the night from 09 to 10 nov.
1938. So there seems to be an inconsistency in the data. Adolf Hitler
became the leader of the NSDAP in 1923, he was born in 1889, so I think
your Emile is either born later or was not persued by the NAZI regime].
He had a brother who's middle name was 'Emile' and Emile had his
brother's first name as his middle name also
[?]. But I don't know what his
name was. Emile went to an island in the Caribbean called 'Nevis'. There
he met this girl named Gorgie Maynard but people called her 'Georgette'.
They were not married. She was probably between 14-18. They had a son
and named him Hubert Gottsleben>)", "Cousinconnect.com (Posted
27. Jan. 2011 <Does anyone know anything
about a man named Hubert Gottsleben. I think his father was named Emile
Gottsleben. His father came from Germany as a chef on a cruise ship
during the time of the Holocust
[?]. I've heard bits and pieces from my
family. I think he used to have one of the first theaters in Nevis. My
great aunt last name was Gottsleben and she married a Roper. Her
mother's last name was Butler. My grandmother was also born a Gottsleben
and was married to a Carey from St. Kitts but she died last year>)" und
"Facebook (November 2013, Heslyn
Gottsleben <My
great grandfather was a german jew [?]. His name was Emile Gottsleben.
He open a buisness in Nevis, West Indies. My grandfather Hubert
Gottsleben was born in Nevis and came to Trinidad where he met and
married my grandmother who was working in Trinidad at the time. They
produce my father Maxwell Atlas Gottsleben who got married to my mother
Juilette Sterling Gottsleben. My grandfather Hubert Gottsleben was a
musician. He played 4 musical instruments and was also in a band call
the merrymakers>; Februar 2018, Diskussion Emil Gottsleben <Marlon Gottsleben: 'My aunt told me my great
grandfather migrated to Nevis and there he had a lumber yard and a
hotel, I'm from Tobago by the way'; 'You are correct Hubert is my dad
father, and my aunt always spoke of Emile ... thanks for the info; 'I
would love to meet you guys, who wants to come to the Caribbean, Tobago
to b exact, you can stay at my father's house ... Maxwell Gottsleben';
Thanks Klaus Gottsleben for that info ... and we are a people of great
wealth>; <Debbie Gottsleben: 'Klaus Gottsleben this is such an
incredible finding. I can still remember my dad telling me we had a
relative in the Caribbean. The way my dad told the story and he was
still bitter when he told me the story was when he was a young teen an
uncle who lived in the Caribbean who owned a company and was doing quite
well reached out to my dad's parents to see if my dad would come down to
the caribbean to help him out with the business. This uncle had no
children and wanted my dad to come to learn the business to eventually
take it over! My grandparents wouldn't let my father go. He always felt
that his parents had held him back from a great opportunity. Who knows
what would have happened? One thing is sure I wouldn't be here!'; Debbie
Gottsleben: 'I am the granddaughter of Fred Gottsleben. My dad Ted,
Theodore Frederick, told me about that trading company in the Bahamas.
That was his uncle or great uncle. Wanted my dad come down and visit but
my grandmother wouldn't let him. My father was angry about that'>;
<Pauline Sydney-Taitt: '[Klaus Gottsleben auf Facebook: From the Kingdom
of Hanover/Germany to New York, New Jersey, Nassau/Bahamas and Saint
Kitts and Nevis. History of Frederick (Fred) C. Gottsleben's family.
Part 2: Emil Gottsleben] This post brought tears to my eyes ... I am
also a grand daughter of Hubert Gottsleben. My mother Noeline Gottsleben
was his daughter from a second marriage in Trinidad'>; <Joshua
Sydney: [Klaus Gottsleben auf Facebook: From the Kingdom of
Hanover/Germany to New York, New Jersey, Nassau/Bahamas and Saint Kitts
and Nevis. History of Frederick (Fred) C. Gottsleben's family. Part 2:
Emil Gottsleben] 'This is amazing'>)".
1. o-o GOTTSLEBEN Hubert
* um.1915
Saint Kitts and Nevis
> 2.4
United States Census,

Newark, NJ
Familie Frederick
Gottleib (Gottsleben)
mit Sohn Emil |
New York Harold,

Florida lands for sale on
instalmants. For further
particulars address
Emil Gottsleben,
351 Halsey St.,
Newark, NJ
Annual Report of the
New York Zoological
Society, 1906

Mr. Emil Gottsleben of
Rum Clay, Bahama
Islands, presented a
large hawksbill turtle. |
New York, Passenger
Arrival Lists, Ellis
Island, 1892-1924

Emiles Gottaleben
(Emil Gottsleben)
Einreise am 26.9.1915
in Ellis Island
Nassau, Bahamas |
New York, Passenger
Arrival Lists, Ellis
Island, 1892-1924

Emil Gottsleben
Einreise am 23.7.1916
in New York
Nassau, Bahamas |
Adreßbuch der
Exporteure und Importeure
Bd. 12. 1925,
(oder Bd. 31. 1935)
S. 193.

Nevis, Charlestown,
Emil Gottsleben
New York Passenger
and Crew Lists,
1909, 1925-1957

Emil Gottsleben
from St. Kitts,
Einreise am 6.8.1939 |
US-Reisepassanträge, 1795-1925
Emil Gottsleben
13. August 1924
Passagierlisten Florida,

Emil Gottsleben
Ankunft in Miami am
31. Juli 1945 mit
American Airways |
St. John's Church Nevis
sold exclusively by E. Gottsleben,
Merchant, Nevis, B.W.I.
GOTTSLEBEN Christian (Chris)
Rahway Valley Railroad Employee
< 0.1
* 18.10.1873 Newark † 03.1941 Linden Lebensorte: Newark Dade City Linden
Eltern: Gottsleben Frederick (Fred) C. , N.N. Frederika (Fredricka)
Quellen: "FamilySearch.org (März 2019; hier:
New Jersey, Births, 1670-1980 <Gottzleiben
[Gottsleben]; geb. 9. Oktober 1873 [?] in
Newark, Essex, New Jersey; Geschlecht:
männlich; Vater: Frederick Gottzleiben [Gottsleben]>;
United States Census,
1880 <Christy Gottleib [Christian
Gottsleben], 6 Jahre, geb. in New Jersey;
Wohnort: Newark, Essex, New Jersey; Eltern:
Frederick Gottleib [Gottsleben]; 55 Jahre;
Beruf: Butcher; geb. um 1825 in Germany und
Frederica Gottleib [Gottsleben],
38 Jahre, geb. in Germany; Geschwister: Carrie Gottleib [Caroline
Gottsleben], 18 Jahre, geb. in New York;
Frederick Gottleib [Frederick G. Gottsleben],
16 Jahre, geb. in New York; Hermann Gottleib [Hermann H.
Gottsleben], 16 Jahre, geb. in New York;
Henry Gottleib [Gottsleben], 12 Jahre, geb.
in New York; Emil Gottleib [Gottsleben], 10
Jahre, geb. in New Jersey>; New Jersey, Marriages,
1670-1980 <Christian Goltsleben [Gottsleben],
Heirat am 7.
Juni 1899 in Newark, Essex, New Jersey mit Marie C Ashfield, geb. um
1862, 37 Jahre alt>; New Jersey State Census, 1905 <Chris Gottsleben, 31
Jahre, geb. um 1874, Wohnort: Union, New Jersey; Ehefrau: Maria
Gottsleben, 37 Jahre; Schwiegervater: Jos Ashfiedt, 74 Jahre>; United
States Census, 1910 <Christian Gottsleben, 37 Jahre, geb. um 1873 in New
Jersey, Wohnort: Roselle, Union, New Jersey; Ehefrau: Marie Gottsleben,
45 Jahe, geb. in New Jersey; Schwiegervater: John Ashfield, 79 Jahre geb.
in Germany>; United States World War I Draft Registration Cards,
1917-1918 <Christian Gottsleben; Draft Registration: Union County no 1,
New Jersey; geb. 18. Oktober 1873 in United States>; United States
Census, 1920 <Christian Goutsleben [Gottsleben], 47 Jahre, geb. um 1873
in New Jersey, Wohnort: Newark Ward 13, Essex, New Jersey; Ehefrau: Mary
Goutsleben, 56 Jahre, geb. in New Jersey>; United States Census, 1930 <Christion
[Christian] Gottsleben; 56 Jahre alt, geb. um 1874 in New Jersey; Eltern
geb. in Germany; Wohnort: Miami, Dade, Florida; Ehefrau: Marie C
Gottsleben; 58 Jahre alt, geb in New Jersey>; United States Census, 1940
<Christian C Gottsleben, 66 Jahre, geb. um 1874 in New Jersey; Wohnort:
Area D, Miami, Election Precinct 65, Dade, Florida; Ehefrau: Marie C
Gottsleben, 76 Jahre, geb. in New Jersey>; Florida, Death Index,
1877-1998)", "Findagrave.com (März 2016; Christian Gottsleben; Birth
unknown, Death Mar 1941, Inscription: 67 [Jahre alt]; Burial: Rosedale
and Rosehill Cemetery Linden, Union County, New Jersey; Plot 33-11-2/SD>)",
"Catalog of Copyright Entries: Musical compositions (Google books,
Internet Mai 2017; hier: Christian Gottsleben, Miami, Fla. 13184 Every
night; w & melody. (C) 1 c. May. 8, 1939)" und "Trainweb.org
(Februar 2015; Rahway Valley Railroad Emloyee Profile <Christian
Gottsleben; geb. 18. Oktober 1873; Wohnorte: Roselle Park, NJ und Miami,
FL; Ehefrau: Marie Karoline Ashfield; Date of Hire: before 1910; End of
Employment: 1919?; Positions Held: Springfield Station Agent>)".
oo 07.06.1899 Newark
ASHFIELD Maria C(aroline) (Marie Karoline)
* 03.1863 † 1955 Dade City Lebensorte: Newark Dade City
Eltern: Ashfield John W. , N.N.
Quellen: "FamilySearch.org (März 2019; hier: New Jersey, Marriages,
1670-1980 <Marie C[aroline] Ashfield, geb. um 1862, 37 Jahre alt,
Heirat am 7. Juni 1899 in Newark, Essex, New Jersey mit Christian
Goltsleben [Gottsleben]>; United States Census, 1900 <Carrie [Marie
Caroline ?] Ashfield; geb. März 1863 in New Jersey, 37 Jahre alt;
ledig [?]; Wohnort: District 6 Newark city Ward 2, Essex, New Jersey;
Vater: John W Ashfield; geb. Oktober 1831 in Germany, 69 Jahre alt;
Mutter: verstorben; Geschwister: Annie Ashfield, 40 Jahre alt; John W
Ashfield Jr., 33 Jahre alt; Joseph Ashfield, 31 Jahre alt; alle geb.
in New Jersey>; New Jersey State Census, 1905 <Maria Gottsleben, 37
Jahre alt, Wohnort: Union, New Jersey; Ehemann: Chris Gottsleben, 31
Jahre alt, geb. um 1874; Vater: Jos Ashfiedt, 74 Jahre alt>; United
States Census, 1910 <Marie Gottsleben, 45 Jahre alt, geb. in New
Jersey, Wohnort: Roselle, Union, New Jersey; Ehemann: Christian
Gottsleben, 37 Jahre, geb. um 1873 in New Jersey; Vater: John
Ashfield, 79 Jahre geb. in Germany>; United States Census, 1920 <Mary
Goutsleben [Gottsleben], 56 Jahre, geb. in New Jersey, Wohnort: Newark
Ward 13, Essex, New Jersey; Ehemann: Christian Goutsleben [Gottsleben],
47 Jahre, geb. um 1873 in New Jersey>; United States Census, 1930
<Marie C Gottsleben; 58 [?] Jahre alt, geb. um 1872 in New Jersey;
Eltern geb. in Germany; Ehemann: Christion [Christian] Gottsleben; 56
Jahre alt, geb. in New Jersey>; United States Census, 1940 <Marie C
Gottsleben, 76 Jahre alt, geb. in New Jersey; Wohnort: Area D, Miami,
Election Precinct 65, Dade, Florida; Ehemann: Christian C Gottsleben,
66 Jahre alt, geb. um 1874 in New Jersey>; Florida State Census, 1945
<Marie Gottsleben; 82 Jahre alt, geb. um 1863 in New York [?]; Wohnort:
Dade, Florida>; Florida Death Index, 1877-1998 <Marie Gottsleben; gest.
1955 in Dade, Florida>)" und "Trainweb.org
(Februar 2015; hier Vorname: Marie Karoline)".
United States Census,

Roselle, NJ
Christian Gottsleben
Marie Gottsleben
United States World War I
Draft Registration,

Christian Gottsleben
United States Census,

Miami, Dade, FL
Christian Gottsleben
Marie C Gottsleben
United States Census,

Miami, Dade, FL
Christian C Gottsleben
Marie C Gottsleben
Rahway Valley Railroad

Springfield Station |

Springfield Station

Christian Gottsleben

Station Agents

Springfield Station
The Rahway Valley Railroad's Springfield
Station was one of several passenger depots constructed along the line
during the railroad's extension to Summit, which would have put the
depot's construction date around circa 1905. The station was, and still is
located, on Mountain Avenue in the Township of Springfield, NJ. On May 24,
1905 a special train, carrying Louis Keller, arrived in Springfield from
New Orange to ceremoniously open the line. The first known passenger
schedule, including Springfield as a stop, is dated April 10, 1906.
Christian Gottsleben was the earliest known Station Agent posted here; W.
J. Gilbert was the agent posted here in 1944. The Springfield Station
served as a regular passenger depot until as late as April, 1921,
thereafter passenger service was discontinued over the line. This building
was the first, and only, passenger depot in Springfield Township, NJ.
After the discontinuation of passenger service the railroad continued to
use the station as a freight office, with a posted freight agent. At some
point a small freight shed was constructed adjacent to the station.

GOTTSLEBEN Frederick (Fred) H.
< 1.2
* 20.12.1906 † 06.1974 Millington Lebensorte:
Newark Union Township Millington
Eltern: Gottsleben Frederick (Fred) G. , N.N.
Eva B.
Quelle: FamilySearch
(März 2019; hier: United States
Census, 1910 <Fred H
Gottsleben, 3 Jahre alt, geb. in New Jersey; Wohnort: Newark Ward
6, Essex, New Jersey; Eltern: Fred G
Gottsleben; 45 Jahre alt, geb. in New York
und Eva Gottsleben, 26 Jahre alt, geb. in
Germany; Schwester: Helen M Gottsleben, 2
Jahre alt, geb. in New Jersey; Onkel: Herman H
Gottsleben, 45 Jahre alt, geb. in New York>; New Jersey State
Census, 1915 <Fredrick
Gottsleben Jr., geb.
Dezember 1907 in New Jersey; Wohnort: Newark, 1 ward, 5 district, Essex,
New Jersey; Eltern: Fredick G Gottsleben; geb.
Dezember 1865 in New York und Eva
Gottsleben, geb. in Germany; Schwester:
Helen Gottsleben, geb.
Februar 1908 in New Jersey; Onkel: Herman H Gottsleben, geb. in New
York>; United States Census, 1920 <Fred Gottsleben, 13 Jahre alt, geb.um
1907 in New Jersey; Wohnort: East Orange Ward 3, Essex, New Jersey;
Eltern: Fred Gottsleben; 55 Jahre alt; Owner; geb. um 1865 in New York
und Eva Gottsleben, 35 Jahre alt, geb. in Germany; Schwester: Helen
Gottsleben, 11 Jahre alt, geb. um 1909 in New Jersey; Onkel: Herman
Gottsleben, 55 Jahre alt, geb. in New York>; United States Census, 1930
<Fred Gottsleben, 23 Jahre alt, geb. um 1907 in New Jersey, verheiratet;
Wohnort: Union, Union, New Jersey; Im Haushalt seiner Schwiegereltern
Andrew Stiff, 50 Jahre alt, geb. um 1880 in New Jersey und Amelia Stiff,
51 Jahre alt, geb. in Pennsylvania; Ehefrau: Marjorie Gottsleben, 27
Jahre alt, geb. in Pennsylvania>; United States Census, 1940 <Fred
Gottleben [Gottsleben], 33 Jahre alt, geb. um 1907 in New Jersey,
verheiratet; Wohnort: Union Township, Union, New Jersey; Ehefrau:
Margorie Gottleben [Gottsleben], 37 Jahre alt, geb in Pennsylvania>;
United States World War II Army Enlistment Records, 1938-1946 <Frederick
H Gottsleben; Military Service; 27 May 1943; Enlistment for the duration
of the War or other emergency, plus six months, subject to the
discretion of the President or otherwise according to law; Ort: Newark,
New Jersey; Staatsbürgerschaft: citizen; geb. 1906 in New Jersey;
Bildungsniveau: 3 years of high school; Familienstand: Married>; United
States Social Security Death Index <F Gottsleben, geb. 20. Dezember 1906
in New Jersey, 68 Jahre alt, gest. Juni 1974; Letzter Wohnort:
Millington, Morris, New Jersey>).
oo <.1930
Marjorie (Margorie)
* 29.11.1902 † 12.1980 Morris County Lebensorte: Newark Union
Township Morris County
Eltern: Stiff Andrew Benjamin , N.N. Amelia (Millie)
Quelle: FamilySearch (März 2019; hier: United States Census, 1910 <Majorie
Stiff, 7 Jahre alt, geb. um 1903 in Pennsylvania; Wohnort: Newark Ward
2, Essex, New Jersey; Eltern: Andrew B Stiff, 30 Jahre alt, geb. in
New Jersey und Millie F Stiff, 31 Jahre alt, geb. in Pennsylvania>;
United States Census, 1930 <Marjorie Gottsleben, 27 Jahre alt, geb. um
1903 in Pennsylvania, verheiratet; Wohnort: Union, New Jersey; Wohnt
mit Ihrem Ehemann Fred Gottsleben, 23 Jahre alt, geb. in New Jersey im
Haushalt ihrer Eltern Andrew Stiff, 50 Jahre alt, geb. in New Jersey
und Amelia Stiff, 51 Jahre alt, geb. in Pennsylvania>; United States
Census, 1940 <Margorie Gottleben [Gottsleben], 37 Jahre alt, geb. um
1903 in Pennsylvania; Wohnort: Union Township, Union, New Jersey;
Ehemann: Fred Gottleben [Gottsleben], 33 Jahre alt, geb. um 1907 in
New Jersey> und United States Social Security Death Index <Marjorie
Gottsleben; 78 Jahre alt, geb. 29 November 1902 in New Jersey, gest.
Dezember 1980; Letzter Wohnort: Morris, New Jersey>).
United States Census,


Union, NJ
Fred Gottsleben,
Marjorie Gottsleben
im Haushalt des
Andrew Stiff |
United States Census,

Union Township, NJ
Fred Gottleben (Gottsleben),
Margorie Gottleben
(Gottsleben) |
GOTTSLEBEN Elsie May (Elsa M.)
< 1.3
* 19.04.1891 Newark
† >.1953
Lebensort: Newark
Eltern: Gottsleben Henry , Ashfield Eliza
Quellen: "FamilySearch (März 2019; hier: New Jersey Births and
Christenings, 1660-1980 <Elsie May Gottslebrem [Gottsleben]; geb. 19.
April 1891 in Newark, Essex, New Jersey; Eltern: Henry Gottslebrem [Gottsleben],
24 Jahre alt und Eliza Ashfield, 25 Jahre alt>; United States Census,
1900 <Elsa M Gottslabien [Gottsleben], 9 Jahre alt, geb. April 1891 in
New Jersey; Wohnort: District 6 Newark city Ward 2, Essex, New Jersey;
Eltern: Henry Gottslabien [Gottsleben], 34 Jahre alt; Beruf: Mason und
Eliza Gottslabien [Gottsleben], 35 Jahre, geb. in New Jersey; Brüder:
Clarence F Gottslabien [Gottsleben], 8 Jahre alt, geb. in New Jersey;
Joseph W Gottslabien [Gottsleben], 6 Jahre alt, geb. in New Jersey und
Herbert C Gottslabien [Gottsleben], 4 Jahre alt, geb. in New Jersey>;
United States Census, 1910 <Elsie Gottsleben, 19 Jahre alt, geb. um 1891
in New Jersey; Wohnort: Newark Ward 2, Essex, New Jersey; Eltern: Henry
Gottsleben, 46 Jahre alt, geb. um 1864 in New York und Eliza Gottsleben,
46 Jahre alt, geb. in New Jersey; Brüder: Clarence Gottsleben, 17 Jahre
alt; Joseph Gottsleben, 15 Jahre alt und Henry Gottsleben Jr., 8 Jahre
alt; alle geb. in New Jersey>; United States Census, 1940 <Elsie M Day,
48 Jahre alt, geb in New Jersey; Wohnort: Maplewood Township, Essex, New
Jersey; Ehemann: Osborne H Day; geb. 1893 in New Jersey, 47 Jahre alt;
Kind: Osborne H J Day, 20 Jahre alt, geb. in New Jersey>)"; "Law.justia.com/cases/new-jersey
(Februar 2018; hier: Superior Court of New Jersey, Appellate Division,
Argued October 26, 1953, Decided November 5, 1953 <January 22, 1953
Eliza Gottsleben died a widow and intestate, resident at and seized of
title to premises known as 81-83 West Kinney Street, Newark, N.J. She
left her surviving as her only heirs-at-law and next-of-kin three
children, viz., Clarence Fred Gottsleben, a son; Joseph William
Gottsleben, a son; and Elsie May Day, a daughter, all of whom were of
full age. No administration has ever been taken out on her estate;
February 9, 1953 By deed of this date, recorded March 5, 1953 in Book
3113 of Deeds for Essex County at page 480, Elsie May Day and Osborne
Harold Day, her husband, conveyed all of their right, title and interest
in and to the premises in question to Joseph W. Gottsleben>)" und "Legacy.com/obituaries
(Februar 2018; Todesanzeige des Sohnes Osborne Harold Day)".
oo um.1918
Osborne Harold
* 22.01.1893 Newark † 04.1964 Lebensort: Newark
Eltern: Day John B. , Williams Lena (Lina)
Quellen: "FamilySearch (März 2019; hier: New Jersey, Births, 1670-1980
<N.N. Day, geb. am 22. Januar 1893 in Newark, Essex, New Jersey;
Eltern: John B. Day, 31 Jahre alt und Lina Williams, 30 Jahre alt>;
New Jersey State Census, 1895 <Osbon Day; Wohnort: Newark, Essex, New
Jersey; Eltern: John B Day und Lena Day; Bruder: Grant Day>; United
States Census, 1900 <Osborne K Day; 7 Jahre alt, geb. Januar 1893 in
New Jersey; Wohnort: District 2 Newark city Ward 5, Essex, New Jersey;
Eltern: John B Day, 38 Jahre alt, geb. in New Jersey und Lina Day, 37
Jahre alt, geb. in Pennsylvania; Geschwister: John L Day, 5 Jahre alt,
geb. New Jersey und Ida Day, 3 Jahre alt, geb. in New Jersey>; New
Jersey State Census, 1905 <Osborne Day; 12 Jahre alt, geb. um 1893;
Wohnort: Essex, New Jersey; Eltern: John B Day und Lida Day;
Geschwister: John Leroy Day, 10 Jahre alt und Ida Day, 9 Jahre alt>;
United States Census, 1910 <Osborne H Day; 17 Jahre alt, geb. um 1893
in New Jersey; Wohnort: Newark Ward 2, Essex, New Jersey; Eltern: John
B Day, 48 Jahre alt, geb. in New Jersey und Lina W Day, 48 Jahre alt,
geb. in Pennsylvania; Geschwister: Le Roy J Day, 15 Jahre alt, geb. in
New Jersey und Ida W Day, 12 Jahre alt, geb. in New Jersey>; United
States World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918 <Osborne Harold
Day, geb. 22. Januar 1893 in Newark; Draft Registration 1917-1918 in
Newark City no 13, New Jersey>; United States Census, 1940 <Osborne H
Day; geb. 1893 in New Jersey; 47 Jahre alt; Wohnort: Maplewood
Township, Essex, New Jersey; Ehefrau: Elsie M Day, 48 Jahre alt, geb
in New Jersey; Kind: Osborne H J Day, 20 Jahre alt, geb. in New
Jersey>; United States World War II Draft Registration Cards, 1942
<Osborne Harold Day, geb. 22. Januar 1893, Wohnort: Maplewood, Essex,
New Jersey; Draft Registration 1942 in Maplewood, Essex, New Jersey>; United States Social Security Death Index <Osborne
Day, 71 Jahre alt, geb. 22. Januar 1893 in New Jersey, gest. April
1964>)" und "Legacy.com/obituaries (Februar 2018; Todesanzeige des
Sohnes Osborne Harold Day)".
1. Day Osborne Harold Jr. 87Jhr 11Mo 2Wo * 28.05.1919 Newark †
> 3.1
United States World War I
Draft Registration,

Osborne Harold Day
Draft Registration
in Newark City, NJ |
United States Census,

Maplewood Township, NJ
Osborne H Day
Elsie M Day
Osborne H Jr
United States World War II
Draft Registration Cards,

Osborne Harold Day
Draft Registration
in Maplewood, NJ
GOTTSLEBEN Clarence Frederick (Fred)
87Jhr Steam fitter, plumber (Installateur)
< 1.3
* 17.08.1892 Newark † 10.1979 Warren Lebensorte: Newark Green
Village Warren
Eltern: Gottsleben Henry , Ashfield Eliza
Quellen: "FamilySearch (März 2019; hier: New Jersey, Births, 1670-1980
<Clarence F. Gottsbeben [Gottsleben], geb. 17. August 1892 in Newark,
Essex, New Jersey; Eltern: Henry Gottsbeben [Gottsleben], Jahre alt 26
und Eliza Ashfield, 26 Jahre alt>; United States Census, 1900 <Clarence
F Gottslabien [Gottsleben]; 8 Jahre alt, geb. August 1892 in New Jersey;
Wohnort: District 6 Newark city Ward 2, Essex, Eltern: Henry Gottslabien
[Gottsleben], 34 Jahre alt, geb. in New York und Eliza Gottslabien [Gottsleben],
35 Jahre alt, geb. in New Jersey; Geschwister: Elsa M Gottslabien [Gottsleben],
9 Jahre alt, geb. in New Jersey, Joseph W Gottslabien [Gottsleben], 6
Jahre alt, geb. in New Jersey und Herbert C Gottslabien [Gottsleben], 4
Jahre alt, geb.in New Jersey>; United States Census, 1910 <Clarence
Gottsleben; 17 Jahre alt, geb. um 1893 in New Jersey; Wohnort: Newark
Ward 2, Essex, New Jersey; Eltern: Henry Gottsleben, 46 Jahre alt, geb.
in New York und Eliza Gottsleben, 46 Jahre alt, geb. in New Jersey;
Geschwister: Elsie Gottsleben, 19 Jahre alt, geb. in New Jersey; Joseph
Gottsleben, 15 Jahre alt, geb. in New Jersey und Henry Gottsleben Jr., 8
Jahre alt, geb. in New Jersey>; New Jersey State Census, 1915 <Clarence
Gottsleben; geb. August 1892 in New Jersey; Wohnort: Newark, 9 ward, 2
district, Essex, New Jersey; Mutter: Elisa Gottsleben; Bruder: Joseph
Gottsleben>; United States World War I Draft Registration Cards,
1917-1918 <Fred Gottsleben; geb. 17. August 1892 in Newark; Draft
Registration, 1917-1918 in Newark City no 9, New Jersey>; United States
Census, 1940 <Clarence Gottsleben; 47 Jahre alt, geb. um 1893 in Newark;
Wohnort: Green Village, Chatham Township, Morris, New Jersey; Ehefrau:
Mildred Gottsleben, 38 Jahre alt; Kinder: Mildred Gottsleben, 18 Jahre
alt, geb. in New Jersey; Theodore Gottsleben, 16 Jahre alt, geb. in New
Jersey; Muriel Gottsleben, 13 Jahre alt, geb. New Jersey; Richard
Gottsleben, 6 Jahre alt, geb. in New Jersey und Dolores Gottsleben, 4
Jahre alt, geb. in New Jersey>; United States World War II Draft
Registration Cards, 1942 <Fred Gottsleben; geb. 17 Aug 1892; Arbeitgeber:
Fred Gottsleben; Wohnort: Newark, Essex, New Jersey; Draft Registration
1942 in Newark, Essex, New Jersey>; United States Social Security Death
Index <Fred Gottsleben; 87 Jahre alt, geb. 17. August 1892 in New
Jersey, gest. Oktober 1979; Letzter Wohnort: Warren, New Jersey>)", "Law.justia.com/cases/new-jersey
(Februar 2018; hier: Superior Court of New Jersey, Appellate Division,
Argued October 26, 1953, Decided November 5, 1953 <January 22, 1953
Eliza Gottsleben died a widow and intestate, resident at and seized of
title to premises known as 81-83 West Kinney Street, Newark, N.J. She
left her surviving as her only heirs-at-law and next-of-kin three
children, viz., Clarence Fred Gottsleben, a son; Joseph William
Gottsleben, a son; and Elsie May Day, a daughter, all of whom were of
full age. No administration has ever been taken out on her estate;
January 26, 1953 By deed of this date, 'Clarence F. Gottsleben and
Mildred Grace Gottsleben, his wife' conveyed all of their right, title
and interest in and to the premises in question to Joseph W. Gottsleben;
At the trial of this matter before the court without a jury, a birth
certificate was produced and revealed that 'Clarence Fred Gottsleben',
son of Henry and Eliza Gottsleben, was born at Newark on August 17,
1892>)", "Ancestry.com (August 2015; hier: M-Dawson L-Disbrow Merged
Tree)" und "Findagrave.com (März 2014; Clarence Gottsleben; 88 Jahre
alt, Geburt unbekannt; gest. Apr. 1969 [?, Oktober 1979]; Burial:
Rosedale and Rosehill Cemetery Linden, Union County, New Jersey; Plot
oo <.1921
DISBROW Mildred Grace
* 26.02.1902 † 04.1982 Morris County Lebensorte: Essex Green
Village Warren
Eltern: Disbrow Frederick (Fred Friedrich) , N.N. Rose E.
Quellen: "FamilySearch (März 2019; hier: New Jersey State Census, 1905
<Mildred Disbrow; 3 Jahre alt, geb. um 1902; Wohnort: Essex, New
Jersey; Eltern: Frederick Disbrow, 42 Jahre alt und Rose E Disbrow, 40
Jahre alt; Geschwister: Charles F Disbrow, 17 Jahre alt; Harry G
Disbrow, 24 Jahre alt; Flourena Disbrow, 11 Jahre alt; Elsie Disbrow,
5 Jahre alt und Elmer Disbrow, 0 Jahre alt>; United States Census,
1910 <Mildred Disbross [Disbrow]; 8 Jahre alt, geb. um 1902 in New
Jersey; Wohnort: Newark Ward 9, Essex, New Jersey; Eltern: Fred
Disbross [Disbrow], 47 Jahre alt, geb. in New Jersey und Rose Disbross
[Disbrow], 45 Jahre alt, geb. in New Jersey; Geschwister: Harry
Disbross [Disbrow], 19 Jahre alt; Florence Disbross [Disbrow], 17
Jahre alt; Eliza Disbross [Disbrow], 10 Jahre alt und Edna Disbross [Disbrow],
5 Jahre alt, alle geb. in New Jersey>; New Jersey State Census, 1915
<Mildred G Disbrow; geb. Februar 1901 in New Jersey; Wohnort: Newark,
9 ward, 1 district, Essex, New Jersey; Eltern: Friedrich Disbrow und
Rosie C Disbrow, beide geb. in New Jersey; Geschwister: Florence M
Disbrow; Elsie E Disbrow; Emer E Disbrow, alle geb. in New Jersey>;
United States Census, 1920 <Mildred G Disbrow; 17 Jahre alt, geb. um
1903 in New Jersey; Wohnort: Newark Ward 9, Essex, New Jersey; Eltern:
Frederick Disbrow, 55 Jahre alt und Rose E Disbrow, 54 Jahre alt,
beide geb. New Jersey; Schwestern: Elsie E Disbrow, 19 Jahre alt und
Patrick Omarah, 27 Jahre alt, beide geb. in New Jersey; Stiefbruder:
Robert V Disbrow, 0 Jahre, geb. in New Jersey; Großmutter: Katherin K
Disbrow, 90 Jahre alt, geb. in New Jersey>; United States Census, 1940
<Mildred Gottsleben; 38 Jahre alt, geb. um 1902 in New Jersey; Wohnort:
Green Village, Chatham Township, Morris, New Jersey; Letzter Wohnort:
Newark, New Jersey; Ehemann: Clarence Gottsleben, 47 Jahre alt, geb.
in New Jersey; Kinder: Mildred Gottsleben, 18 Jahre alt; Theodore
Gottsleben, 16 Jahre alt; Muriel Gottsleben, 13 Jahre alt; Richard
Gottsleben, 6 Jahre alt und Dolores Gottsleben, 4 Jahre alt, alle geb.
in New Jersey>; United States Social Security Death Index <Mildred
Gottsleben; 80 Jahre alt, geb. 26. Februar 1902 in New Jersey, gest.
April 1982; Letzter Wohnort: Morris, New Jersey>; "Ancestry.com
(August 2015; hier: M-Dawson L-Disbrow Merged Tree)" und "Law.justia.com/cases/new-jersey
(Februar 2018; hier: Superior Court of New Jersey, Appellate Division,
Argued October 26, 1953, Decided November 5, 1953 <January 26, 1953 By
deed of this date, 'Clarence F. Gottsleben and Mildred Grace
Gottsleben, his wife' conveyed all of their right, title and interest
in and to the premises in question to Joseph W. Gottsleben>)".
1. Gottsleben Mildred Ruth 93Jhr 6Mo 2Wo *
Newark † 29.05.2015 Franklin
> 3.2
Gottsleben Theodore Frederick 80Jhr 11Mo 6Wo
* 10.04.1924
Newark † 16.04.2005 Whippany
> 3.3
Gottsleben Muriel Estelle * 09.05.1925
> 3.4
4. Gottsleben Richard W. 63Jhr 3Mo 3Wo
* 04.06.1932
Essex † 26.09.1995 Harrison
> 3.5
Gottsleben Dolores Ann * 01.09.1937
> 3.6

Mildred Gottsleben
mit Sohn Theodore
1924 |
United States World War I
Draft Registration,

Fred Gottsleben
Draft Registration
in Newark City, NJ
United States Census,

Green Village,
Chatham Township, NJ
Clarence Gottsleben
Mildred Gottsleben
Mildred Ruth, Theodore,
Muriel, Richard, Dolores
United States World War II
Draft Registration Cards,

Fred Gottsleben
Draft Registration
in Newark, NJ
Musician (Musiker)
< 1.4
* um.1915 Saint Kitts and Nevis Lebensorte: Saint Kitts and Nevis Trinidad and
Eltern: Gottsleben Emil , Maynard Gorgie (Georgette)
Über Emil
Gottslebens Verbindung mit Gorgie Maynard, der Mutter seines Sohnes Hubert,
liegen nur mündliche Überlieferungen vor: "Emile [Emil] went to an island in
the Caribbean called 'Nevis'.
There he met a girl named Gorgie Maynard but people called her 'Georgette'.
They were not married. She was probably between 14-18. They had a son and
named him Hubert Gottsleben". - 1915/16 traf Emil Gottsleben als
amerikanischer Staatsbürger bei einer seiner Karibik-Reisen aus Nassau
Bahamas in New York ein.
Er lebte als
Geschäftsmann in "Saint Kitts and Nevis" und hatte dort die junge Gorgie
(Georgette) Maynard kennengelernt. Aus ihrer Beziehung stammt Hubert
Gottsleben und dessen Nachkommen bilden die noch heute bestehende karibische
Linie der Gottsleben Familie. In einer Passagierliste des Schiffes "Nerissa"
finden wir am 12. August 1939 Emil Gottsleben als Reisenden von St. Kitts,
B.W.T. nach New York. - Quellen zu Hubert Gottsleben: "Genforum.genealogy.com/germany
(Posted September 19, 2001 by Davilyn Alexander: Emile Gottsleben or
Gottsleben 1890's-1920's <Hubert Gottsleben met a girl named Pearline
They also didn't get married. They had a child named Hyacinth Gottsleben>)",
"Cousinconnect.com (Posted 27. Jan. 2011 <Does anyone know anything about a
man named Hubert Gottsleben. I think his father was named Emile Gottsleben.
His father came from Germany as a chef on a cruise ship during the time of
the Holocust [?]. I've heard bits and pieces from my family. I think he used
to have one of the first theaters in Nevis. My great aunt last name was
Gottsleben [Oraine L. Gottsleben] and she married a Roper [Charles Ronald
Roper]. Her mother's last name was Butler. My grandmother was also born a
Gottsleben [Hyacinth Gottsleben] and was married to a Carey from St. Kitts
but she [Hyacinth Gottsleben] died last year>)", "Heslyn Gottsleben
(Mitteilung über Facebook, November 2013 <My grandfather Hubert Gottsleben
was born in Nevis and came to Trinidad where he met and married my
grandmother who was working in Trinidad at the time. They produce my father
Maxwell Atlas Gottsleben who got married to my mother Juilette Sterling
Gottsleben. My grandfather Hubert Gottsleben was a musician. He played 4
musical instruments he was also in a band call the merrymakers>)" und
"Pauline Sydney-Taitt (Mitteilung über Facebook, September 2017 <This post
[Klaus Gottsleben auf Facebook: From the Kingdom of Hanover/Germany to New
York, New Jersey, Nassau/Bahamas and Saint Kitts and Nevis. History of
Frederick (Fred) C. Gottsleben's family. Part 2: Emil Gottsleben] brought
tears to my eyes. I am also a grand daughter of Hubert Gottsleben. My mother
Noeline Gottsleben was his daughter from a second marriage in Trinidad.
Pauline ist mit Dave Taitt verheiratet und hat einen Sohn Josiah Taitt>". -
In Trinidad and Tobago konnten bisher (August 2018) folgende Gottsleben
aufgespürt werden: Wendy Gottsleben, geb. 1971, seit 1986 verheiratet;
Kinder: Aaron Gottsleben, geb. 1994 und Randy Gottsleben. - Ralph
Gottsleben. - Thelma Gottsleben, geb. 1957 [?, auch 1947]. - Sö Roya
Gottsleben, geb. 2000. - Yasmin Gottsleben Caesar. - Sapphire Gottsleben. -
Darrion Gottsleben. - Zamaiah Gottsleben - Marlon Gottsleben, geb. 1981,
verheiratet mit Janelle George Gottsleben; Kinder: Thalia Gottsleben, Tyrese
Gottsleben, geb. 2000 und Prince Mikyelle, geb. 2012. - Heslyn Gottsleben,
geb. 1977. - Indira Gottsleben, geb. um 1980 in Scarborough, lebt in New
York; Kinder: Imani Sandy, geb. um 2007 und King Maxwell, geb. 2016.
3. o-o GOTTSLEBEN Hyacinth † um.2010
> 3.9
4. o-o GOTTSLEBEN Oraine L. 80Jhr 4Mo 2Wo * 07.02.1940 Saint Kitts
and Nevis † 23.06.2020 Conyers
> 3.10
Lebensort: Trinidad and Tobago
Quelle: Heslyn Gottsleben (Mitteilung über Facebook, November 2013 <My
grandfather [Hubert Gottsleben] was born in Nevis and came to Trinidad
where he met and married my grandmother who was working in Trinidad at the
time. They produce my father Maxwell Atlas Gottsleben who got married to
my mother Juilette Sterling Gottsleben>).
1. Gottsleben Maxwell Atlas † . <.2018
> 3.7
oo 2
Quelle: Pauline Sydney-Taitt (Mitteilung über Facebook, September 2017
<This post [Klaus Gottsleben auf Facebook: From the Kingdom of
Hanover/Germany to New York, New Jersey, Nassau/Bahamas and Saint Kitts
and Nevis. History of Frederick (Fred) C. Gottsleben's family. Part 2:
Emil Gottsleben] brought tears to my eyes. I am also a grand daughter of
Hubert Gottsleben. My mother Noeline Gottsleben was his daughter from a
second marriage in Trinidad>.
Gottsleben Noeline
> 3.8

Osborne Harold Jr.
87Jhr 11Mo 2Wo rk Assistant Superintendant, Harper Woods School System
< 2.2
* 28.05.1919 Newark † 15.05.2007 Lebensorte: Newark St. Clair Shores
Eltern: Day Osborne Harold , Gottsleben Elsie
May (Elsa M.)
Quellen: "Legacy.com/obituaries (März 2019; Osborne Harold Day, born May
28, 1919 in Newark, New Jersey. Son of Osborne H. Day Sr. and Elsie (Gottsleben)
Day. Mr. Day passed way May 15, 2007 at the age of 87. Mr. Day was a
1942 graduate of Rutgers University where he played baseball and was
later scouted for Major League play. He was a member of Chi Psi
fraternity. Mr. Day worked for the Harper Woods School system for 35
years. He served as the first principal of Harper Woods High School and
then as assistant superintendant of schools. The high school athletic
field was dedicated to him and named the O.H. Day field. He retired in
1980. Mr. Day is a veteran of WWII serving in the army-air corp. Mr. Day
is survived by his beloved wife of 59 years, Rosemary [Kaiser] Day.
Loving father of Paula [John] McClain and Frances [Thomas] McCarthy.
Also surviving are his dear brothers-in-law Ed and Vince Kaiser; 5
grandchildren; Carolyn, Thomas Jr. and Meghan McCarthy, Mary and Kathryn
McClain. One great-grandson, Ashton McCarthy. Visitation Thursday 1-9
p.m. at the A.H. Peters Funeral Home, 20705 Mack Ave. at Vernier Rd.,
Grosse Pointe Woods with scripture service 7 p.m. In state Friday at St.
Lucy Catholic Church 23401 E. Jefferson, St. Clair Shores from 10 a.m.
until time of Mass 10:30 a.m.; Published in The Detroit News on May 16,
2007)" und "FamilySearch (März 2019; hier: United States Census, 1940
<Osborne H J Day Jr; geb. um 1920 in New Jersey; 20 Jahre alt; Wohnort:
Maplewood Township, Essex, New Jersey; Eltern: Osborne H Day, 47 Jahre
alt und Elsie M Day, 48 Jahre alt; beide geb. in New Jersey>; United
States Public Records, 1970-2009 <Osborne H Day; geb. 28. Mai 1919;
Wohnort: Saint Clair Shores, Michigan; Possible Relatives: Paula Day,
Rosemary Terese Day>)".
KAISER Rosemary Terese
93Jhr 6Mo 3Wo rk
* 20.02.1923 † 19.09.2016 Lebensorte: St. Clair Shores
Quellen: "FamilySearch (März 2019; hier: United States Public Records,
1970-2009 <Rosemary Terese Day; geb. 20. Februar 1923; Wohnort: Saint
Clair Shores, Michigan; Possible Relatives: Osborne Harold Day, Paula
Day>)"; "Legacy.com/obituaries (Februar 2018; 2007 Todesanzeige des
Ehemanns Osborne Harold Day)" und "Findagrave (März 2019; Rosemary T
Day, geb. 20 Feb 1923, gest. 19. September 2016; Bestattet/Burial:
Resurrection Cemetery, Clinton Township, Macomb County, Michigan. -
Rosemary T. Day, age 93, passed away September 19, 2016. She was the
beloved wife of the late Osborne. Loving mother of Frances [Thomas]
McCarthy and Paula [John] McClain. Proud grandmother of Carolyn [Drew]
Newsom, Thomas McCarthy Jr., Meghan McCarthy, Mary McClain and Kathryn
McClain. Great-grandmother of Ashton McCarthy and Isabella McCarthy.
Dear sister of Vincent J. Kaiser, the late Edwin A. Kaiser and the
late Raymond J. Kaiser. The family would like to thank the staff of
Henry Ford Hospice and Brookdale Assisted Living in Troy for their
compassionate care. Rosemary will lie in state on Friday at 9:30 a.m.
until the time of her funeral mass at 10:30 a.m. at St. Lucy Catholic
Church in St. Clair Shores. Donations in Rosemary's name are
appreciated to St. Lucy Catholic Church. Please share a memory with
Rosemary's family at her online guest book)".
1. Day Paula
> 4.1
2. Day
> 4.2

Osborne Harold Day Jr |
93Jhr 6Mo 2Wo
< 2.3
* 09.11.1921 Newark † 29.05.2015 Franklin Lebensorte: Newark Franklin
Eltern: Gottsleben Clarence Frederick (Fred) ,
Disbrow Mildred Grace
Quellen: "Newjerseyhills.com (Juli 2015; Obituary of Mildred Wild: In
loving memory of Mildred Ruth Gottsleben Wild who leaves relatives in
Chester and Mount Olive. Mrs. Wild, 93, of Franklin, who was born Nov.
9, 1921 in Newark, 'left her home on earth and entered into eternity on
Friday, May 29, 2015. We hope to see her on that Great Resurrection
Morning,' noted her family. She is survived by two sons, Wayne Allan
Wild of Oakfield, Tenn. and Kenneth Robert Wild of Lambertville [New
Jersey]; two sisters, Muriel Estelle Price of Washington, N.J. and
Dolores Ann Hoffman of Mount Olive; her brother-in-law, John C. Hoffman
of Mount Olive; and many nieces and nephews who loved her. Publ.
Observer-Tribune, Thursday, June 11, 2015, p. 10)" und "FamilySearch (Oktober
2015; hier: United States Census, 1940 <Mildred Gottsleben; 18 Jahre
alt, geb. um 1922 in New Jersey, ledig; Wohnort: Green Village, Chatham
Township, Morris, New Jersey; Letzter Wohnort: Newark, New Jersey;
Eltern: Clarence Gottsleben, 47 Jahre alt, geb. in New Jersey und
Mildred Gottsleben, 38 Jahre alt, geb. in New Jersey; Geschwister:
Theodore Gottsleben, 16 Jahre alt; Muriel Gottsleben, 13 Jahre alt;
Richard Gottsleben, 6 Jahre alt und Dolores Gottsleben, 4 Jahre alt;
alle geb. in New Jersey>; New York, New York Passenger and Crew Lists,
1909, 1925-1957 <Mildred R Gottsleben; 18 Jahre alt, geb. um 1922 in den
USA; Einreise 1940 mit dem Schiff 'Nerissa' in New York> und Florida
Divorce Index, 1927-2001 <Mildred R Wild; 1951 Scheidung/Divorce in
Bradford, Florida von Edward Albert Wild>)".
oo <.1945
Edward Albert
Quellen: "FamilySearch (Oktober 2015; hier: Florida Divorce Index,
1927-2001 <Edward Albert Wild; 1951 Scheidung/Divorce in Bradford,
Florida von Mildred R Wild>)" und "Newjerseyhills.com (Juli 2015;
Obituary of Mildred Ruth Gottsleben Wild)".
1. Wild Kenneth Robert
Quelle: Newjerseyhills.com (Juli 2015; Obituary of Mildred Wild <She
is survived by two sons, Wayne Allan Wild of Oakfield, Tenn. and
Kenneth Robert Wild of Lambertville, NJ>).
2. Wild Wyan Allan * 10.10.1945
Quellen: "Newjerseyhills.com (Juli 2015; Obituary of Mildred Wild <She
is survived by two sons, Wayne Allan Wild of Oakfield, Tenn. and
Kenneth Robert Wild of Lambertville, New Jersey>)" und "FamilySearch (Februar
2018; hier: United States Public Records, 1970-2009 <Wayne A Wild, geb.
10. Oktober 1945; Wohnorte: Jackson und Oakfield, Tennessee>)".
GOTTSLEBEN Theodore Frederick
81Jhr Plumber (Installateur, Klempner)
< 2.3
* 10.04.1924 Newark † 16.04.2005 Whippany Lebensorte: Newark Morristown
Eltern: Gottsleben Clarence Frederick (Fred) ,
Disbrow Mildred Grace
Quellen: "Newjerseyhills.com (Januar 2017;
<Obituary of Theodore Gottsleben, plumber, father-in-law of
mayor: Born in Newark on April 10, 1924, he was the son of
the late Clarence Frederick and Mildred Grace Disbrow Gottsleben. Mr.
Gottsleben worked as a self-employed plumber for 30 years before
retiring in 1984. After retirement, he continued working for Drew
University and Schering Plough. Mr. Gottslebens love for and proficiency
at baseball led to his being drafted by the Chicago White Sox. However,
he chose to enlist in the Army to serve his country during World War II
in the Army Engineering Corp. under Gen. George Patton. He also fought
at the Battle of the Bulge. Survivors include his daughter, Debra
Gottsleben-DeLaney of Morristown and her husband, Morristown Mayor Jay
DeLaney; his grandson, Andrew S. DeLaney of Morristown; a granddaughter,
Erica N. DeLaney of Morristown; his companion, Raye Fondoco of the
Whippany section of Hanover Township; three sisters, Ruth Wild of
Franklin Township, Muriel Price of Oxford and Delores Hoffman of the
Budd Lake section of Mount Olive Township; and many nieces and nephews.
His brother, Richard Gottsleben, predeceased him. Memorial contributions
can be made to Morristown High School Alumni Association, c/o Morristown
High School, 40 Early Street, Morristown, N.J. 07960. Arrangements were
by Rowe-Lanterman Home for Funerals, 71 Washington St., Morristown)", "FamilySearch
(März 2014; hier: United States Census, 1940 <Theodore Gottsleben, 16
Jahre alt, geb. um 1924 in New Jersey; Wohnort: Green Village, Chatham
Township, Morris, New Jersey; Letzter Wohnort: Newark, New Jersey;
Eltern: Clarence Gottsleben, 47 Jahre alt, geb. in New Jersey und
Mildred Gottsleben, 38 Jahre alt, geb. in New Jersey; Geschwister:
Mildred Gottsleben; 18 Jahre alt; Muriel Gottsleben, 13 Jahre alt;
Richard Gottsleben, 6 Jahre alt und Dolores Gottsleben, 4 Jahre alt;
alle geb. in New Jersey>; United States World War II Army Enlistment
Records, 1938-1946 <Theodore F Gottsleben; Military Service: 27 Jan
1944; Enlistment for the duration of the War or other emergency, plus
six months, subject to the discretion of the President or otherwise
according to law; Newark, New Jersey; Bildungsniveau: 2 years of high
school, Zivilberuf: Skilled occupations in manufacture of electrical
machinery and accessories, n.e.c.; Familienstand: Single, without
dependents>; New York, New York City Marriage Licenses Index, 1950-1995
<Theodore Gottsleben; Heirat 1953 in Manhattan, New York City mit
Barbara Ehm>; United States Social Security Death Index <Ted F
Gottsleben; 81 Jahre alt; geb. 10. April 1924 in New Jersey, gest. 16.
April 2005; Letzter Wohnort: Whippany, Morris, New Jersey>)",
"Debbie Gottsleben (Facebook 2017; <My mom and dad divorced when I was
quite young so I have very few pictures of them together; This [photo]
is my grandmother holding my dad when he was 2 1/2 months old>, <My dad
Ted [Theodore Frederick] told me about that trading company in the
Bahamas. That was his great uncle [Emil Gottsleben]. Wanted my dad come
down and visit but my grandmother wouldn't let him. My father was angry
about that!>)" und "Ancestry.com (August 2015; hier: M-Dawson L-Disbrow
Merged Tree)".
oo 1953 New York
Barbara M. (Betty)
86Jhr 5Mo 1Wo Senior payroll clerk
* 26.08.1929 New York † 02.02.2016 East Stroudsburg Lebensorte: New
York Schney Morristown East Stroudsburg
Eltern: Ehm John (Johann) , Dietz Johanna (Anna)
Quellen: "Legacy.com/obituaries (Januar 2017; Nachruf/Obituary of
Barbara M. Gottsleben, dearest mother, grandmother, longtime
Morristown resident: Barbara M. Gottsleben 86, of East Stroudsburg
passed away, Tuesday February 2, 2016 at Pocono Medical Center. She
was born in Brooklyn, New York, on August 26, 1926 [1929]. Barbara was
the daughter of the late John Ehm and Augusta (Dietz) Ehm Theisinger.
Barbara, also known as Betty, grew up in Schney, Germany. She returned
to the US in the Spring of 1947 originally living with family in New
York City. Prior to moving to Pennsylvania, she spent much of her
adult life in Morristown, N.J. Barbara worked for Honeywell Corp. of
Morristown, NJ for a number of years where she was a senior payroll
clerk. She also worked for the Singer Corp. in Morristown, NJ for many
years where she taught sewing, a skill for which she was well known.
Barbara also loved knitting and created many Irish knit sweaters for
family and friends. She is survived by her daughter Debra Gottsleben
of Morristown, New Jersey and her husband, former Morristown Mayor
John 'Jay' DeLaney; her grandchildren Andrew DeLaney of Austin, Texas
and Erica DeLaney and her husband, Philip Auckland of Groby England.
Barbara is also survived by her sisters, Patricia Hamber and Susan
McCrory both of Florida and by Sophie Sherman and Sandra Oleson both
of California. A private cremation took place on February 5, 2016 at
the H.G.Smith Crematory in Stroudsburg. Bensing-Thomas Funeral Home
401 North 5th Street, Stroudsburg handled the arrangements. A memorial
service will be held in Morristown, NJ in May. Donations in Barbara's
memory can be made to the Morris Educational Foundation c/o Morristown
High School. 50 Early Street Morristown, New Jersey. Published in
Daily Record on Feb. 24, 2016)", "FamilySearch (Januar 2017; hier:
United States Census, 1930 <Barbara Ehm; 8 Monate alt, geb. um 1930 in
New York; Wohnort: Brooklyn, Districts 0251-0500, Kings, New York;
Eltern: John Ehm, 29 Jahre alt, geb. in Germany und Johanna Ehm, 23
Jahre alt, geb. in Germany>; New York, New York Passenger and Crew
Lists, 1909, 1925-1957 <Barbara Ehm, 17 Jahre alt; Einreise 1946 in
New York; Schiffsname: Marine Marlin. - Barbara M Ehm, 22 Jahre alt;
Einreise 1952 in New York; Schiffsname: America>; New York, New York
City Marriage Licenses Index, 1950-1995 <Barbara Ehm; Heirat 1953 in
Manhattan, New York City mit Theodore Gottsleben>; United States
Public Records, 1970-2009 <Barbara M Gottsleben; Also known as: B
Gottsleben, Betty M Ehm; geb. 26. August 1929; Wohnorte: East
Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania; Parsippany, New Jersey; Clinton, New
Jersey; Ocean City, Maryland>)" und "Facebook (2017; Mitteilung von
Debra Gottsleben: My mom and dad divorced when I was quite young so I
have very few pictures of them together. This is one [photo] that was
in the box of pictures we got from the new owner of my mom's house.
Pam Powell sees some of my Dad's features in me. I always thought I
looked exactly like my mom. But now I think the shape of my face is my
dad's. Andrew has the same. - Think this may be the only picture I
have of my mom with all 4 of her sisters when they were young. The man
is my mom's stepdad, the father of her 4 sisters. Sandy Oleson is in
my mom's arms. - The house my mom grew up in with her grandparents in
Schney, Germany)".
Gottsleben Debra Ann (Debbie)
* 02.04.1954 Morristown
> 4.3
United States Census,

Familie Clarence Gottsleben
Green Village, Chatham
Township, Morris, NJ
Sohn Theodore Gottsleben


Theodore und Barbara
United States Census,

Familie John Ehm
Brooklyn, Kings, NY
Tochter Barbara Ehm |
New York Passenger
Crew Lists, 1946

Barbara Ehm
17 Jahre alt

Barbara Ehm
1952 in
Hamburg |

Barbara Ehm
Gottsleben |
GOTTSLEBEN Muriel Estelle
< 2.3
* 09.05.1925 Lebensorte: Green Village Oxford
Eltern: Gottsleben Clarence Frederick (Fred) ,
Disbrow Mildred Grace
Quellen: "FamilySearch
(März 2019; hier: United States
Census, 1940 <Muriel
Gottsleben; 13 Jahre alt, geb. um 1927 in New Jersey; Wohnort:
Green Village, Chatham Township, Morris, New
Jersey; Letzter Wohnort: Newark, New Jersey; Eltern: Clarence
Gottsleben, 47 Jahre alt, geb. in New Jersey
und Mildred Gottsleben, 38 Jahre alt, geb.
in New Jersey; Geschwister: Mildred Gottsleben;
18 Jahre alt; Theodore Gottsleben, 16 Jahre
alt; Richard Gottsleben, 6 Jahre alt und
Dolores Gottsleben, 4 Jahre alt; alle geb.
in New Jersey>; United States Public
Records, 1970-2009 <Muriel E Price; geb. 9.
Mai 1925; Wohnort: Oxford, New Jersey; Weitere Namen: Robert F Price>)"
und "Newjerseyhills.com (Juli 2015; Obituary of Mildred Ruth Gottsleben
Wild <Mildred Ruth Wild is survived by [...] two sisters, Muriel Estelle
Price of Washington, N.J. and Dolores Ann Hoffman of Mount Olive; her
brother-in-law, John C. Hoffman of Mount Olive>)".
Robert F.
72Jhr 1Mo 2Wo
* 15.07.1924 † 29.08.1996 Oxford Lebensorte: Oxford
Quellen: "FamilySearch <Februar 2018; United States Public Records,
1970-2009 <Robert F Price; geb. 15. Juli 1924; Wohnorte: Oxford, New
Jersey und Hackettstown, New Jersey; Weitere Namen: Muriel E Price;
Jeffrey P Price>; United States Social Security Death Index <Robert F
Price; 72 Jahre alt, geb. 15. Juli 1924 in New Jersey; gest. 29.
August 1996; Letzter Wohnort: Oxford, Warren, New Jersey>)" und "Newjerseyhills.com
(Juli 2015; Obituary of Mildred Ruth Gottsleben Wild <Mildred Ruth
Wild is survived by [...] two sisters, Muriel Estelle Price of
Washington, N.J. and [...]>)".
63Jhr 3Mo 3Wo Business owner Mine Hill TWP; Plumbing and heating
< 2.3
* 04.06.1932 Essex † 26.09.1995 Harrison Lebensorte: Essex Mine Hill
Township Harrison
Eltern: Gottsleben Clarence Frederick (Fred) , Disbrow Mildred Grace
Quellen: "FamilySearch (März 2014; hier: United States Census, 1940
<Richard Gottsleben; 6 Jahre alt, geb. um 1934 in New Jersey; Wohnort:
Green Village, Chatham Township, Morris, New Jersey; Letzter Wohnort:
Newark, New Jersey; Eltern: Clarence Gottsleben, 47 Jahre alt, geb. in
New Jersey und Mildred Gottsleben, 38 Jahre alt, geb. in New Jersey;
Geschwister: Mildred Gottsleben, 18 Jahre alt; Theodore Gottsleben, 16
Jahre alt; Muriel Gottsleben, 13 Jahre alt und Dolores Gottsleben, 4
Jahre alt; alle geb. in New Jersey>; United States Social Security Death
Index <Richard W Gottsleben; 63 Jahre alt, geb. 4. Juni 1932 in New
Jersey, gest. 26. September 1995; Letzter Wohnort: Morris, New
Jersey>)", "Newspapers.com (März 2018; Obituary/Nachruf <Harrison.
Richard Gottsleben, business owner Mine Hill TWP. - Richard W.
Gottsleben died Tuesday at home. He was 63. He was born in Newark and
lived in Chatham and the Flanders section of Mount Olive Township before
moving to Mine Hill 35 years ago. Mr. Gottsleben was a plumbing and
heating contractor and owned R.W. Gottsleben and Sons Plumbing and
Heating in Mine Hill since 1971. He served in the Army during the Korean
War. Mr. Gottsleben was a former president of Lakel and Master Plumbers
Association, North Star Lodge 255; a member of the Scottish Rite Valley
of New Jersey; a member of Salaam Temple in Livingston and a former
president of its Arab Patrol Unit; a former president of the
Mid-Atlantic Association of Shrine Patrols; and a member of the Morris
County Shrine Club; Orange Mountain Shrine Club; and Royal Order of
Jesters Court 37 in Newark. Survivors inlcude his wife of 39 years,
Patricia A.; two sons, Michael W. of Dover and Jeffrey A. of Kenvil; a
brother, Theodore of Whippany; three sisters, Mildred Wild of New
Brunswick, Muriel Price of Oxford, and Dolores Hoffman of Chester.
Arrangements are by Smith Funeral Home, 1 Baker Ave., Dover. Harrison. -
Publ. Daily Record from Morristown, New Jersey, Thursday, September 28,
1995, p. 12>)" und "Ancestry.com (August 2015; hier: M-Dawson L-Disbrow
Merged Tree)".
oo um.1956
PICKEL Patricia A.
81Jhr 9Mo 3Wo
* 26.12.1936 † 17.10.2018 Succasunna Lebensorte: Mine Hill
Township Succasunna
Quellen: "Newspapers.com (März 2018; Obituary/Nachruf auf den Ehemann
Richard Gottsleben <Survivors inlcude his wife of 39 years, Patricia
A.; two sons, Michael W. of Dover and Jeffrey A. of Kenvil [...]>)", "FamilySearch
(März 2018; hier: United States Public Records, 1970-2009 <Patricia A
Gottsleben; geb. 1936; Wohnort: Succasunna, New Jersey; Weitere Namen
Jeffrey A/Melissa Gottsleben, Mellisa A Gottsleben, Michael W
Gottsleben, Richard W Gottsleben; 2007 Wohnort: Kenvil, New Jersey;
Weitere Namen: Michael W Gottsleben, Michael Gottsleben; 2009 Wohnort:
Kenvil, New Jersey; Possible Relatives: Jeffrey A/Melissa Gottsleben,
Karen A Gottsleben, Melissa A Gottsleben, Michael W Gottsleben,
Michael Gottsleben, Richard W Gottsleben>)" und "Berminghamfh.com/notices/Patricia-Gottsleben
(November 2018; <Patricia A. [Pickel] Gottsleben; geb. 26. Dezember
1936, gest. 17.October 2018. Mine Hill: Patricia A. Gottsleben passed
away on Wednesday October 17, 2018 at Merry Heart Nursing Center,
Succasunna. She was 81 years of age. Patricia was born in the
Brookside section of Long Valley and lived in Mine Hill. She worked at
the family business, R.W. Gottsleben Plumbing and Heating of Mine Hill
for her entire life. Predeceased by her husband Richard in 1994.
Survived by her 2 sons: Michael and his wife Karen of Kenvil. Jeffrey
of Succassunna. Granddaughter: Kristi Brautigam and husband Dan of
Roxbury Twp. Also survived by 3 siblings: Marion Bawic of Utah. Rich
Pickel and wife Sue of PA. Betty Crater and husband Charlie of
Randolph. Visitation will be held 5-8pm Monday, October 22, 2018 at
the Bermingham Funeral Home, 216 S. Main St., Wharton. A funeral
service will be held Tuesday 10am at the funeral home. Entombment will
follow at Locust Hill Mausoleum, Dover>)".
1. Gottsleben Michael W. * 04.11.1961
> 4.4
2. Gottsleben Jeffrey Alan * 13.05.1965
> 4.5
< 2.3
* 01.09.1937 Lebensort: Green Village Mount
Olive Township
Eltern: Gottsleben Clarence Frederick (Fred) , Disbrow Mildred Grace
Quellen: "FamilySearch (März 2019; hier: United States Census, 1940
<Dolores Gottsleben, 4 Jahre alt, geb. um 1936 in New Jersey; Wohnort:
Green Village, Chatham Township, Morris, New Jersey; Letzter Wohnort:
Newark, New Jersey; Eltern: Clarence Gottsleben, 47 Jahre alt, geb. in
New Jersey und Mildred Gottsleben, 38 Jahre alt, geb. in New Jersey;
Geschwister: Mildred Gottsleben; 18 Jahre alt; Theodore Gottsleben, 16
Jahre alt; Muriel Gottsleben; 13 Jahre alt und Richard Gottsleben, 6
Jahre alt; alle geb. in New Jersey>; United States Public Records,
1970-2009 <Deloris A Hoffman, also known as Dolores Ann Hoffman; geb. 1.
September 1937; Wohnorte: Budd Lake, New Jersey und Chester, New Jersey;
Possible relatives: Dolores A Hoffman, Doris C Hoffman, John Cecil
Hoffman Rd>)" und "Newjerseyhills.com (Juli 2015; Obituary of Mildred
Ruth Gottsleben Wild <Mildred Ruth Wild is survived by [...] two
sisters, Muriel Estelle Price of Washington, N.J. and Dolores Ann
Hoffman of Mount Olive; her brother-in-law, John C. Hoffman of Mount
HOFFMAN John Cecil
Lebensorte: Mount Olive Township
Quellen: "FamilySearch (Februar 2018; hier: United States Public
Records, 1970-2009 <Deloris A Hoffman, also known as Dolores Ann
Hoffman; geb. 1. September 1937; Wohnorte: Budd Lake, New Jersey und
Chester, New Jersey; Possible relatives: Dolores A Hoffman, Doris C
Hoffman, John Cecil Hoffman Rd>)" und Newjerseyhills.com (Juli 2015;
Obituary of Mildred Ruth Gottsleben Wild <Mildred Ruth Wild is
survived by [...] two sisters [...] and Dolores Ann Hoffman of Mount
Olive; her brother-in-law, John C. Hoffman of Mount Olive>)".
GOTTSLEBEN Maxwell Atlas
< 2.4
† <.2018 Lebensort: Scarborough
Eltern: Gottsleben Hubert , N.N.
Quellen: "Heslyn
Gottsleben (Mitteilung über Facebook, November 2013 <My grandfather Hubert
Gottsleben was born in Nevis and came to Trinidad where he met and married
my grandmother who was working in Trinidad at the time. They produce my
father Maxwell Atlas Gottsleben who got married to my mother Juilette
Sterling Gottsleben>)" und "TriniSoca.com Reporters (Posted: Februar 2007;
Event Date: February 10, 2007: 'Thousands of Calypso lovers journeyed from
all over the country to Skinner Park, San Fernando, for Calypso Fiesta, the
semi finals of the National Calypso Monarch Competition. The show got
underway at about 1 o'clock with a guest performance by Uprising. Forty-nine
contestants would thereafter do battle for one of the fifteen places in the
Calypso Monarch Finals on Dimanche Gras night. Contrary to previous years of
competitions, competitors were required to perform one song, rather than two,
with the number of contestants also increasing from 24 to 48. The
contestants in order of appearance were: 48. Maxwell Gottsleben / Calypso
Max / Song: Play One')".
* um.1958 Lebensorte: Scarborough Brooklyn
Quellen: "Heslyn
Gottsleben (Mitteilung über Facebook, November 2013 <My grandfather Hubert
Gottsleben was born in Nevis and came to Trinidad where he met and married
my grandmother who was working in Trinidad at the time. They produce my
father Maxwell Atlas Gottsleben who got married to my mother Juilette
Sterling Gottsleben>)", "Facebook (Mai 2018; Marlon Gottsleben am 14. Mai
2018: 'You [Juilette Sterling Gottsleben] have endured, and overcame all
that confronted you, you made 5 of us buried two and a husband and still
have the strength and will to champion that path God has for you. It has
been 21 years since I spent a day like this with you. Love you mommy and
happy mothers day')", "Fastpeoplesearch.com (Februar 2019; Juliette
Gottsleben is 60 years old; Wohnort: 216 Albany Ave, Brooklyn, NY;
Possible Relatives: Abigail E Gottsleben, Indra V Gottsleben, Cherrie Ann
Gottsleben, Ray I Gottsleben)" und "Radaris.com (Februar 2019; Juliette
Gottsleben 60 Jahre alt; Wohnort: Brooklyn, NY; Related to: Indra V
Gottsleben, Cherrie Ann Gottsleben, 55 Jahre alt, Abigail Gottsleben, 30
Jahre alt)".
1. Gottsleben Heslyn * 28.09.1977 Scarborough
Heslyn Gottsleben (Mitteilung über Facebook, November 2013; geschieden. -
Heimatstadt und aktueller Wohnort: Scarborough, Tobago).
Gottsleben Indra Vandar * .um.1980 Scarborough
> 4.6
3. Gottsleben Marlon * 14.07.1981 Scarborough
> 4.7

Juilette Sterling Gottsleben,
Marlon Gottsleben
2018 |

Heslyn, Indira,
< 2.4
Eltern: Gottsleben Hubert , N.N.
Pauline Sydney-Taitt (Mitteilung über Facebook, September 2017 <This post
[Klaus Gottsleben auf Facebook: From the Kingdom of Hanover/Germany to New
York, New Jersey, Nassau/Bahamas and Saint Kitts and Nevis. History of
Frederick (Fred) C. Gottsleben's family. Part 2: Emil Gottsleben] brought
tears to my eyes. I am also a grand daughter of Hubert Gottsleben. My mother
Noeline Gottsleben was his daughter from a second marriage in Trinidad>).
Pauline Sydney-Taitt (Mitteilung über Facebook, September 2017).
1. Sydney Pauline
> 4.8
< 2.4
† um.2010 Lebensort: Saint Kitts and Nevis
Eltern: Gottsleben Hubert , Scarbrough Pearline
Quellen: "Genforum.genealogy.com/germany
(Posted September 19, 2001 by Davilyn Alexander: Emile Gottsleben or
Gottsleben 1890's-1920's <Hubert Gottsleben then met a girl named Pearline
Scarbrough. They also didn't get married. They had a child named Hyacinth
Gottsleben>)", "Cousinconnect.com (Posted 27. Jan. 2011, <My grandmother was
also born a Gottsleben [Hyacinth Gottsleben] and was married to a Carey
[Eric Carey] from St. Kitts but she [Hyacinth Gottsleben] died last year
[2010 ?]>)", "Stcroixsource.com/2015/09/16/charles-ronald-roper-dies (August
2020; September 16, 2015 <Hyacinth Carey, verstorben, in der Traueranzeige
ihres Schwagers Charles Ronald Roper>)" und "Levettfuneralhome.com/obituaries/Oraine-Gottsleben-Roper
(August 2020; Hyacinth Carey, genannt in der Traueranzeige ihrer Schwester
Oraine L. Gottsleben-Roper)".
Lebensort: Saint Kitts and Nevis
Quellen: "Genforum.genealogy.com/germany
(Posted September 19, 2001 by Davilyn Alexander: Emile Gottsleben or
Gottsleben 1890's-1920's <Hyacinth [Gottsleben] got married to Eric Carey
and had a child named Sheralyn Carey>)" und "Cousinconnect.com (Posted 27.
Jan. 2011, <My grandmother was also born a Gottsleben [Hyacinth Gottsleben]
and was married to a Carey from St. Kitts but she [Hyacinth Gottsleben]
died last year>)".
1. Carey Clare
Quellen: "Stcroixsource.com/2015/09/16/charles-ronald-roper-dies
(August 2020; September 16, 2015 <Clare Carey in der Traueranzeige ihres
Onkels Charles Ronald Roper>)", "Levettfuneralhome.com/obituaries/Oraine-Gottsleben-Roper
(August 2020; Clare Carey in der Traueranzeige ihrer Tante Oraine L.
Gottsleben-Roper)" und "Facebook (August 2020; Clare Carey aus Charlestown,
Saint Kitts and Nevis; Wohnt in Charlestown, Saint Kitts and Nevis; Hat
bei Nevis Island Administration gearbeitet)".
2. Carey
Stcroixsource.com/2015/09/16/charles-ronald-roper-dies (August 2020;
September 16, 2015 <Bonnie Carey in der Traueranzeige ihres Onkels Charles
Ronald Roper>).
3. Carey
Stcroixsource.com/2015/09/16/charles-ronald-roper-dies (August 2020;
September 16, 2015 <Bryan Carey in der Traueranzeige seines Onkels Charles
Ronald Roper>).
4. Carey
Quellen: "Stcroixsource.com/2015/09/16/charles-ronald-roper-dies
(August 2020; September 16, 2015 <Cynric Carey in der Traueranzeige seines
Onkels Charles Ronald Roper>)" und "Facebook (August 2020; Cynric Carey
aus Charlestown, Saint Kitts and Nevis; Wohnt in Charlestown, Saint Kitts
and Nevis; Ist hier zur Schule gegangen: Charlestown High School)".
5. Carey
Sheralyn * .um.1956
> 4.9
80Jhr 4Mo 2Wo
Teacher, Caribbean Community School in St. Croix
< 2.4
* 07.02.1940 Saint Kitts and Nevis † 23.06.2020 Conyers Lebensorte: Saint
Kitts and Nevis Saint Croix Frederiksted Conyers
Eltern: Gottsleben Hubert , Butler N.N.
Quellen: "Cousinconnect.com
(Posted 27. Jan. 2011 <Does anyone know anything about a man named Hubert
Gottsleben. I think his father was named Emile Gottsleben. I've heard bits
and pieces from my family. My great aunt last name was Gottsleben [Oraine L.
Gottsleben] and she married a [Charles Ronald] Roper. Her mother's last name
was Butler>)", "FamilySearch (August 2020; hier: United States Public
Records, 1970-2009 <Oraine L Roper; Wohnorte bis zum Jahr 2000:
Christiansted, US Virgin Islands, Frederiksted St Croix, US Virgin Islands,
Kingshill, US Virgin Islands>)" und "Levettfuneralhome.com/obituaries/Oraine-Gottsleben-Roper
(August 2020; Oraine L. Gottsleben-Roper, geb. 7. Februar 1940 in Nevis,
gest. 23. Juni 2020 in Conyers, GA <Ms. Oraine L. Gottsleben-Roper, 80, of
Conyers, GA passed on Tuesday June 23, 2020. Celebration of Life Service
will be held Thursday July 9, 2020 in our chapel. Live Streaming Service
will be held on Thursday July 9, 2020. Visitation will be July 8, 2020 from
2-4 PM. Interment Green Meadow Memorial Gardens, Conyers, GA>; <Clare Carey:
Tribute in memory is Oraine Gottsleben-Roper; Vintage Oraine, Eldest of the
GOTTSLEBENS>; <Joycelyn Martin: To my dear beloved cousin Oraine [...] My
mother, Wulini Huggins was her favorite aunt [...] You followed in the
footsteps of your grandfather William Butler who was also an educator. You
liked to see children do well. He always encouraged them to read [...] The
Butler's Family, The Glasford's Family and the Huggins' Family send their
condolences>; <Vernarine Tuckett: To my Auntie, I am going to miss you
dearly. Our weekly talks are no more. Auntie again Thank you for your wisdom
and loving me. Showing your love through the years>; <Margo Peterson: In
loving memory of a dear friend Oraine L. Gottsleben-Roper. I enjoyed working
with Oraine at Caribbean Community School. She was quite the teacher that
made sure students learn in and out of her class. As a colleague teaching
with Oraine, she shared any and all information she knew or recently learned;
quite an educational source to all. She was always vibrant even to the time
I recently I spoke to her on the phone leaving me with encouraging words.
Oraine was always smiling, kept me on my toes in history, a joy to converse
with, helpful and dependable. She was devoted, dependable, funny, and
creative>; <Sheralyn Carey Alexander: In loving memory of my aunt and a
mother figure O. G. That's the shortened form for Oraine Gottsleben>; <Clare
Carey: Auntie Oraine was an Aunt Par Excellence! She and our mother, her
sister Hayacinth, of Blessed Memory share a special bond. Suffice it to say,
Auntie Oraine names most of our mother's children. This she would proudly
let everyone know and she never failed to remind us. Auntie Oraine loves us
and the love was mutual. Auntie Oraine has a passion for education,
gardening , writing and poetry. She was great orator! When the opportunity
presented itself, she engaged us in many conversations, be it education,
politics or many trip down memory lane on places and events on her native
land, Nevis>; <Tassai Pemberton: Oraine Roper is... was, it is so hard to
think of her in the past tense, one of my dearest friends on earth. We met
in 1985 when she joined the staff at Caribbean Community school in St.Croix.
When she learned that I too, was Nevisian and taught English like her we
bonded instantly, and it was as if we had known each other all of our lives.
I immediately became a member of the family [...] In 1995 Oraine with her
entire family on board hosted our wedding at her home with its beautiful
garden in St. Croix [...] Oraine loved life, gardening, shopping, education,
reading, writing, writing poetry her friends and family, her church, people,
most of all, she loved God and dedicated her life to serving him and others.
She adored her husband, Hazelene, Sherilyn and her grandchildren. She would
give her life to make them happy. It blessed her to served others [...] To
Hazelene and Sherilyn and your family and all other relatives and friends be
secure, in the knowledge that Oraine loved all of us with her whole heart>;
<Denisha Sweeney: I love you and miss you Aunty Oraine>; <Hazelene Titre:
Oraine L. Gottsleben-Roper. The name of one outstandingly awesome, ever
grateful, Patient, Loving, and Godfearing woman, otherwise known to me and
by me as, Mom !! I am going to miss her greatly. I feel the grave emptiness
in my heart and soul, since her passing. I knew this day would come,
honestly I could've never been prepared for this, so I wish folk would stop
telling me that I should've been ready. Both parents are deceased now God
rest their soul's, but all I can do to find peace and relief in this time,
is make sure I make my calling an Election sure. I do want and need to meet
them in the Sweet By and By. Love you mommy, see you later!>; <Hazelene
Titre: Thanks to all for the many calls, prayers, and encouragement through
these trying times>)".
ROPER Charles Ronald
† 10.09.2015 Saint Croix Lebensorte: Saint Croix Frederiksted
Eltern: Roper Isacc , Clark Anna
Stcroixsource.com/2015/09/16/charles-ronald-roper-dies (August 2020;
September 16, 2015 <Charles Ronald Roper died on Sept. 10. He was preceded
in death by his mother, Anna Clark-Roper; father, Isacc Roper; sisters:
Panceita Milliner and Nevilla Roper-Challenger; brother, Joseph Roper;
nephews: Gregory Roper and St. Claire Wynter; and sister-in-law, Hyacinth
Carey. He is survived by his spouse, Oraine Gottsleban-Roper; daughters:
Lydia Roper and Hazelene Roper-Titre; sons: Kenneth A. Roper and Charles
D. Roper; brothers: Rolando Roper, Ernest Roper and Noel Roper;
grandchildren: Eric, Joseph, Nicole and Candace Roper, D'Aundre and
A'Llayniah Titre; son-in-law, Kelvin C. Titre; daughters-in-law:
Cherryl-Ann Roper and Yvonne Roper; sisters-in-law: Clarice, Winona and
Myrtle Roper, and Deseree Wynter; brothers-in-law: Ludwig Milliner (New
York) and Delroy Sweeney; and nieces: Minerva Delauney, Davilyn Alexander
Christian, Sheralyn Alexander, Clare and Bonnie Carey, Vernarine Tuckett,
Janelle Jeffers, Myrna Roper Matthew, Nolyn, Hazel, Donna and Joycelyn
Roper, Beverly Archer, Dr. Sandra Browne, Joyce Smith and Vanessa
Smith-Mckinney. He is also survived by nephews: David Michael, Alexander
and Henry Christian, Kevin Fret, Glen and Anselmo Roper, Leon, David and
Everette Roper, Curtis France, Chestney, Bryan and Cynric Carey, and
Wesley Wynter; cousins: Eustace Roper, Cardina Rivera, Gastel, Earnestine,
Delores Nias (Nevis) and Luther Roper (Monseratt), and Myrthlyn Elliott;
special friends: Elders and the Entire Central SDA Church, and The E.M.T.
of the Virgin Islands; as well as other relatives and friends too numerous
to mention. A viewing will be held from 3-5 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 18, at
Divine Funeral Services Chapel. The second viewing will take place at 9
a.m. and a funeral service at 10 a.m. on Sunday, Sept. 20, at Central
Seventh-day Adventist Church. Interment follows at Kingshill Cemetery,
Veteran Section>).
1. Roper Sherilyn
Quellen: "Stcroixsource.com/2015/09/16/charles-ronald-roper-dies
(August 2020; September 16, 2015 <Lydia [Sherilyn ?] Roper in der
Traueranzeige ihres Vaters Charles Ronald Roper>)" und "Levettfuneralhome.com/obituaries/Oraine-Gottsleben-Roper
(August 2020; Sherilyn Roper in der Traueranzeige ihrer Mutter Oraine L.
2. Roper
Charles D.
Stcroixsource.com/2015/09/16/charles-ronald-roper-dies (August 2020;
September 16, 2015 <Charles D. Roper in der Traueranzeige seines Vaters
Charles Ronald Roper).
3. Roper
Hazelene * .um.1975
> 4.10
4. Roper Kenneth A. * 16.06.1976
Quellen: "Stcroixsource.com/2015/09/16/charles-ronald-roper-dies
(August 2020; September 16, 2015 <Kenneth A. Roper in der Traueranzeige
seines Vaters Charles Ronald Roper)", "FamilySearch (August 2020; hier:
United States Public Records, 1970-2009 <Kenneth A Roper; geb. 16. Juni
1976; Wohnorte in den Jahren 2001 bis 2005: Clayton, Georgia, Ellenwood,
Georgia, Riverdale, Georgia>)" und "Yellowbook.com (August 2020; Kenneth A
Roper, 44 Jahre alt; Wohnort: Griffin, Georgia)".

Charles Ronald Roper
2015 |


Oraine L. Roper,

< 3.1
Eltern: Day Osborne Harold Jr. , Kaiser
Quelle: Legacy.com/obituaries (März 2019; 2007 Todesanzeige des Vaters
Osborne Harold Day).
Quelle: Legacy.com/obituaries (März 2019; 2007 Todesanzeige des
Schwiegervaters Osborne Harold Day).
< 3.1
Eltern: Day Osborne Harold Jr. , Kaiser
Quelle: Legacy.com/obituaries (März 2019; 2007 Todesanzeige des Vaters
Osborne Harold Day).
Quelle: Legacy.com/obituaries (März 2019; 2007 Todesanzeige des
Schwiegervaters Osborne Harold Day).
Adjunct professor
at Seton Hall University
< 3.3
* 02.04.1954 Morristown Lebensort:
Eltern: Gottsleben Theodore Frederick ,
Ehm Barbara M. (Betty)
Quellen: "Facebook (2017; Debra Gottsleben: I am the School Library
Media Specialist at Morristown High School. I am married with 2
children. I also am an adjunct professor at Seton Hall where I am also
working on my Educational Specialist degree which is between a masters
and doctorate. Geb. 02. April; My mom and dad divorced when I was quite
young so I have very few pictures of them together. This is one [photo]
that was in the box of pictures we got from the new owner of my mom's
house. Pam Powell sees some of my Dad's features in me. I always thought
I looked exactly like my mom. But now I think the shape of my face is my
dad's. Andrew has the same; Think this may be the only picture I have of
my mom with all 4 of her sisters when they were young. The man is my
mom's stepdad, the father of her 4 sisters. Sandy Oleson is in my mom's
arms. I can't believe how much Susan McCrory and Sandy look alike; The
house my mom grew up in with her grandparents in Schney, Germany)", "FamilySearch
(Februar 2018; hier: Library/books <Columns, 1976. Fairleigh Dickinson
University, Florham-Madison Campus; Porträt Debbie Ann Gottsleben>;
United States Public Records, 1970-2009 <Debra A Delaney; Also known as:
A Gottsleben; D Gottsleben; Debora A Gottsleben; geb. 15. April 1954;
Wohnort: Morristown, New Jersey; Possible relatives: Andrew S Delaney,
Gottsleben D Delaney, John J Delaney Jr>)", "Morristowngreen.com (19.
Dezember 2017; Morristown's Gottsleben named co-chair of national board
to advise kidney cancer patients <When Morristown's Debra Gottsleben
faced the possible loss of a kidney a couple of years ago, she asked all
the right questions. Her inquiries led her to the National Institutes of
Health and a top-flight medical team who saved her kidney after
discovering her problem was a rare genetic disorder, not cancer. Now,
Gottsleben will help other others with kidney ailments pose the right
questions, too. She has been named co-chair of a new kidney cancer
patient advisory board by the National Kidney Cancer Research Alliance (KCCure).
Gottsleben is an adjunct professor at Seton Hall University and a
trustee of the New Jersey State Planning Officials Board. She also is
former chairperson of the Morristown Environmental Commission, and past
president of the northern New Jersey Branch of the International
Cesarean Awareness Network. Her husband is former Morristown Mayor Jay
DeLaney Jr>)" und "MyLife.com (Dezember 2018. Debra Ann Gottsleben, auch:
Debbie Ann Gottsleben, 64 Jahre alt; Wohnorte: Morristown, NJ, East
Stroudsburg, PA; Verwandte: John Delaney, Noelle Delaney, Barbara
Gottsleben, Andrew Delaney, Erica Delaney. Debra Gottsleben is 64 years
old and was born on 4/2/1954. Currently, she lives in Morristown, NJ;
and previously lived in East Stroudsburg, PA. Sometimes Debra goes by
various nicknames including Debra A Gottsleben. She currently works as a
Librarian at Morristown High School. Debra's education includes
attending Morristown High School. Her ethnicity is Caucasian, whose
political affiliation is currently a registered Republican; and
religious views are listed as Christian. Other family members and
associates include John Delaney and Noelle Delaney)".
DELANEY John Jay Jr.
Rechtsanwalt, Mayor of Morristown (1998-2005)
* 22.11.1954 Lebensorte: Morristown
Quellen: "Lindabury.com/john-j-delaney-jr (Januar 2017; John J.
DeLaney, Jr. concentrates his practice on land use, litigation and
business advisory groups. He also concentrates in the areas of
employment law, real estate, commercial law, condominium law, and
environmental law. In the land use and litigation areas, he has
extensive experience at the Administrative Board and the Trial and
Appellate Courts, and has participated in many larger cases. - He has
served and continues to serve as corporate counsel for numerous
condominium associations and mid-sized corporations. He has lectured
before numerous civic organizations, professional organizations and
public bodies on sexual harassment and discrimination in the work
place and has also lectured about bio-medical ethics based on his
experience as the guardian ad litem in the famous Claire C. Conroy
case. - He has authored numerous articles, including "The Role of the
Guardian Ad Litem," By No Extraordinary Means, Indiana University
Press, 1986; "Should New Jersey's Holographic Will Law be Changed or
Abolished?" 138 N.J.L.J. 1710 [1994]. - Jay has served as Mayor of
Morristown, New Jersey [1998-2005], which has allowed him to bring a
unique perpective to cases. He has also served on the Morristown Town
Council [1990-1993] and the Morristown Planning Board [1988-1990], and
has held numerous other civic positions. He has served as President of
the South Green Condominium Association [1985-1991]. He has served as
both a Board Member and President of Historic Speedwell Museum in
Morristown [1994-1997]. Additionally, he has been very active in civic
affairs at both the local municipal level and the state level and has
been the recipient of numerous awards. Jay served as President of the
Morristown High School ["MHS"] Alumni Association [1993-1997] during
which time an Alumni Directory was prepared and a Newsletter was
started which is still published. Jay was inducted into the MHS Hall
of Fame in 2006. He also served as a Board Member [1993-1997] of the
Morris Educational Foundation, a non-profit corporation devoted to
improving the public schools in the Morristown area. Jay has an AV
rating from Martindale-Hubbell. - From January 1, 2006 until December
1, 2010, Jay served on the Board of Directors of Union Center National
Bank. Currently, Jay serves on the Board of the Visual Arts Center in
Summit, NJ.- Prior to joining Lindabury, McCormick, Estabrook &
Cooper, Jay served as a Law Secretary to Honorable Reginald Stanton,
Assignment Judge, Morris County Vicinage of the Superior Court of New
Jersey [1979-1980]. - Education: J.D., Syracuse University, 1979.
B.A., Rutgers University, 1976. - Admissions: New Jersey, 1979. United
States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit, 1982. United States
District Court for the District of New Jersey, 1989. - Professional &
Bar Association Memberships: Morris County Bar Association. New Jersey
State Bar Association)" und "FamilySearch (Dezember 2018; hier: United
States Public Records, 1970-2009 <John J Jr Delaney, auch: John J
Delaney, Gottsleben D Delaney; geb. 22. November 1954; Wohnort:
Morristown, New Jersey; Possible Relatives: Andrew S Delaney, Debora A
1. DeLaney Andrew Sean * 03.02.1987
> 5.1
DeLaney Erica Noel * 06.05.1991 Morristown
> 5.2

Debra Ann Gottsleben

Debra Gottsleben
John Delaney

Debra Gottsleben
John Delaney

Debra Gottsleben
John, Andrew und
2015 |
Plumbing and heating
< 3.5
* 04.11.1961 Lebensorte: Dover Mine Hill Township
Eltern: Gottsleben Richard W. , Pickel Patricia
Quellen: "Newspapers.com (März 2018; Obituary/Nachruf auf den Vater
Richard Gottsleben, business owner Mine Hill TWP <Survivors inlcude
[...] two sons, Michael W. of Dover and Jeffrey A. of Kenvil [...]>)", "FamilySearch
(März 2018; hier: United States Public Records, 1970-2009 <Michael W
Gottsleben; geb. 4. November 1961; Wohnorte: Newton, NJ; Kenvil, NJ;
Dover, NJ; Mine Hill, NJ; Roxbury Township, NJ; Succasunna, NJ; Possible
relatives: Jeffrey A/Melissa Gottsleben, Karen A Gottsleben, Melissa A
Gottsleben, Patricia A Gottsleben, Richard W Gottsleben>)", "Whitepages.com
(März 2018; Michael W Gottsleben; Age: 50s; Residence place: Kenvil, NJ;
Family: Jeffrey A Gottsleben; Karen A Gottsleben; Melissa A Sachse; Mich
W Gottsleben)", "Buildzoom.com (März 2018; Michael W Gottsleben; Mine
Hill, NJ holds a Plumbers license according to the New Jersey license
* 18.10.1967
Quellen: "FamilySearch (März 2018; hier: United States Public Records,
1970-2009 <Karen A Gottsleben; also known as: Karen A Kemmerer; geb.
18. Oktober 1967; Wohnorte 1992 bis 2001: Dover, New Jersey und Kenvil,
New Jersey; Possible Relatives: David A Kemmerer, Edward N Kemmerer,
Marie S Kemmerer, Michael W Gottsleben, Michael Gottsleben, Patricia A
Gottsleben; Wohnort 2007: Roxbury Township, New Jersey>)" und "Whitepages.com
(März 2018; Karen A Gottsleben; Age: 50s; Locations: Kenvil, NJ;
Dover, NJ; Morristown, NJ; Mine Hill NJ; Stanhope NJ; May go by: Karen
A Kemmerer; Family: Jeffrey A Gottsleben; Michael W Gottsleben;
Melissa A Sachse; David A Kemmerer; Patricia A Gottsleben; Mich W
Gottsleben; Michael Gottsleben)".
Plumbing and heating
< 3.5
* 13.05.1965 Lebensorte: Mine Hill Township Kenvil
Eltern: Gottsleben Richard W. , Pickel Patricia
Quellen: "Newspapers.com (März 2018; Obituary/Nachruf
auf den Vater Richard Gottsleben,
business owner
Mine Hill TWP <Survivors
inlcude [...] two
sons, Michael W. of Dover and Jeffrey A. of
Kenvil [...]>)", "FamilySearch
(März 2018; hier: United States Public
Records, 1970-2009 <Jeffrey A Gottsleben;
Jeffrey A/Melissa Gottsleben; Also
known as: Jeffrey Alan
Gottsleben, Jeff Gottsleben; geb. 13.
Mai 1965; Wohnorte: Mine Hill, NJ; Dover, NJ;
Kenvil, NJ; Succasunna, NJ;
Possible relatives: Melissa A
Gottsleben, Mellisa
A Gottsleben, Michael W
Gottsleben, Michael Gottsleben,
Patricia A Gottsleben, Richard W
Gottsleben>)" und "Whitepages.com <März
2018; Jeffrey A Gottsleben; Age: 50s;
Locations: Succasunna,
NJ; Kenvil, NJ; Mine Hill, NJ;
Family: Karen A
Gottsleben; Dori A Sachse; Michael W
Gottsleben; Melissa A Sachse; Patricia A
Gottsleben; Kristi
Gottsleben; Melissa A
Gottsleben; Michael Gottsleben>)".
SACHSE Melissa A.
* 03.02.1967
Quelle: FamilySearch (März 2018; hier: United States Public Records,
1970-2009 <Melissa A Gottsleben; Also known as: Melissa A Sachse; geb.
3. [15.?] Februar 1967; Wohnorte 1987 bis 2004: Succasunna, New Jersey
und Kenvil, New Jersey; Possible Relatives: Don Sachs, Donald E Sachse
Jr, Dori A Sachse, Jeffrey A/Melissa Gottsleben, Lauren Ann Sachse,
Michael B Sachse, Michael W Gottsleben, Patricia A Gottsleben, Richard
W Gottsleben, Sandra K Sachese; Wohnort 2007: Mine Hill, New Jersey;
Weitere Namen: Jeffrey A/Melissa Gottsleben, Michael W Gottsleben,
Michael Gottsleben, Patricia A Gottsleben, Richard W Gottsleben>).
< 3.7
* um.1980 Scarborough Lebensorte:
Scarborough New York
Eltern: Gottsleben Maxwell Atlas , Sterling
Quellen: "Facebook (2015 ff. <Indi Gottsleben aus Scarborough, Trinidad and
Tobago, Wohnort: Manhattan, NY; verheiratet; in 2018 founder of 'Art With
Indi'; Familienmitglieder: Abi Bonas, Schwester [Schwägerin ?]; Heslyn
Gottsleben, Schwester; Marlon Gottsleben, Bruder; SniperChick Loveable
Thicky DeOriginal, Schwester; Solly Shanty Osmond, Schwester; Abi Gottsleben,
Cousine; Hinweis auf Tochter Imani Sandy und Sohn King Maxwell; Ausbildung:
Harmon School of S.D.A, Scarborough, Tobago; Hinweis auf ihre Tante Thelma
Gottsleben; geb. 12.10.1947, zum 71. Geburtstag>)", "Fastpeoplesearch.com
(Februar 2019; Indra V Gottsleben; Wohnort: 1206 Sterling Pl, Brooklyn, NY;
Possible Relatives: Abigail E Gottsleben, Juliette Gottsleben, Cherrie Ann
Gottsleben, Ray I Gottsleben)", "Geneanet (Oktober 2020; hier: Index to all
marriage licenses filed in New York City for the years 1996-2017 <Indra
Vandar Gottsleben Heirat am 30. August 2012 in Brooklyn, New York mit Clint
Gregory Walker>)" und "Radaris.com (Februar 2019; Indra V Gottsleben;
Wohnort: Brooklyn, NY; Related to: Juliette Gottsleben, 60 Jahre alt,
Cherrie Ann Gottsleben, 55 Jahre alt, Abigail Gottsleben, 30 Jahre alt)".
1. o-o
GOTTSLEBEN Imani Sandy * um.2007
Quelle: Facebook (Februar 2018).
Clint Gregory
Quelle: Geneanet (Oktober 2020; hier: Index to all marriage licenses
filed in New York City for the years 1996-2017 <Clint Gregory Walker
Heirat am 30. August 2012 in Brooklyn, New York mit Indra Vandar
Walker (Gottsleben) King Maxwell * 07.11.2016
Quelle: Facebook (Februar 2018).

Indira Gottsleben
und Kinder
2017 |

Indira Gottsleben
Karneval in Trinidad |
< 3.7
* 14.07.1981 Scarborough
Eltern: Gottsleben Maxwell Atlas , Sterling
Quelle: Facebook (2015 ff.; Marlon Gottsleben; geb. 14.07.1981, aus
Scarborough, Trinidad and Tobago; Wohnorte in Trinidad and Tobago:
Scarborough, San Fernando. - Wohnort USA: Argyle, New York; Ausbildung:
Roxborough Composite School, Roxborough Village, Tobago; Arbeit:
Technical Production Officer beim Department of Information THA; Heirat
am 2. Juli 2010 mit Janelle George, geb. 10.07.??, aus South Oropouche,
Saint Patrick, Trinidad and Tobago. - Schwestern: Indira Gottsleben und
Heslyne Gottsleben; Marlon Gottsleben im Juni 2018: 'Thanks for the
fathers day greetings Thalia, Tyrese and Mickey. Church was wonderful
today'; Aby Bonas mit Marlon Gottsleben, 2018: 'We are proud parents
today as he is off to Speyside High School we worked hard. Cheers to us
and most importantly our Son Tyrese').
1. o-o GOTTSLEBEN Thalia
Quelle: Facebook (August 2018; Marlon Gottsleben am 18. Juni 2018:
'Thanks for the fathers day greetings Thalia, Tyrese and Mickey.
Church was wonderful today').
2. o-o GOTTSLEBEN Tyrese * 17.06.2000
Quelle: Facebook (August 2018; Foto Aby Bonas mit Marlon Gottsleben,
2018: 'We are proud parents today as he is off to Speyside High School
we worked hard. Cheers to us and most importantly our Son Tyrese' [Facebook
Eintrag von: Tyrese Gottsleben, geb. 17.
Juni 1998 und Tyress
Gottsleben, geb. am 17. Juni 2000.
Identisch ?]).
oo 02.07.2010
GEORGE Janelle
Quelle: Facebook (Juli 2016; Janelle George-Gottsleben; geb. 10.07.??; Aktueller Wohnort: San
Fernando; Heimatort: South Oropouche, Saint Patrick, Trinidad and
Tobago; Ausbildung: Fyzabad Composite School, Fyzabad Village, Saint
Patrick, Trinidad and Tobago).
3. Gottsleben Prince Mikyelle * 29.07.2012
Quelle: Facebook (August 2018; Marlon Gottsleben am 18. Juni 2018:
'Thanks for the fathers day greetings Thalia, Tyrese and Mickey.
Church was wonderful

Marlon Gottsleben
Sohn Tyrese
2018 |

Janelle George
Marlon Gottsleben
Sohn Mickey |

Marlon Gottsleben
und Kinder
2018 |

Marlon Gottsleben
Personality & Calypso
Competition 2019 |
SYDNEY Pauline
< 3.8
Lebensorte: Arouca Bridgetown
Eltern: Sydney N.N. , Gottsleben Noeline
Quellen: "Pauline Sydney-Taitt (Mitteilung über Facebook, September 2017
<I am also a grand daughter of Hubert Gottsleben. My mother Noeline
Gottsleben was his daughter from a second marriage in Trinidad>)" und "Facebook
(April 2019; Pauline Sydney-Taitt; geb. 27.08.??; Ausbildung: Success
Laventille Composite School, Port of Spain; Heimatort: Arouca, Trinidad
and Tobago; Aktueller Wohnort: Bridgetown, Barbados; Mit Dave Taitt
verheiratet; Bruder/Cousin [?]: Joshua Sydney; geb. 5. April 2000,
Heimatstadt und Wohnort: Bridgetown)".
oo 2010
Lebensort: Bridgetown
Quelle: Facebook (April 2019; Dave Taitt; Ausbildung: Princess
Margaret Secondary School, Surrey, Kanada; Heimat- und Wohnort:
Bridgetown, Barbados; Pauline Sydney-Taitt und Dave Taitt haben 2010
1. Taitt Josiah
Quelle: Facebook (September 2017).

Pauline Sydney Taitt
2014 |

Dave Taitt
CAREY Sheralyn
< 3.9
* um.1956 Lebensorte: Saint Kitts and Nevis Kingshill Frederiksted
Eltern: Carey Eric , Gottsleben Hyacinth
Quellen: "Genforum.genealogy.com/germany
(Posted September 19, 2001 by Davilyn Alexander: Emile Gottsleben or
Gottsleben 1890's-1920's <Hyacinth [Gottsleben] got married to Eric Carey
and had a child named Sheralyn Carey>)", "Stcroixsource.com/2015/09/16/charles-ronald-roper-dies
(August 2020; September 16, 2015 <Sheralyn Alexander in der Traueranzeige
ihres Onkels Charles Ronald Roper>)", "Levettfuneralhome.com/obituaries/Oraine-Gottsleben-Roper
(August 2020; Sheralyn Carey Alexander in der Traueranzeige ihrer Tante
Oraine L. Gottsleben-Roper)" und "Peoplefinders (August 2020; Sheralyn
Alexander, 64 Jahre alt; Wohnorte: Kingshill, VI und Frederiksted, VI;
Related to David Alexander and Davilyn Alexander)".
* um.1952 Lebensort: Kingshill
Quellen: "Levettfuneralhome.com/obituaries/Oraine-Gottsleben-Roper
(August 2020; David Alexander in der Traueranzeige von Oraine L.
Gottsleben-Roper, der Tante seiner Ehefrau Sheralyn)" und "Peoplefinders
(August 2020; David J Alexander, 68 Jahre alt; Wohnorte: Kingshill, VI und
Christiansted, VI; Related to David Alexander, Davilyn Alexander, Sheralyn
1. Alexander Davilyn * .um.1984
> 5.3
2. Alexander David M. * .um.1990
Peoplefinders (August 2020; David M. Alexander aus Kingshill, VI; 30 Jahre
alt; Wohnort: Conyers, GA; Relatetd to: David Alexander, Davilyn
Alexander, Sheralyn Alexander).
ROPER Hazelene
< 3.10
* um.1975 Lebensorte: Frederiksted Conyers
Eltern: Roper Charles Ronald , Gottsleben Oraine L.
Quellen: "Stcroixsource.com/2015/09/16/charles-ronald-roper-dies
(August 2020; September 16, 2015 <Hazelene Roper-Titre in der Traueranzeige
ihres Vaters Charles Ronald Roper>)", "Facebook (August 2020; Hazelene Titre;
geb. 17. Dezember [Jahr ?]; Heimatort: Frederiksted, Amerikanische
Jungferninseln [VI]; Aktueller Wohnort: Atlanta, GA; Hat an der Oakwood
University, Huntsville, Alabama studiert)", "FamilySearch (August 2020;
hier: United States Public Records, 1970-2009 <Hazeline Roper; Wohnort im
Jahr 1995: Bronx, New York>, <Hazelene Roper; geb. 1. September 1971 [?];
Wohnort im Jahr 1999: Huntsville, Madison, Alabama>, <Hazelene Titre;
Wohnort im Jahr 2007: Conyers, Rockdale, Georgia>)", Instantcheckmate
(August 2020; Hazelene A. Roper Titre is 45 years old, and lives in Georgia;
Possible related people for Hazelene Titre include Sandra R Brown, Charles
Darren Roper, Charles R Roper, Everett Kenrick Roper, Keith Nolan Roper,
Kenneth Allan Roper, and many others)" und "Levettfuneralhome.com/obituaries/Oraine-Gottsleben-Roper
(August 2020; Hazelene Titre in der Traueranzeige ihrer Mutter Oraine L.
TITRE Kelvin C.
* um.1973 Lebensorte: Kingshill Conyers
Quellen: "Stcroixsource.com/2015/09/16/charles-ronald-roper-dies
(August 2020; September 16, 2015 <Kelvin C. Titre in der Traueranzeige
seines Schwiegervaters Charles Ronald Roper>)", "FamilySearch (August
2020; hier: United States Public Records, 1970-2009 <Kelvin C Titre;
Wohnort im Jahr 1998: Kingshill, Virgin Islands, United States>, <Kevin C
Titre, auch: K Titre und Kevin C Titredo; geb. 23. Dezember 1965 [?];
Wohnorte in den Jahren 2000 und 2008: Fort Campbell, Kentucky, Evans,
Georgia>, <Kelvin Titre; Wohnort in den Jahren 2006 bis 2009: Conyers,
Georgia>)", "Nuwber.com (August 2020; Kelvin Titre, age 45. Also known as:
Mr Kelvin C Titre; Wohnort: 110 Honey Creek Rd SE, Conyers, GA)" und "Mylife.com
(August 2020; Kelvin Cyril Titre, 47 Jahre alt; Wohnort: Conyers, GA;
Other names that Kelvin uses includes Kelvin Cyril Titre, Kelvin C Titre
and Kelvin Tittre)".
1. Titre A'Llayniah
Stcroixsource.com/2015/09/16/charles-ronald-roper-dies (August 2020;
September 16, 2015 <A'Llayniah Titre [weibl. ?] in der Traueranzeige ihres
Großvaters Charles Ronald Roper>).
2. Titre
D'Aundre * .11.2000
Quellen: "Stcroixsource.com/2015/09/16/charles-ronald-roper-dies
(August 2020; September 16, 2015 <D'Aundre Titre in der Traueranzeige
seines Großvaters Charles Ronald Roper>)" und "Fastpeoplesearch (August
2020; D'Aundre Titre, 19 Jahre alt, geb. November 2000)".

geb. Roper

DELANEY Andrew Sean
< 4.3
* 03.02.1987 Morristown Lebensorte:
Morristown Austin
Eltern: DeLaney John Jay Jr. ,
Gottsleben Debra Ann (Debbie)
Quellen: "Facebook
(Januar 2017 <Ausbildung: Delbarton School,
Syracuse University: Politikwissenschaft. St. John's University School
of Law, Jamaica, New York: Rechtswissenschaft>)", "FamilySearch (August
2018; hier: United States Public Records, 1970-2009 <Andrew S Delaney;
geb. 3. Februar 1987; Wohnort: 2007 in Morristown, New Jersey; Weitere
Namen: Debora A Gottsleben, Gottsleben D Delaney, John J Delaney Jr>)"
und "MyLife. com (Dezember 2018; Andrew Sean Delaney, auch: Andrew S
Delaney, 31 Jahre alt; Wohnorte: Austin, TX, Morristown, NJ; Verwandte:
Erica Delaney, Debra Gottsleben, Noelle Delaney, John Delaney, Daniel
Delaney, Magen Delaney. Andrew Delaney is 31 years old and was born on
2/3/1987. Currently, he lives in Austin, TX; and previously lived in
Morristown, NJ. Sometimes Andrew goes by various nicknames including
Andrew S Delaney. His ethnicity is Caucasian, and religious views are
listed as Christian. Andrew is now married. Other family members and
associates include Erica Delaney and Debra Gottsleben)".
1. o-o DELANEY Skyla * 02.09.2018 Morristown
Quelle: Facebook (September 2018).

Andrew S. Delaney,
Kelsey Wagner |
Erica Noel
< 4.3
* 06.05.1991 Morristown Lebensorte: Morristown Edinburgh
Eltern: DeLaney John Jay Jr. , Gottsleben Debra
Ann (Debbie)
Quellen: "Facebook (Januar 2017; <Ausbildung: Morristown High School.
The University of Edinburgh: Studium der Chemie>)" und "MyLife.com (Dezember
2018; Erica Noel Delaney, 27 Jahre alt; Wohnort: Morristown, NJ. Erica
Delaney is 27 years old and was born on 5/6/1991. Currently, she lives
in Morristown, NJ. Sometimes Erica goes by various nicknames including
Erica Noel Delaney. Her ethnicity is Caucasian, whose political
affiliation is currently a registered Republican; and religious views
are listed as Christian. Erica is now single)".
oo 02.11.2015 Edinburgh
AUCKLAND Philip (Phil) George
* 1989 Coventry Lebensort: Coventry
Quellen: "Facebook (Januar 2017 <Ausbildung: Caludon Castle School,
Coventry. University of Warwick, Coventry: PhD in Interdisciplinary
Biomedical Research. - Arbeit: The University of Edinburgh:
Epidemiology of Trypanosomiasis. University of Warwick: Postdoktorand>)",
"Dirtmountainbike.com (Januar 2017; hier: Dirt issue 129, November
2012 <Phil Auckland, bulletproof talent: Phil Auckland is 22 and comes
from Coventry. Before I was told I would never have guessed that he
has juggled his riding with an undergraduate degree in Biomedical
Sciences. A real gnarly degree! It always comes as a surprise when
people can speak to you with the same enthusiasm for both riding and
academia, and Phil is one of those people. I enjoy asking him
questions about disease and illness, and get the same feeling of
surprise every time he answers in a clear and concise way! Kind of the
same way he might answer a question about a trick. When he rides I
feel as though it's too easy. He's one of very few dirt jump riders
with a really calm scientific approach to learning new things. I've
watched him teach himself tricks through trial and error.calculated
error, not hit and hope. I always get a bit carried away when I try
new things, not Phil. You can see him deconstruct what went wrong and
change it until it works. Now I've made him sound like a robot, he's
not. I've also made him sound like a nerd.he's not. Phil has great
style and a huge trick bag. Why he hasn't had more success in contests
has always evaded me. He probably just has too much on his plate. He's
now working at Warwick University doing his PhD in Interdisciplinary
Biomedical Research and riding at the same time. Must be hard to go
from three step-through X-ups straight into researching how brown fat
can be used as a future diabetes treatment. If anyone can then it's
Phil Auckland!>)" und "FamilySearch (August 2018; hier: England and
Wales Birth Registration Index, 1837-2008 <Philip George Auckland; geb.
Oktober-November-Dezember 1989 in Coventry,
Warwickshire, England; Mädchenname der Mutter: McCabe>)".

Erica Delaney
Philip Auckland
Hochzeit in
2015 |
< 4.9
* um.1984 Lebensorte: Kingshill Conyers
Eltern: Alexander David J. , Carey Sheralyn
Quellen: "Genforum.genealogy.com/germany
(September 19, 2001, Nachforschung von Davilyn Alexander zur Familie von
Emil und Hubert Gottsleben>)", "Stcroixsource.com/2015/09/16/charles-ronald-roper-dies
(August 2020; September 16, 2015 <Davilyn Alexander Christian mit Kindern
Alexander und Henry Christian in der Traueranzeige ihres Großonkels Charles
Ronald Roper>)", "MyLife.com (Auguste 2020; Davilyn Alexander, 36 Jahre alt;
Wohnort: Conyers, GA)", "University of the Virgin Islands, Bulletin (Oct.
30, 2004; Volleyballspielerin Davilyn Alexander)" und "Syndex.net (Davilyn
Alexander; Universidad Adventista de Los Antillas, 2007-2012; Bachelor of
Arts, Elementary Education)".
Stcroixsource.com/2015/09/16/charles-ronald-roper-dies (August 2020;
September 16, 2015 <Ehefrau Davilyn Alexander Christian mit Kindern
Alexander und Henry Christian in der Traueranzeige ihres Großonkels
Charles Ronald Roper>).
1. Christian Alexander
Stcroixsource.com/2015/09/16/charles-ronald-roper-dies (August 2020;
September 16, 2015 <Alexander Christian in der Traueranzeige seines
Urgroßonkels Charles Ronald Roper>).
Christian Henry
Stcroixsource.com/2015/09/16/charles-ronald-roper-dies (August 2020;
September 16, 2015 <Henry Christian in der Traueranzeige seines
Urgroßonkels Charles Ronald Roper>).
Stand :
Erstellt mit