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Familie Gottsleben

Von Volkmarsen
nach Maryland und South Dakota

Geschichte der Familie
Peter August Gottsleben,
1828 -

Geschichte der Familie
Julius Franz Gottsleben
1852 -

von Volkmarsen



Volkmarsen wurde im Jahre 1155 erstmals urkundlich in einer Corveyer Zehntliste erwähnt. In einem Schutzbrief von Papst Gregor IX. wurde Volkmarsen 1233 erstmals als Stadt bezeichnet. 1304 verpfändete das Kloster Corvey eine Hälfte der Stadt und der Kugelsburg an den Erzbischof von Köln; die zweite Hälfte erwarb sein Nachfolger im Jahr 1440. Seit 1507 gehörten die Stadt und die Burg zum Herzogtum Westfalen, nachdem das Kloster Corvey auf seine Rechte auf Rückerwerb verzichtet hatte. 1802 okkupierte Hessen-Darmstadt das Herzogtum Westfalen. Dabei kam es fast zum bewaffneten Konflikt, als sich Truppen von Hessen-Darmstadt und von Hessen-Kassel um den Besitz der Stadt stritten. Gleichzeitig erhob Erbprinz Wilhelm von Nassau-Oranien als neu eingesetzter Fürst von Nassau-Oranien-Fulda Ansprüche auf die Stadt. Zunächst konnte sich Hessen-Darmstadt durchsetzen, bis 1806 besagter Erbprinz die Stadt erhielt, die aber schon ein Jahr später zum napoleonischen Königreich Westphalen kam und zum Sitz des sogenannten Cantons Volckmarsen wurde. Nach dem Wiener Kongress 1814 erhielt Preußen die Stadt, trat sie aber 1817 an Kurhessen ab. 1866 wurde der Ort dann wieder preußisch, als Kurhessen von Preußen annektiert wurde. Am 1. April 1929 wurde der Freistaat Waldeck dem damaligen Land Preußen angegliedert. Seit 1945 gehört die Stadt zum Land Hessen.

Durch die Zugehörigkeit der Stadt zum Herzogtum Westfalen während und nach der Reformation blieb die katholische Konfession in Volkmarsen vorherrschend. Die katholischen Gemeinden sind dem Bistum Fulda angegliedert.

Quelle: Wikipedia (November 2015)

in Hessen-Kassel
(Geburtsort von
Peter August Gottsleben)

von Volkmarsen

von Volkmarsen


 um 1800


Gottsleben in Volkmarsen
20. Jahrhundert

Otto          Linda

1910 - 1988  1916 - 1998

Maria Magdalene Petzold
geb. Gottsleben
1940 - 2001



Die Landgrafschaft Hessen-Kassel entstand 1567 durch eine Erbteilung der Landgrafschaft Hessen nach dem Tod des Landgrafen Philipp I. von Hessen, des Großmütigen. Der älteste Sohn Philipps, Wilhelm IV., erhielt mit Hessen-Kassel etwa die Hälfte des Territoriums einschließlich der Hauptstadt Kassel. Das Erbe der brüderlichen Linien Hessen-Marburg und Hessen-Rheinfels fiel nach deren Aussterben binnen einer Generation an Hessen-Kassel bzw. Hessen-Darmstadt zurück.

Während des amerikanischen Unabhängigkeitskrieges 1776–1783 hatte sich Hessen-Cassel vertraglich verpflichtet, Großbritannien 15 Regimenter, vier Grenadierbataillone, zwei Jägerkompanien und Artillerie zu überlassen. Es wird geschätzt, dass Hessen-Cassel über 16.000 Söldner (andere Quellen: 12.000 bzw. 19.000) zur Verfügung stellte und davon 6.500 Mann verlor. Der spätere General Adam Ludwig Ochs schätzt, dass ca. 1.800 hessische Söldner getötet wurden. Viele andere entschieden sich dafür, nach dem Krieg in Amerika zu bleiben, oder liefen schlicht über. Auch gerieten etliche in Gefangenschaft, allein während der Schlacht von Yorktown wurden ca. 1.300 deutsche Söldner gefangen genommen. Da die überwiegende Mehrzahl der deutschen Hilfstruppen aus Hessen kam, wird in den USA das Wort „die Hessen" häufig synonym für alle deutschen Söldner im Unabhängigkeitskrieg gebraucht. Die damit verbundenen Geldeinnahmen wurden zum großen Teil zur Finanzierung des geo-strategisch erforderlichen großen stehenden Heers und repräsentativer Anlagen genutzt sowie in die wissenschaftliche und künstlerische Entwicklung des Landes investiert. In diesem Zusammenhang sind besonders der Bergpark Wilhelmshöhe, das dortige Schloss Wilhelmshöhe, die Löwenburg und die Kunstsammlungen zu nennen, die den Kernbestand der heutigen Museumslandschaft Kassel bilden. Aber auch die versehrten Soldaten und deren Familien erhielten Zahlungen, die Stiftung Unterneustädter Waisenhaus konnte ihren aus diesen Zahlungen entstandenen Kapitalstock bis in die Inflation der 1920er Jahre nutzen.

Gleichzeitig mit dem 1803 vollzogenen Reichsdeputationshauptschluss und der Säkularisierung der geistlichen Herrschaften wurde der Landgraf von Hessen-Kassel zum Kurfürsten des Heiligen Römischen Reichs Deutscher Nation erhoben. Daher wurde später die Bezeichnung Kurhessen oder Kurfürstentum Hessen für die Landgrafschaft Hessen-Kassel gebräuchlich. Kurhessen gehörte ab 1815 als Kurfürstentum Hessen dem neu geschaffenen Deutschen Bund an. Zum Gesamtstaat Kurhessen gehörten das Großherzogtum Fulda, hervorgegangen aus dem Fürstbistum Fulda, ferner die Fürstentümer Fritzlar, Hersfeld und Hanau. Weiterhin waren mehrere Exklaven Staatsteile von Kurhessen, so insbesondere die Grafschaft Schaumburg (um Rinteln) an der Weser (seit 1640) und die Herrschaft Schmalkalden (seit 1360/1583) im heutigen Thüringen, aber auch die fünf kleinen Exklaven Gericht Katzenberg (ab 1802/03), Amt Dorheim (1736-1806 und erneut ab 1816), Laubach (bis 1836), Barchfeld (als Teil der Herrschaft Schmalkalden) und Schöttlingen (als Teil der Grafschaft Schaumburg).

Die Titulatur des regierenden Fürsten lautete nunmehr: Kurfürst und souveräner Landgraf von Hessen, Großherzog von Fulda, Fürst zu Hersfeld, Fürst zu Hanau, Fürst zu Fritzlar und Fürst zu Isenburg, Graf zu Katzenelnbogen, Graf zu Dietz, Graf zu Ziegenhain, Graf zu Nidda, und Graf zu Schaumburg, etc., etc.

Hessen-Nassau um 1892
(ehemals auch Hessen-Kassel)

Aufenthaltsorte der Familie Gottsleben
in den Vereinigten Staaten
(Maryland, Illinois, Iowa, South Dakota)

Vereinigte Staaten
(1892 - Westen)

Vereinigte Staaten
(1892 - Osten)


The history of the Germans in Baltimore began in the 17th century. During the 1800s, the Port of Baltimore was the second-leading port of entry for immigrants, after Ellis Island in New York City. Many Germans immigrated to Baltimore during this time. As of 2000, the German population made up 18.7% of Baltimore's population, with 478,646 people of German descent living in Baltimore. This makes the Germans the largest European population in the city. Following the War of 1812, a wave of German immigrants came from the Palatinate, Hesse, Bavaria, and Bohemia. Many fled from Germany between 1812 and 1814, during the War of the Sixth Coalition, in order to avoid military conscription into the Prussian Army. The port of Baltimore was developed as a gateway for immigrants during the 1820s. By 1850, 20,000 German-born people lived in the city. Between 1820 and 1860, Germans were the largest group of immigrants to Baltimore. This wave of immigrants created numerous German institutions, including banks, insurance companies, and newspapers. German immigrants also created a thriving German-language press, including publications such as the Baltimore Wecker.

Immigration from Germany increased again after the Revolutions of 1848 in Europe, bringing thousands of Forty-Eighters to Baltimore. By the time of the American Civil War, there were 32,613 German-born residents of Baltimore, not counting their American-born descendents. Many German immigrants were liberals and freethinkers who were politically active in opposing slavery, which at times attracted violent opposition from nativists and Confederate sympathizers. During the Baltimore riot of 1861, the office of the Baltimore Wecker was destroyed by mobs; the publisher, William Schnauffer, and the editor, Wilhelm Rapp, left the city due to the violence. The population continued to surge after the Civil War, due in large part to the agreement signed on January 21, 1867 between the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad and the Norddeutscher Lloyd, a German steamship line which brought tobacco along with further German immigrants to the port of Baltimore from Bremen, Germany. German immigrants disembarked from the steamships at B&O's pier, which was located in Locust Point. By 1868, one-fourth of Baltimore's 160,000 white inhabitants were German-born and half of the remainder were of full or partial German descent.

Many of the German immigrants who arrived during the latter half of the 19th century were affluent German Jews who created a number of cultural institutions, including Yiddish theatres such as the Concordia Hall and the Convention Hall Theater. Beginning in the 1870s, many wealthy German Jews built lavish homes along Eutaw Street near Druid Hill Park. They also built several synagogues, such as the Eutaw Place Temple. By 1880, there were around 10,000 German Jews living in Baltimore, most of whom were of Bavarian and Hessian descent.

The German-born immigrant population in Baltimore peaked in 1890, when German-born Baltimoreans numbered 41,930 out of the total population of 365,863.

Baltimore and Ohio Railroad

Im Jahr 1867 ging die Eisenbahngesellschaft »Baltimore and Ohio Railroad« eine weitreichende Partnerschaft mit dem Norddeutschen Lloyd ein. Passagiere auf der Linie Bremerhaven – Baltimore konnten so noch in Europa Fahrscheine in den Mittleren Westen erwerben und an der Pier in Baltimore direkt vom Schiff in die Bahn umsteigen. Baltimore wurde dadurch zeitweilig zum zweitwichtigsten Einwanderungshafen nach New York. Der Erste Weltkrieg beendete diese Partnerschaft.

Quelle: Wikipedia (März 2014)

Geschichte der Familien
Peter August Gottsleben
Julius Franz Gottsleben
(Maryland und South Dakota)

In den Jahren als die Industrialisierung der bis dahin landwirtschaftlich geprägten deutschen Staaten und die sinkende Sterblichkeitsrate ein massives Bevölkerungswachstum auslösten, wanderte 1854 der aus Volkmarsen stammende Schumacher Peter August Gottsleben nach Amerika aus und gründete ein Geschäft in Baltimore. Nach dem Tod von Peter August Gottsleben übernahm sein einziger Sohn Frederick, ebenfalls Schuhmacher, 1882 das Geschäft und führte es acht Jahre lang bis zu seinem frühen Tod weiter. Frederick blieb unverheiratet, auch von seinen Schwestern Wilhelmina (Minna) und Maria Magdalena sind uns keine Nachkommen bekannt. Seine dritte 1860 geborene Schwester Catharina Mary Gottsleben heiratete um 1880 den aus Deutschland stammenden Schmied Henry Schmedes. Ihre Nachkommen lassen sich über vier Generationen in Maryland nachweisen.

    Die von Reedereien veröffentlichten Anzeigen für regelmäßig verkehrende Schiffe über den Atlantik, die boomende Wirtschaft in Nordamerika sowie die 1862 im »Homestead Act« geregelte Aussicht auf kostenlosen Landerwerb, weckten die Hoffnung auf ein besseres Auskommen in Übersee. Die deutsch-amerikanische Migration entwickelte sich zu einer Massenbewegung. Zur Zeit des Amerikanischen Bürgerkrieges (1861-1865) lebten bereits mehr als 1,3 Millionen Deutsche in den USA, von denen sich zahlreiche Personen als Unternehmer, Banker oder Politiker ihren Namen machten.

    Diese Nachrichten ermunterten 1869 auch den ebenfalls aus Volkmarsen stammenden Julius Franz Gottsleben zur Auswanderung. 1870 wohnte er bei seinem Onkel [?] Peter August Gottsleben und dessen Ehefrau Elizabeth in der Baltimore Ward 7, Baltimore, Maryland. Julius Franz Gottsleben ist der Stammvater der Gottsleben-Linie, die sich in South Dakota nieder gelassen hat. Er hatte in Volkmarsen eine Ausbildung zum Kaufmann gemacht. Julius Gottsleben erwarb 1907 eine 18 Meilen nordwestlich von Philip, South Dakota, gelegene Ranch, die noch heute im Besitz der Familie Gottsleben ist.

Peter August Gottsleben


GOTTSLEBEN Peter August 54Jhr 3Mo Schuhmacher (Shoemaker)
* 12.02.1828 Volkmarsen † 16.05.1882 Baltimore Lebensorte: Volkmarsen Baltimore  

Geboren in Volkmarsen, Hessen-Kassel, ist Peter am 31. Oktober 1854 von Bremen aus über den Hafen von Baltimore mit dem Schiff "Elsfleth" in die USA eingewandert. 1860 wohnten er und seine Frau Elizabeth in der Baltimore Ward 19 und 1870 in der Baltimore Ward 7, Baltimore, Maryland. - Bei Peter Gottsleben wohnte 1870 in der Baltimore Ward 7 Julius Franz Gottsleben, der ebenfalls aus Volkmarsen stammte und als 17-jähriger am 23. Oktober 1869 in Baltimore einreiste. Vermutlich ist Julius Gottsleben ein Neffe von Peter Gottsleben. Das genaue Verwandtschaftsverhältnis der beiden muss noch geklärt werden. - Quellen: "Ancestry.de (Februar 2009; hier: United States Census, 1860; United States Census, 1870 <Peter Gottsleben; geb. ca. 1826 in Hessen-Kassel; Wohnort: Baltimore Ward 7, Baltimore, Maryland>; United States Census, 1880; Brauer and Mills Stammbaum <Geburtsort: Kassel [?]. In den Adressbüchern von Kassel und Umgebung ist jedoch kein Peter A. Gottsleben zu finden>)", "German immigrants to Baltimore, the passenger lists og 1854, S. 56 <Bark Elsfleth, Capt. C. Kölln. Cleared October 31, 1854. From Oldenburg. Total: 138 passengers. 101 names listed of whom 32 are women; P.A. Gottsleben Volkmarsen>", "FamilySearch (November 2015; hier: Maryland, Baltimore Passenger Lists Index, 1820-1897 <Peter Gottslebon [Gottsleben], Alter: 26 Jahre, Beruf: Shoemaker, Letzter Wohnort: Volkmarsen, Einwanderung: 31. Oktober 1854>; United States Census, 1880 <Peter Gottsleben; geb. in Germany, 52 Jahre alt, Beruf: Shoe Maker; Wohnort: Baltimore, Maryland; Eltern geb. in Germany; Ehefrau: Elizabeth Gottsleben, 57 Jahre alt, geb. in Germany; Sohn: Frederick Gottsleben, 22 Jahre alt, geboren in Maryland>; Maryland, Naturalization Indexes, 1797-1951 <Peter H. Gottsleben; Maryland, United States; Birthplace: Hesse-Cassel>)", "Chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn (Juli 2019; hier: Der Deutsche Correspondent. Baltimore 1882, Nr. 117, Mittwoch 17. Mai <Es entschlief am 16. Mai, Morgens 2 Uhr, Peter August Gottsleben aus Volkmarsen, Kurhessen, im Alter von 54 Jahren, 3 Monaten und 4 Tagen. Die Beerdigung findet Freitag, Morgens 9 Uhr, vom Trauerhause Nr. 233, Chasestraße, aus statt, wozu Freunde und Verwandte ohne weitere Notiz eingeladen sind. Die trauernden Hinterbliebenen>; <Gestorben. - An der Lungenentzündung verstarb gestern früh in seiner Behausung, Nr. 233, Chase-Straße, ein geachteter Adoptivbürger unserer Stadt, Hr. Peter August Gottsleben, im Alter von 54 Jahren. Hr. Gottsleben war aus Volkmarshausen [Volkmarsen] in Kurhessen gebürtig und wanderte vor 29 Jahren nach Amerika aus, wo er seitdem in unserer Stadt in seinem Geschäfte als Schuhmacher mit Erfolg thätig war. Er gehörte der 'St. Jakobus-' und der 'St. Lutgers-Gesellschaft' an und war ein eifriges Mitglied der St. Jakobus-Gemeinde. Seine Krankheit dauerte nur eine Woche. Um ihn trauern eine Wittwe und vier Kinder, drei Töchter und ein Sohn. Das Begräbnis findet am Freitag früh um 9 Uhr statt. [Died. - Yesterday, in his dwelling, No. 233 Chase Street, Mr. Peter August Gottsleben, a respected German adoptive citizen of our city, died of pneumonia at the age of 54 years. Mr. Gottsleben was born in Volkmarshausen [Volkmarsen], in Kurhessen, and emigrated to America 29 years ago, where he has since worked successfully in our town as a shoemaker. He belonged to the 'St. James' and the 'St. Ludgerus Society' and was a zealous member of St. James's Parish. His illness lasted only a week. He leaves to mourn a widow and four children, three daughters and a son. The burial takes place early Friday at 9 clock]>)", "Woods' Baltimore city directory, 1860 <Peter Gottsleben, shoemaker, 433 Lexington (Baltimore)>, 1867/68 und 1871 <Peter Gottsleben, shoemaker, 241 e Chase (Baltimore)>, 1872/1876/1878/1881/1882 <Peter Gottsleben, shoemkr, 233 e Chase (Baltimore)>)", "Findagrave.com (März 2018; Peter A. Gottsleben; 54 Jahre alt; geb. 12. Februar 1828, gest. 16. Mai 1882; Bestattet/Burial: Most Holy Redeemer Cemetery Baltimore, Baltimore City, Maryland: Plot D; Gravesite details: With Frederick J. and Elizabeth M. Gottsleben)" und "Mundia.com (März 2014)".

Maryland, Baltimore Passenger
Lists Index, 1820-1897.
Department of labor, immigration
and naturalization service

Peter Gottsleben (1854)

United States Census,

Peter August Gottsleben

Der Deutsche Correspondent
Baltimore 1882, Nr. 117,
Mittwoch 17. Mai

Peter August Gottsleben

WERNER Elizabeth Marie 65Jhr 11Mo 3Wo
* 01.08.1824 Dransfeld † 27.07.1890 Baltimore Lebensorte: Dransfeld Baltimore  

Quellen: "FamilySearch (März 2014; hier: United States Census, 1880 <Elizabeth Gottsleben, 57 Jahre alt, geb. in Germany; Ehemann: Peter Gottsleben>)", "Ancestry.de (August 2015; hier: United States Census, 1860 <Elizabeth Gottsleben; geb. ca. 1816; Wohnort: Baltimore>; United States Census, 1870 <Elizabeth Gottsleben; geb. um 1824; Wohnort: Baltimore>; United States Census, 1880 <Elizabeth Gottsleben; geb. um. 1823 in Hannover; Wohnort: Baltimore>; Brauer and Mills Stammbaum <Geburtsname: Elisabeth Werner>)", "Chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn (Juli 2019; hier: Der Deutsche Correspondent. Baltimore 1890, Nr. 179, Montag 28. Juli <Es starb Sonntag, Morgens 8 Uhr, Elisabeth Marie Gottsleben, geb. Werner, aus Dransfeld bei Göttingen, Hannover, gebürtig, im 66. Lebensjahre. Die Beerdigung findet morgen, 9 Uhr, vom Trauerhause, Nr. 1207, Ost-Chasestraße, aus statt. Freunde und Bekannte sind achtungsvoll eingeladen. Die trauernden Kinder und Enkel>)", "Findagrave.com (März 2018; Elizabeth M. Gottsleben; 65 Jahre alt; geb. 1. August 1824; gest. 27 Juli 1890; Burial: Most Holy Redeemer Cemetery Baltimore, Baltimore City, Maryland: Plot D)" und "Mundia.com (März 2014)".

Der Deutsche Correspondent
Baltimore 1890, Nr. 179,
Montag 28. Juli

Elisabeth Marie Gottsleben

1. Gottsleben Frederick (Fred) J. 33Jhr 9Mo 2Wo * 20.03.1858 † 05.01.1892 Baltimore

Geboren in Maryland, lebte Frederick 1880 noch im Haushalt seiner Eltern in Baltimore. - Quellen: "FamilySearch (März 2014; hier: United States Census, 1880 <Frederick Gottsleben; Wohnort: Baltimore, Maryland; Alter: 22; Familienstand: ledig; Beruf: Shoe Maker; geb. um 1858; im Haushalt seiner Elter: Peter Gottsleben, 52 Jahre alt, geb. in Germany und Elizabeth Gottsleben, 57 Jahre alt, geb. in Germany>)", "Ancestry.de (Februar 2009; hier: United States Census 1870 und United States Census 1880)", "Woods' Baltimore city directory, 1875 <Gottsleben Frederick, shoemkr, 233 e Chase (Baltimore)>, 1883, 1884 und 1886 <Gottsleben Elizab. wid. Peter, 233 e Chase Gottsleben Fred. J. shoemkr, 233 e Chase Baltimore )>", "R.L. Polk & Co.'s Baltimore city directory: containing a new map of the city, a carefully classified business directory, new and complete street directory, giving both the old and new numbers and an appendix of much useful information, 1888 <Elizab, wid Peter, 1207 e Chase Gottsleben Fred J. shoemkr, 1207 e Chase (Baltimore)>, 1890/91 <Gottsleben Fred J, 1207 e Chase>", "Findagrave.com (März 2018; Fred. J. Gottsleben; 33 Jahre alt; geb. 20. März 1858; gest. 5. Januar 1892; Burial: Most Holy Redeemer Cemetery Baltimore, Baltimore City, Maryland: Plot D; Gravesite details: With Peter and Elizabeth Gottsleben. 1892 may be incorrect)" und "Mundia.com (März 2014)".

2. Gottsleben Wilhelmina (Minnie) * .um.1859

Geboren in Maryland. - Quellen: "Ancestry.de (Februar 2009; hier: United States Census 1870)", "FamilySearch (April 2018; hier: United States Census, 1880 <Minnie Gottsleben; 20 Jahre alt, geb. um 1860 in Maryland, ledig/single; Eltern geb. in Germany; Als Servant/Dienstmädchen im Haushalt von Sarah J Poulson; Wohnort: Baltimore, Maryland>)" und "Mundia.com (März 2014)".

United States Census, 1880

Minnie Gottsleben
im Haushalt
von Sarah J Poulson

3. Gottsleben Catherine Mary 74Jhr 3Mo 2Wo * 11.06.1860 Baltimore † 27.09.1934 Pikesville  
4. Gottsleben Maria Magdalena * . .1861 Baltimore

Quelle: Ancestry.de (August 2015; hier: Brauer and Mills Stammbaum).

Most Holy Redeemer Cemetery
Baltimore, Maryland

Peter A. Gottsleben

Elizabeth M. Gottsleben

Fred. J. Gottsleben

Generation 1

GOTTSLEBEN Catherine Mary 74Jhr 3Mo 2Wo
* 11.06.1860 Baltimore † 27.09.1934 Pikesville Lebensorte: Baltimore Pikesville  
Eltern: Gottsleben Peter August , Werner Elizabeth Marie

Quellen: "Ancestry.de (August 2015; hier: United States Census 1870; Brauer and Mills Stammbaum <Vorname: Mary Catherine; Geburts- und Sterbeort: Baltimore>)", "Mundia.com (März 2014)", "FamilySearch (Juli 2019; hier: United States Census, 1900 <Kate Schmedes; geb. Juli 1861 in Maryland, 39 Jahre alt, 20 Jahre verheiratet, Heirat um 1880, Mutter von 7 Kindern, noch 4 lebende Kinder; Wohnort: Precinct 13 Baltimore city Ward 10, Baltimore, Maryland; Eltern geb. in Deutschland; Ehemann: Henry Schmedes, geb. Oktober 1852 in Deutschland, 48 Jahre alt; Kinder: Elizabeth Schmedes, 16 Jahre; Barbara Schmedes, 8 Jahre alt; Frederick Schmedes, 2 Jahre alt; alle geb. in Maryland>; United States Census, 1930 <Catherine Wiest; geb. um 1861 in Maryland, 69 Jahre alt, verheiratet; Wohnort: Baltimore, Districts 251-500, Baltimore, Independent City, Maryland; Eltern geb. in Deutschland; Ehemann: Jacob Wiest, 79 Jahre alt, geb. in Maryland>)", "Ancestry.de (Juli 2019; Mary Catherine Gottsleben obituary <Wiest. - Suddenly, on September 27, 1934, died Catherine, nee Gottsleben, beloved wife of the late Jacob Wiest. Funeral from her late residence, 6 Irvin Place, Pikesville, Md., on Saturday, September 29, at 8.30 A.M. Requiem Mass. at St. Charles' Church Pikesville, at 9 A.M. Interment Holy Redeemer Cemetery. Publ. in Evening Sun, Baltimore am 28.9.1934. - Mary Catherine Gottsleben, geb. 11. Juni 1860, gest. 27. September 1934>)" und "Findagrave (Juli 2019; Catherine M. Schmedes, geb. 1860, gest. 1934; Bestattet/Burial: Most Holy Redeemer Cemetery, Baltimore City, Maryland; Plot: D)".

oo um.1880
SCHMEDES Henry B. Schmied (Blacksmith)
* 10.1852 † 1905 Baltimore Lebensorte:  Baltimore  

Quellen: "FamilySearch (Juli 2019; hier: United States Census, 1900 <Henry Schmedes; geb. Oktober 1852 in Deutschland, 48 Jahre alt, 20 Jahre verheiratet, Heirat um 1880, 1870 eingewandert, Beruf: Blacksmith; Wohnort: Precinct 13 Baltimore city Ward 10, Baltimore, Maryland; Eltern geb. in Deutschland; Ehefrau: Kate Schmedes, 39 Jahre alt, geb. in Maryland; Kinder: Elizabeth Schmedes, 16 Jahre; Barbara Schmedes, 8 Jahre alt; Frederick Schmedes, 2 Jahre alt; alle geb. in Maryland)" und "Findagrave (Juli 2019; Henry B. Schmedes, geb. 1852, gest. 1905; Bestattet: Most Holy Redeemer Cemetery, Baltimore City, Maryland)".

1. Schmedes Elizabeth M. * .09.1884 Baltimore † 05.10.1948 
2. Schmedes Barbara Catherine 80Jhr 6Mo 3Wo * 19.09.1892 Baltimore † 11.04.1973 Fort Worth
3. Schmedes Frederick * .09.1898

Quelle: FamilySearch (Juli 2019; hier: United States Census, 1900 <Frederick Schmedes; geb. September 1898 in Maryland, 2 Jahre alt; Wohnort: Precinct 13 Baltimore city Ward 10, Baltimore, Maryland; Eltern: Henry Schmedes, geb. in Deutschland, 48 Jahre alt und Kate Schmedes, geb. in Maryland, 39 Jahre alt; Geschwister: Elizabeth Schmedes, 16 Jahre alt; Barbara Schmedes, 8 Jahre alt; beide geb. in Maryland).

oo 2 >.1918
WIEST Jacob 78Jhr 3Mo 1Wo
* 06.01.1852 † 17.04.1930 Lebensort: Baltimore   

Quellen: "FamilySearch (Juli 2019; hier: United States Census, 1880 <Jacob Wiest; geb. um 1852 in Maryland, 28 Jahre alt, Beruf: Works At Bag Sewing; Wohnort: Baltimore, Maryland; Ehefrau: Elizabeth Wiest, 24 Jahre alt, geb. in Maryland; Kinder: Jacob Wiest, 7 Jahre alt; John Wiest, 6 Jahre alt; Martin Wiest, 3 Jahre alt; Henry Wiest, 1 Jahr alt; alle geb. in Maryland>; United States Census, 1930 <Jacob Wiest; geb. um 1851 in Maryland, 79 Jahre alt, verheiratet; Wohnort: Baltimore, Districts 251-500, Baltimore, Independent City, Maryland; Eltern geb. in Deutschland; Ehefrau: Catherine Wiest, geb. um 1861 in Maryland, 69 Jahre alt>)" und "Findagrave (Juli 2019; Jacob Wiest, geb. 6. Januar 1852, gest. 17. April 1930; Bestattet/Burial: Mount Carmel Cemetery, Baltimore City, Maryland; Plot: Area N, Lot 385)".

United States Census, 1900

Henry Schmedes

Most Holy Redeemer
Baltimore, Maryland

Henry B.    Catherine M
1852-1905   1860-1934

United States Census, 1930

Jacob und Catherine

Generation 2

SCHMEDES Elizabeth M.
* 09.1884 Baltimore † 05.10.1948 Lebensort: Baltimore   
Eltern: Schmedes Henry B. , Gottsleben Catherine Mary

Quellen: "FamilySearch (Juli 2019; hier: United States Census, 1900 <Elizabeth Schmedes; geb. September 1884 in Maryland, 16 Jahre; Wohnort: Precinct 13 Baltimore city Ward 10, Baltimore, Maryland; Eltern: Henry Schmedes, geb. in Deutschland, 48 Jahre alt und Kate Schmedes, geb. in Maryland, 39 Jahre alt; Geschwister: Barbara Schmedes, 8 Jahre alt; Frederick Schmedes, 2 Jahre alt; beide geb. in Maryland>; United States Census, 1930 <Elizabeth M Zeller; geb. um 1885 in Maryland, 45 Jahre alt; Wohnort: South Portland, Cumberland, Maine; Vater geb. in Deutschland, Mutter geb. in Maryland; Ehemann: Joseph A Zeller, geb. um 1884 in Maryland, 46 Jahre alt; Kinder: Dorothy N Zeller, 17 Jahre alt; Dolores M Zeller, 17 Jahre alt, beide geb. in Maryland; Joseph H Zeller, 5 Jahre alt, geb. in Florida>; United States Census, 1940 <Elizabeth M Zeller; geb. um 1884 in Maryland, 56 Jahre alt, Witwe; Wohnort: Ward 26, Baltimore City, Baltimore City, Maryland; Kinder: Dolores M Zeller, 27 Jahre alt; Joseph H Zeller, 15 Jahre alt; beide geb. in Maryland>; California Death Index, 1940-1997 <[Elizabeth] Schmedes beim Tod der Tochter Dolores Mary Zeller in Alameda, California>)" und "Findagrave (Juli 2019; Elizabeth M Zeller, gest. 5. Oktober 1948; Bestattet/Burial: Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, Arlington County, Virginia>)".

ZELLER Joseph A. 50Jhr 6Mo 3Wo Schneider
* 13.05.1883 Baltimore † 07.12.1933 Santa Fe Lebensorte: Baltimore Santa Fe  

Quellen: "FamilySearch (Juli 2019; hier: United States Census, 1900 <Joseph Zeller; geb. Mai 1882 in Maryland, 18 Jahre alt; Wohnort: Precinct 13 Baltimore city Ward 10, Baltimore, Maryland; Eltern: Charles Zeller, 40 Jahre alt, geb. in Maryland und Maggie Zeller, 40 Jahre alt, geb. in Deutschland; 10 Geschwister>; United States Registers of Enlistments in the U.S. Army, 1798-1914 <Joseph A Zeller; geb. in Baltimore, Beruf: Schneider; Militärdienst 13. August 1910, Fort Washington, Maryland>; United States Census, 1930 <Joseph A Zeller; geb. um 1884 in Maryland, 46 Jahre alt; Wohnort: South Portland, Cumberland, Maine; Vater geb. in Maryland, Mutter geb. in Deutschland; Ehefrau: Elizabeth M Zeller, 45 Jahre alt, geb. in Maryland; Kinder: Dorothy N Zeller, 17 Jahre alt; Dolores M Zeller, 17 Jahre alt, beide geb. in Maryland; Joseph H Zeller, 5 Jahre alt, geb. in Florida>; New Mexico Deaths, 1889-1945 <Certificate of death: Joseph A Zeller; geb. 13. Mai 1883 in Baltimore, gest. 7. Dezember 1933 in Santa Fe; Eltern: Charles Zeller, geb. in Baltimore und Margaret Langhirt, geb. in Deutschland; Ehefrau: Elizabeth Zeller>)" und "Findagrave (Juli 2019; Joseph A Zeller; gest. 7. Dezember 1933; Bestattet/Burial: Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, Arlington County, Virginia)".

1. Zeller Dolores Mary 74Jhr 4Mo * 19.04.1912 † 25.08.1986 San Leandro

Quelle: FamilySearch (Juli 2019; hier: United States Census, 1930 <Dolores M Zeller; geb. um 1913 in Maryland, 17 Jahre alt; Wohnort: South Portland, Cumberland, Maine; Eltern: Joseph A Zeller, 46 Jahre alt und Elizabeth M Zeller, 45 Jahre alt, beide geb. in Maryland; Geschwister: Dorothy N Zeller, 17 Jahre alt, geb. in Maryland; Joseph H Zeller, 5 Jahre alt, geb. in Florida>; United States Census, 1940 <Dolores M Zeller; geb. um 1913 in Maryland, 27 Jahre alt; Wohnort: Ward 26, Baltimore City, Maryland; Mutter: Elizabeth M Zeller, 56 Jahre alt, Witwe, geb. in Maryland; Bruder: Joseph H Zeller, 15 Jahre alt, geb. in Maryland>; California Death Index, 1940-1997 <Dolores Mary Zeller; geb. 19. April 1912 in Maryland, gest. 25. August 1986 in Alameda, California; Name der Mutter: Schmedes>; United States Social Security Death Index <Dolores Zeller; geb. 19. April 1912 in Maryland, gest. August 1986; Letzter Wohnort: San Leandro, Alameda, California>).

2. Zeller Dorothy Nellie 74Jhr 8Mo 2Wo * 19.04.1912 † 07.01.1987 San Leandro

Quelle: FamilySearch (Juli 2019; hier: United States Census, 1930 <Dorothy N Zeller; geb. um 1913 in Maryland, 17 Jahre alt; Wohnort: South Portland, Cumberland, Maine; Eltern: Joseph A Zeller, 46 Jahre alt und Elizabeth M Zeller, 45 Jahre alt, beide geb. in Maryland; Geschwister: Dolores M Zeller, 17 Jahre alt, geb. in Maryland; Joseph H Zeller, 5 Jahre alt, geb. in Florida>; California Death Index, 1940-1997 <Dorothy Nellie Zeller; geb. 19. April 1912 in Maryland, gest. 7. Januar 1987 in Alameda, California; Name der Mutter: Schemedes [Schmedes]>; United States Social Security Death Index <Dorothy Zeller; geb. 19. April 1912 in Maryland, gest. Januar 1987; Letzter Wohnort: San Leandro, Alameda, California>).

3. Zeller Joseph H. * .um.1925

Quelle: FamilySearch (Juli 2019; hier: United States Census, 1930 <Joseph H Zeller; geb. um 1925 in Florida, 5 Jahre alt; Wohnort: South Portland, Cumberland, Maine; Eltern: Joseph A Zeller, 46 Jahre alt und Elizabeth M Zeller, 45 Jahre alt, beide geb. in Maryland; Geschwister: Dorothy N Zeller, 17 Jahre alt; Dolores M Zeller, 17 Jahre alt; beide geb. in Maryland>; United States Census, 1940 <Joseph H Zeller; geb. um 1925 in Maryland, 15 Jahre alt; Wohnort: Ward 26, Baltimore City, Maryland; Mutter: Elizabeth M Zeller, 56 Jahre alt, Witwe, geb. in Maryland; Schwester: Dolores M Zeller, 27 Jahre alt, geb. in Maryland>).

SCHMEDES Barbara Catherine 80Jhr 6Mo 3Wo  
* 19.09.1892 Baltimore † 11.04.1973 Fort Worth Lebensorte: Baltimore Fort Worth  
Eltern: Schmedes Henry B. , Gottsleben Catherine Mary

Quelle: FamilySearch (Juli 2019; hier: United States Census, 1900 <Barbara Schmedes; geb. September 1892 in Maryland, 8 Jahre alt; Wohnort: Precinct 13 Baltimore city Ward 10, Baltimore, Maryland; Eltern: Henry Schmedes, geb. in Deutschland, 48 Jahre alt und Kate Schmedes, geb. in Maryland, 39 Jahre alt; Geschwister: Elizabeth Schmedes, 16 Jahre alt; Frederick Schmedes, 2 Jahre alt; beide geb. in Maryland>; United States Census, 1920 <Barbara C Mills; geb. um 1893 in Maryland, 27 Jahre alt; Wohnort: Baltimore Ward 9, Baltimore, Independent City, Maryland; Vater geb. in Deutschand, Mutter geb. in Maryland; Ehemann: George W Mills, 37 Jahre alt, geb. in Maryland; Kinder: Naomi C Mills, 7 Jahre alt; Alberta M Mills, 5 Jahre alt; Marvele Q Mills, 3 Jahre alt; alle geb. in Maryland>; United States Census, 1930 <Barbara Mills; geb. um 1892 in Maryland, 38 Jahre alt; Wohnort: Baltimore, Districts 501-673, Baltimore, Independent City, Maryland; Eltern geb. in Deutschland [Mutter in Maryland]; Ehemann: George Mills, 48 Jahre alt, geb. in Maryland; Kinder: Naomi Mills, 18 Jahre alt; Alberta Mills, 16 Jahre alt; Marvel Mills, 14 Jahre alt; alle geb. in Maryland>; United States Census, 1940 <Barbara Mills; geb. um 1893 in Maryland, 47 Jahre alt; Wohnort: Ward 9, Baltimore City, Maryland; Ehemann: George W Mills, 57 Jahre alt, geb. in Maryland; Schwiegersohn: John H Bruer, 24 Jahre alt, geb. in Maryland; Tochter: Marvel Bruer, 23 Jahre alt; Enkel: George H Bruer, 1 Jahre alt, geb. in Maryland; Töchter: Alberta Jansen, 26 Jahre alt; B Elsie Mills, 7 Jahre alt; beide geb. in Maryland>; Texas Deaths, 1890-1976 <Barbara Catherine Mills; geb. 19. September 1892 in Baltimore, Maryland, gest. 11. April 1973 in Fort Worth, Tarrant, Texas, Witwe; Bestattet: Laurel Land Memorial Park, Fort Worth, Tarrant, Texas; Eltern: Henry Schmedes und Katherine Marie Gollsleben [Gottsleben]>).

Texas Deaths, 1890-1976

Barbara Catherine Mills
Totenschein 1973

MILLS George W.
* 01.05.1882 Williston †  >.1942 Lebensorte: Williston Baltimore  

Quelle: FamilySearch (Juli 2019; hier: United States World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918 <George Washington Mills; geb. 1. Mai 1882; Draft Registration 1917-1918, Baltimore City no 9, Maryland; Ehefrau: Catherine Mills>; United States Census, 1920 <George W Mills; geb. 1883 in Maryland, 37 Jahre alt; Wohnort: Baltimore Ward 9, Baltimore, Independent City, Maryland; Vater geb. in Pennsylvania, Mutter geb. in New Jersey; Ehefrau: Barbara C Mills, geb. um 1893 in Maryland, 27 Jahre alt; Kinder: Naomi C Mills, 7 Jahre alt; Alberta M Mills, 5 Jahre alt; Marvele Q Mills, 3 Jahre alt; alle geb. in Maryland>; United States Census, 1930 <George Mills; geb. um 1882 in Maryland, 48 Jahre alt; Wohnort: Baltimore, Districts 501-673, Baltimore, Independent City, Maryland; Eltern geb. in Pennsylvania [Mutter in New Jersey]; Ehefrau: Barbara Mills, geb. um 1892 in Maryland, 38 Jahre alt; Kinder: Naomi Mills, 18 Jahre alt; Alberta Mills, 16 Jahre alt; Marvel Mills, 14 Jahre alt; alle geb. in Maryland>; United States Census, 1940 <George W Mills; geb. um 1883 in Maryland, 57 Jahre alt; Wohnort: Ward 9, Baltimore City, Maryland; Ehefrau: Barbara Mills, geb. um 1893 in Maryland, 47 Jahre alt; Schwiegersohn: John H Bruer, 24 Jahre alt, geb. in Maryland; Tochter: Marvel Bruer, 23 Jahre alt; Enkel: George H Bruer, 1 Jahre alt, geb. in Maryland; Töchter: Alberta Jansen, 26 Jahre alt; B Elsie Mills, 7 Jahre alt; beide geb. in Maryland>; United States World War II Draft Registration Cards, 1942 <George Williston Mills; geb. 1. Mai 1882 in Williston, Maryland; Draft Registration Baltimore, Maryland; Wohnort: Baltimore, Maryland; Ehefrau: Katherine Mills>).

United States World War I
Draft Registration Cards,

George Washington Mills

United States World War II
Draft Registration Cards,

George Williston Mills

1. Mills Naomi C. * .um.1913

Quelle: FamilySearch (Juli 2019; hier: United States Census, 1920 <Naomi C Mills; geb. um 1913 in Maryland, 7 Jahre alt; Wohnort: Baltimore Ward 9, Baltimore, Independent City, Maryland; Eltern: George W Mills, 37 Jahre alt und Barbara C Mills, 27 Jahre alt; Geschwister: Alberta M Mills, 5 Jahre alt; Marvele Q Mills, 3 Jahre alt; beide geb. in Maryland>; United States Census, 1930 <Naomi Mills; geb. um 1812 in Maryland, 18 Jahre alt; Wohnort: Baltimore, Districts 501-673, Baltimore, Independent City, Maryland; Eltern: George Mills, 48 Jahre alt und Barbara Mills, 38 Jahre alt; Geschwister: Alberta Mills, 16 Jahre alt; Marvel Mills, 14 Jahre alt; beide geb. in Maryland>).

2. Mills Alberta Marie 90Jhr 1Mo * 23.02.1914 Baltimore † 05.03.2004 Fort Worth
3. Mills Marvel * 10.06.1916  
Mills Barbara Elsie 72Jhr 2Mo 3Wo * 12.04.1933 Baltimore † 05.07.2005 Rockdale

United States Census, 1920

George W. Mills

United States Census, 1940

George und Barbara

Generation 3

MILLS Alberta Marie 90Jhr 1Mo
* 23.02.1914 Baltimore † 05.03.2004 Fort Worth Lebensorte: Baltimore Fort Worth  
Eltern: Mills George W. , Schmedes Barbara Catherine

Quellen: "FamilySearch (Juli 2019; hier: United States Census, 1920 <Alberta M Mills; geb. um 1915 in Maryland, 5 Jahre alt; Wohnort: Baltimore Ward 9, Baltimore, Independent City, Maryland; Eltern: George W Mills, 37 Jahre alt und Barbara C Mills, 27 Jahre alt; Geschwister: Naomi C Mills, 7 Jahre alt; Marvele Q Mills, 3 Jahre alt; beide geb. in Maryland>; United States Census, 1930 <Alberta Mills; geb. um 1914 in Maryland, 16 Jahre alt; Wohnort: Baltimore, Districts 501-673, Baltimore, Independent City, Maryland; Eltern: George Mills, 48 Jahre alt und Barbara Mills, 38 Jahre alt; Geschwister: Naomi Mills, 18 Jahre alt; Marvel Mills, 14 Jahre alt; beide geb. in Maryland>; District of Columbia Marriages, 1811-1950 <Alberta Marie Mills, geb. um 1914, 18 Jahre alt, Heirat am 1. Oktober 1932 in District of Columbia mit Carl R G Jansen, geb. um 1911, 21 Jahre alt>; United States Census, 1940 <Alberta Jansen; geb. um 1915 in Maryland, 26 Jahre alt; Wohnort: Ward 9, Baltimore City, Maryland; Eltern: George W Mills, 57 Jahre alt und Barbara Mills, 47 Jahre alt; Schwager: John H Bruer [Brauer], 24 Jahre alt, geb. in Maryland; Schwester: Marvel Bruer [Brauer], 23 Jahre alt; Neffe: George H Bruer [Brauer], 1 Jahre alt, geb. in Maryland; Schwester: B Elsie Mills, 7 Jahre alt, geb. in Maryland>; United States World War II Army Enlistment Records, 1938-1946 <Alberta M Jansen, geb. 1914 in Maryland, 1 year of high school, Beruf: Office machine operators, Divorced, without dependents; Military Service; 13. Februar 1943 in Baltimore, Maryland, Enlistment for the duration of the War or other emergency, plus six months, subject to the discretion of the President or otherwise according to law; Women's Army Corps>; Texas Birth Index <Alberta Marie Mills und Joe Enis Wages bei Geburt des Sohnes Kerry Joe Wages>; Texas Marriages, 1966-2010 <Alberta J Mills, geb. um 1914, 60 Jahre alt, Heirat am 16. März 1974 in Tarrant, Texas mit Vernon A Dodd, geb. um 1919, 55 Jahre alt>)" und "Findagrave (Juli 2019; Alberta Jan Wages Dodd; geb. 23. Februar 1914, gest. 5. März 2004; Bestattet/Burial: Laurel Land Memorial Park, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas <Born: Baltimore, Md. Died: Ft. Worth, Tx. Buried: 05/09/04. Preceded by husbands, Joe Wages, 1907-1963 and Vernon Dodd, 1918-2003, and survived by son Kerry Wages>)".

Alberta Jan Wages Dodd

Laurel Land Memorial Park,
Fort Worth, Tarrant County,

Alberta Jan Dodd

oo 01.10.1932
* um.1911

Quelle: FamilySearch (Juli 2019; hier: District of Columbia Marriages, 1811-1950 <Carl R G Jansen, geb. um 1911, 21 Jahre alt, Heirat am 1. Oktober 1932 in District of Columbia mit Alberta Marie Mills, geb. um 1914, 18 Jahre alt>).

oo 2 <.1949
WAGES Joe Enis 55Jhr 8Mo
* 24.06.1907 Hugo † 28.02.1963 Fort Worth Lebensorte: Hugo Fort Worth  

Quellen: "FamilySearch (Juli 2019; hier: United States Census, 1920 <Joe Wages; geb. um 1908 in Oklahoma, 12 Jahre alt; Wohnort: Hugo Ward 4, Choctaw, Oklahoma; Eltern: R J Wages, 49 Jahre alt, geb. in Texas, Minnie Wages, 35 Jahre alt, geb. in Arkansas; Geschwister: Fern Wages, 17 Jahre alt; Juanita Wages, 9 Jahre alt; R J Wages Jr., 5 Jahre alt; Charles Wages, 3 Jahre alt; alle geb. in Oklahoma>; Texas Birth Index <Joe Enis Wages und Alberta Marie Mills bei Geburt des Sohnes Kerry Joe Wages>; Texas Deaths, 1890-1976 <Joe Enis Wages; geb. 24. Juni 1907, gest. 28. Februar 1963 in Fort Worth, Tarrant, Texas, verheiratet>)" und "Findagrave (Juli 2019; Joe Enis Wages, geb. 24. Juni 1907 in Hugo, Choctaw County, Oklahoma, gest. 28. Februar 1963 in Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas; Bestattet/Burial: Laurel Land Memorial Park, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas)".

1. Wages Kerry Joe * 19.09.1949 Tarrant

Quelle: FamilySearch (Juli 2019; hier: Texas Birth Index <Kerry Joe Wages; geb. 19. September 1949 in Tarrant, Texas; Eltern: Joe Enis Wages und Alberta Marie Mills>).

Texas Deaths, 1890-1976

Joe Enis Wages
Totenschein 1963

Laurel Land Memorial Park,
Fort Worth, Tarrant County,

Joe Enis Wages

oo 3 16.03.1974 Tarrant
DODD Vernon A. 85Jhr 2Mo
* 10.05.1918 Kaufman † 29.05.2003 Fort Worth Lebensorte: Kaufman Fort Worth  

Quellen: "FamilySearch (Juli 2019; hier: Oklahoma, County Marriages, 1890-1995 <Vernon Dodd, geb. um 1916, 21 Jahre alt, Heirat am 5. September 1937 in Carter, Oklahoma mit Edna Farmer, geb. um 1915, 22 Jahre alt>; United States Census, 1940 <Vernon A Dodd; geb. um 1919, 21 Jahre alt; Wohnort: Ward 2, Terrell, Justice Precinct 3, Kaufman, Texas; Ehefrau: Edna A Dodd, 25 Jahre alt, geb. in Oklahoma>; Texas Marriages, 1966-2010 <Vernon A Dodd, geb. um 1919, 55 Jahre alt, Heirat am 16. März 1974 in Tarrant, Texas mit Alberta J Mills, geb. um 1914, 60 Jahre alt>)" und "Findagrave (Juli 2019; Vernon A. Dodd, geb. 10. Mai 1918, gest. 29. Mai 2003; Bestattet/Burial: Laurel Land Memorial Park, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas <Born: Kaufman, Tx. Died: Ft. Worth, Tx. Buried: 06/02/03. Survived by wife of 29 yrs., Jan A. Dodd>)".

Vernon A. Dodd

Laurel Land Memorial Park,
Fort Worth, Tarrant County,

Vernon A. Dodd

MILLS Marvel
* 10.06.1916 Lebensort: Baltimore   
Eltern: Mills George W. , Schmedes Barbara Catherine

Quelle: FamilySearch (Juli 2019; hier: United States Census, 1920 <Marvele Q Mills; geb. um 1917 in Maryland, 3 Jahre alt; Wohnort: Baltimore Ward 9, Baltimore, Independent City, Maryland; Eltern: George W Mills, 37 Jahre alt und Barbara C Mills, 27 Jahre alt; Geschwister: Naomi C Mills, 7 Jahre alt; Alberta M Mills, 5 Jahre alt; beide geb. in Maryland>; United States Census, 1930 <Marvel Mills; geb. um 1816 in Maryland, 14 Jahre alt; Wohnort: Baltimore, Districts 501-673, Baltimore, Independent City, Maryland; Eltern: George Mills, 48 Jahre alt und Barbara Mills, 38 Jahre alt; Geschwister: Naomi Mills, 18 Jahre alt; Alberta Mills, 16 Jahre alt; beide geb. in Maryland>; United States Census, 1940 <Marvel Bruer [Brauer]; geb. um 1917 in Maryland, 23 Jahre alt; Wohnort: Ward 9, Baltimore City, Maryland; Eltern: George W Mills, 57 Jahre alt und Barbara Mills, 47 Jahre alt; Ehemann: John H Bruer [Brauer], 24 Jahre alt, geb. in Maryland; Sohn: George H Bruer [Brauer], 1 Jahre alt, geb. in Maryland; Geschwister: Alberta Jansen, 26 Jahre alt; B Elsie Mills, 7 Jahre alt; beide geb. in Maryland>; United States Public Records, 1970-2009 <Marvel E Brauer; geb. 10. Juni 1916; Wohnorte: Forest Hill, Maryland, Fort Worth, Texas; Possible Relatives: George H Brauer, George L Brauer, John Brauer, Karen R Lindbrauer, Mary J Brauer>).

BRAUER John H. Jr.
* um.1916 Lebensort: Baltimore   

Quelle: FamilySearch (Juli 2019; hier: United States Census, 1920 <John H Brauer Jr.; geb. um 1916 in Maryland, 4 Jahre alt; Wohnort: Baltimore Ward 8, Baltimore, Independent City, Maryland; Eltern: John H Brauer, 31 Jahre alt und Myrtle M Brauer, 25 Jahre alt, beide geb. in Maryland; Geschwister: Dorothy L Brauer, 5 Jahre alt; Clarence E Brauer, 0 Jahre alt; beide. geb. in Maryland>; United States Census, 1940 <John H Bruer [Brauer]; geb. um 1916 in Maryland, 24 Jahre alt; Wohnort bei den Schwiegereltern: Ward 9, Baltimore City, Maryland; Ehefrau: Marvel Bruer [Brauer], 23 Jahre alt; Kind: George H Bruer [Brauer], 1 Jahre alt, geb. in Maryland; Schwiegereltern: George W Mills, 57 Jahre alt und Barbara Mills, 47 Jahre alt; Schwägerinnen: Alberta Jansen, 26 Jahre alt; B Elsie Mills, 7 Jahre alt; beide geb. in Maryland>; United States World War II Army Enlistment Records, 1938-1946 <John H Brauer; geb. um 1915 in Maryland, Grammar school, Verheiratet/Married; Military Service, 28. März 1944 in Ft George G Meade, Maryland; Enlistment for the duration of the War or other emergency, plus six months, subject to the discretion of the President or otherwise according to law>).

1. Brauer George H. * 22.06.1938

Quelle: FamilySearch (Juli 2019; hier: United States Census, 1940 <George H Bruer [Brauer]; geb. um 1939 in Maryland, 1 Jahre alt; Wohnort: Ward 9, Baltimore City, Maryland; Großeltern: George W Mills, 57 Jahre alt und Barbara Mills, 47 Jahre alt; Eltern: John H Bruer [Brauer], 24 Jahre alt und Marvel Bruer [Brauer], 23 Jahre alt; Tanten: Alberta Jansen, 26 Jahre alt; B Elsie Mills, 7 Jahre alt; beide geb. in Maryland>; United States Public Records, 1970-2009 <George H Brauer; geb. 22 Juni 1938; Wohnort: Cockeysville, Maryland, Baltimore, Maryland; Possible Relatives: Karen R Lindbrauer, Kelly L Brauer, Marvel E Brauer, Mary J Brauer, Mary Jacqe Marchione>).

MILLS Barbara Elsie 72Jhr 2Mo 3Wo Homemaker, painter
* 12.04.1933 Baltimore † 05.07.2005 Rockdale Lebensorte: Baltimore Rockdale  
Eltern: Mills George W. , Schmedes Barbara Catherine

Quellen: "FamilySearch (Juli 2019; hier: United States Census, 1940 <B Elsie Mills; geb. um 1933 in Maryland, 7 Jahre alt; Wohnort: Ward 9, Baltimore City, Maryland; Eltern: George W Mills, 57 Jahre alt und Barbara Mills, 47 Jahre alt; Schwager: John H Bruer [Brauer], 24 Jahre alt, geb. in Maryland; Schwester: Marvel Bruer [Brauer], 23 Jahre alt; Neffe: George H Bruer [Brauer], 1 Jahre alt, geb. in Maryland; Schwester: Alberta Jansen, 26 Jahre alt>; United States Public Records, 1970-2009 <Barbara E Stewart; geb. 12. April 1933; Wohnorte: Randallstown, Maryland, Windsor Mill, Maryland, Warrenton, Virginia; Possible Relatives: George Benson Stewart, Adam Stewart, George M Stewart, Jan S Stewart>; United States Social Security Death Index <Barbara E Stewart; geb. 12. April 1933 in Maryland, gest. 5. Juli 2005 in Rockdale, Maryland; Letzter Wohnort: Baltimore, Maryland>; United States, GenealogyBank Obituaries, 1980-2014 <Barbara E Stewart Mills; geb. um 1933 in Baltimore, Maryland, gest. 5. Juli 2005 in Rockdale, Baltimore, Maryland; Wohnort: Rockdale, Maryland; Beruf: Homemaker, Painter; Ehemann: George Benson Stewart; Kinder: Barbara Catherine Stewart; Cara Jan Vaile; George M Stewart; Thomas W Stewart; Publ. in Baltimore Sun, 9. Juli 2005, Baltimore, Maryland>)" und "Baltimoresun.com (Juli 2019 <09.07.2005 - Barbara E. Stewart, a homemaker and painter, died of pulmonary failure Tuesday at her Rockdale home. She was 72. Barbara E. Mills was born in Baltimore and raised in Waverly. After graduating from city public schools, she was married in 1951 to George Benson Stewart>)".

oo 1951
STEWART George Benson 84Jhr 3Mo 3Wo
* 17.07.1929 Baltimore † 09.11.2013 Lebensort: Baltimore   

Quellen: "FamilySearch (August 2019; hier: United States Census, 1930 <George B Stewart Jr.; geb. 1929 in Maryland, 8 Monate alt; Wohnort: Baltimore, Districts 251-500, Baltimore, Independent City, Maryland; Eltern: George B Stewart Sr., 34 Jahre alt; Clara A Stewart, 22 Jahre alt; beide geb. in Maryland>; United States Census, 1940 <George Stewart; geb. um 1929 in Maryland, 11 Jahre alt; Wohnort im Haushalt seines Großvaters: Election District 3, Baltimore, Maryland; Großvater: Bernhardt Frey, 65 Jahre alt, geb. in Maryland; Eltern: George Stewart, 48 Jahre alt, Clara Stewart, 33 Jahre alt; beide geb. in Maryland; Tante: Mary Bottrill, 35 Jahre alt, geb. in Maryland; Cousin: James Bottrill, 10 Jahre alt, geb. in Maryland>; United States Public Records, 1970-2009 <George B Stewart, auch: George Benson Stewart, Jr; geb. 17. Juli 1929; Wohnorte: Mill, Maryland, Windsor Mill, Maryland, Baltimore, Maryland; Possible Relatives: Barbara C Stewart, Barbara E Stewart, Cara Stewart, George Benson Stewart Jr>)", "Baltimoresun.com (Juli 2019 <Todesanzeige seiner Frau Barbara E. Stewart, a homemaker and painter [...], she was married in 1951 to George Benson Stewart>)" und "Findagrave (August 2019; George B. Stewart; geb. 17. Juli 1929, gest. 9. November 2013; Bestattet/Burial: Garrison Forest Veterans Cemetery, Owings Mills, Baltimore County, Maryland; Plot CB4 R21 S1)".

Ehepaar Stewart (rechts)
Hawaii 1961

Garrison Forest Veterans
Cemetery, Owings Mills,
Baltimore County, Maryland

George B. Stewart

1. Stewart Barbara Catherine

Quelle: FamilySearch (Juli 2019; hier: United States, GenealogyBank Obituaries, 1980-2014 <Barbara Catherine Stewart in der Todesanzeige der Mutter Barbara E Stewart; Vater: George Benson Stewart; Geschwister: Cara Jan Vaile; George M Stewart; Thomas W Stewart; Publ. in Baltimore Sun, 9. Juli 2005, Baltimore, Maryland>).

2. Stewart George M.

Quelle: FamilySearch (Juli 2019; hier: United States, GenealogyBank Obituaries, 1980-2014 <George M Stewart in der Todesanzeige der Mutter Barbara E Stewart; Vater: George Benson Stewart; Geschwister: Barbara Catherine Stewart; Cara Jan Vaile; Thomas W Stewart; Publ. in Baltimore Sun, 9. Juli 2005, Baltimore, Maryland>).

3. Stewart Thomas W.

Quelle: FamilySearch (Juli 2019; hier: United States, GenealogyBank Obituaries, 1980-2014 <Thomas W Stewart in der Todesanzeige der Mutter Barbara E Stewart; Vater: George Benson Stewart; Geschwister: Barbara Catherine Stewart; Cara Jan Vaile; George M Stewart; Publ. in Baltimore Sun, 9. Juli 2005, Baltimore, Maryland>).

4. Stewart Cara Jan * 30.12.1955

Generation 4

* 30.12.1955 Lebensorte:  Baltimore  
Eltern: Stewart George Benson , Mills Barbara Elsie

Quelle: FamilySearch (Juli 2019; hier: United States, GenealogyBank Obituaries, 1980-2014 <Cara Jan Vaile in der Todesanzeige der Mutter Barbara E Stewart; Vater: George Benson Stewart; Geschwister: Barbara Catherine Stewart; George M Stewart; Thomas W Stewart; Publ. in Baltimore Sun, 9. Juli 2005, Baltimore, Maryland>; United States Public Records, 1970-2009 <Cara J Vaile, auch: Cara Stewart; geb. 30. Dezember 1955; Wohnorte: Baltimore, Maryland, Windsor Mill, Maryland; Mögliche Verwandte: Amy L Vaile, Barbara C Stewart, Donald Duffy Vaile, Donald T Vaile, George Benson Stewart, George M Stewart, Jenny L Vaile, Jr George Benson Stewart, Kathryn F Vaile, Kathy Vaile Rosner>).

VAILE Donald Duffy
* 09.12.1961

Quelle: Familysearch (August 2019; hier: United States Public Records, 1970-2009 <Donald Duffy Vaile, auch: Donald E Vaile; geb. 9. Dezember 1961; Wohnorte: Greendale, Wisconsin, Oak Creek, Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Baltimore, Maryland; Possible Relatives: Cara J Vaile, Cara Stewart, Duffy Vaile, Ernest J Vaile, Jill M Hodkiewicz, Jill Marie Vaile, Amy L Vaile, Jenny L Vaile, Kathryn F Vaile, Kathy Vaile Rosner>; Wisconsin Marriage Index, 1973-1997 <Donald Duffy Vaile, geb. um 1962, 35 Jahre alt, Heirat am 27. September 1997 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin mit Jill Marie Hodkiewicz, geb. um 1969, 28 Jahre alt>).

1. Vaile Christopher Jarrod 24Jhr 10Mo 2Wo * 16.10.1985 Randallstown † 05.09.2010 †Urs: Gefallen in Afghanistan

Quellen: "Defensebaseactcomp.wordpress.com (August 2019; Chris Jarrod Vaile, 25, a Randallstown native, was killed Sunday by an IED in Afghanistan, where he was working for a private security firm. The bomb exploded while Vaile was riding in a vehicle, killing him and another man, his mother said. 'He's taken many roads; this was another,' his mother said. 'He took a risk every day. He was always so fortunate - so many of his buddies were killed.' Vaile graduated from the Carver Center for Arts & Technology, where he played varsity lacrosse for four years and was a culinary arts major. He loved cooking but didn't have much time for it after he joined the Marines. Vaile enlisted in 2003 at age 17. His lifelong friend, cousin, lacrosse teammate and 'brother,' Adam Stewart, also joined the military, choosing the Army. 'He was a point of strength,' Stewart said. 'We were brothers to the end,' he said, who 'did everything together.' Stewart said Vaile loved the military and 'was an adventurer. He lived life to the fullest.' He said Vaile was blunt, but also kind and extremely loyal. Vaile served until 2008, earning the rank of sergeant and serving three tours in Iraq. He swam on a Marines swimming team while stationed in Okinawa, Japan, his mother said. Vaile left the military after five years to work for SOC Inc., a consulting and security management company based in Nevada. His mother said he liked the job, which he'd had for 10 months, but 'he always loved the military. I always thought he would go back.' She said he also 'loved fast cars, fast food and lacrosse.' After serving in Iraq, he bought a sports car. He had planned to return to marry his fiancee, Lauren McGowan, and wanted to have four or five children, his mother said. The couple planned to move to California. 'This is my only child. It makes it very hard,' she said. 'I am just going to take this day by day. I'm going to love him and miss him.' Vaile's body has not yet been brought home. No funeral arrangements had been made, his mother said)", "Eckhardtfuneralchapel.com/obituary (August 2019; On September 5, 2010, Christopher J. Vaile, beloved son of Cara Jan Stewart-Vaile and Donald Vaile; fiance of Lauren Ashley McGowan; step son, Jill Vaile; half brother of Samuele, William, Logan and Katherine; devoted grandson of George Stewart, Donald and Kathryn Vaile. He is also survived by Adam Stewart, his Aunt Kip, Uncles Michael, Thomas Stewart and a large extended Vaile family. Loving grandmother, Barbara E. Stewart, deceased. Christopher served in the United States Marine Corps, 2003-2008, during the Iraq War and received the Purple Heart Medal. He was currently employed for Special Operations Consulting, SOC, in Afghanistan. He studied Culinary Art and played Varsity Lacrosse at Carver Arts and Technology High School. Family and friends will honor Christopher's life at the Eckhardt Funeral Chapel, P.A., 11605 Reisterstown Road, Owings Mills on Thursday, September 16, 2010 from 3 to 5 and 7 to 9 p.m. where a memorial service will be held Friday, September 17, 2010 at 9:30 a.m. Interment at 10:45 AM at the Garrison Forest Veterans Cemetery, 11501 Garrison Forest Road, Owings Mills. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to Carver Center Foundation, or U.S. Marine Corps)" und "Findagrave (August 2019; Christopher Jarrod Vaile, geb. 16. Oktober 1985, gest. 5. September 2010 in Afghanistan; Bestattet/Burial: Garrison Forest Veterans Cemetery, Owings Mills, Baltimore County, Maryland; Section CB3 Row 16 Site 1)".

Christopher Jarrod

Garrison Forest Veterans
Cemetery, Owings Mills,
Baltimore County, Maryland

Christopher J Vaile

Julius Franz Gottsleben


Julius Franz und Christina


Julius Franz Gottsleben reiste als 17-Jähriger von Volkmarsen nach Bremerhaven und nahm dort das Schiff Bremen der Linie des Norddeutschen Lloyds. 1869 betrat er in Baltimore amerikanischen Boden. Nach der Volkszählung von 1870 wohnte er bei seinem ebenfalls aus Volkmarsen stammenden Onkel [?] Peter August Gottsleben und dessen Ehefrau Elizabeth in der Baltimore Ward 7, Baltimore, Maryland.
Julius ist der Stammvater der Gottsleben-Linie, die sich in South Dakota nieder gelassen hat und dort bis heute nachgewiesen ist. Am 1. November 1884 wurde er in Freeport, Illinois amerikanischer Staatsbürger. Im Jahr 1907 erwarb Julius eine 18 Meilen nordwestlich von Philip, South Dakota, gelegene Ranch, die noch heute im Besitz der Familie Gottsleben ist.

0.1 GOTTSLEBEN Julius Franz (Frantz) rk Händler (Merchant), Farmer
* 10.1852 Volkmarsen † 1926 Sioux Falls Lebensorte: Volkmarsen Baltimore Ocheyedan Sioux Falls

Geboren in Volkmarsen, Hessen-Kassel, ist Julius Gottsleben als 17-Jähriger 1869 von Bremen aus über den Hafen von Baltimore in die USA eingewandert. 1870 wohnte er bei seinem bereits am 31. Oktober 1854 aus Volkmarsen in die Vereinigten Staaten eingewanderten Onkel [?] Peter August Gottsleben und dessen Ehefrau Elizabeth in der Baltimore Ward 7, Baltimore, Maryland. Am 1. November 1884 wurde Julius Gottsleben in Freeport, Illinois amerikanischer Staatsbürger. Julius Gottsleben erwarb 1907 eine 18 Meilen nordwestlich von Philipp gelegene Ranch, die noch heute im Besitz der Familie Gottsleben ist. - Quellen: "FamilySearch (März 2014; hier: Maryland, Baltimore Passenger Lists Index, 1820-1897 <Julius Gottsleben aus Vol[k]marsen>; Maryland, Baltimore Passenger Lists, 1820-1948 <Julius Gottslebon [Gottsleben]; 16 Jahre alt, geb. in Hessen; Immigration Baltimore, Baltimore, Maryland; Schiff Berlin>; United States Germans to America Index, 1850-1897 <Julius Gottslebon [Gottsleben]; 16 Jahre alt, geb. um 1853 in Hessen; Beruf: Händler/Merchant; Eingewandert am 23. Oktober 1869 in Baltimore, Maryland; Schiff Berlin>; United States Census 1870 <Julius Gottsleben; Wohnort: Baltimore Ward 7, Baltimore, Maryland>; United States Census, 1880 <Julius Gottlieben [Gottsleben]; Geb. um 1851 in Germany; Beruf: Day Laborer; Wohnort: Baileyville, Ogle, Illinois; Eltern geb. in Germany; Ehefrau: Dena Gottlieben [Gottsleben]; geb. in Germany, 26 Jahre alt; Kinder: Mary Gottlieben [Gottsleben], 5 Jahre alt, geb. Maryland, Fred Gottlieben [Gottsleben], 1 Jahr alt, geb. in Illinois und Joseph Gottlieben [Gottsleben], noch nicht ein Jahr alt, geb. in Illinois>; Illinois, Northern District Naturalization Index, 1840-1950 <Julius Gottsleben; Naturalization 1884 in Freeport, Illinois>; Iowa State Census, 1895 <Julius Gottsleven [Gottsleben]; Wohnort: Osceola, Iowa; Haushalt: Julius Gottsleven [Gottsleben], Christina Gottsleven [Gottsleben], Fred Gottsleven [Gottsleben], Joseph Gottsleven [Gottsleben], Paul Gottsleven [Gottsleben], Anna Gottsleven [Gottsleben], Tillie Gottsleven [Gottsleben], Julius Gottsleven [Gottsleben], Albert Gottsleven [Gottsleben], Wm Gottsleven [Gottsleben]>; United States Census, 1900 <Julius Gottsleben; geb. Oktober 1852 in Maryland [richtig Germany], 48 Jahre alt; Wohnort: Ocheyedan & Allison Townships Ocheyedan town, Osceola, Iowa; 25 Jahre verheiratet; Heirat um 1875; Eingewandert 1878 [richtig 1869]; Eltern geb. in Germany; Ehefrau Dena Gottsleben, 48 Jahre alt, geb. in Germany, Kinder: Fred Gottsleben, 23 Jahre alt, geb. in Illinois; Joe Gottsleben, 20 Jahre alt, geb. in Illinois; Paul Gottsleben, 18 Jahre alt, geb. in Illinois; Julius Gottsleben, 13 Jahre alt, geb. in Illinois; Albert Gottsleben, 11 Jahre alt, geb. in Illinois; Willie Gottsleben, 6 Jahre alt, geb. in Iowa; Anna Gottsleben, 16 Jahre alt, geb. in Illinois und Tillie Gottsleben, 15 Jahre alt, geb. in Illinois>, United States Census, 1910 <Julis Gottsleben, geboren in Deutschland, eingewandert 1869; Wohnort: Township 2, Stanley, South Dakota>; South Dakota State Census, 1915 <Julius Gottsleben; geb. um 1852 in Deutschland, 63 Jahre alt, verheiratet, Heirat 1875; Mädchenname der Ehefrau: Ebert; seit 1902 in South Dakota; katholisch>; United States Census, 1920 <Julius Gottslben [Gottsleben]; Wohnort: Sioux Falls Ward 4, Minnehaha, South Dakota>; Iowa, County Births, 1880-1935 <Julius Gottoleben [Gottsleben] und Cristina Ebert bei Geburt des Sohnes Willie>; Iowa, County Marriages, 1838-1934 <Heirat der Tochter Maria>)", "Findagrave.com (März 2014; Saint Michaels Cemetery, Sioux Falls, Minnehaha County, South Dakota, <Grabinschrift Gottsleben, Father Julius 1852-1926>)" und "Mundia.com (März 2014)".

Baltimore Passenger
Lists, 1820-1948

Julius Gottsleben

Maryland, Baltimore
Passenger Lists
Index, 1820-1897

Julius Gottsleben

 Naturalization 1884
in Freeport, Ill.

Julius Gottsleben

oo 1875
EBERT Justena (Justina Cristina) rk
* 1852 † 14.01.1922 Sioux Falls

Geboren in Deutschland. Um 1871 in die Vereinigten Staaten eingewandert. - Quellen: "FamilySearch (März 2014; hier: United States Census, 1900; United States Census, 1910 <hier Vorname Justenia, geboren in Deutschland>; United States Census, 1920; Iowa, County Births, 1880-1935 <Cristina Ebert und Julius Gottoleben [Gottsleben] bei Geburt des Sohnes Willie>; Iowa, County Marriages, 1838-1934 <Heirat der Tochter Maria; hier Name Justina Ebert>; South Dakota State Census, 1915 <hier Geburtsname Ebert>)" und "Findagrave.com (März 2014; Saint Michaels Cemetery, Sioux Falls, Minnehaha County, South Dakota, <Grabinschrift Gottsleben, Mother Justena 1852-1922; gest. 14.01.1922>)".

The daily Argus-leader.
Sioux Falls, 16. Januar 1922

Todesanzeige Mrs.
Julius Gottsleben

Saint Michaels Cemetery,
Sioux Falls


Father Julius

Mother Justena

1. Gottsleben Maria (Mary Mona) 73Jhr 9Mo 2Wo * 08.03.1876 Baltimore † 26.12.1949 Blackfoot > 1.1
2. Gottsleben Frederick (Fred) John (Guss) 73Jhr 3Mo 1Wo * 02.10.1878 † 11.01.1952 Codington County
> 1.2
3. Gottsleben Joseph Peter (Joe) 77Jhr * 27.04.1880 Freeport † . .1957 Clark County
> 1.3
4. Gottsleben Paul 84Jhr 4Mo 2Wo * 22.01.1882 † 11.06.1966 Philip
> 1.4
Gottsleben Anna A. * .01.1884 † . .1927 Flandreau > 1.5
6. Gottsleben Mathilda (Tillie) 59Jhr * .08.1885 † 24.11.1944 Saint Paul > 1.6
7. Gottsleben Julius Frank (Lon F.) 85Jhr 3Mo 2Wo * 08.10.1887 Freeport † 26.01.1973 Washington > 1.7
8. Gottsleben Albert Elmer * 30.10.1889 Freeport † .06.1966 > 1.8
9. Gottsleben William Martin (Willie) 62Jhr 10Mo * 30.01.1894 Goewey Township † 02.12.1956 Quinn > 1.9

Iowa State Census,


Julius Gottsleven

United States Census,


Julius Gottsleben

South Dakota
State Census, 19

Julius Gottsleben

Gottsleben Ranch
Since 1907

Generation 1

1.1 GOTTSLEBEN Maria (Mary Mona) 73Jhr 9Mo 2Wo rk < 0.1
* 08.03.1876 Baltimore † 26.12.1949 Blackfoot
Eltern: Gottsleben Julius Franz (Frantz) , Ebert Justena (Justina Cristina)

Quellen: "FamilySearch (November 2018; hier: Iowa, County Marriages, 1838-1934 <Mona Gottsleben; Eltern: Julius Gottsleben und Justina Ebert>; Iowa, County Births, 1880-1935 <Geburt der Tochter Anna Agnes>; Idaho Death Certificates, 1938-1961 <Mary Gottsleben Johannes; geb. 8. März 1876 in Maryland, gest. 26. Dezember 1949 in Blackfoot, Bingham, Idaho; Eltern: Julius und Justina Gottsleben, beide in Deutschland geboren>)", "Findagrave (November 2018; <Mary Gottsleben Johannes; geb. 8. März 1876 in Baltimore, Baltimore County, Maryland, gest. 26. Dezember 1949 in Blackfoot, Bingham County, Idaho; Bestattet/Burial: Grove City Cemetery, Blackfoot, Bingham County, Idaho; Plot: Block 118, Lot 4, Plot S>)" und "Geneanet.org (Februar 2015; auch Mail von W. David Samuelsen: Lebensdaten)".

Idaho Death Certificates,

Mary Gottsleben Johannes

oo 19.01.1897 Ashton
JOHANNES Bernhard (Barney) 88Jhr 5Mo 3Wo
* 26.09.1870 Burlington † 17.03.1959 Pocatello
Eltern: Johannes Nikolaus (Nicholas) , Kraemer Anna

Quellen: "FamilySearch (März 2014; hier: Iowa, County Marriages, 1838-1934 <Eltern: Nic. Johannes und Anna Reimer/oder Resner>; Iowa, County Births, 1880-1935 <Geburt der Tochter Anna Agnes>)", "Findagrave (November 2018; <Barney Johannes; geb. 26. September 1870 in Burlington, Racine County, Wisconsin, gest. 17. März 1959 in Pocatello, Bannock County; Bestattet/Burial: Grove City Cemetery, Blackfoot, Bingham County, Idaho; Plot: Block 118, Lot 4, Plot N>)" und "Geneanet.org (Februar 2015; auch Mail von W. David Samuelsen: Lebensdaten)".

1. Johannes Alfreda J. 92Jhr 6Mo 2Wo * 27.11.1898 Goewey Township † 13.06.1991 Pocatello > 2.1
2. Johannes Anna Agnes * 08.02.1902 Goewey Township † <.04.1910 Ashton

Quellen: "FamilySearch (März 2014; hier: Iowa, County Births, 1880-1935 <Anna Agnes Johannes; geb. 8. Februar 1902 in Goewey Township, Osceola, Iowa; Eltern: Barney Johannes und Mary Gottsleben>)" und "Geneanet.org (Februar 2015; auch Mail von W. David Samuelsen: Lebensdaten)".

 Grove City Cemetery, Blackfoot,
Bingham County, Idaho

Mary Gottsleben
1876 - 1949

Barney Johannes
1870 - 1959

1.2 GOTTSLEBEN Frederick (Fred) John (Guss) 73Jhr 3Mo 1Wo rk < 0.1
* 02.10.1878 † 11.01.1952 Codington County Lebensorte:  Clark  
Eltern: Gottsleben Julius Franz (Frantz) , Ebert Justena (Justina Cristina)

Quellen: "FamilySearch (März 2014; hier: United States Census, 1900; United States Census, 1910 <Guss Gottsleben; geb. um 1879 in Illinois, 31 Jahre alt; Wohnort: Mt Pleasant, Clark, South Dakota; Eltern geb. in Germany; Ehefrau: Bertha Gottsleben, 32 Jahre alt, geb. in Wisconsin; Bruder: Joe Gottsleben, 29 Jahre alt, geb. in Illinois; Kinder: Fredrick Gottsleben, 8 Jahre alt; George Gottsleben, 7 Jahre alt; Anna Gottsleben, 5 Jahre alt; Leo Gottsleben, 3 Jahre alt; Charley Gottsleben, 1 Jahr alt; alle geb. in South Dakota>; South Dakota, State Census, 1915; United States World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918 <Frederick John Gottsleben; geb. 4. Oktober 1879; Draft Registration in Clark County, South Dakota>; United States Census, 1920; South Dakota, State Census, 1925; United States Census, 1930; United States Census, 1940 <Wohnort: Mount Pleasant Township, Clark, South Dakota>; Iowa, County Marriages, 1838-1934 <Fred Gottsleben, 22 Jahre alt, Heirat am 18. Februar 1901 in Osceola Co., Iowa mit Bertha Butler, 23 Jahre alt; hier auch Eintrag unter: Fred Gottesleben u. Fred Gottsleban; Ehefrau: Bertha Butler>; Iowa, County Births, 1880-1935 <Geburt des Sohnes Fred W.>)", "Findagrave.com (März 2014; Saint Boniface Cemetery, Clark, SD, hier: geb. 1878, gest. 1952)" und "Mundia.com (März 2014)".

oo 18.02.1901 Osceola County
BUTLER Bertha B. 78Jhr 4Mo 1Wo rk
* 03.09.1877 † 12.01.1956 Clark Lebensorte:  Clark  
Eltern: Butler William , Meyer (Meier) Wilhelmine Auguste (Minnie)

Quellen: "FamilySearch (März 2014; hier: United States Census, 1900; United States Census, 1910; United States Census, 1920; United States Census, 1930; United States Census, 1940 <Wohnort: Mount Pleasant Township, Clark, South Dakota>; Iowa, County Marriages, 1838-1934 <hier auch Eintrag unter: Fred Gottesleben; Ehefrau: Bertha Butler; Eltern der Ehefrau: Wm Butler u. Minnie Meyers>; Iowa, County Births, 1880-1935 <Geburt des Sohnes Fred W.>; South Dakota, State Census, 1915 <hier Geburtsname: Bertha Butler>, 1925 <hier Geburtsname: Bertha Beuller>)", "Findagrave (März 2014; Bertha B. Beuller Gottsleben, geb. 1877 in Wisconsin, gest. 1956 in Clark County; Bestattet/Burial: Saint Boniface Cemetery, Clark, Clark County, South Dakota; Plot: SE Lot 179, Gr)", "Itctel.com/sdclark (April 2019; hier: Clark County Deaths, 1885-1920 <Mrs Bertha Gottsleben, gest. 12. Januar 1956>)" und "Mundia.com (März 2014)".

1. Gottsleben Frederick (Fred) William 63Jhr 10Mo 2Wo * 11.11.1901 Holman Township † 28.09.1965 Graceville > 2.2
2. Gottsleben George Albert 65Jhr 3Mo 1Wo * 05.04.1903 Clark † 14.07.1968 Lincoln
> 2.3
3. Gottsleben Anna (Annie) Mae 73Jhr 10Mo 3Wo * 25.11.1904 Clark † 17.10.1978 Watertown
> 2.4
4. Gottsleben Leo Leroy 85Jhr 7Mo 1Wo * 30.03.1907 Clark † 11.11.1992 Minneapolis
> 2.5
5. Gottsleben Charles H. (Charley Chas) 77Jhr 11Mo 2Wo * 16.02.1909 † 02.02.1987 Clark

Quellen: "FamilySearch (März 2014; hier: United States Census, 1910 <hier Vorname Charley>); United States Census, 1920; South Dakota, State Census, 1925; United States Census, 1930; United States Census, 1940 <Charles Gottsleben; geb. um 1909 in South Dakota; 31 Jahre alt, ledig; Wohnort: Mount Pleasant Township, Clark, South Dakota; Eltern: Fred J Gottsleben, 61 Jahre alt, und Bertha Gottsleben, 62 Jahre alt; Schwager: Geo Sherbordy, 48 Jahre alt>; South Dakota State Census, 1945 <Chas Gottsleben; Wohnort: Mt Plesant, Clark, South Dakota>; United States Social Security Death Index <Charles Gottsleben; geb. 16. Februar 1909 in South Dakota, gest. Februar 1987; Letzter Wohnort: Clark, Clark, South Dakota>)", "Findagrave (März 2014; <Charles H. Gottsleben; geb. 16. Februar 1909 in South Dakota, gest. 2. Februar 1987 in Clark, Clark County, South Dakota; Bestattet/Burial: Saint Boniface Cemetery, Clark, Clark County, South Dakota; Plot: Blk NE, Lot 176, Gr 2>)" und "Mundia.com (März 2014)".

South Dakota State
Census, 1945

Chas Gottsleben

Saint Boniface Cemetery, Clark

Charles H. Gottsleben

6. Gottsleben Mary Isabelle 83Jhr 8Mo * 14.10.1911 Clark † 20.06.1995 Clark > 2.6
7. Gottsleben Louise Cecilia 1Jhr 4Mo 3Wo * 23.01.1914 Clark † 15.06.1915 Clark

Quellen: "FamilySearch (September 2015; hier: Internationaler Genealogie-Index <Louise Cecilia Gottsleben; geb. 23. Januar 1914 in Clark, SD, gest. 15. Juni 1915 in Clark, SD>)", "Itctel.com/sdclark (April 2019; hier: Clark County Deaths, 1885-1920 <Kind, Tochter Gottsleben, gest. 10. Juni 1915>)" und "Findagrave.com (März 2014; Louise C. Gottsleben; geb. 23. Januar 1914 in South Dakota, gest. [bestattet?] 15. Juni 1915 in South Dakota; Bestattet/Burial: Saint Boniface Cemetery, Clark, Clark County, South Dakota)".

United States Census, 1910

Guss [Frederick John]

United States World War I
Draft Registration Cards,

Frederick John Gottsleben

Saint Boniface Cemetery, Clark

Fred J. Gottsleben
† 1952

Bertha B. Gottsleben
† 1956

Louise C. Gottsleben
Jan. 23, 1914
/ June 15, 1915

GOTTSLEBEN Joseph Peter (Joe) 77Jhr rk Rural mail carrier < 0.1
* 27.04.1880 Freeport † 1957 Clark County Lebensorte: Freeport Clark  
Eltern: Gottsleben Julius Franz (Frantz) , Ebert Justena (Justina Cristina)

Quellen: "FamilySearch (März 2014; hier: United States Census, 1880 <Joseph Gottlieben [Gottsleben]; geb. um 1880 in Illinois; Wohnort: Baileyville, Ogle, Illinois; Eltern: Julius Gottlieben [Gottsleben], 29 Jahre alt, und Dena Gottlieben [Gottsleben], 26 Jahre alt, beide geb. in Germany; Geschwister: Mary Gottlieben [Gottsleben], 5 Jahre alt, geb. in Maryland und Fred Gottlieben [Gottsleben], 1 Jahr alt, geb. in Illinois>; United States Census, 1900 <Joe Gottsleben; geb. April 1880 in Illinois, 20 Jahre alt; Wohnort: Ocheyedan & Allison Townships Ocheyedan town, Osceola, Iowa; Eltern: Julius Gottsleben, 48 Jahre alt, geb. in Maryland und Dena Gottsleben, 48 Jahre alt, geb. in Germany; Geschwister: Fred Gottsleben, 23 Jahre alt; Paul Gottsleben, 18 Jahre alt; Anna Gottsleben, 16 Jahre alt; Tillie Gottsleben, 15 Jahre alt; Julius Gottsleben, 13 Jahre alt; Albert Gottsleben, 11 Jahre alt, alle geb. in Illinois und Willie Gottsleben, 6 Jahre alt, geb. in Iowa>; United States Census, 1910 <hier im Haushalt seines Bruders Guss, i.e. Fred J. Gottsleben>); South Dakota, State Census, 1915 <hier Name Joseph Gottsleben, 35 Jahre, ledig, Ankunft in South Dakota um 1902, katholisch>; United States World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918 <Joseph Peter Gottsleben; geb. 27. April 1880; Draft Registration in Clark County, South Dakota>; United States Census, 1920 <Joseph P Gottsleben; geb. um 1881 in Illinois, 39 Jahre alt, verheiratet; Wohnort: Clark, Clark, South Dakota; Eltern geb. in Deutschland; Ehefrau; Elisabeth M Gottsleben, 37 Jahre alt, geb in Iowa; Kinder: Joseph F Gottsleben, 1 Jahr alt und Helen M Gottsleben, 0 Jahr alt, beide geb. in South Dakota>; United States Census, 1930; South Dakota State Census, 1935 <Joe Gottsleben; geb. 1880 in Illinois, 55 Jahre alt, geheiratet 1917; Wohnort: Clark ward 1, Clark, South Dakota>; United States Census, 1940 <Joseph Gottsleben; geb. 1881 in Illinois, 59 Jahre alt; Wohnort: Clark City, Clark, South Dakota; Ehefrau: Elizabeth Mae Gottsleben, 58 Jahre alt, geb. in Iowa; Kinder: Joseph Gottsleben, 22 Jahre alt; Helen Gottsleben, 20 Jahre alt und Bernard Gottsleben, 18 Jahre alt, alle geb. in South Dakota>; South Dakota, South Dakota State Census, 1945 <Joseph P Gottsleben; geb. um 1880 in Freeport, Illinois, 65 Jahre alt, geheiratet 1917; Wohnort: Ward 1, Clark, South Dakota>)", "Itctel.com/sdclark (April 2019: hier: Clark County Marriages <Joseph Gottsleben Heirat am 25. Januar 1917>)", "Findagrave.com (März 2014; <Joseph P. Gottsleben; geb. 1880 in Illinois, gest. 1957 in Clark County, South Dakota; Bestattet/Burial: Saint Boniface Cemetery, Clark, Clark County, South Dakota; Plot: NE Lot 93, Gr; Joseph P. Gottsleben, a rural mail carrier out of Clark>)" und "Mundia.com (März 2014)".

oo 25.01.1917 Clark County
MCLAUGHIN Elizabeth Mae (May) rk Telephone operator
* 1882 † 1965 Clark
Eltern: McLaughin Dennis , N.N.

Geboren in Iowa <Name auch McLaughlin>. - Quellen: "FamilySearch (März 2014; hier: United States Census, 1920; South Dakota, State Census, 1925; United States Census, 1930; United States Census, 1940 <Wohnort: Clark City, Clark, South Dakota>; South Dakota State Census, 1945 <Elizabeth May Gottsleben; geb. um 1882 in Iowa; 63 Jahre alt; Wohnort: Clark Ward 1, Clark, South Dakota; verheiratet 1917; Mutter geb. in Chicago, Illinois>)" und "Findagrave.com (März 2014; <Elizabeth Mae 'Mae' McLaughin Gottsleben; geb. 1882 in Iowa, gest. 1965 in Clark, Clark County, South Dakota: Bestattet/Burial: Saint Boniface Cemetery, Clark, Clark County, South Dakota; Plot: NE Lot 93, Gr 5. Father was Dennis McLaughin who homesteaded in Lincoln Township. He was a carpenter by trade. She attended all the elementary grades and one year of high school. She was a telephone operator in Clark and Redfield until she was married to Joseph P. Gottsleben, a rural mail carrier out of Clark>)".

1. Gottsleben Joseph Francis 58Jhr * 05.02.1918 Clark † .09.1976 > 2.7
Gottsleben Helen Marie 78Jhr 5Mo 3Wo * 05.06.1919 † 01.12.1997 > 2.8
3. Gottsleben Bernard John 85Jhr 10Mo 1Wo * 27.01.1922 Clark † 03.12.2007 Sioux Falls > 2.9

Draft Registration
ept. 1918

Joseph Peter Gottsleben

United States Census, 1940

Joseph Peter Gottsleben

Saint Boniface Cemetery, Clark

Joseph P. 1880-
Elizabeth M. 1882-1965

GOTTSLEBEN Paul 84Jhr 4Mo 2Wo rk < 0.1
* 22.01.1882 † 11.06.1966 Philip Lebensorte:  Philip  
Eltern: Gottsleben Julius Franz (Frantz) , Ebert Justena (Justina Cristina)

Quellen: "FamilySearch (März 2014; hier: United States Census, 1900 <Paul Gottsleben; geb. Januar 1882 in Illinois, 18 Jahre alt; Wohnort: Ocheyedan & Allison Townships Ocheyedan town, Osceola, Iowa; Eltern: Julius Gottsleben, 48 Jahre alt, geb. in Maryland und Dena Gottsleben, 48 Jahre alt, geb. in Germany; Geschwister: Fred Gottsleben, Joe Gottsleben, Anna Gottsleben, Tillie Gottsleben, Julius Gottsleben, Albert Gottsleben, Willie Gottsleben>; United States World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918 <Paul Gottsleben, geb. 27. Januar 1882>; United States Census, 1920 <Paul Gottaleben [Gottsleben]>; South Dakota, State Census, 1925 <Paul Gottsleben, 41 Jahre alt, Witwer; Geburtsname der Ehefrau: Minnie Johnson [richtig: Minnie Jensen]>; United States Census, 1930 <Witwer>; United States Census, 1940 <Witwer>)", "Findagrave (Dezember 2018; <Paul Gottsleben; geb. 22. Januar 1882 in Illinois, gest. 11. Juni 1966; Bestattet/Burial: Masonic Cemetery, Philip, Haakon County, South Dakota>)" und "Mundia.com (März 2014)".

oo 13.10.1920 Rapid City
JENSEN Minnie 24Jhr
* 03.1898 Philip † 10.03.1922 Philip Lebensort: Philip   
Eltern: Jensen Nels Madsen , Carstensen Bena Marie

Quellen: "Mundia.com (März 2014)", "Findagrave (März 2014; Minnie Jensen Gottsleben; geb. 1896, gest. 10. März 1922 in Haakon County, South Dakota; Bestattet/Burial: Masonic Cemetery, Philip, Haakon County, South Dakota)" und "FamilySearch (März 2014; hier: United States Census, 1900 <Minnie Jensen; geb. März 1898 in South Dakota; Wohnort: Midland & Philip Precincts, Stanley, South Dakota; Eltern: Nels Jensen Head, 36 Jahre alt, geb. in Denmark und Bena Jensen, 23 Jahre alt, geb. in Germany>)".

1. Gottsleben Dorothy M. (Dottie) 87Jhr 8Mo * 25.02.1922 Philip † 01.11.2009 Rapid City > 2.10

United States World War I
Draft Registration Cards,

Paul Gottsleben

South Dakota,
State Census,

 Paul Gottsleben

Masonic Cemetery, Philip



1.5 GOTTSLEBEN Anna A. rk < 0.1
* 01.1884 † 1927 Flandreau Lebensorte:  Flandreau  
Eltern: Gottsleben Julius Franz (Frantz) , Ebert Justena (Justina Cristina)

Quellen: "FamilySearch (Juli 2019; hier: United States Census, 1900 <Anna Gottsleben; geb. Januar 1884 in Illinois, 16 Jahre alt, ledig; Dienstmädchen/Servant in Holman Township Sibley town, Osceola, Iowa; Wohnort der Eltern Julius und Dena Gottsleben: Cheyedan & Allison Townships Ocheyedan town, Osceola, Iowa; Geschwister: Fred Gottsleben, Joe Gottsleben, Paul Gottsleben, Tillie Gottsleben, Julius Gottsleben, Albert Gottsleben und Willie Gottsleben>; United States Census, 1910 <Anna A Burns; geb. um 1885 in Illinois, 25 Jahre alt; Verheiratet; Wohnort: Flandreau Ward 2, Moody, South Dakota; Eltern geb. in Germany; Ehemann: Robert A Burns, 29 Jahre alt, geb. in Wisconsin; Kind: Francis R Burns, 0 Jahre alt, geb. in South Dakota>; United States Census, 1920 <Anna A Burns; geb. um 1886 in Illinois, 34 Jahre alt; Verheiratet; Wohnort: Flandreau, Moody, South Dakota; Eltern geb. in Germany; Ehemann: Robert A Burns, 39 Jahre alt, geb. in Wisconsin; Kinder: Francis R Burns, 10 Jahre alt und Bernard E Burns, 9 Jahre alt; beide geb. in South Dakota>)", "Mundia.com (März 2014)" und "Findagrave (Oktober 2018; Anna Gottsleben Burns; geb. 1885, gest. 1927; Bestattet/Burial: Saint Simon and Jude Catholic Cemetery, Flandreau, Moody County, South Dakota)".

oo 05.07.1907 Huron
BURNS Robert Arthur 71Jhr 8Mo 3Wo rk Barber/Friseur
* 03.11.1880 Monroe † 24.07.1952 Flandreau Lebensorte: Monroe Flandreau   

Quellen: "FamilySearch (September 2019; hier: United States Census, 1910 <Robert A Burns; geb. um 1881 in Wisconsin, 29 Jahre alt; Verheiratet; Wohnort: Flandreau Ward 2, Moody, South Dakota; Vater geb. in Ireland, Mutter geb. in Canada; Ehefrau: Anna A Burns, 25 Jahre alt, geb. in Illinois; Kind: Francis R Burns, 0 Jahre alt, geb. in South Dakota>; South Dakota State Census, 1915 <Robert Burns; geb. um 1880 in Wisconsin, 35 Jahre alt, Heirat 1907, katholisch; Wohnort: South Dakota; Vater geb. in Ireland, Mutter geb. in Canada; Ehefrau: Anna Gottsleben>; United States World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918 <Robert A Burns; geb. 3. November 1880; Draft Registration in Moody County, South Dakota>; United States Census, 1920 <Robert A Burns; geb. um 1881 in Wisconsin, 39 Jahre alt; Verheiratet; Wohnort: Flandreau, Moody, South Dakota; Vater geb. in Ireland, Mutter geb. in Canada; Ehefrau: Anna A Burns, 34 Jahre alt, geb. in Illinois; Kinder: Francis R Burns, 10 Jahre alt und Bernard E Burns, 9 Jahre alt; beide geb. in South Dakota>; United States Census, 1940 <Robert Burns; geb. um 1880, 60 Jahre alt, Witwer/Widowed; Wohnort: Flandreau City, Flandreau, Moody, South Dakota; Kind: Francis Burns, 30 Jahre alt, geb. in South Dakota>; Tree/pedigree <Robert Arthur Burns; geb. 3. November 1880 Monroe, Adams, WI, gest. 24. Juli 1952 Flandreau, Moody, SD; Heirat: 5. Juni 1907 Huron, Beadle, SD> )", "South Dakota State Business Directory. Published by The Gazetteer Publishing Co., Denver, Colorado, 1909 <Internet 2018; Flandreau, SD. Barbers Burns & Gottsleben; Flandreau is an improtant town, seat of Moody county, on the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry., 60 miles north of Sioux Falls. Surrounded by a rich farming country. Has all the usual city improvements. Population 1,800>)" und "Findagrave (Oktober 2018; Robert A. Burns; geb. 1880, gest. 1952; Bestattet/Burial: Saint Simon and Jude Catholic Cemetery, Flandreau, Moody County, South Dakota)".

1. Burns Francis Robert 65Jhr 4Mo 2Wo * 23.10.1909 Moody County † 07.03.1975

Quellen: "FamilySearch (Juli 2019; hier: South Dakota, Department of Health, Index to Births 1843-1914 and Marriages 1950-2016 <Burns; geb. 23. Oktober 1909 in Moody, South Dakota; Eltern: Robert Burns und Anna Gottslebin [Gottsleben]>; United States World War II Army Enlistment Records, 1938-1946 <Francis R Burns; geb. 1909 in South Dakota; Beruf: Barber, beautician, and manicurist; Single, without dependents; 2 years of high school; Military Service, 25. November 1940, Flandreau, South Dakota; One year enlistment; Corporal, Field Artillery, National Guard [Officers, Warrant Officers, and Enlisted Men]>; Tree/pedigree <Francis Robert Burns; geb. 23. Oktober 1909, gest. 7. März 1975>)" und "Findagrave (Oktober 2018; Francis R. Burns; geb. 23. Oktober 1909, gest. 7. März 1975; Bestattet/Burial: Saint Simon and Jude Catholic Cemetery, Flandreau, Moody County, South Dakota)".

2. Burns Bernard Emery 47Jhr 2Mo 3Wo * 15.12.1910 Moody County † 07.03.1958

Quellen: "FamilySearch (Dezember 2018; hier: South Dakota, Department of Health, Index to Births 1843-1914 and Marriages 1950-2016 <Bernard Burns; geb. 15. Dezember 1910 in Moody, South Dakota; Eltern: Robert Burns und Anna Gottsleben>; United States Census, 1940 <Bernard E Burns; geb. um 1911 in South Dakota, 29 Jahre alt, ledig; Wohnort: Richfield, Richfield Village, Hennepin, Minnesota>; United States World War II Army Enlistment Records, 1938-1946 <Bernard E Burns, geb. um 1910 South Dakota, Single, with dependents, 2 years of high school, Skilled occupations in manufacture of electrical machinery and accessories, n.e.c.; Military Service; Springfield, Missouri, 16 May 1946, Enlistment for Hawaiian Department; Private First Class, Branch Immaterial - Warrant Officers, Regular Army [including Officers, Nurses, Warrant Officers, and Enlisted Men]>; Tree/pedigree <Bernard Emery Burns>)" und "Findagrave (Oktober 2018; Bernard E. Burns; geb. 15. Dezember 1910, gest. 7. März 1958; Bestattet/Burial: Saint Simon and Jude Catholic Cemetery, Flandreau, Moody County, South Dakota)".

United States World War I
Draft Registration Cards,


Robert A Burns

United States Census,


Robert A Burns

Saint Simon and Jude Catholic Cemetery,
Flandreau, Moody County, South Dakota)

Anna Gottsleben,
verh. Burns
1885 - 1927

 Robert A. Burns
1880 - 1952

Bernard E. Burns
1910 - 1958

Francis R. Burns
1909 - 1975

1.6 GOTTSLEBEN Mathilda (Tillie) 59Jhr rk < 0.1
* 08.1885 † 24.11.1944 Saint Paul Lebensorte:  Saint Paul  
Eltern: Gottsleben Julius Franz (Frantz) , Ebert Justena (Justina Cristina)

Quellen: "FamilySearch (März 2014; hier: United States Census, 1900 <Tillie Gottsleben; geb. August 1885 in Illinois, 15 Jahre alt, ledig; Wohnort: Cheyedan & Allison Townships Ocheyedan town, Osceola, Iowa; Eltern: Julius und Dena Gottsleben; Geschwister: Fred Gottsleben, Joe Gottsleben, Paul Gottsleben, Anna Gottsleben, Julius Gottsleben, Albert Gottsleben und Willie Gottsleben>; Minnesota, Deaths and Burials, 1835-1990 <Matilda Plaster; geb. 1885, gest. 24. November 1944 in Saint Paul, Ramsey, Minnesota; verheiratet; Ehemann: Theodore [Plaster]; Eltern: Julius Gottsleben und Justina Ebert>)", "Mundia.com (März 2014)" und "Findagrave (Dezember 2018; Mathilda Gottsleben Plaster; geb. 1885, gest. 24. November 1944 in Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota; Bestattet/Burial: Saint Boniface Cemetery Clark, Clark County, South Dakota; Plot: Lot 174, Gr 6)".

oo >1920
PLASTER Theodore August 90Jhr 7Mo 4Wo Maler/Painter, Dekorateur/Decorater
* 19.03.1881 Stillwater † 17.11.1971 Ramsey Lebensorte: Stillwater Ramsey  
Eltern: Plaster Theodore (Theo) Peter , Moenke Henrietta

Quellen: "FamilySearch (März 2014; hier: Minnesota Births and Christenings, 1840-1980 <Theodore Plaster; geb. 19. März 1881 in Stillwater, Washington, Minnesota; Eltern: Theodore und Henrietta>; United States Census, 1900 <Theodore Plaster; geb. März 1881 in Minnesota, 19 Jahre alt, ledig; Eltern: Peter Plaster und Henretta Plaster, beide geb. in Deutschland; Geschwister: Gustave Plaster, Clara Plaster, Fred Plaster, Minnie Plaster, Lena Plaster, Emma Plaster, Hulda Plaster, Hino Plaster, Arthur Plaster und Sophia Plaster>; United States World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918 <Theodore August Plaster; geb. 19 März 1881>; United States Census, 1920 <Theodore Plaster, 38 Jahre alt, ledig; Wohnort: Stillwater Ward 1, Washington, Minnesota>; United States World War II Draft Registration Cards, 1942 <Theodore August Plaster; geb. 19. März 1881 in Stillwater, Minnesota, 61 Jahre alt; Draft Registration am 27. April 1942 in Saint Paul, Ramsey, Minnesota>; Minnesota, Deaths and Burials, 1835-1990 <Theodore Plaster 1944 beim Tod seiner Frau Matilda, geb. Gottsleben>; Minnesota Death Index, 1908-2002 <Theodore Plaster; geb. [1]9 März 1881, gest. 17. November 1971 in Ramsey, Minnesota; Mädchenname der Mutter: Menke>)" und "Findagrave (Dezember 2018; Theodore A. Plaster; geb. 19. März 1881 in Stillwater, Washington County, Minnesota, gest. 17. November 1971 in Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota; Bestattet/Burial: Dale-Rice Memorial Cemetery, Roseville, Ramsey County, Minnesota)".

United States World War I
Draft Registration Cards, 1918

Theodore August Plaster

United States World War II
Draft Registration Cards, 1942

Theodore August Plaster

Saint Boniface Cemetery Clark,
Clark County, South Dakota

Mathilda Gottsleben Plaster
1885 - 1944

GOTTSLEBEN (GOTCH) Julius Frank (Lon F.) 85Jhr 3Mo 2Wo rk Friseur/Barber < 0.1
* 08.10.1887 Freeport † 26.01.1973 Washington Lebensorte: Freeport Washington Saint Paul 
Eltern: Gottsleben Julius Franz (Frantz) , Ebert Justena (Justina Cristina)

Julius Frank Gottsleben änderte zeitweise seinen Familiennamen und nannte sich Lon (John) F. Gotch <Familienname 1913 bei der Heirat mit Anna Vaugt "Lon F. Gotch"; 1920 im US Census Familienname "Julius Gotch"; 1938 beim Tod seiner Frau Anna Familienname "John Gotch". - Quellen: "FamilySearch (Februar 2018; hier: Iowa State Census, 1895 <Julius Gottsleven [Gottsleben]; 7 Jahre alt, geb. um 1888; Wohnort: Osceola, Iowa; Eltern: Julius Gottsleven [Gottsleben], 47 Jahre alt und Christina Gottsleven [Gottsleben], 43 Jahre alt; Geschwister: Fred Gottsleven [Gottsleben], 17 Jahre alt; Joseph Gottsleven [Gottsleben], 15 Jahre alt; Paul Gottsleven [Gottsleben], 13 Jahre alt; Anna Gottsleven [Gottsleben], 11 Jahre alt; Tillie Gottsleven [Gottsleben], 9 Jahre alt; Albert Gottsleven [Gottsleben], 5 Jahe alt; Wm Gottsleven [Gottsleben], 1 Jahr alt>; United States Census, 1900 <Julius Gottsleben; 13 Jahre alt, geb Oktober 1887 in Illinois; Wohnort: Ocheyedan & Allison Townships Ocheyedan town, Osceola, Iowa; Eltern: Julius Gottsleben, 48 Jahre alt, geb. in Maryland [Germany] und Dena Gottsleben, 48 Jahre alt, geb. in Germany; Geschwister: Fred Gottsleben, 23 Jahre alt, geb. in Illinois; Joe Gottsleben, 20 Jahre alt, geb. in Illinois; Paul Gottsleben, 18 Jahre alt, geb. in Illinois; Anna Gottsleben, 16 Jahre alt, geb. in Illinois; Tillie Gottsleben, 15 Jahre alt, geb. in Illinois; Julius Gottsleben, 13 Jahre alt, geb. in Illinois, Albert Gottsleben, 11 Jahre alt, geb. in Illinois und Willie Gottsleben, 6 Jahre alt, geb. in Iowa>; South Dakota State Census, 1905 <Julius F Gottsleben; 18 Jahre alt, geb. um 1887 in Illinois; ledig/Single; lebt seit 1902 in South Dakota, Eltern geb. in Germany>; United States Census, 1910 <Julius Jottsleben [Gottsleben] als Untermieter/Boarder im Haushalt von Mart Fieandt; Wohnort: Lead Ward 6, Lawrence, South Dakota; Mieter/Boarder: Julius Jottsleben [Gottsleben], 21 Jahre, geb. in Illinois, Beruf: Friseur/Barber>; United States World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918 <Julius F Gottsleben; geb. 8. Oktober 1888 in Freeport, Illinois; Draft Registration 1917-1918 in Omaha City no 1, Omaha City no 2, Nebraska>; United States Census, 1920 <Julius Gotch [Gottsleben]; 29 Jahre alt, geb. um 1891 in Iowa; Verheiratet/married; Wohnort: Sioux Falls Ward 6, Minnehaha, South Dakota; Eltern geb. in United States; Ehefrau: Anna Gotch [Gottsleben], 26 Jahre alt, geb. in Iowa; Tochter: Evelyn Gotch [Gottsleben], 1 Jahr alt, geb. in Nebraska>; United States World War II Draft Registration Cards, 1942 <Julius Frank Gottsleben; 54 Jahre alt, geb. 8. Oktober 1887 in Freeport, Illinois; Draft Registration in Saint Paul, Minnesota; Arbeitgeber: Foley Bros; Verwandter: Paul Gottsleben>; Minnesota Death Index, 1908-2002 <Julius F. Gottsleben; geb. 8 Oktober 1888, gest. 26. Januar 1973 in Washington, Minnesota>; United States Social Security Death Index <Julius Gottsleben; 86 Jahre alt, geb. 8. Oktober 1887 in Minnesota, gest. Januar 1973; Letzter Wohnort: Washington, Minnesota>)", "South Dakota State Business Directory. Published by The Gazetteer Publishing Co., Denver, Colorado, 1909 <Internet 2018; Flandreau, SD. Barbers Burns & Gottsleben; Flandreau is an improtant town, seat of Moody county, on the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry., 60 miles north of Sioux Falls. Surrounded by a rich farming country. Has all the usual city improvements. Population 1,800>)", "Omahamarriages.wordpress.com (Februar 2018; hier: Omaha area marriages <Lon F. Gotch [das ist Julius F. Jr. Gottsleben], 25 Jahre alt, heiratete im Oktober 1913 in Omaha Anna Vaught, 19 Jahre alt; 2. Eintrag der Heirat unter Julius F. Jr. Gottsleben, 26 Jahre alt, heiratete im Januar 1915 in Omaha Anna Vaught, 21 Jahre alt>)", "Findagrave.com (März 2014; Julius F. Gottsleben; geb. 1887, gest. 1973; Bestattet/Burial: Guardian Angels Catholic Church Cemetery, Oakdale, Washington County, Minnesota>)", "Anchestry mail (Februar 2018; Mail from Les and Kim Gotch to Karen Holte <Karen, My great grandfather was Julius Gottsleben, the father of the Julius that you mentioned. He would have been my great uncle. I believe that the family called him Lon instead of Julius. That is about all that I can tell you. They lived in South Dakota, outside Rapid City. There are still Gottslebens living on the old farm there. Sorry that I cannot be of more help than this. Les Gotch. BTW, my grandfather changed our name from Gottsleben to Gotch and that is why there is a difference>)" und "Mundia.com (März 2014)".

oo 10.1913 Omaha
VAUGHT Anna 43Jhr rk
* 1895 † 31.03.1938 Saint Paul Lebensort: Saint Paul   
Eltern: Vaught Lou , Jones Matilda

Quellen: "Omahamarriages.wordpress.com (Februar 2018; hier: Omaha area marriages <Anna Vaught, 19 Jahre alt, heiratete im Oktober 1913 in Omaha Lon F. Gotch [das ist Julius F. Jr. Gottsleben], 25 Jahre alt; 2. Eintrag der Heirat unter Anna Vaught, 21 Jahre alt, heiratete im Januar 1915 in Omaha Julius F. Jr. Gottsleben, 26 Jahre alt>)", "FamilySearch (Februar 2018; hier: United States Census, 1920 <Anna Gotch [Gottsleben]; 26 Jahre alt; geb. um 1894 in Iowa; Verheiratet/married; Wohnort: Sioux Falls Ward 6, Minnehaha, South Dakota; Eltern geb. in Iowa; Ehemann: Julius Gotch [Gottsleben], 29 Jahre alt, geb. in Iowa; Tochter: Evelyn Gotch [Gottsleben]; 1 Jahr alt, geb. in Nebraska>; Minnesota Deaths and Burials, 1835-1990 <Anna Gotch Or Gottsleben; 43 Jahre alt, geb. 1895, gest. 31. März 1938 in St. Paul, Ramsey, Minnesota; Verheiratet/married; Ehemann: John Gotch; Eltern: Lou Vaught und N.N. Jones>)", "Findagrave.com (Februar 2018; Anna Gottsleben; geb. 1895, gest. 1938; Burial: Calvary Cemetery Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota; Plot Section 81>)" und "Ancestry.com (Februar 2018; hier: Sharon Gottsleben's family tree)".

1. Gottsleben Evelyn Cecilia 66Jhr 11Mo 3Wo * 01.01.1918 † 23.12.1984 Ramsey > 2.11
2. Gottsleben Regina M. 82Jhr 10Mo 1Wo * 04.01.1921 † 13.11.2003 Saint Paul

Quellen: "FamilySearch (Februar 2018; hier: United States Public Records, 1970-2009 <Regina M Gotch; geb. 4. Januar 1921; Wohnort: Saint Paul, Minnesota>; United States, GenealogyBank Obituaries <St. Paul Pioneer Press: Regina M Gottsleben Gotch; 82 Jahre alt, geb. um 1921, gest. 13. November 2003; Obituary 16. November 2003 in Minnesota; Schwester: Evelyn Moeller; Entferntere Angehörige: Stephanie Layer, Nichte; Thomas Layer, Neffe; Antoinette, Nichte; Paris, Nichte; Thomas Jr, Neffe; Joann Roberts, Cousine>; United States Social Security Death Index <Regina Gotch; 82 Jahre alt, geb. 4. Januar 1921 in Minnesota; gest. 13 November 2003; Letzter Wohnort: Saint Paul, Ramsey, Minnesota>)", "Findagrave.com (März 2014; Regina Gottsleben <Grabinschrift: Daughter Regina Gottsleben, 1921-2003>; Burial: Guardian Angels Catholic Church Cemetery Oakdale, Washington County, Minnesota)" und "Ancestry.com (Februar 2018; hier: Sharon Gottsleben's family tree)".

Draft Registration,
June 5 1917

Julius F. Gottsleben

Guardian Angels
Catholic Church Cemetery, Oakdale

Julius F. Gottsleben
1887 † 1973

Regina Gottsleben
1921 - 2003

1.8 GOTTSLEBEN (GOTCH) Albert Elmer rk < 0.1
* 30.10.1889 Freeport † 06.1966 Lebensorte: Sioux Falls Freeport Saint Paul 
Eltern: Gottsleben Julius Franz (Frantz) , Ebert Justena (Justina Cristina)

Albert Gottsleben nannte sich ab etwa 1915 Albert Gotch. - Quellen: "FamilySearch (März 2018; hier: United States Census, 1900 <Albert Gottsleben; 11 Jahre alt, geb. Oktober 1889 in Illinois; Wohnort: Ocheyedan & Allison Townships Ocheyedan town, Osceola, Iowa; Eltern: Julius Gottsleben, 48 Jahre alt, geb. in Maryland und Dena Gottsleben, 48 Jahre alt, geb. in Germany; Geschwister: Fred Gottsleben, 23 Jahre alt; Joe Gottsleben, 20 Jahre alt; Paul Gottsleben, 18 Jahre alt; Anna Gottsleben, 16 Jahre alt; Tillie Gottsleben, 15 Jahre alt; Julius Gottsleben, 13 Jahre alt; alle geb. in Illinois>; South Dakota State Census, 1905 <Albert Gottsleben; 15 Jahre alt, geb. um 1890 in Illinois; um 1893 Ankunft in South Dakota>; United States Census, 1910 <Albert Gottsleben; 22 Jahre alt, geb. um 1888 in Illinois; Wohnort: Township 2, Stanley, South Dakota, United States; Eltern: Julis Gottsleben, 59 Jahre alt und Justenia Gottsleben, 57 Jahre alt; Brüder: Paul Gottsleben, 28 Jahre alt, geb. in Illinois und Willie Gottsleben, 16 Jahre alt, geb. in Iowa>; South Dakota State Census, 1915 <Albert Gotch [Gottsleben]; 24 Jahre alt; geb. um 1891 in Illinois; Katholisch/Catholic; Jahr der Eheschließung: 1914; Mädchenname der Ehefrau: Jones>; United States Census, 1920 <Albert Gotch [Gottsleben]; 29 Jahre alt, geb. um 1891 in Illinois, verheiratet; Wohnort: Sioux Falls Ward 6, Minnehaha, South Dakota; Ehefrau: Bernice Gotch, 22 Jahre alt, geb in Iowa; Kinder: Paul F Gotch, 2 Jahre alt; Lois M Gotch, 0 Jahre alt; beide geb. in South Dakota>; United States Census, 1930 <Albert E Gotch [Gottsleben]; 39 Jahre alt, geb. um 1891 in Illinois Wohnort: St Paul, Ramsey, Minnesota; Ehefrau: Bernice Gotch, 32 Jahre alt, geb. in Iowa; Kinder: Paul F Gotch, 12 Jahre alt, geb. in South Dakota; Lois M Gotch, 11 Jahre alt, geb. in South Dakota; Howard E Gotch, 8 Jahre alt, geb. in South Dakota; Shirley H Gotch, 5 Jahre alt; alle geb. in South Dakota; Donald M Gotch, 4 Jahre alt, geb. in Minnesota; Mary J Gotch, 3 Jahre alt, geb. in Illinois; Peggy G Gotch, 0 Jahre alt, geb. in Minnesota>; United States Census, 1940 <Albert Gotch [Gottsleben]; 49 Jahre alt, geb. um 1891; Wohnort: White Bear Township, Ramsey, Minnesota; Ehefrau: Bernice Gotch, 42 Jahre alt, geb. in Iowa; Kinder: Howard Gotch, 18 Jahre alt, geb. in South Dakota; Shirley Gotch, 15 Jahre alt, geb. in South Dakota; Donald Gotch, 14 Jahre alt, geb. Minnesota; Mary Jane Gotch, 13 Jahre alt, geb. in Illinois; Margaret Gotch, 10 Jahre alt; Gerald Gotch, 8 Jahre alt; Jo Ann Gotch, 5 Jahre alt; Robert Gotch, 3 Jahre alt; alle geb. in Minnesota>; United States World War II Draft Registration Cards, 1942 <Albert Elmer Gotch [Gottsleben]; 52 Jahre alt; geb. 30. Oktober 1889 in Freeport, Illinois; Draft Registration am 26. April 1942 in St Paul, Ramsey, Minnesota; Name des Verwandten: Bernice Gotch>; United States Social Security Death Index <Albert Gotch [Gottsleben]; 77 Jahre alt, geb. 30. Oktober 1889 in Minnesota, gest. Juni 1966; Letzter Wohnort: Saint Paul, Ramsey, Minnesota>)"; "Anchestry mail (Februar 2018; Mail from Les and Kim Gotch to Karen Holte <Karen, My great grandfather was Julius Gottsleben, the father of the Julius that you mentioned. He would have been my great uncle. They lived in South Dakota, outside Rapid City. Les Gotch. BTW, my grandfather changed our name from Gottsleben to Gotch and that is why there is a difference>)" und "Mundia.com (März 2014)".

oo 13.05.1914 Minnehaha County
JONES Bernice Marie 90Jhr 5Mo 2Wo
* 19.12.1897 Rock Rapids † 08.06.1988 Lake Lebensorte: Rock Rapids Saint Paul Lake 
Eltern: Jones William Franklin , Bannister Laura Ann

Quellen: "FamilySearch (März 2018; hier:  Iowa, Delayed Birth Records, 1850-1939 <Berniece Marie Jones; geb. 19. Dezember 1897 in Rock Rapids, Lyon, Iowa; Eltern: William Franklin Jones und Laura Ann Banister>; South Dakota State Census, 1915 <Berniece Gotch; 17 Jahre alt, geb. um 1898 in Nebraska; Verheiratet/married; Jahr der Eheschließung: 1914; Mädchenname: Jones; Vater geb. in Ohio, Mutter in Iowa>; United States Census, 1920 <Bernice Gotch, 22 Jahre alt, geb in Iowa, verheiratet; Wohnort: Sioux Falls Ward 6, Minnehaha, South Dakota; Ehemann: Albert Gotch [Gottsleben]; 29 Jahre alt, geb. um 1891 in Illinois; Kinder: Paul F Gotch, 2 Jahre alt; Lois M Gotch, alle geb. in South Dakota>; United States Census, 1930 <Bernice Gotch, 32 Jahre alt, geb. in Iowa; Wohnort: St Paul, Ramsey, Minnesota; Ehemann: Albert E Gotch [Gottsleben]; 39 Jahre alt, geb. um 1891 in Illinois; Kinder: Paul F Gotch, 12 Jahre alt, geb. in South Dakota; Lois M Gotch, 11 Jahre alt, geb. in South Dakota; Howard E Gotch, 8 Jahre alt, geb. in South Dakota; Shirley H Gotch, 5 Jahre alt; alle geb. in South Dakota; Donald M Gotch, 4 Jahre alt, geb. in Minnesota; Mary J Gotch, 3 Jahre alt, geb. in Illinois; Peggy G Gotch, 0 Jahre alt, geb. in Minnesota>; United States Census, 1940 <Bernice Gotch, 42 Jahre alt, geb. in Iowa; Wohnort: White Bear Township, Ramsey, Minnesota; Ehemann: Albert Gotch [Gottsleben]; 49 Jahre alt, geb. um 1891; Kinder: Howard Gotch, 18 Jahre alt, geb. in South Dakota; Shirley Gotch, 15 Jahre alt, geb. in South Dakota; Donald Gotch, 14 Jahre alt, geb. Minnesota; Mary Jane Gotch, 13 Jahre alt, geb. in Illinois; Margaret Gotch, 10 Jahre alt; Gerald Gotch, 8 Jahre alt; Jo Ann Gotch, 5 Jahre alt; Robert Gotch, 3 Jahre alt; alle geb. in Minnesota>; California Death Index, 1940-1997 <Berniece Marie Gotch; geb. 19. Dezember 1897 in Iowa, gest. 8. Juni 1988 in Lake, California; Name des Vaters: Jones, Name der Mutter: Bannister>; United States Social Security Death Index <Berniece M Gotch; 91 Jahre alt, geb. 19. Dezember 1897 in Minnesota, gest. 8. Juni 1988; Letzter Wohnort: Lakeport, Lake, California>)" und "Findagrave.com (Marz 2018; Bernice Marie Jones Gotch; geb. 19. Dezember 1897 in Iowa, gest. 8. Juni 1988 in Lake County, California; Bestattet/Burial: Hartley Cemetery, Lakeport, Lake County, California; Plot: Section 2. - Bernice married Albert E Gotch 13 May 1914 in Minnehaha, SD and was noted to have mothered 12 children. Her mother was a Bannister)".

1. Gotch Paul F. 68Jhr 1Mo * 14.08.1917 † 14.09.1985 > 2.12
2. Gotch Lois Margaret * .um.1919 > 2.13
3. Gotch Howard E. 92Jhr 4Mo * 09.09.1921 † 10.01.2014 > 2.14
4. Gotch Shirley Helen 90Jhr 3Mo 2Wo * 11.07.1924 Sioux Falls † 25.10.2014 Lake Havasu City > 2.15
5. Gotch Donald M. 64Jhr 5Mo 2Wo * 16.09.1925 † 03.03.1990 > 2.16
6. Gotch Mary Jane (Ann) 72Jhr 1Mo * 12.08.1928 † 16.09.2000 Houston > 2.17
7. Gotch Patricia (Peggy) Margaret * .um.1930 > 2.18
8. Gotch Gerald Martin 71Jhr 4Mo 1Wo * 03.03.1932 † 12.07.2003 Mohave County > 2.19
9. Gotch Jo Ann Marie * 21.08.1934 > 2.20
10. Gotch Robert Thomas * 30.11.1936 Ramsey > 2.21

Iowa, Delayed Birth Records,

Berniece Marie Jones

United States Census, 1940

Albert Gotch

United States World War II
Draft Registration Cards, 1942

Albert Elmer Gotch

Hartley Cemetery, Lakeport,
Lake County, Californi

Bernice Marie Gotch
1897 - 1988

1.9 GOTTSLEBEN William Martin (Willie) 62Jhr 10Mo rk Farmer < 0.1
* 30.01.1894 Goewey Township † 02.12.1956 Quinn Lebensorte:  Philip  
Eltern: Gottsleben Julius Franz (Frantz) , Ebert Justena (Justina Cristina)

Quellen: "Familytrees (www.mwsw.com; 2012)", "FamilySearch (März 2014; hier: Iowa, County Births, 1880-1935; United States Census, 1900; United States World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918 <hier vollständiger Name William Martin Gottsleben und Geburtsdatum: 30. Januar 1894>; South Dakota, State Census, 1925; United States Census, 1930; United States Census, 1940 <William M Gottsleben; geb. um 1894 in Iowa, 46 Jahre alt; Wohnort: Township 2 Range 19, Haakon, South Dakota; Ehefrau: Helen Gottsleben, 39 Jahre alt, geb. in South Dakota; Kinder: James Gottsleben, 11 Jahre alt und Mary Agnes Gottsleben, 8 Jahre alt, beide geb. in South Dakota>)", "Findagrave.com (März 2014; William Martin Gottsleben; geb. 30. Januar 1894, gest. 2. Dezember 1956; Bestattet/Burial: Masonic Cemetery, Philip, Haakon County, South Dakota)" und "Mundia.com (März 2014)".

oo 18.08.1926
GEHAN Helen Ann 46Jhr 5Mo 1Wo rk
* 18.08.1900 † 27.01.1947 Philip Lebensorte:  Philip  
Eltern: Gehan James S. , Glenn Agnes Bridget

Quellen: "Familytrees (www.mwsw.com; 2012; Geboren in South Dakota. Lebte 1910 als Stieftochter im Haushalt von Edward M. und Agnes Merrigan in Philip, Stanley, South Dakota)", "Findagrave.com (März 2014; Helen Ann Gottsleben; geb. 18. August 1900, gest. 27. Januar 1947 in Haakon County, South Dakota; Bestattet/Burial: Masonic Cemetery, Philip, Haakon County, South Dakota)" und "FamilySearch (März 2014; hier: United States Census, 1910; United States Census, 1930; United States Census, 1940)".

1. Gottsleben James William 83Jhr 4Mo * 14.04.1929 Pierre † 15.08.2012 Philip > 2.22
2. Gottsleben Mary Agnes 80Jhr 8Mo 3Wo * 18.01.1932 Philip † 10.10.2012 Philip > 2.23
3. Gottsleben Helen Ann * 04.12.1941 New Underwood > 2.24

United States World War I
Draft Registration Cards,

William Martin Gottsleben

United States Census, 1930

William Gottsleben

Masonic Cemetery, Philip

William M Gottsleben
South Dokota
Jan 30 1894 Dec 2 1956

Helen Ann Gottsleben
Wife of William

Generation 2

JOHANNES Alfreda J. 92Jhr 6Mo 2Wo rk < 1.1
* 27.11.1898 Goewey Township † 13.06.1991 Pocatello
Eltern: Johannes Bernhard (Barney) , Gottsleben Maria (Mary Mona)

Quellen: "Geneanet.org (Februar 2015; auch Mail von W. David Samuelsen: Lebensdaten)", "FamilySearch (November 2018; hier: Iowa, County Births, 1880-1935 <Alfreda J. Johannes; geb. 27. November 1898 in Goewey, Osceola, Iowa; Eltern: Barney Johannes und Mary Gottstennen [Gottsleben]>; Idaho Church Marriages, 1864-1976 <Alfreda Johannes, geb. in Ashton, Idaho Heirat am 14. Dezember 1916 in St. Bernard Blackfoot, Bingham, Idaho mit Roy C. Graff; Eltern: R. Johannes und Mary Gottsleben>; Idaho, County Marriages, 1864-1950 <Alfreda Graff Heirat am 16. Juni 1922 in Bonneville, Idaho mit R A Lewis>)" und "Findagrave (November 2018; <Alfreda J. Johannes Lewis; geb. 27. November 1898 in Ashton, Osceola County, Iowa, gest. 13. Juni 1991; Bestattet/Burial: Mountain View Cemetery, Pocatello, Bannock County, Idaho; Plot: 41E, 9, 1>)".

oo 14.12.1916 Blackfoot  Qu: Blackfoot St. Bernard Catholic Church
GRAFF Roy Clifford rk
* 1898
Eltern: Graff Henry , Krantz Mary E.

Quellen: "Geneanet.org (Februar 2015; auch Mail von W. David Samuelsen)" und "FamilySearch (August 2019; hier: Idaho Church Marriages, 1864-1976 <Roy C. Graff, geb. in New York, Heirat am 14. Dezember 1916 in St. Bernard Blackfoot, Bingham, Idaho mit Alfreda Johannes; Eltern: Henry Graff und Mary Krantz>; [2. Heirat?] United States Western States Marriage Index <Roy Clifford Graff Heirat am 12. April 1919 in Caldwell, Canyon, Idaho mit Olive Margaret Calvert>)".

1. Graff (Lewis) Carmen Bernice 89Jhr 10Mo * 25.06.1917 Pingree † 27.04.2007 Seal Beach > 3.1
2. Graff * 25.07.1918 Blackfoot † 25.07.1918 Blackfoot †Urs: Totgeburt

Quellen: "Geneanet.org (Februar 2015; auch Mail von W. David Samuelsen)" und "FamilySearch (November 2018; hier: Idaho Death Certificates, 1911-1937 <Graff; geb. 25. Juli 1918 in Blackfoot, Bingham, Idaho, weiblich, gest. 25. Juli 1918 in Blackfoot; Eltern: Roy Clifford Graff und Alfreda Johannes>)".

Idaho Death Certificates,

Graff, female,
Premature 5 1/2 months

oo 2 16.06.1922 Idaho Falls
LEWIS Ralph Aaron 84Jhr 3Wo
* 02.03.1891 Pocatello † 26.03.1975 Pocatello
Eltern: Lewis Simon , Gottstein Mary

Quellen: "Geneanet.org (Februar 2015; auch Mail von W. David Samuelsen <Ralph Aaron adoptierte seine Stiftochter Carmen Bernice>)", "FamilySeatch (November 2018; hier: Idaho, County Marriages, 1864-1950 <R A Lewis Heirat am 16. Juni 1922 in Bonneville, Idaho mit Alfreda Graff>)" und "Findagrave (November 2018; <Ralph A. Lewis; geb. 2. März 1891 in Pocatello, Bannock County, Idaho, gest. 26. März 1975; Bestattet/Burial: Mountain View Cemetery, Pocatello, Bannock County, Idaho; Plot: 41E, 9, 2>)".

Mountain View Cemetery, Pocatello,
Bannock County, Idaho

Ralph A. Lewis
1891 - 1975

Alfreda Lewis
1898 - 1991

GOTTSLEBEN Frederick (Fred) William 63Jhr 10Mo 2Wo rk < 1.2
* 11.11.1901 Holman Township † 28.09.1965 Graceville Lebensorte:  Graceville  
Eltern: Gottsleben Frederick (Fred) John (Guss) , Butler Bertha M.

Quellen: "FamilySearch (September 2015; hier: Iowa, County Births, 1880-1935; United States Census, 1910 <hier Vorname: Fredrick>, 1920, 1940 <Wohnort: Sisseton City, Sisseton, Roberts, South Dakota>; South Dakota, State Census, 1925; United States Census, 1930 <Fred W Gottslebben [Gottsleben]; Wohnort: Eden, Clark, South Dakota, United States; Haushaltsvorstand: Fred W Gottslebben, 28 Jahre; geb. um 1902 in Iowa; Ehefrau: Ida G Gottslebben, 29 Jahre; geb. um 1901 in Iowa; Sohn: Fredrick D. Gottslebben, 3 Jahre; geb. um 1927 in South Dakota; Tochter: Beverly J Gottslebben, 1 Jahr; geb. um 1929 in South Dakota>; Internationaler Genealogie-Index <Name: Frederick William Gottsleben; * 11 November 1901, Sibley, Osceola, IA; + 28 September 1965 Graceville, Big Stone, MN: oo 10 November 1925>)", "Familytreemaker.genealogy.com/Richard-C-Hansen (März 2014)" und "Mundia.com (März 2014)".

oo 10.11.1925 Clark
HANSEN (HANSON) Ida Grace 92Jhr 1Mo 1Wo rk
* 10.11.1900 Moville † 23.12.1992 Montevideo Lebensorte:  Bradley Graceville 
Eltern: Hansen Hans Martin , Westad Nicolena

Quellen: "Nrs.stparchive.com/Archive (Mai 2017; Newspaper archive of The Northern Star, Clinton, Minnesota <Obituary: Funeral services for Ida Gottsleben, 92, of Graceville, were held Saturday, Dec. 26, 1992 in Holy Rosary Catholic Church at Graceville. Celebrant at the Mass of Christian burial was Father Andrew Michels. Pallbearers were Wayne, Mark, Todd and David Gottsleben, Keith and Kevin Amborn. Spring interment will be in Graceville Consolidated Cemetery at Graceville. Visitation was held Saturday morning at the Larson Funeral Home in Graceville. Ida Grace Gottsleben was born Nov. 10, 1900, in Moville, IA, to parents Hans and Necolena [Westad] Hanson [Hansen]. As a young girl she moved with her family to a farm near Bradley, SD. She attended school and received a teaching certificate at Winona. Ida taught school for three years and then was united in marriage to Fred Gottsleben on Nov. 10, 1925, at Clark, SD. They farmed in the Clark area until 1932 and then moved to Sisseton, SD until 1947 when they moved to Graceville. Ida enjoyed writing poetry and doing needlewok and gardening. Her family was very important to her. Ida passed away Wednesday, Dec. 23, 1992, at Luther Haven Nursing Home in Montevideo. Survivors include sons and daughter-in-law, Fred, Jr. and Claudia Gottsleben of Watertown, SD and Robert Gottsleben of Ortonville, daughter and son-in-law, Beverly and Kenneth Amborn of Montevideo; 10 grandchildren; 14 great grandchildren and one brother, Earl Hanson [Hansen] of Bradley, SD. Preceding Ida in death were her parents; husband, Fred in 1965; four brothers and two sisters>)", "FamilySearch (März 2014; hier: Iowa, County Births, 1880-1935; United States Census, 1940 <Wohnort: Sisseton City, Sisseton, Roberts, South Dakota>; South Dakota, State Census, 1935, 1945; Minnesota, Death Index, 1908-2002; United States Social Security Death Index)" und "Familytreemaker.genealogy.com/Richard-C-Hansen (März 2014)".

1. Gottsleben Frederick Duane Jr. * 20.08.1926 Clark > 3.2
2. Gottsleben Beverly Jeanne 71Jhr 6Mo 1Wo * 27.10.1928 † 05.05.2000 Montevideo > 3.3
3. Gottsleben Robert Lee * 01.01.1942 Sisseton

Quellen: "Familytreemaker.genealogy.com/Richard-C-Hansen (März 2014)" und "FamilySearch (Mai 2017; hier: South Dakota State Census, 1945 <Robert Lee Gottsleben; 2 Jahre alt, geb. um 1943 in Sisseton South Dakota; Wohnort: Sisseton Ward 1, Roberts, South Dakota>; United States Public Records, 1970-2009 <Robert L Gottsleben; geb. am 1. Januar 1942; Wohnort: Ortonville, Minnesota>)".

United States Census,

Fred W Gottsleben

outh Dakota State Census,

Robert Lee Gottsleben

GOTTSLEBEN George Albert 65Jhr 3Mo 1Wo rk < 1.2
* 05.04.1903 Clark † 14.07.1968 Lincoln Lebensorte: Clark Lincoln  
Eltern: Gottsleben Frederick (Fred) John (Guss) , Butler Bertha M.

Quellen: "FamilySearch (März 2014; hier: United States Census, 1910 <hier Vorname: George W.>; United States Census, 1920 <hier Vorname: George A.>; United States Census, 1930; United States Census, 1940 <George Gottsleben; geb. um 1903 in South Dakota, 37 Jahre alt, verheiratet; Wohnort: Ward 1, Rock Falls, Coloma Township, Whiteside, Illinois; vorheriger Wohnort: Rural, Clark, South Dakota; Ehefrau: Lillian Gottsleben, 25 Jahre alt, geb.in South Dakota; Sohn: Derald Gottsleben, 5 Jahre alt, geb. in South Dakota>; United States Social Security Death Index <George Gottsleben; geb. 5. April 1903, gest. Juli 1968, 65 Jahre alt; Letzter Wohnort: Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska>; Internationaler Genealogie-Index)", "Mypages.allwest.com (März 2014; hier: Relatives of Bruce Rognan)", "Findagrave.com (März 2014; <George A. Gottsleben; geb. 1903 in South Dakota, gest. 1968 in Clark, Clark County, South Dakota; Bestattet/Burial: Rose Hill Cemetery, Clark, Clark County, South Dakota; Plot: Blk C, Sec II, Lot 4, Gr 5>)" und "Mundia.com (März 2014)".

oo 04.07.1934 Clark
STEELE Lillian Anna 93Jhr 7Mo 2Wo
* 24.08.1914 Garden City † 09.04.2008 Lincoln Lebensorte: Garden City Lincoln  
Eltern: Steele Fred Andersen , Erickson Laura B.

Quellen: "Lincoln.tributes.com/our_obituaries (März 2014; <Lillian Gottsleben, age 93, of Lincoln, died Wednesday, April 9th, 2008. Born Garden City, South Dakota on August 24, 1914 to Fred A. & Laura B. [Erickson] Steele. Survived by: Son Derald Gottsleben of Lincoln. Six Grandchildren Bruce, Terry, Darla, Becky of Lincoln. Bradley of Aurora, Missouri, Kathy of Omaha, 16 Great Grandchildren, 3 Great Great Granchildren>)", "FamilySearch (März 2014; hier: South Dakota, Department of Health, Index to Births 1843-1914 and Marriages 1950-2016 <Lily Steele; geb. 24. August 1914 in Clark, South Dakota; Eltern: Ferd Steele und Laura Ericksen>; United States Census, 1930 <Lillian A Steele, 15 Jahre alt, geb. in South Dakota; Wohnort: Eden, Clark, South Dakota; Eltern: Fred A Steele, 60 Jahre alt, geb. in Denmark und Laura B Steele, 46 Jahre alt, geb. in Wisconsin; Geschwister: Edna M Steele, Helen E Steele, Myrtle S Steele, Fred R Steele und Luciel M Steele>; United States Census, 1940 <Wohnort: Ward 1, Rock Falls, Coloma Township, Whiteside, Illinois>; United States Public Records, 1970-2009 <Lillian A Gottsleben; geb. 24. August 1914; Wohnort: Lincoln, Nebraska; Possible Relatives: Audrey A Gottsleben, Bradley D Gottsleben, Darold E Gottsleben, Meagan Gottsleben, Patricia A Gottsleben, Rick Gottsleben, Teresa M Gottsleben>; United States Social Security Death Index <Lillian Gottsleben; geb. 24. August 1914 in South Dakota, gest. 9. April 2008; Letzter Wohnort: Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska>)", "Findagrave.com (März 2014; <Lillian Steele Gottsleben; geb. 24. August 1914 in Garden City, Clark County, South Dakota, gest. 9. April 2008 in Lincoln, Lancaster County, Nebraska; Bestattet/Burial: Lincoln Memorial Park, Lincoln, Lancaster County, Nebraska>)" und "Mypages.allwest.com (März 2014; hier: Relatives of Bruce Rognan <The marriage with Joe Bathshore ended in divorce [?]>)".

1. Gottsleben Derald Eugene 74Jhr 5Mo 2Wo * 02.03.1935 Clark † 19.08.2009 Lincoln > 3.4

United States Census, 1940

George Gottsleben

Rose Hill Cemetery, Clark

 George A Gottsleben

Lincoln Memorial Park,
Lincoln, Lancaster County,

Lillian A. Gottsleben
1914 - 2008

GOTTSLEBEN Anna (Annie) Mae 73Jhr 10Mo 3Wo rk < 1.2
* 25.11.1904 Clark † 17.10.1978 Watertown Lebensorte: Clark Watertown  
Eltern: Gottsleben Frederick (Fred) John (Guss) , Butler Bertha M.

Quellen: "FamilySearch (September 2015; hier: South Dakota State Census, 1905 <Anna Gottsleben; geb. um 1904, 1 Jahr alt>; United States Census, 1910 <Anna Gottsleben; geb. um 1905 in South Dakota, 5 Jahre alt; Wohnort: Mt Pleasant, Clark, South Dakota; Vater Guss Gottsleben, 31 Jahre alt, geb. in Illinois, Mutter Bertha Gottsleben, 32 Jahre alt, geb. in Wisconsin>; United States Census, 1920 <Annie M Gottsleben; geb. um 1905 in South Dakota, 15 Jahre alt; Wohnort: Pleasant, Clark, South Dakota; Vater Fred J Gottsleben, 41 Jahre alt, geb. in Illinois, Mutter Bertha M Gottsleben, 42 Jahre alt, geb. in Wisconsin>; South Dakota State Census, 1925 <Anna M Gottsleben; geb. um 1905, 20 Jahre alt; katholisch>; Internationaler Genealogie-Index <geb. 25. November 1904, Clark, Clark, SD; gest. 17. Oktober 1978, Watertown, Codington, SD; Bestattung: St. Boniface R.C. Cemetery, Clark, SD; Heirat am 3. Juli 1928 Clark, SD, Ehepartner: George Bachman>)", "Findagrave (Dezember 2018; <Anna M. Bachman; geb. 25. November 1904 in South Dakota, gest. Oktober 1978 in South Dakota; Bestattet/Burial: Saint Boniface Cemetery, Clark, Clark County, South Dakota; Plot: Blk 4, Lot 216, Gr 1>)".

oo 03.07.1928 Clark
BACHMAN George 85Jhr
* 29.03.1901 † 11.1986 Clark Lebensorte:  Clark  

Quellen: "FamilySearch (September 2015; hier: Internationaler Genealogie-Index <geb. 29. März 1901; gest. November 1986 in Clark, SD; George Bachman Heirat am 3. Juli 1928 in Clark, SD, mit Anna Mae Gottsleben>; United States Social Security Death Index <George Bachman; 29. März 1901 in South Dakota, gest. November 1986, 85 Jahre alt; Letzter Wohnort: Clark, Clark, South Dakota>)" und "Findagrave (Dezember 2018; <George Bachman; geb. 1901 in Illinois, gest. 1986; Bestattet/Burial: Saint Boniface Cemetery, Clark, Clark County, South Dakota; Plot: SE Lot 216, Gr 2>)".

South Dakota State Census,

Anna M Gottsleben

Saint Boniface Cemetery, Clark,
 Clark County, South Dakota

George   Anna M.
1901 - 1986  1904 - 1978

2.5 GOTTSLEBEN Leo Leroy 85Jhr 7Mo 1Wo rk < 1.2
* 30.03.1907 Clark † 11.11.1992 Minneapolis Lebensorte: Clark Minneapolis  
Eltern: Gottsleben Frederick (Fred) John (Guss) , Butler Bertha B.

Quellen: "FamilySearch (Dezember 2018; hier: South Dakota, Department of Health, Index to Births 1843-1914 and Marriages 1950-2016 <Leo Gottsleben; geb. 30. März 1907 in Clark, South Dakota; Eltern: Fred und Bertha Gottsleben>; United States Census, 1910; United States Census, 1920; South Dakota, State Census, 1925; United States Census, 1930; South Dakota State Census, 1935 <Leo Gottsleben; geb. um 1907 in South Dakota, 28 Jahr alt; verheiratet seit 1931 mit [Mabel] Shriner; Wohnort: Thorp, Clark, South Dakota>; United States Census, 1940 <Leo Gattsleben [Gottsleben]; Wohnort: Clark City, Clark, South Dakota; Haushalt: Leo Gattsleben [Gottsleben], 33 Jahre alt, geb. in South Dakota; Ehefrau: Mabel Gattsleben [Gottsleben], 31 Jahre alt, geb. in Illinois>; South Dakota State Census, 1945 <Leo L Gottsleben; geb. um 1907 in South Dakota, 38 Jahre alt; geschieden; Wohnort: Mount Pleasant, Clark, South Dakota>; United States Public Records, 1970-2009 <Leo L Gottsleben; geb. 30. März 1907; Wohnort: Minneapolis, Minnesota; Possible Relative: Bernice L Gottsleben>; Minnesota, Death Index, 1908-2002 <Leo L Gottsleben; geb. 30 März 1907 in Minnesota, gest. 11. November 1992 in Hennepin, Minnesota>)", "Ancestry.com (August 2015; hier: Sackmaster Family Tree)" und "Mundia.com (März 2014)".

oo 1931
* um.1909 Lebensort: Clark   
Eltern: Schriner John L , Hartman Bertha

Quelle: FamilySearch (März 2014; hier: United States Census, 1910 <Mabel Schriner>; South Dakota State Census, 1915 <Mable Schriner>; United States Census, 1920 <Mabel E Schriner>; United States Census, 1930 <Mabel E Schriner; geb. um 1909 in Illinois; 21 Jahre alt; Wohnort: Thorp, Clark, South Dakota; Eltern: John L Schriner, 48 Jahre alt und Bertha Schriner, 50 Jahre alt, beide geb. in Illinois>; South Dakota State Census, 1935 <[Mabel] Shriner verheiratet seit 1931 mit Leo Gottsleben; Wohnort: Thorp, Clark, South Dakota>; United States Census, 1940 <Mabel Gattsleben [Gottsleben]>; South Dakota State Census, 1945 <Mabel Gottsleben; geb. um 1908, 37 Jahre alt; Familienstand unbekannt; Heirat 1931; Wohnort: Thorp, Clark, South Dakota>).

oo 2 >.1947
DUNDER Bernice Lucille 92Jhr 5Mo 3Wo
* 12.04.1915 † 08.10.2007 Brook Park

Quellen: "FamilySearch (August 2019; hier: United States Census, 1920 <Bernice Dunder; geb. um 1916 in Minnesota, 4 Jahre alt; Wohnort: Spencer Brook, Isanti, Minnesota; Eltern: Chester F Dunder, 26 Jahre alt und Phoebe Dunder, 24 Jahre alt, beide geb. in Minnesota; Schwester: Louise Dunder, 2 Jahre alt, geb. in Minnesota>; Minnesota Birth Index <Tony Joseph Deluca und Bernice Lucille Dunder 1938 bei Geburt der Tochter Mary Lois Deluca in Hennepin, Minnesota>; United States Census, 1940 <Bernice L Deluca; geb. um 1915 Minnesota, 25 Jahre alt, Wohnort: Ward 8, Minneapolis, Minneapolis City, Hennepin, Minnesota; Ehemann: Tony Deluca, 29 Jahre alt, geb. in Minnesota; Tochter: Mary Lois Deluca, 1 Jahr alt, geb. in Minnesota>; South Dakota State Census, 1945 <Bernice De Luca; geb. um 1915 in Minneapolis, Minnesota, 30 Jahre alt, Heirat 1938, geschieden; Wohnort: Watertown Ward 4, Codington, South Dakota>; United States Public Records, 1970-2009 <Bernice L Gottsleben; 12. April 1915; Wohnorte: Minneapolis, Minnesota, Blaine, Minnesota; Possible Relatives: Leo L Gottsleben>)", "Ancestry (August 2019; Bernice Lucille Gottsleben, geb. 1915; Mutter von Gary Leo Gottsleben>)" und "Tributes.com (August 2019; Bernice L. Gottsleben was born on April 12, 1915 and passed away on Monday, October 8, 2007. Bernice was a resident of Brook Park, Minnesota)".

1. Gottsleben Gary Leo 61Jhr 1Mo 2Wo * 30.03.1947 † 16.05.2008 > 3.5

South Dakota State Census,

Leo Gottsleben

South Dakota State Census, 1945

Leo L Gottsleben

Mabel Gottsleben

Bernice De Luca

GOTTSLEBEN Mary Isabelle 83Jhr 8Mo rk Unternehmerin < 1.2
* 14.10.1911 Clark † 20.06.1995 Clark Lebensort: Clark   
Eltern: Gottsleben Frederick (Fred) John (Guss) , Butler Bertha M.

Quellen: "FamilySearch (März 2014; hier: South Dakota, Department of Health, Index to Births 1843-1914 and Marriages 1950-2016 <Mary Gottslebrn [Gottsleben]; geb. 14. Oktober 1911 in Clark, South Dakota; Eltern: Fred Gottslebrn [Gottsleben] und Bertha Buttler>; United States Census, 1920; South Dakota, State Census, 1925; Internationaler Genealogie-Index <Mary Isabelle Gottsleben; geb. 14. Oktober 1911; gest. Juni 1995>; United States, Obituaries, American Historical Society of Germans from Russia, 1899-2012 <Clark - The funeral for Mary Isabelle Poirier, 83, Clark, will be at 10:30 a.m. Saturday at St. Michael's Catholic Church in Clark. The Rev. Lawrence Marbach will officiate. Burial will be in St. Boniface Catholic Cemetery at Clark with Osthus & Haugland Funeral Home in Clark in charge of arrangements. A scriptural wake service will be at 7:30 tonight at the funeral home chapel. Visitation will be from 4 to 9 p.m. today at the funeral home, and prior to the service on Saturday at the church. The family is requested to meet at 10 a.m. Saturday at the church. She died Tuesday, June 20, 1995, at the Clark Care Center. Mary Isabelle Gottsleben was born Oct. 14, 1911, to Fred and Bertha [Butler] Gottsleben in Clark. She graduated from Clark High School in 1929. She married Leopold 'Leo' J. Poirier on Feb. 3, 1930, in Clark. After their marriage they operated Blue Dog Resort in Waubay. They moved to Cresbard and lived there until 1934, when they returned to the Clark and Turton areas. Later that year they moved to Payette, Idaho. They lived and worked there until returning to Clark in 1939 to operate the bowling alley until 1948. In 1950 they opened the dry-cleaning shop in Clark, where she worked for many years. In 1962, they installed a laundromat and continued operating the dry-cleaning and laundromat business until retiring in 1969. She also worked as a bookkeeper at United Building Center, and in the office of Clark Cement Plant. He died Aug. 18, 1977. She was a member of St. Michael's Catholic Church, Clark Senior Citízens, the Extension Club, various card clubs and the Altar Society. She loved to play bingo and in her earlier years was an avid bowler. She also enjoyed knitting, crocheting, craft work, her yard and flowers. Survivors include one daughter, Mrs. Jack [Joanne] Bowers of Clark; three grandchildren; and five great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her parents, her husband, two sons, four brothers and two sisters. Casketbearers will be Bernard Gottsleben, Joe Thome, Richard Barrie, Tom LaBrie, Ferd Barrie and Bob Jared. Organist will be Eileen Heilman, and the church choir will sing>)" und "Findagrave (März 2016; <Mary I. Gottsleben Poirier; geb. 14. Oktober 1911 in Clark, Clark County, South Dakota, gest. Juni 1995, 83 Jahre alt; Bestattet/Burial: Saint Boniface Cemetery, Clark, Clark County, South Dakota; Plot: Blk. NE, Lot 174, Gr>)".

oo 03.02.1930 Clark
POIRIER Leo J. 76Jhr 11Mo 1Wo rk Unternehmer
* 09.09.1900 Turton † 18.08.1977 Clark Lebensorte: Turton Clark  
Eltern: Poirier Charles Hanore , Barrie Marie (Mary)

Quellen: "FamilySearch (Dezember 2018; hier: South Dakota, Department of Health, Index to Births 1843-1914 and Marriages 1950-2016 <Leo Poirier; geb. 9. September 1900 in Spink, South Dakota; Eltern: Charles Poirier und Marie Barrie>; United States Census, 1940 <Leo Poirier; geb. um 1901 in South Dakota, 39 Jahre alt; Wohnort: Clark City, Clark, Clark, South Dakota, davor: Payette, Idaho; Ehefrau: Mary Poirier, 27 Jahre alt, geb. in South Dakota; Kinder: Donald Poirier, 7 Jahre alt, geb. in South Dakota und Joanne Poirier, 1 Jahr alt, geb. in Idaho>)" und "Findagrave (März 2016; <Leo J. Poirier; geb. 9. September 1900 in Turton, Spink County, South Dakota, gest. 18. August 1977 in Clark, Clark County, South Dakota; Bestattet/Burial: Saint Boniface Cemetery, Clark, Clark County, South Dakota. - Clark: Funeral mass for Leo J. Poirier, 76 who died Thursday at Cark, will be held Saturday at 10:30 a.m. in St. Michael's Catholic church with the Rev. Leo Fox officiating. Burial will be in St. Boniface Cemetery. Rosary will be recited at the Haugland Funeral Chapel Friday at 8 p.m. He was born Sept. 9, 1900, at Turton. He married Mary Gottsleben, Feb. 3, 1930. He moved to Clark in 1950 and operated a dry cleaning establishment for many years. Survivors include his widow, Mary, Clark; one son, Don, Aberdeen; one daughter, Mrs. Jack [Joanne] Bowers, Clark; three grandchildren; one great-grandson; two sisters, Celia Fortin, Redfield, and Lillian Brower, Fredericksburg, Va. Publ. Daily Plainsman, Huron, Beadle, South Dakota, Friday, August 19, 1977, p2.>)".

1. Poirier Kenneth Leroy 5Jhr 2Mo 3Wo * 16.07.1930 Waubay † 11.10.1935 Payette

Quellen: "FamilySearch (März 2014; hier: Idaho Death Certificates, 1911-1937 <Kenneth Leroy Poirier; geb. 16. Juli 1930 in Waubay, SD, gest. 11. Oktober 1935 in Payette, Payette, Idaho, beerdigt 16. Oktober 1935 in Clark, SD; Eltern: Leo Poirier, geb. in Tupton, SD und Mary Gottsleben, geb. in Clark, SD>)" und "Findagrave (März 2016; <Kenneth Leroy Poirier; geb. 16. Juli 1930 in Waubay, Day County, South Dakota, gest. 11. Oktober 1935 in Payette, Payette County, Idaho; Besattet/Burial: Saint Boniface Cemetery, Clark, Clark County, South Dakota; Plot: Lot 279, Gr 4>)".

2. Poirier Donald L. 62Jhr 1Wo * 27.09.1932 Clark † 04.10.1994 Chandler > 3.6
3. Poirier Joanne M. * 25.08.1938 > 3.7

Leo J. Poirier
William J Poirier
Cecilia Mary Poirier Fortin
Wallace Theophile Poirier
Lillian Poirier Brower

United States Census,

Leo Poirier

United States, Obituaries

Mary Isabelle Poirier

Saint Boniface Cemetery, Clark, South Dakota

Leo J.        Mary I.
1900-1977   1911-1995

GOTTSLEBEN Joseph Francis 58Jhr rk < 1.3
* 05.02.1918 Clark † 09.1976
Eltern: Gottsleben Joseph Peter (Joe) , McLaughin Elizabeth Mae (May)

Quellen: "FamilySearch (März 2014; hier: United States Census, 1920; United States Census, 1930; Library/books <The Jack rabbit, 1938. South Dakota State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts. Junior Class; South Dakota State University; Porträt von Joe Gottsleben, Engineering, Clark>; United States Census, 1940; Minnesota, Birth Index, 1935-2002 <Joseph F. Gottsleben und Constance J. Kennedy bei Geburt des Sohnes John Joseph Gottsleben>; South Dakota, State Census, 1945 <Joseph Francis Gattsleben [Gottsleben]; geb. um 1918 in Clark, South Dakota, 27 Jahre alt, Heirat 1943; Mädchenname der Ehefrau: Constance Kennedy; Geburtsort der Mutter: Iowa; Wohnort: Clark Ward 1, Clark, South Dakota>; United States Social Security Death Index <Joseph Gottsleben; geb. 5. Februar 1918 in South Dakota, gest. September 1976, 58 Jahre alt; Letzter Wohnort: Clark, South Dakota>)" und "Findagrave.com (März 2014; <Joseph F. Gottsleben; geb. 5. Februar 1918 in South Dakota, gest. September 1976, 58 Jahre alt; Bestattet/Burial: Saint Boniface Cemetery, Clark, Clark County, South Dakota; Plot: NE Lot 93, Gr 3>)".

oo 1943
KENNEDY Constance J.

Quelle: FamilySearch (März 2014; hier: Minnesota, Birth Index, 1935-2002 <Constance J. Kennedy und Joseph F. Gottsleben bei Geburt des Sohnes John Joseph Gottsleben>; South Dakota, State Census, 1945 <Constance Kennedy; Ehemann: Joseph Francis Gattsleben [Gottsleben]; geb. um 1918 in Clark, South Dakota, 27 Jahre alt, Heiratt 1943; Wohnort: Clark Ward 1, Clark, South Dakota>).

1. Gottsleben John Joseph * 25.07.1944 Ramsey > 3.8

South Dakota,
State Census, 1945

Joseph Francis

Joe Gottsleben,
Engineering, Clark

Saint Boniface Cemetery,

Joseph F. Gottsleben

2.8 GOTTSLEBEN Helen Marie 78Jhr 5Mo 3Wo rk < 1.3
* 05.06.1919 † 01.12.1997 Lebensorte: Clark Washington  
Eltern: Gottsleben Joseph Peter (Joe) , McLaughin Elizabeth Mae (May)

Quellen: "FamilySearch (März 2014; hier: United States Census, 1920; United States Census, 1930; United States Census, 1940 <Helen Gottsleben; geb. um 1920; 20 Jahre alt; Wohnort: Clark City, Clark, South Dakota; Eltern: Joseph Gottsleben, 59 Jahre alt, geb. in Illinois und Elizabeth Mae Gottsleben, 58 Jahre alt, geb. in Iowa; Geschwister: Joseph Gottsleben, 22 Jahre alt, und Bernard Gottsleben, 18 Jahre alt, beide geb. in South Dakota>; District of Columbia Marriages, 1811-1950)" und "Findagrave (Dezember 2018; Helen Marie Gottsleben Holt; geb. 5. Juni 1919, gest. 1. Dezember 1997; Bestattet/Burial: Fort Sam Houston National Cemetery, San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas>)".

oo 22.07.1950 Washington
HOLT James Paul Jr. 79Jhr 7Mo 4Wo
* 23.03.1924 † 20.11.2003 San Antonio Lebensorte:  Washington San Antonio 

Quellen: "FamilySearch (März 2014; hier: District of Columbia Marriages, 1811-1950; United States Public Records, 1970-2009 <James Paul Holt; geb. 23. März 1924; Wohnorte: Beaverton, Oregon, San Antonio, Texas; Possible Relatives: Helen Gottsleben Holt>)" und "Findagrave (Dezember 2018; James P Holt, Jr; geb. 23. März 1924, gest. 20. November 2003 in San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas; Bestattet/Burial: Fort Sam Houston National Cemetery, San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas; Plot: Section 12 Site 803)".

1. Holt Michael J. * 02.04.1956 Yuba City

Quelle: FamilySearch (März 2019; hier: California Birth Index, 1905-1995 <Michael J Holt; geb. 2. April 1956 in Yuba, California; Mutter: Gottsleb[en]>).

South Dakota,
State Census, 1945

Helen Marie Gottsleben

Fort Sam Houston National Cemetery,
San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas

James P Holt, Jr
1924 - 2003

Helen Marie Holt
1919 - 1997

2.9 GOTTSLEBEN Bernard John 85Jhr 10Mo 1Wo rk Teacher, Superindendent of schools < 1.3
* 27.01.1922 Clark † 03.12.2007 Sioux Falls Lebensorte: Clark Sioux Falls  
Eltern: Gottsleben Joseph Peter (Joe) , McLaughin Elizabeth Mae (May)

Bernard John "BJ" Gottsleben was born on January 27, 1922 in Clark, South Dakota the son of Joseph and Elizabeth (May) Gottsleben. He died on Monday, December 3, 2007, at Avera McKennan Hospital in Sioux Falls, SD at the age of 85. - BJ Gottsleben received his education in Clark, SD and graduated from Clark High School in 1940. He attended S.D. State University before serving in the U.S. Army from 1942 until 1945. After serving in the military, he continued his education at SDSU and graduated in 1947. He married Helen L. Hess June 24, 1946, in Clark. He was a teacher and coach at Winfred, SD. He was employed as superintendent of schools in Montrose, SD and superintendent of schools in Lake Preston, SD. In 1984, he and his wife moved to Brookings, SD. Bernard Gottsleben was a member of the St. Thomas More Catholic Parish, the Knights of Columbus, the Golden K Kiwanis, the American Legion and served on the Board of Directors of Boys State Counselor for 40 years. He enjoyed all sports and was an outstanding athlete, especially in track. He also enjoyed golfing and spending time with his family and friends. BJ is survived by his wife, Helen of Brookings; his children, Mary Barse of Norman, Okla., Sheila Hazelroth of Maitland, Fla., and David Gottsleben of Vermillion; and six grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his parents, brother (Joe) and sister (Helen). - Funeral services will be Thursday at 10:30 a.m. in St. Thomas More Catholic Parish at Brookings with the Rev. Michael Wensing officiating. Burial will be in St. Thomas More Catholic Cemetery at Brookings. - Quelle: Watertown Public Opinion, Watertown, SD. Wednesday, December 5, 2007. - <Garretson - War stories, Charles Woodard would tell you, aren't always some haunting recollection of battlefield carnage or heroics. Some begin with an oddly intoxicating whiff of perfume. Some are kept with the crystal glasses in the hutch. While most of those war stories have roots in places called Anzio and Iwo Jima, Korea, Vietnam and Iraq, many are told by people who never carried a gun and never wore a uniform. - They are veterans of war, too, says Woodard, an English professor at South Dakota State University who edited a new book that's just out called "On The Homefront: South Dakota Stories." For they are the spouses, children, parents and loved ones touched and often changed by war and what it brought into their lives. - "War, because it is an especially intense human experience, has almost limitless effects and consequences," Woodard said. "I especially want people to understand that there are more veterans than there are people who have worn uniforms, and more casualties of war than there are names on memorial walls." - They are people who understand what it means to honor and remember a father or a brother or an uncle today on the 66th anniversary of the bombing of Pearl Harbor. - They are the folks that Al McIntosh wrote about in his weekly column for the Rock County Star Herald in Luverne, Minn., during World War II - people Ken Burns recently brought back to life in his documentary, "The War." - The story of war and its effect on the lives of people is especially significant in Helen Gottsleben's Brookings home today. She buried her husband, B.J. Gottsleben, on Thursday. At age 85, the veteran and longtime educator died Monday from the ravages of emphysema and pneumonia. In the haze of grief, Helen Gottsleben still remembers a spring day in 1942 when she sat in the recreation center at Fort Mead, Md., holding the hand of her fiance in the last minutes before he departed for Europe and World War II. She had taken a job in the personnel section of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and had ridden the bus from Washington, D.C., to see him off. It was a Sunday, and he had given her an engagement ring just a few months earlier. "We didn't say a lot," Helen Gottsleben recalled. "He was not a talker; he was a good thinker. We just held hands and sat there." - She remembers that he seemed terribly calm, not like someone ready to sail off to war. He must be worried, she thought. He had to be scared. Finally, as she boarded the bus to leave, he quietly told her four words to which she would cling for the next two years. "I will be back." And she believed him "because I had faith that he would be taken care of." - B.J. Gottsleben did return, on Christmas Day 1945. They were married six months later. Though he planned to become an educator before he volunteered for military duty, the course of their 61 years together was influenced by the war, Helen Gottsleben said. - Products of small-town Clark, S.D., Helen Gottsleben planned to become a beautician after high school. But emboldened by B.J.'s enlistment, she took a job with the FBI instead and journeyed outside the safe cocoon that was South Dakota. After he came back, they both became active in the American Legion. She took leadership roles in the auxiliary, including the American Legion's Girls State program. If he was haunted by his war experiences, he never talked about it, and she didn't ask, Helen Gottsleben said. They looked forward, never back. Still, their children - Mary Barse, Sheila Hazelroth and David Gottsleben - understood that their father's military duty had an effect on all of them. "He never talked about war in glorious terms," Hazelroth said. "He lived through it and did what he had to do. It was a thing to be endured, not a thing to brag about." - But it also engendered in his children a sense of patriotism, David Gottsleben said. "I think we grew up in a family where that commitment was easily understood," he said. "They didn't have to speak to make it known how they felt. For them, it was honoring the flag. You just understood." - It is a story - like thousands of others - worth preserving, Woodard said. "They contribute to the most important kind of history," he said. "The history of the human spirit>. - Quellen: "ArgusLeader.com, information ... anytime, anywhere, Sioux Falls, S. D., Dezember 2007" und "United States World War II Army Enlistment Records, 1938-1946 <hier: Infantry Reserves - exclusive of Regular Army Reserve and Officers of the Officers Reserve Corps on active duty under the Thomason Act (2 years of college; Officers and Enlisted Men -- O.R.C. and E.R.C., and Nurses-Reserve Status)>".

oo 24.06.1946 Clark
HESS Helen Louise 92Jhr 3Mo 3Wo rk
* 31.03.1923 Clark County † 27.07.2015 Brookings Lebensorte:  Brookings  
Eltern: Hess Peter , Bickett Laura

Helen Louise Hess Gottsleben, 92, of Brookings, passed away Monday, July 27, 2015 at Stoneybrook Suites, in Brookings. - Mass of Christian Burial will be at 10:30 a.m. Tuesday, August 4, 2015 at St. Thomas More Catholic Church in Brookings. Visitation will be from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Monday at Rude's Funeral Home with a Liturgical Wake Service beginning at 6:30 p.m. - Helen Louise Hess was born on March 31, 1923 in Clark County, South Dakota the daughter of Peter and Laura (Bickett) Hess. Helen attended grade school at Hess School and attended Junior High at Mobridge, SD. She graduated from Clark High School in 1940. She continued her education at the South Dakota Beauty Academy in Sioux Falls and graduated in 1941. She was employed at Roberts Beauty Shop in Arlington, SD until 1943 when she was appointed by J. Edgar Hoover to work in the Personnel Department of the FBI, in Washington D.C. for three years. She was united in marriage to Bernard J. "BJ" Gottsleben on June 24, 1946 in Clark, SD. They lived in the communities of Doland, Winfred, Montrose, Lake Preston and Brookings, SD. Helen was employed by the Lake Preston School District as school secretary from 1975 until 1984, when she and BJ retired and moved to Brookings. She was an active volunteer in church and community organizations in the communities where they lived. She was a member of the St. Thomas More Catholic Church where she was a lector and Eucharistic Minister. Helen served as the President of the South Dakota American Legion Auxiliary from 1973 until 1974 and was active on the national level for the next ten years. She received appointments in the various programs sponsored by that organization which included National Vice President, Northwestern Division and National Field Service Director. She was involved in the American Legion Auxiliary Girls State of South Dakota for 33 years including 17 years as Director and Chairperson. She was also a Girls Nation Counselor in Washington, DC in 1975, 1976 and 1982. She enjoyed singing, spectator sports, crafts, contemporary writing, art, government and current events. She especially enjoyed attending her children's and grandchildren's activities in school and in the community. Helen is survived by her two daughters, Mary Barse and husband Steve, of Norman, OK and Sheila Hazelroth and husband John, of Maitland, FL; one son, David Gottsleben and wife Helen, of Yankton, SD; five grandchildren - Matthew Barse, Laura Barse Anderson, Kendra Gottsleben, Matthew Hazelroth and Dasha Hazelroth, two step-grandchildren, two great grandchildren, two step-great grandchildren and many nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her parents; husband; two brothers, Francis and Albert Hess and two sisters, Genevieve Hynes and Kathryn Heim. - The family requests that in lieu of flowers, a donation be made to the South Dakota Art Museum, 936 Medary Ave., Brookings, SD 57007. - Quelle: Yankton Press & Dakotan, July 31, 2015 (Internet, August 2015).

1. Gottsleben Mary Louise * 12.06.1947 > 3.9
2. Gottsleben David B. * 22.07.1953 > 3.10
3. Gottsleben Sheila Ann * 12.04.1959 > 3.11

Bernard John

St. Thomas More
Catholic Cemetery,

Bernard J Gottsleben
Jan 27 1922
† Dec 3 2007

Sheila, Helen, Mary and
David Gottsleben


2.10 GOTTSLEBEN Dorothy M. (Dottie) 87Jhr 8Mo Teacher, Editor (public relations) < 1.4
* 25.02.1922 Philip † 01.11.2009 Rapid City Lebensorte: Philip Rapid City  
Eltern: Gottsleben Paul , Jensen Minnie

Dorothy M. 'Dottie' Rice, 87, Philip, died Sunday, Nov. 1, 2009, at the Hospice of the Hills, Rapid City. Dorothy M. Gottsleben was born Feb. 25, 1922, on the homestead near Philip, S.D., the daughter of Paul and Minnie (Jensen) Gottsleben. When Dorothy was two weeks old her mother died, and she was raised and adopted by her maternal grandparents, Nels and Bena Jensen. She grew up on the Jensen Ranch, which they had homesteaded in 1890. Dorothy graduated from Philip High School in 1938, and then attended Black Hills Teachers College, in Spearfish for two years. Dorothy taught school in South Dakota for three years before moving to Seattle, Wash., in 1944. She met her future husband Harrison A. Rice, who was a test pilot for the B-17 bomber at the Boeing Aircraft Company. Dorothy was united in marriage to Harrison Rice in 1948, while living in Glendale, Calif. In 1951, they moved to New Jersey and lived mostly in the Hasbrouck Heights area. Dorothy worked for the Bendix Corporation in Teterboro, N.J., for 26 years and was editor of the company's employee publication for 20 of those years. She was active in state and national editors associations and served on the board of directors of both. Dorothy received her B.S. degree in public relations from Columbia University in New York City in 1974. Her husband, Harrison, preceded her in death in February 1977. Dorothy continued to live in New Jersey until May 1979, when she moved back to Philip. She served as clerk of courts in Haakon County until August 1980. In 1981, she moved to Rapid City where she worked in the sales office of Motorola until retiring in 1987. She had resided at Westhills Village Retirement Community from 1984 to 2004, when she moved into the Silverleaf Assisted Living Center in Philip. Survivors include her Jensen and Gottsleben cousins, which include Carrol Foland and her husband Vern and their family, James Gottsleben and his wife Myrna and their family, Mary Agnes Pekron and her husband Hank and their family, the Clark Morrison family, Richard Lindgren and his wife Rose and their family, and Ann Patnoe and her family. In addition to her husband Harrison, Dorothy was preceded in death by her parents, and by her cousin Bonnie Morrison. Visitation will be held from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 3, at the Rush Funeral Home, Philip, and one hour preceding the services at the church on Wednesday, Nov. 4. Funeral services will be 10 a.m. Wednesday, Nov. 4, at the First Lutheran Church in Philip with Pastor Frezil Westerlund officiating. Interment will be at the Masonic Cemetery in Philip. A memorial is established. Arrangements are with the Rush Funeral Home of Philip. - Quellen: "Rapidcityjournal.com (2009)", "Familysearch (April 2019; hier: South Dakota State Census, 1925 <Minnie M Gottsleben; geb. um 1922 in South Dakota, 3 Jahre alt; Ethnie: Danish German; Vater geb. in Iowa, Mutter geb. in South Dakota>)" und "Findagrave (Dezember 2018; Dorothy M Rice; geb. 25. Februar 1922 in Philip, Haakon County, South Dakota, gest. 1. November 2009 in Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota; Bestattet/Burial: Masonic Cemetery, Philip, Haakon County, South Dakota)".

oo 1948 Glandale
RICE Harrison Amos 63Jhr 2Mo 1Wo Testpilot (Boeing Aircraft Company)
* 30.11.1913 Boyds † 09.02.1977 Lodi Lebensorte: Boyds Rapid City  
Eltern: Rice Winfield Scott , Mason Thereza Mason

Quellen: "Mundia.com (März 2014)", "Rapidcityjournal.com (2009; Todesanzeige seiner Frau Dorothy)" und "Findagrave (Dezember 2018; Harrison Amos Rice; geb. 30. November 1913 in Boyds, Montgomery County, Maryland, gest. 9. Februar 1977 in Lodi, Bergen County, New Jersey; Bestattet/Burial: Masonic Cemetery, Philip, Haakon County, South Dakota)".

South Dakota State
Census, 1925

Minnie M Gottsleben

Dorothy M. Gottsleben

Masonic Cemetery,
 Philip, South Dakota

Dorothy M.    Harrison A.

1922-2009    1913-1977

2.11 GOTTSLEBEN Evelyn Cecilia 66Jhr 11Mo 3Wo rk < 1.7
* 01.01.1918 † 23.12.1984 Ramsey Lebensorte:  Saint Paul  
Eltern: Gottsleben (Gotch) Julius Frank (Lon F.) , Vaught Anna

Quellen: "FamilySearch (Februar 2018; hier: United States Census, 1920 <Evelyn Gotch [Gottsleben]; 1 Jahr alt, geb. um 1919 in Nebraska; Wohnort: Sioux Falls Ward 6, Minnehaha, South Dakota; Eltern: Julius Gotch [Gottsleben], 29 Jahre alt, geb. in Iowa und Anna Gotch [Gottsleben], 26 Jahre alt, geb. in Iowa>; United States Census, 1940 <Evelyn Moeller; 22 Jahre alt, geb. um 1918 in Nebraska; Wohnort: Ward 5, St. Paul, St. Paul City, Ramsey, Minnesota; Ehemann: Edward J Moeller; 22 Jahre alt, geb. in Minnesota>; Texas Birth Index, 1903-1997 <Evelyn C Gottsteben [Gottsleben] und Edward J Moeller, Geburt der Tochter Stephanie Gay Moeller am 22. Februar 1944 in Hays, Texas>; United States Social Security Death Index <Evelyn Moeller; 66 Jahre alt; geb. 1. Januar 1918 in Minnesota, gest. Dezember 1984; Letzter Wohnort: Saint Paul, Ramsey, Minnesota>; Minnesota Death Index, 1908-2002 <Evelyn Cecilia Moeller; geb. 1. Januar 1917 [1918] in Minnesota, gest. 23. Dezember 1984 in Ramsey, Minnesota; Mädchenname der Mutter: Vaught>; United States, GenealogyBank Obituaries <St. Paul Pioneer Press, November 2003: Nennung von Evelyn Moeller in der Todesanzeige ihrer Schwester Regina M Gottsleben Gotch; Entferntere Angehörige von Regina M Gottsleben Gotch: Stephanie Layer, Nichte/Niece; Thomas Layer, Neffe/Nephew; Antoinette, Nichte/Niece; Paris, Nichte/Niece; Thomas Jr, Neffe/Nephew; Joann Roberts, Cousine/Cousin>)"; "Findagrave.com (Februar 2018; Evelyn C Moeller, geb. 1918, gest. 1984; Burial: Guardian Angels Catholic Church Cemetery Oakdale, Washington County, Minnesota)" und "Ancestry.com (Februar 2018; hier: Sharon Gottsleben's family tree <Evelyn Cecilia Gottsleben Gotch)".

oo <.1940
MOELLER Edward Joseph 68Jhr 5Mo 2Wo rk Delivery man
* 14.07.1917 Julien Township † 31.12.1985 Saint Paul Lebensorte: Julien Township Saint Paul  
Eltern: Moeller Albert Henry , Stevens (Stephens) May Evelyn (Mary)

Quellen: "FamilySearch (Februar 2018; hier: Iowa, County Births, 1880-1935 <Edward Moeller; geb. 14. Juli 1917 in Julien Township, Dubuque, Iowa; Eltern: Albert Moeller und Mary Stevens>; United States Census, 1920 <Edward Moeller; 2 Jahre alt, geb. um 1918 in Iowa; Wohnort: St Paul Ward 4, Ramsey; Eltern: Albert Moeller, 36 Jahre alt, geb. in Minnesota und May Moeller, 27 Jahre alt, geb. in North Dakota; Geschwister: Evelyn Moeller, 11 Jahre alt, geb. in North Dakota; George Moeller, 10 Jahre alt, geb. in North Dakota; Sidney Moeller, 8 Jahre alt, geb. in North Dakota; Charlotte Moeller, 7 Jahre alt, geb. in North Dakota und Edward Moeller, 2 Jahre alt, geb. in Iowa>; United States Census, 1930 <Edward Moeller; 12 Jahre alt, geb. um 1918 in Minnesota; Wohnort: St Paul, Ramsey, Minnesota; Vater: Albert Moeller, 50 Jahre alt, geb. in Ohio; Mutter: nicht genannt; Geschwister: Sidney Moeller, 18 Jahre alt, geb. in Minnesota und Rita Moeller, 5 Jahre alt, geb. in Minnesota>; United States Census, 1940 <Edward J Moeller, 22 Jahre alt, geb um 1918 in Minnesota, verheiratet/married; Wohnort: Ward 5, St. Paul, St. Paul City, Ramsey, Minnesota; Beruf: Delivery man; Ehefrau: Evelyn Moeller, 22 Jahre alt, geb. in Nebraska>; Texas Birth Index, 1903-1997 <Edward J Moeller und Evelyn C Gottsteben [Gottsleben], Geburt der Tochter Stephanie Gay Moeller am 22. Februar 1944 in Hays, Texas>; United States Social Security Death Index <Edward Moeller; 68 Jahre alt, geb. 14. Juli 1917 in Minnesota, gest. Dezember 1985; Letzter Wohnort: Saint Paul, Ramsey, Minnesota>; Minnesota Death Index, 1908-2002 <Edward Joseph Moeller; geb. 14 Juli 1917 in Minnesota, gest. 31. Dezember 1985 in Ramsey, Minnesota; Mädchenname der Mutter: Stevens>)"; "Findagrave.com (Februar 2018; Edward Joseph Moeller; geb. 14. Juli 1917 in Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, gest. 31. Dezember 1985 in Ramsey County, Minnesota; Burial: Guardian Angels Catholic Church Cemetery, Oakdale, Washington County, Minnesota)" und "Geni.com (Februar 2018; Edward Joseph Moeller; geb. 14. Juli 1917 in Iowa, gest. 31. Dezember 1985 in Saint Paul, Ramsey, MN; Bestattungsort: Saint Paul, Ramsey, MN; Eltern: Albert Henry Moeller und May Evelyn Stephens; Geschwister: Rita Moeller; Evelyn May Moeller; George Albert Henry Moeller; Sidney Carl Moeller und Charlotte Moeller)".

1. Moeller Stephanie Gay * 22.02.1944 Hays > 3.12

Evelyn Moeller
geb. Gotch

United States Census,

Edward J Moeller
Evelyn Moeller

Guardian Angels
Catholic Church
Cemetery, Oakdale

Edward J.   Evelyn C.
1917-1985   1918-1984

GOTCH Paul F. 68Jhr 1Mo < 1.8  
* 14.08.1917 † 14.09.1985 Lebensorte:  Mesa Chandler 
Eltern: Gottsleben (Gotch) Albert Elmer , Jones Bernice Marie

Quellen: "FamilySearch (März 2018; hier: United States Census, 1920 <Paul F Gotch; 2 Jahre alt, geb. in South Dakota; Eltern: Albert Gotch [Gottsleben], 29 Jahre alt und Bernice Gotch, 22 Jahre alt; Wohnort: Sioux Falls Ward 6, Minnehaha, South Dakota>; United States Census, 1930 <Paul F Gotch; 12 Jahre alt, geb. in South Dakota; Eltern: Albert E Gotch [Gottsleben], 39 Jahre alt und Bernice Gotch, 32 Jahre alt; Wohnort: St Paul, Ramsey, Minnesota>; Florida State Census, 1945 <Paul Gotch; 28 Jahre alt, geb. um 1917 in Massachusetts; Wohnort: West Palm Beach 13, Palm Beach, Florida>; Indiana Marriages, 1811-2007 <Paul F Gotch, Heirat am 10. August 1948 in Lake, Indiana mit Gladys Demucci>; United States Public Records, 1970-2009 <Paul Gotch; geb. 14. August 1917; Wohnort: Mesa, Arizona>)" und "Findagrave.com (März 2018; Paul F Gotch, geb. 14. August 1917, gest. 14. September 1985; Bestattet/Burial: Valley of the Sun Mortuary and Cemetery, Chandler, Maricopa County, Arizona>)".

oo 10.08.1948 Lake County

Quelle: FamilySearch (März 2018; hier: Indiana Marriages, 1811-2007 <Gladys Demucci Heirat am 10. August 1948 in Lake, Indiana mit Paul F Gotch>).

Indiana Marriages,

Paul F Gotch,
Heirat am 10.
August 1948
in Lake, Indiana mit
Gladys Demucci

Valley of the Sun Mortuary
and Cemetery, Chandler,
Maricopa County, Arizona

Paul F Gotch
1917 - 1985

GOTCH Lois Margaret < 1.8
* um.1919
Eltern: Gottsleben
(Gotch) Albert Elmer , Jones Bernice Marie

Quelle: FamilySearch (März 2018; hier: United States Census, 1920 <Lois M Gotch; 0 Jahre alt, geb. in South Dakota; Eltern: Albert Gotch [Gottsleben], 29 Jahre alt und Bernice Gotch, 22 Jahre alt; Wohnort: Sioux Falls Ward 6, Minnehaha, South Dakota>; United States Census, 1930 <Lois M Gotch, 11 Jahre alt, geb. in South Dakota; Eltern: Albert E Gotch [Gottsleben], 39 Jahre alt und Bernice Gotch, 32 Jahre alt; Wohnort: St Paul, Ramsey, Minnesota>; Minnesota Birth Index, 1935-2002 <Lois Margaret Gotch bei Geburt der Söhne: Bruce Patrick Campbell, geb. 4. Februar 1939 in Saint Louis, Minnesota; John Charles Campbell, geb. 10. Oktober 1945 in Saint Louis, Minnesota; James Frederick Campbell, geb. 10. September 1949 in Saint Louis, Minnesota; Vater: Henry Patrick Campbell>; California Marriage Index, 1960-1985 <Lois M Gotch, 43 Jahre alt, geb. um 1919, Heirat am 10. November 1962 in Los Angeles, California mit Darrel K Armstrong, 33 Jahre alt, geb. um 1929>; California Divorce Index, 1966-1984 <Lois M Gotch, Scheidung im März 1973 in Los Angeles City, California von Kent D Armstrong>).

CAMPBELL Henry Patrick

Quelle: FamilySearch (März 2018; hier: Minnesota Birth Index, 1935-2002 <Henry Patrick Campbell bei Geburt der Söhne: Bruce Patrick Campbell, geb. 4. Februar 1939 in Saint Louis, Minnesota; John Charles Campbell, geb. 10. Oktober 1945 in Saint Louis, Minnesota; James Frederick Campbell, geb. 10. September 1949 in Saint Louis, Minnesota; Mutter: Lois Margaret Gotch>).

1. Campbell Bruce Patrick * 04.02.1939 St. Louis

Quelle: FamilySearch (März 2018; hier: Minnesota Birth Index, 1935-2002 <Bruce Patrick Campbell; geb. 4. Februar 1939 in Saint Louis, Minnesota; Eltern: Henry Campbell und Lois Gotch>).

2. Campbell John Charles * 10.10.1945 St. Louis

Quelle: FamilySearch (März 2018; hier: Minnesota Birth Index, 1935-2002 <John Charles Campbell; geb. 10. Oktober 1945 in Saint Louis, Minnesota; Eltern: Henry Patrick Campbell und Lois Margaret Gotch>).

3. Campbell James Frederick 51Jhr 7Mo * 10.09.1949 St. Louis † 14.04.2001 Chillicothe

Quelle: FamilySearch (März 2018; hier: Minnesota Birth Index, 1935-2002 <James Frederick Campbell; geb. 10. September 1949 in Saint Louis, Minnesota; Eltern: Henry Patrick Campbell und Lois Margaret Gotch>; United States Public Records, 1970-2009 <James F Campbell; geb. 10. September 1949; Wohnorte: Frankfort, Ohio, Chillicothe, Ohio, Shaker Heights, Ohio; Possible Relatives: Lisa Ann Ell, V F Campbell, Victoria F Campbell, Vicki F Campbell>; Ohio Death Index, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 <James Frederick Campbell; geb. 10. September 1949 in Minnesota, gest. 14. April 2001 in Chillicothe, Ross, Ohio, verheiratet, Beruf: Geologists and geodesists; Eltern: Campbell und Gotch>).

oo 2 10.11.1962 Los Angeles
* um.1929

Quelle: FamilySearch (März 2018; hier: California Marriage Index, 1960-1985 <Darrel K Armstrong, 33 Jahre alt, geb. um 1929, Heirat am 10. November 1962 in Los Angeles, California mit Lois M Gotch, 43 Jahre alt, geb. um 1919>; California Divorce Index, 1966-1984 <Kent D Armstrong, Scheidung im März 1973 in Los Angeles City, California von Lois M Gotch>).

GOTCH Howard E. 92Jhr 4Mo Architekt < 1.8
* 09.09.1921 † 10.01.2014 Lebensorte: Saint Paul Los Angeles Lake 
Eltern: Gottsleben (Gotch) Albert Elmer , Jones Bernice Marie

Quellen: "FamilySearch (März 2018; hier: United States Census, 1930 <Howard E Gotch, 8 Jahre alt, geb. in South Dakota; Eltern: Albert E Gotch [Gottsleben], 39 Jahre alt und Bernice Gotch, 32 Jahre alt; Wohnort: St Paul, Ramsey, Minnesota>; United States Census, 1940 <Howard Gotch, 18 Jahre alt, geb. in South Dakota; Eltern: Albert Gotch [Gottsleben]; 49 Jahre alt, geb. um 1891 und Bernice Gotch, 42 Jahre alt, geb. in Iowa; Wohnort: White Bear Township, Ramsey, Minnesota>; United States World War II Army Enlistment Records, 1938-1946 <Howard E Gotch; geb. 1921 in South Dakota; Military Service, 6. Januar 1941, White Bear Lake, Minnesota; Bildungsniveau: 2 years of high school; Zivilberuf: Architects; Familienstand: Single, without dependents; Militärischer Rang: Private, Truppengattung: Coast Artillery Corps or Army Mine Planter Service, Heerkomponent: National Guard - Officers, Warrant Officers, and Enlisted Men>; California Marriage Index, 1960-1985 <Howard E Gotch, 38 Jahre alt, geb. um 1922; Heirat am 5. März 1960 in Los Angeles, California mit Violet B Glouner/Dawson, 41 Jahre alt, geb. um 1919; Howard E Gotch, 40 Jahre alt, geb. um 1922; Heirat am 7. April 1962 in Los Angeles, California mit June M Hooper/Reinhardt, 38 Jahre alt, geb. um 1924>; United States Public Records, 1970-2009 <Howard E Gotch; geb. 9. September 1921; Wohnorte: Terrace Park, Ohio; Topock, Arizona; Lakeport, California; Weitere Namen: E Howard Gotch, June M Gotch>; United States Social Security Death Index <Howard E Gotch; 93 Jahre alt, geb. 9. September 1921 in Minnesota, gest. 10. Januar 2014>)" und "Ca-registry.com (März 2018; H.E. Gotch Construction Co., INC. is an entity registered at California with company number C0736351. Company is incorporated on 15th May 1975. Current status of the company is Dissolved. Registered agent is Howard E Gotch, 1971 Riggs Rd Lakeport CA 95453>)".

oo 05.03.1960 Los Angeles
* um.1919 Lebensorte:  Los Angeles  

Quelle: FamilySearch (März 2018; hier: California Marriage Index, 1960-1985 <Violet B Glouner/Dawson, 41 Jahre alt, geb. um 1919; Heirat am 5. März 1960 in Los Angeles, California mit Howard E Gotch, 38 Jahre alt, geb. um 1922>).

oo 2 07.04.1962 Los Angeles
* um.1924 Lebensorte:  Los Angeles  

Quelle: FamilySearch (März 2018; hier: California Marriage Index, 1960-1985 <June M Hooper/Reinhardt, 38 Jahre alt, geb. um 1924; Heirat am 7. April 1962 in Los Angeles, California mit Howard E Gotch, 40 Jahre alt, geb. um 1922>).

GOTCH Shirley Helen 90Jhr 3Mo 2Wo < 1.8
* 11.07.1924 Sioux Falls † 25.10.2014 Lake Havasu City Lebensorte: Sioux Falls Los Angeles Lake Havasu City 
Eltern: Gottsleben
(Gotch) Albert Elmer , Jones Bernice Marie

Quellen: "FamilySearch (März 2018; hier: United States Census, 1930 <Shirley H Gotch, 5 Jahre alt, geb. in South Dakota; Eltern: Albert E Gotch [Gottsleben], 39 Jahre alt und Bernice Gotch, 32 Jahre alt; Wohnort: St Paul, Ramsey, Minnesota>; United States Census, 1940 <Shirley Gotch, 15 Jahre alt, geb. in South Dakota; Eltern: Albert Gotch [Gottsleben]; 49 Jahre alt, geb. um 1891 und Bernice Gotch, 42 Jahre alt, geb. in Iowa; Wohnort: White Bear Township, Ramsey, Minnesota>; California Marriage Index, 1960-1985 <Shirley H Gotch, 42 Jahre alt, geb. um 1924, Heirat am 12. November 1966 in Los Angeles City, California mit Norman E Randall, 35 Jahre alt, geb. um 1931>)" und "Findagrave.com (März 2018; Shirley Helen Gotch Randall, geb. 11. Juli 1924 in Sioux Falls, Minnehaha County, South Dakota, gest. 25. Oktober 2014 in Lake Havasu City, Mohave County, Arizona; Bestattet/Burial: Lake Havasu Memorial Gardens, Lake Havasu City, Mohave County, Arizona; Plot: Lakeview Maus., Row 4, Niche 11 <Shirley H. Randall passed away Saturday, Oct. 25, 2014 with her loving family by her side. She was born July 11, 1924, in Sioux Falls, S.D., to Albert and Bernice Marie (Jones) Gotch. Shirley moved to Lake Havasu City 40 years ago from California to operate a business, Acoma Van & Storage that she and her husband, Norm Randall owned and operated. She was an avid fan, playing slot machines at the Pioneer in Laughlin, Nev. Shirley is survived by her loving husband of 48 years, Norm Randall; sons, Michael Lafave and Terrance Grabinger all of Lake Havasu City; daughter, Candice Fitzgerald of Laughlin, Nev.; brother, Robert Gotch of Michigan; sisters, Peggy Sherman of California, Carol Campbell of California and Joanne Roberts of Minnesota; nine grandchildren and 14 great-grandchildren. The family is having a private burial. Donations can be made in Shirley's name to Beacon of Hope Hospice, 500 N. Lake Havasu Avenue #B106, Lake Havasu City, Arizona 86403. Arrangements were placed under the care of Lietz-Fraze Funeral Home & Crematory.- Today's News-Herald, Lake Havasu City, AZ; Posted: Wednesday, October 29, 2014>)".

oo 12.11.1966 Los Angeles
RANDALL Norman Edward 85Jhr
* 10.08.1931 Portland † 13.08.2016 Lake Havasu City Lebensorte: Portland Los Angeles Lake Havasu City 

Quelle: Findagrave.com (März 2018; Norman Edward Randall, geb. 10. August 1931 in Portland, Cumberland County, Maine, gest. 13. August 2016 in Lake Havasu City, Mohave County, Arizona; Bestattet/Burial: Lake Havasu Memorial Gardens, Lake Havasu City, Mohave County, Arizona; Plot: Lakeview Mausoleum <Norman 'Norm' Edward Randall, passed away on August 13, 2016. He was born in Portland, Maine on August 10, 1931. He was 85 years old. Norman married the love of his life, Shirley, on November 10, 1966, in Los Angeles, California. Norman and Shirley were both owner/operators of Acoma Van & Storage and agents for United Van Lines for over 35 years. Norman enjoyed coin collecting, reading, military trucks and building model airplanes. Norman was also a member of the VFW and was a DFC driver. Along with living in Lake Havasu City, Arizona, he also resided in Alabama and Los Angeles, California. Norman is preceded in death by his wife, Shirley Randall of Lake Havasu City, Arizona. He is survived by his step-son, Michael LaFave of Lake Havasu City, Arizona; step-son, Terrance Grabinger of Lake Havasu City, Arizona; step-daughter, Candice Fitzgerald of Laughlin, Nevada. Norman was also survived by many grandchildren and great-grandchildren>).

Shirley Helen
Gotch Randall

Norman Edward

Lake Havasu Memorial Gardens,
Lake Havasu City, Arizona

Norman E.  Shirley H.

1931 - [2016]  1924 - 2014

GOTCH Donald M. 64Jhr 5Mo 2Wo < 1.8
* 16.09.1925 † 03.03.1990
Eltern: Gottsleben (Gotch) Albert Elmer , Jones Bernice Marie

Quelle: FamilySearch (März 2018; hier: United States Census, 1930 <Donald M Gotch, 4 Jahre alt, geb. in Minnesota; Eltern: Albert E Gotch [Gottsleben], 39 Jahre alt und Bernice Gotch, 32 Jahre alt; Wohnort: St Paul, Ramsey, Minnesota>; United States Census, 1940 <Donald Gotch, 14 Jahre alt, geb. Minnesota; Eltern: Albert Gotch [Gottsleben]; 49 Jahre alt, geb. um 1891 und Bernice Gotch, 42 Jahre alt, geb. in Iowa; Wohnort: White Bear Township, Ramsey, Minnesota>; United States Public Records, 1970-2009 <Myrtle I Gotch; Possible Relatives: Carloyn M Davidson, Donald M Gotch, Matthew Owen Gotch, Paul F Gotch>; United States Social Security Death Index <Donald M Gotch; 65 Jahre alt, geb. 16. September 1925 in Minnesota, gest. 3. März 1990; Letzter Wohnort: Mohave, Arizona>).

CHAPMAN Myrtle I. 79Jhr 10Mo 1Wo
* 22.03.1924 † 29.01.2004
Eltern: Chapman Carl C. , Suiter Avis (Ada) Isabelle

Quelle: FamilySearch (März 2018; hier: United States Census, 1940 <Myrtle Chapman; 16 Jahre alt, geb. um 1924 in Nebraska, Ledig/Single; Wohnort: Ward 9, Omaha, Omaha City, Douglas, Nebraska; Mutter: Ada Chapman, Haushaltsvorstand/Head, 45 Jahre alt, geb. in Nebraska; Großmutter: Mary Suiter, 78 Jahre alt, geb. in Nebraska>; United States Public Records, 1970-2009 <Myrtle I Gotch, Also known as: Myrtle T Gotch; geb. 22. März 1924; Wohnorte: Dunkirk, Maryland; Chesapeake Beach, Maryland; Glendora, California; Possible relatives: Carloyn M Davidson, Donald M Gotch, Matthew Owen Gotch, Paul F Gotch>; United States Social Security Death Index <Myrtle I Gotch; 80 Jahre alt, geb. 22. März 1924 in Nebraska, gest. 29. Januar 2004; Letzter Wohnort: Dunkirk, Calvert, Maryland>).

GOTCH Mary Jane (Ann) 72Jhr 1Mo < 1.8
* 12.08.1928 † 16.09.2000 Houston
Eltern: Gottsleben
(Gotch) Albert Elmer , Jones Bernice Marie

Quellen: "FamilySearch (März 2018; hier: United States Census, 1930 <Mary J Gotch, 3 Jahre alt, geb. in Illinois; Eltern: Albert E Gotch [Gottsleben], 39 Jahre alt und Bernice Gotch, 32 Jahre alt; Wohnort: St Paul, Ramsey, Minnesota>; United States Census, 1940 <Mary Jane Gotch, 13 Jahre alt, geb. in Illinois; Eltern: Albert Gotch [Gottsleben]; 49 Jahre alt, geb. um 1891 und Bernice Gotch, 42 Jahre alt, geb. in Iowa; Wohnort: White Bear Township, Ramsey, Minnesota>; California Divorce Index, 1966-1984 <Mary J Gotch Scheidung/Divorce im May 1975 in Alameda, California von Douglas E Beer>; United States Social Security Death Index <Mary Gotch; 72 Jahre alt, geb. 12. August 1928, gest. 16. September 2000; Letzter Wohnort: Houston, Harris, Texas>)" und "Findagrave.com (März 2018; Mary Ann Gotch, geb. 12. August 1928, gest. 16. September 2000; Bestattet/Burial: Earthman Resthaven Cemetery, Houston, Harris County, Texas; Plot: Section 7)".

BEER Douglas E.

Quelle: FamilySearch (März 2018; hier: California Divorce Index, 1966-1984 <Douglas E Beer Scheidung/Divorce im May 1975 in Alameda, California von Mary J Gotch>).

GOTCH Patricia (Peggy) Margaret < 1.8
* um.1930
Eltern: Gottsleben
(Gotch) Albert Elmer , Jones Bernice Marie

Quelle: FamilySearch (März 2018; hier: United States Census, 1930 <Peggy G Gotch, 0 Jahre alt, geb. in Minnesota; Eltern: Albert E Gotch [Gottsleben], 39 Jahre alt und Bernice Gotch, 32 Jahre alt; Wohnort: St Paul, Ramsey, Minnesota>; United States Census, 1940 <Margaret Gotch, 10 Jahre alt, geb. in Minnesota; Eltern: Albert Gotch [Gottsleben]; 49 Jahre alt, geb. um 1891 und Bernice Gotch, 42 Jahre alt, geb. in Iowa; Wohnort: White Bear Township, Ramsey, Minnesota>; Texas Birth Index, 1903-1997 <Patricia Margaret Gotch und David Joseph White. Geburt der Tochter Susan Jacqueline White am 29. Jul 1973 in Dallas, Texas>, United States Public Records, 1970-2009 <Patricia M Gotch, auch Peggy Gotch; Wohnorte: Saint Louis, Missouri; Houston, Texas>).

WHITE David Joseph

Quelle: FamilySearch (März 2018; hier:Texas Birth Index, 1903-1997 <David Joseph White und Patricia Margaret Gotch. Geburt der Tochter Susan Jacqueline White am 29. Jul 1973 in Dallas, Texas>).

1. White Susan Jaqueline * 29.07.1973 Dallas

Quelle: FamilySearch (März 2018; hier: Texas Birth Index, 1903-1997 <Susan Jacqueline White, geb. am 29. Juli 1973 in Dallas, Texas; Eltern: David Joseph White und Patricia Margaret Gotch>).

GOTCH Gerald Martin 71Jhr 4Mo 1Wo < 1.8
* 03.03.1932 † 12.07.2003 Mohave County Lebensorte:  Ramsey Mohave County 
Eltern: Gottsleben
(Gotch) Albert Elmer , Jones Bernice Marie

Quelle: FamilySearch (März 2018; hier: United States Census, 1940 <Gerald Gotch, 8 Jahre alt, geb. in Minnesota; Eltern: Albert Gotch [Gottsleben]; 49 Jahre alt, geb. um 1891 und Bernice Gotch, 42 Jahre alt, geb. in Iowa; Wohnort: White Bear Township, Ramsey, Minnesota>; Minnesota Marriage Index, 1958-2001 <Gerald N Gotch; 33 Jahre alt, geb. um 1933. Heirat am 18. Januar 1966 in Ramsey, Minnesota mit Gloria M Jones; 29 Jahre alt, geb. um 1937>; Minnesota Divorce Index, 1970-1995 <Gerald M Gotch; 39 Jahre alt, geb. um 1932. Scheidung am 4. März 1971 in Ramsey, Minnesota von Gloria M Gotch; 34 Jahre alt, geb. um 1937>; Minnesota Marriage Index, 1958-2001 <Gerald M Gotch; 43 Jahre alt, geb. um 1932. Heirat am 20. Dezember 1975 in Ramsey, Minnesota mit Gloria M Jones; 39 Jahre alt, geb. um 1936>; Minnesota Divorce Index, 1970-1995 <Gerald M Gotch; 48 Jahre alt, geb. um 1933. Scheidung am 18. Februar 1981 in Ramsey, Minnesota von Gloria M Gotch; 44 Jahre alt, geb. um 1937>; United States Public Records, 1970-2009 <Gerald Martin Gotch, geb. 3. März 1932; Wohnort: Topock, Arizona>; United States Social Security Death Index <Gerald M Gotch; 71 Jahre alt, geb. 3. März 1932 in Minnesota, gest. 12. Juli 2003; Letzter Wohnort: Mohave, Arizona>).

oo 18.01.1966 Ramsey
JONES Gloria M.
* um.1937

Quelle: FamilySearch (März 2018; hier: Minnesota Marriage Index, 1958-2001 <Gloria M Jones; 29 Jahre alt, geb. um 1937. Heirat am 18. Januar 1966 in Ramsey, Minnesota mit Gerald N Gotch; 33 Jahre alt, geb. um 1933>; Minnesota Divorce Index, 1970-1995 <Gloria M Gotch; 34 Jahre alt, geb. um 1937. Scheidung am 4. März 1971 in Ramsey, Minnesota von Gerald M Gotch; 39 Jahre alt, geb. um 1932>; Minnesota Marriage Index, 1958-2001 <Gloria M Jones; 39 Jahre alt, geb. um 1936. Heirat am 20. Dezember 1975 in Ramsey, Minnesota mit Gerald M Gotch; 43 Jahre alt, geb. um 1932>; Minnesota Divorce Index, 1970-1995 <Gloria M Gotch; 44 Jahre alt, geb. um 1937. Scheidung am 18. Februar 1981 in Ramsey, Minnesota von Gerald M Gotch; 48 Jahre alt, geb. um 1933>).

GOTCH Jo Ann Marie < 1.8
* 21.08.1934 Lebensorte:  Saint Paul  
Eltern: Gottsleben
(Gotch) Albert Elmer , Jones Bernice Marie

Quellen: "FamilySearch (März 2018; hier: United States Census, 1940 <Jo Ann Gotch, 5 Jahre alt, geb. in Minnesota; Eltern: Albert Gotch [Gottsleben]; 49 Jahre alt, geb. um 1891 und Bernice Gotch, 42 Jahre alt, geb. in Iowa; Wohnort: White Bear Township, Ramsey, Minnesota>; Minnesota Birth Index, 1935-2002 <Jo Ann Marie Gotch und John Patrick Roberts bei Geburt der Kinder>)" und "MyLife.com (Joann Marie Roberts, auch: Margaret J Roberts, Joann M Roberts, Joann P Roberts; 84 Jahre alt; Wohnort: Saint Paul, MN; Verwandte: Margaret Meeker, James Roberts, Maureen Roberts, John Roberts. Joann Roberts is 84 years old and was born on 8/21/1934. Currently, she lives in Saint Paul, MN. Sometimes Joann goes by various nicknames including Margaret J Roberts and Joann M Roberts. Joann is now married. Other family members and associates include Margaret Meeker and James Roberts>)".

ROBERTS John Patrick 82Jhr 1Mo 1Wo
* 01.02.1934 † 09.03.2016 Lebensorte:  Saint Paul  

Quellen: "FamilySearch (März 2018; hier: Minnesota Birth Index, 1935-2002 <John Patrick Roberts und Joann Marie Gotch bei Geburt der Kinder>)" und "MyLife.com <John Patrick Roberts; geb. 1. Februar 1934, gest. 9. März 2016; Wohnort: Saint Paul, MN>)".

1. Roberts Patricia Marie * 02.09.1955 Saint Louis

Quelle: FamilySearch (März 2018; hier: Minnesota Birth Index, 1935-2002 <Patricia Marie Roberts, geb. 2. September 1955 in Saint Louis, Minnesota; Eltern: John Patrick Roberts und Jo Ann Marie Gotch>).

2. Roberts Maureen Marie * 22.05.1958 Saint Louis

Quelle: FamilySearch (März 2018; hier: Minnesota Birth Index, 1935-2002 <Maureen Marie Roberts, geb. 22. Mai 1958 in Saint Louis, Minnesota; Eltern: John Patrick Roberts und Jo Anne Marie Gotch>).

3. Roberts Theresa Ann * 26.09.1960 Ramsey

Quelle: FamilySearch (März 2018; hier: Minnesota Birth Index, 1935-2002 <Theresa Ann Roberts, geb. 26. September 1960 in Ramsey, Minnesota; Eltern: John Patrick Roberts und Jo Ann Marie Gotch>).

4. Roberts James Patrick * 01.07.1967 Washington

Quelle: FamilySearch (März 2018; hier: Minnesota Birth Index, 1935-2002 <James Patrick Roberts; geb. 1. Juli 1967 in Washington, Minnesota; Eltern: John Patrick Roberts und Joann Marie Gotch>).

5. Roberts Margret Joann * 30.03.1969 Washington

Quelle: FamilySearch (März 2018; hier: Minnesota Birth Index, 1935-2002 <Margaret Joann Roberts; geb. 30. März 1969 in Washington, Minnesota; Eltern: John Patrick Roberts und Joann Marie Gotch>).

GOTCH Robert Thomas < 1.8
* 30.11.1936 Ramsey Lebensorte: Ramsey Washington  
Eltern: Gottsleben
(Gotch) Albert Elmer , Jones Bernice Marie

Quellen: "FamilySearch (März 2018; hier: Minnesota Birth Index, 1935-2002 <Robert Thomas Gotch, geb. 30. November 1936 in Ramsey, Minnesota; Eltern: Albert Gotch [Gottsleben] und Bernice Jones>; United States Census, 1940 <Robert Gotch, 3 Jahre alt, geb. in Minnesota; Eltern: Albert Gotch [Gottsleben]; 49 Jahre alt, geb. um 1891 und Bernice Gotch, 42 Jahre alt, geb. in Iowa; Wohnort: White Bear Township, Ramsey, Minnesota>; Nevada Marriage Index, 1956-2005 <Robert T Gotch Heirat am 28. Juni 1961 in Clark, Nevada mit Phyllis I Haralson>, <Robert T Gotch Heirat am 8. Juli 1971 in Las Vegas, Nevada mit Phyllis I Sincock; Wohnort: Massachusetts>; United States Public Records, 1970-2009 <Robert Thomas Gotch; geb. 30. November 1935 [?]; Wohnorte: Washington, Michigan, Sterling Heights, Michigan; Weitere Namen: Charles F Gotch, P Gotch, Phyllis Iola Gotch>)" und "MyLife.com (Dezember 2018; Robert Thomas Gotch; 83 Jahre alt; Wohnorte: Sterling Heights, MI, Washington, MI; Verwandte: Phyllis Gotch, Charles Gotch, Robert Gotch. Robert Gotch is 83 years old and was born on 11/1/1935 [?]. Currently, he lives in Sterling Heights, MI; and previously lived in Washington, MI. Sometimes Robert goes by various nicknames including Robert T Gotch and Robert Thomas Gotch. His ethnicity is Caucasian, whose political affiliation is currently a registered Unaffiliated/Non Affiliated; and religious views are listed as Christian. Robert is now married. Other family members and associates include Phyllis Gotch and Charles Gotch)".

oo 28.06.1961 Clark
HARALSON Phyllis Iola
* 22.01.1938 Lebensorte:  Sterling Heights  

Quellen: "FamilySearch (März 2018; hier: United States Census, 1940 <Phyllis Haralson; geb. 1938; 2 Jahre alt; Wohnort: Lake Linden, Schoolcraft Township, Houghton, Michigan; Eltern: Elmer H Haralson, 49 Jahre alt und Agnes Haralson, 45 Jahre alt, beide geb. in Wisconsin; Geschwister: Inez Haralson, Alice Haralson, Elmer H Haralson, Agnes Ruth Haralson, Herbert Jos Haralson, JoAn Haralson, James Haralson, Eva Ann Haralson>; Nevada Marriage Index, 1956-2005 <Phyllis I Haralson Heirat am 28. Juni 1961 in Clark, Nevada mit Robert T Gotch>; United States Public Records, 1970-2009 <Phyllis Iola Gotch, auch: Phyllis J Gotch; geb. 22. Januar 1938; Wohnorte: Sterling Heights, Michigan; Weitere Namen: Charles F Gotch, Robert Thomas Gotch>)" und "MyLife.com (Dezember 2018; Phyllis Iola Gotch, auch: Phyllis I Gotch, 80 Jahre alt; Wohnorte: Sterling Heights, MI, Washington, MI. Phyllis Gotch is 80 years old and was born on 1/22/1938. Currently, she lives in Sterling Heights, MI; and previously lived in Washington, MI. Sometimes Phyllis goes by various nicknames including Phyllis I Gotch and Phyllis Iola Gotch. She currently works as a Principal at Phyllis L Gotch. Her ethnicity is Caucasian, whose political affiliation is currently a registered Democrat; and religious views are listed as Christian. Phyllis is now married)".

1. Gotch Charles F. * 01.11.1964 Los Angeles

Quelle: FamilySearch (Dezember 2018; hier: California Birth Index, 1905-1995 <Charles F Gotch; geb. 1. November 1964 in Los Angeles, California; Mutter: Haralson>; United States Public Records, 1970-2009 <Charles F Gotch; geb. 1. November 1964; Wohnort: Sterling Heights, Michigan, Omaha, Nebraska, Kansas City, Missouri; Weitere Namen: P Gotch, Phyllis Iola Gotch, Robert Thomas Gotch, Carol Gotch Modica>).

oo 2 08.07.1971 Las Vegas
SINCOCK Phillis I.

Quelle: FamilySearch (März 2018; hier: Nevada Marriage Index, 1956-2005 <Phyllis I Sincock Heirat am 8. Juli 1971 in Las Vegas, Nevada mit Robert T Gotch; Wohnort: Massachusetts>).

GOTTSLEBEN James William 83Jhr 4Mo rk Farmer < 1.9  
* 14.04.1929 Pierre † 15.08.2012 Philip Lebensort: Philip   
Eltern: Gottsleben William Martin (Willie) , Gehan Helen Ann

James W. "Jim" Gottsleben, age 83 of Philip, S.D., died Wednesday, August 15, 2012, at the Philip Nursing Home. - James William Gottsleben was born April 14, 1929, to William and Helen (Gehan) Gottsleben in Pierre. Jim grew up ranching and lived most of his life on the Gottsleben Ranch, which was homesteaded by his grandparents in 1907. Jim graduated from Philip High School in May 1947 and attended Black Hills State University that summer. He began his teaching career at Alfalfa Valley School, located three miles from his home place. He taught there two years followed by another two years at Enterprise School. During this time he lived at home (due to his mother's death in his senior year of high school) helping his dad farm and ranch. Jim married Myrna Coleman on November 29, 1952, at Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Philip. To this union five children were born. Upon his father's death in 1956, he purchased the homestead and surrounding land. Jim also added an insurance agency through Missouri Valley Mutual Insurance Company to the farming and ranching operation. He remained an insurance agent for 54 years. In 2005, Jim and Myrna sold the ranch to their son, Bill. They then moved to Philip where they have since resided. Jim served on the Deadman School board and on the ASCS Committee for several years. He was a Farmer's Union Cooperative member. He belonged to Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Philip. Jim was awarded an Honorary Lifetime Membership and held the position of financial secretary for over 50 years with the Philip Knights of Columbus. Throughout his life, Jim was a hard worker - proud of his homesteading heritage and dedicated to the land, his family, community, and faith. In spite of health issues, he continued to stay strong up through his last few years. His perseverance was a credit to his character. Grateful for sharing in his life are his wife of 59 years, Myrna Gottsleben; one son, William "Bill" Gottsleben and his wife, Jayne, of Philip; four daughters, Sharon Baxter and her husband, Darwin, of Arvada, Colo., Kathy Gottsleben of Rapid City, Barbara Larsen and her husband, Carl, of Caputa, and Carolyn Brooks and her husband, Jim, of Dupree; 13 grandchildren; seven great-grandchildren; two sisters, Mary Pekron of Philip, and Ann Pattno and her husband, Tom, of Hastings, Neb. Preceding Jim in death were his parents and a brother-in-law, Henry "Hank" Pekron. Mass of Christian burial will be celebrated at 10:00 a.m. on Thursday, August 23, at the Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Philip, with Father Kevin Achbach as celebrant. Pall placement will be done by Jessica Larsen, Kara Larsen, Chana Gottsleben and Brittany Brooks. Gift bearers are Tara and Tyana Gottsleben. Eucharistic ministers are Joe Gittings and Lloyd Frein. Altar server are Allison Pekron and Tristen Rush. Ushers are Marvin Eide and Chuck Carstensen. Pallbearers are Zach Baxter, Tim and Dustin Larsen, Lee Brooks, Kevin Coleman and Steve Pekron. Honorary pallbearers are the Knights of Columbus #2679 of Philip and all relatives and friends in attendance. Interment will be at the Masonic Cemetery in Philip. - Quellen: "Rapid city journal (Internet August 2012)", "Familytrees (www.mwsw.com; 2012)", "Findagrave.com (April 2014; hier: Masonic Cemetery, Philip, Haakon County, South Dakota)" und "FamilySearch (Dezember 2018; hier: United States Census, 1930; United States Census, 1940; South Dakota, Department of Health, Index to Births 1843-1914 and Marriages 1950-2016 <James Gottsleben, geb. um 1929, 23 Jahre alt, Heirat am 29. November 1952 in Haakon, South Dakota, mit Myrna Coleman, geb. um 1930, 22 Jahre alt>)".

oo 29.11.1952 Philip  Qu: Sacred Heart Catholic Church
COLEMAN Myrna rk
* 27.04.1930 Lebensorte:  Lincoln Philip 
Eltern: Coleman Fay Jennings , Lathrop Annette Angela

Quellen: "Familytrees (www.mwsw.com; 2012)" und "FamilySearch (Dezember 2018; hier: South Dakota, School Records, 1879-1970 <Myrna Coleman; geb. 19. April 1930; School enrollment 1937, Pedro, Pennington, South Dakota; Vater: Fay Coleman>; United States Census, 1940 <Myrna Coleman; geb. 1931 in South Dakota, 9 Jahre alt; Wohnort: Ash Township, Pennington, South Dakota; Eltern: Faye Coleman, 40 Jahre alt, geb. in Iowa, und Annette Coleman, 30 Jahre alt, geb. in South Dakota; Geschwister: Robert Coleman, Alvin Coleman, Alice Coleman, Marvin Coleman, Patricia Coleman>; South Dakota, Department of Health, Index to Births 1843-1914 and Marriages 1950-2016 <Myrna Coleman, geb. um 1930, 22 Jahre alt, Heirat am 29. November 1952 in Haakon, South Dakota, mit James Gottsleben, geb. um 1929, 23 Jahre alt>)".

1. Gottsleben Sharon Ann * 03.12.1953 Quinn > 3.13
2. Gottsleben Kathryn L. * 11.07.1956

Quellen: "Familytrees (www.mwsw.com)" und "MyLife.com (Dezember 2018; Kathryn L Gottsleben, auch: Kathy Gottsleben; 62 Jahre alt; Wohnort: Rapid City, SD; Verwandte: Barbara Larsen. Kathryn Gottsleben is 62 years old and was born on 7/11/1956. Currently, she lives in Rapid City, SD. Sometimes Kathryn goes by various nicknames including Kathryn L Gottsleben and Kathy Gottsleben. Her ethnicity is Caucasian, whose political affiliation is currently a registered Democrat; and religious views are listed as Christian. Kathryn is now single. Other family members and associates include Barbara Larsen)".

3. Gottsleben Barbara J. * 16.09.1958 > 3.14
4. Gottsleben Carolyn K. * 09.02.1961 Philip
> 3.15
5. Gottsleben William (Bill) F. * 02.12.1964
> 3.16

James W.

James und Myrna

The Gottslebens of Philip were recognized at the State Fair in Huron.
Pictured here are three generations of the
Gottsleben family.
Back row are Bill and Jayne,
center are Myrna and Jim, and in front is Tiana.
September 6, 2007)

Masonic Cemetery, Philip, Haakon County

Father James W.

2.23 GOTTSLEBEN Mary Agnes 80Jhr 8Mo 3Wo rk < 1.9  
* 18.01.1932 Philip † 10.10.2012 Philip Lebensort: Philip   
Eltern: Gottsleben William Martin (Willie) , Gehan Helen Ann

Philip, Mary Pekron, age 80 of Philip, died Wednesday, October 10, 2012, at the Hans P. Peterson Memorial Hospital in Philip. - Mary A. Gottsleben was born January 18, 1932, in Philip, South Dakota, the daughter of William and Helen (Gehan) Gottsleben. She grew up on a farm-ranch northwest of Philip and attended the Deadman Rural School in that area. She attended high school at St. Martin's Academy in Sturgis, graduating in 1951. She then attended Black Hills State College in Spearfish, where she obtained her teaching certificate. She taught rural school at the Jones Rural School for three years and one year at the Malone Rural School near Milesville. Once their children were in school, she returned to teaching, served as a substitute teacher and teacher's aide for numerous years. Mary was united in marriage to Henry "Hank" Pekron on August 28, 1954, in Philip. They made their home in the Milesville area, where they worked on a ranch and later purchased their own ranch. They continued to ranch for over 50 years. Due to health reasons, they moved into Philip in October 2007. Her husband, Henry "Hank" Pekron, preceded her in death on August 27, 2010. Mary continued to reside in Philip until her death. Mary was a member of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church of Philip, and a former member of St. Mary's Catholic Church and Altar Society of Milesville. Survivors include six children, Nancy Ehrhardt and her husband Rick of Brandon, Steve Pekron and his wife Nina of Milesville, Beth Walker of Gillette, Wyoming, Karen Kroetch and her husband Jerry of Philip, Theresa Pekron of Westminster, Colorado, and Joe Pekron and his wife Julie of Hot Springs; 13 grandchildren; six great-grandchildren; one sister, Ann Pattno and her husband Tom of Hastings, Nebraska; a sister-in-law, Myrna Gottsleben of Philip; several nieces and nephews; and a host of other relatives and friends. In addition to her husband, Mary was preceded in death by her parents, and one brother, Jim Gottsleben. Visitation will be held from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. Sunday, October 14, at the Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Philip, with a prayer service at 7 p.m. Mass of Christian Burial will be held at 10 a.m. Monday, October 15, at the Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Philip, with Father Kevin Achbach as celebrant. Interment will be at the Masonic Cemetery in Philip. A memorial has been established. Arrangements are with the Rush Funeral Home of Philip. Her online guestbook is available at www.rushfuneralhome.com. - Quellen: "Rapid City Journal on October 13, 2012", "Familytrees (www.mwsw.com; 2012)" und "FamilySearch (März 2014; hier: Iowa, County Births, 1880-1935; United States Census, 1940)".

oo 28.08.1954 Philip
PEKRON Henry (Hank) 84Jhr 9Mo 4Wo rk Farmer
* 28.10.1925 Grenville † 27.08.2010 Philip Lebensorte: Grenville Philip  
Eltern: Pekron Joseph , Sichmeller Mary

Henry "Hank" Pekron, + age 84 of Milesville, South Dakota, died August 27, 2010, at the Hans P. Peterson Memorial Hospital in Philip. - Henry J. "Hank" Pekron was born October 28, 1925, on a farm near Grenville, South Dakota, the son of Joseph and Mary (Sichmeller) Pekron. He first moved to Haakon County in 1949. Hank was drafted into the United States Army on October 20, 1950, and served in Korea during the Korean War. He was honorably discharged on September 11, 1952, returned to the Milesville area, and began his life long career and passion as a rancher. - Hank was united in marriage to Mary Gottsleben on August 28, 1954 at Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Philip. They made their home in the Milesville area for over 50 years. Due to health reasons, they moved into Philip in October 2007, where they have since resided. - Hank's family was very important to him and he was a wonderful husband, father, and grandfather. Hank was a hard-working, God-fearing man of his word who was always ready and willing to help his neighbor or someone in need. Grateful for having shared his life are his wife of 56 years, Mary; six children Nancy Ehrhardt and her husband Rick of Brandon, South Dakota, Steve Pekron and his wife Nina of Milesville, Beth Walker of Gillette, Wyoming, Karen Kroetch and her husband Jerry of Philip, Theresa Pekron of Westminster, Colorado, and Joe Pekron and his wife Julie of Hot Springs; thirteen grandchildren; six great-grandchildren; many nieces and nephews; and a host of other relatives and friends. - Hank was preceded in death by his parents, two brothers, and seven sisters. - Visitation was held 5-7 p.m. Tuesday, August 31, at the Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Philip, with a vigil service at 7:00 p.m. - Mass of Christian Burial was held 10:00 a.m. Wednesday, September 1, at the Sacred Heart Catholic Church, with Father KevIn Achbach as celebrant. - Interment with military honors by the American Legion Post #173 of Philip, was at the Masonic Cemetery in Philip. - A luncheon and time of fellowship will take place at the church, immediately following the services at the cemetery. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be directed to St. Mary's Catholic Church in Milesville. - Memorials and cards may be sent to Mary Pekron, P.O. Box 843, Philip, SD 57567. - Quelle: Rushfuneralhome.com (Internet 2010).

1. Pekron Nancy H. * 16.10.1955 > 3.17
2. Pekron Steven (Steve) W. * 14.04.1957
> 3.18
Pekron Beth Ann * 21.07.1958 > 3.19
4. Pekron Karen M. * 21.12.1959 > 3.20
5. Pekron Theresa Jeanne * 09.12.1961 > 3.21
6. Pekron Joe (Joseph) N. * 09.05.1964 > 3.22

Henry Pekron

Mary Agnes Pekron

Masonic Cemetery, Philip

Jan. 18, 1932
Oct. 10, 2012
Oct. 28, 1925
Aug. 27, 2010
Parents of

Nancy, Steve, Beth,
Karen, Theresa, Joe

GOTTSLEBEN Helen Ann rk < 1.9
* 04.12.1941 New Underwood Lebensorte:  Hastings Naples 
Eltern: Gottsleben William Martin (Willie) , Gehan Helen Ann

Quellen: "Facebook (Mai 2015; Ann Pattno; geb. 4. Dezember ...; Studium an der Universty of Nebraska in Kearney <Completed counseling degree>)", "Familytrees (www.mwsw.com; Ann Gottsleben, geb. 4. Dezember 1941 in New Underwood)" und "FamilySearch (Dezember 2018; hier: South Dakota State Census, 1945 <Helen Ann Gottsleben; geb. um 1942 in South Dakota, 3 Jahre alt; Wohnort: 2-19, Haakon, South Dakota>; South Dakota, Department of Health, Index to Births 1843-1914 and Marriages 1950-2016 <Ann Gottsleben, geb. um 1942, 22 Jahre alt, Heirat am 20. Juni 1964 in Brown, South Dakota mit Tom Pattno, geb. um 1935, 29 Jahre alt; Wohnort: Aberdeen, Brown, South Dakota>; United States Public Records, 1970-2009 <Helen Ann Pattno, auch: Ann H Pattno; geb. 15.[?] Dezember 1941; Wohnort: Hastings, Nebraska; Possible Relatives: Aaron T Pattno, Maria A Pattno, Tom J Pattno>).

oo 20.06.1964 Aberdeen
PATTNO Thomas James (Tom) Jr 83Jhr 10Mo 2Wo rk Versicherungskaufmann
* 25.06.1934 Aberdeen † 15.05.2018 Naples Lebensorte: Aberdeen Hastings Naples 
Eltern: Pattno Thomas John Sr , Olson Helen

Quellen: "Legacy.com/obituaries (August 2018; Thomas J. Pattno. Our wonderful dad, grandfather, husband, friend und former Hastings, Nebraska, resident, Thomas James Pattno, 83, passed away unexpectedly on Tuesday, May 15, 2018, at Physicians Regional Hospital in Naples, Florida. Tom was born in Aberdeen, S.D., on June 25, 1934. He graduated from Aberdeen High School in 1952, joined the U.S. Air Forcein 1954, and continued on to receive a degree in psychology and sociology from South Dakota State College. On June 20, 1964, Tom married Ann [Gottsleben] Pattno in Aberdeen, S.D. They were married 53 years. Tom is survived by his loving Wife, Ann of Naples; son Aaron Pattno of Omaha, Nebraska; daughter Maria Pattno [Tad Dinnell] and granddaughter Madison Pattno, all of Hastings; sister Gloria [Pattno] Keenan of Minneapolis, Minnesota; and many nephews, nieces, family and friends. Tom began selling life insurances for Northwestern Mutual Life in 1961 and he continued with NML for over 55 years, never completely retiring until 2016. Well respected for his honesty and integrity, he had clients throughout south central Nebraska, many becoming close friends. This can be seen in that some of his last clients were grandchildren of some of his first. In this time away from work, he loved spending time with his family. When the kids were young he enjoyed family camping trips, and later he found relaxation fishing in South Dakota and hiking the mountains of Colorado. He then discovered Naples and the beauty and laid-back atmosphere of Southwest Florida. After being snowbirds for several years, he and Ann made Naples their home last year. In Hastings, he was involved in St. Michael's Parish, serving as a lector for many years. He was a member of the Knights of Columbus, a Central Community College Foundation board member, a member of the Lions Club, and involved in many other Catholiy and civic organizations in Hastings. Known for his quick wit and sense of humor, he will also be remembered for the years he spent with the Hastings Community Theater in several memorable roles. Tom ist preceded in death by his parents, Thomas Sr. and Helen of Aberdeen; sister and brother-in-law, Pat and Bill Holmes of Spokane, Washington; and brother-in-law, Marv Keenan of Minneapolis, Minnesota. A funeral Mass will be held June 14 at 10 a.m. at St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Church in Naples. A memorial Mass and Celebration of his Life will be held June 22 at 10:30 a.m. at St. Michael's Catholic Church in Hastings for all friends and family wishing to pay their respects. There will also be Celebration of his Life in late June in Philip, S.D. In lieu od flowers, memorial contributions may be given to Catholic Social Services and Hastings Catholic Schools)", "FamilySearch (Dezember 2018; hier: United States Census, 1940 <Thomas J Pattno Jr; geb. um 1935, 5 Jahre alt; Wohnort: Ward 1, Aberdeen, Aberdeen City, Brown, South Dakota; Vater: Thomas J Pattno, 50 Jahre alt, geb. in New York; Schwestern: Marguerite C Pattno, 18 Jahre alt und Gloria H Pattno, 11 Jahre alt; beide geb. in South Dakota>)" und "Familytrees (www.mwsw.com)".

1. Pattno Aaron T. * 13.08.1971

Quellen: "Familytrees (www.mwsw.com; Aaron Pattno, geb. 13. August 1971)", "FamilySearch (Dezember 2018; hier: United States Public Records, 1970-2009 <Aaron T Pattno; geb. 13. August 1971; Wohnorte: Omaha, Nebraska, La Vista, Nebraska, Hastings, Nebraska, Lake Ozark, Missouri; Possible Relatives: Helen Ann Pattno, Maria A Pattno, Tom J Pattno>)" und "MyLife.com (Dezember 2018; Aaron T Pattno, 47 Jahre alt; Wohnorte: La Vista, NE, Hastings, NE, Omaha, NE; Verwandte: Ann Pattno, Thomas Pattno, Maria Pattno. Aaron Pattno is 47 years old and was born on 8/13/1971. Currently, he lives in La Vista, NE; and previously lived in Hastings, NE and Omaha, NE. Sometimes Aaron goes by various nicknames including Aaron Patting and Aaron T Pattno. He currently works as an Owner at Mental Health & Wellness. Aaron's education includes attending Maur Hill Preparatory School. Other family members and associates include Ann Pattno and Thomas Pattno)".

2. Pattno Maria A. * 28.06.1973 > 3.23

Helen Ann
Gottsleben Pattno

Thomas und Helen
Ann Pattno


Thomas James
1934 - 2018

Generation 3

3.1 GRAFF (LEWIS) Carmen Bernice 89Jhr 10Mo < 2.1
* 25.06.1917 Pingree † 27.04.2007 Seal Beach
Eltern: Graff Roy Clifford , Johannes Alfreda J.

Quellen: "Geneanet.org (Februar 2015; auch Mail von W. David Samuelsen <Carmen Bernice wurde von ihrem Stiefvater Ralph Aaron Lewis adoptiert>)", "FamilySearch (November 2018; hier: Idaho Church Marriages, 1864-1976 <Carmen Lewis Heirat am 1. November 1941 in Boise, Ada, Idaho mit George W. Nelson; Eltern: Ralph Lewis [Stiefvater, leiblicher Vater: Roy C. Graff] und Alfreda Johannes>; Idaho, Southeast Counties Obituaries, 1864-2007 <Carmen Bernice Lewis Nelson. Seal Beach, Calif. - Carmen Bernice Lewis was a native of Idaho and daughter of Ralph and Alfreda Lewis. She was born June 25, 1917, in Pingree, Idaho, and died April 27, 2007, in Seal Beach, Calif. She moved to California at an early age, receiving her schooling in Los Angeles and San Francisco. She moved back to Idaho, graduating with Pocatello High School's class of 1935. Carmen married George W. Nelson in November 1941. They both were associated with the Lewis Style Shop, a longtime Pocatello business of Carmen's grandfather, Simon Lewis, a pioneer instrumental in the incorporation of Pocatello as a city. She was preceded in death by her husband, George, in 1998. Carmen lived her later years in Seal Beach, California. She is survived by daughter, Susan Nelson; son, Brian Nelson; and grandchildren, Kathryn and Cheryl Oden and Christopher and Jessica Nelson. Graveside services at Pocatello's Mountain View Cemetery will be held this summer>)" und "Findagrave (November 2018; Carmen B. Nelson; geb. 25. Juni 1917, gest. 27. April 2007; Bestattet/Burial: Mountain View Cemetery, Pocatello, Bannock County, Idaho; Plot: 46E, 3, 9)".

oo 01.11.1941 Boise
NELSON George Willard 81Jhr 4Wo
* 01.03.1917 Salt Lake City † 31.03.1998 Washington
Eltern: Nelson Robert Carl , Larsen Hannah Christina

Quellen: Geneanet.org (Februar 2015; auch Mail von W. David Samuelsen <Eltern: Robert Carl Nelson und Hannah Christina Larson. Gestorben in Washington, Utah>)", "FamilySearch (November 2018; hier: Idaho Church Marriages, 1864-1976 <George W. Nelson Heirat am 1. November 1941 in Boise, Ada, Idaho mit Carmen Lewis; Eltern: Robert Nelson und Hannah Larson>; United States Public Records, 1970-2009 <George Willard Nelson; geb. 1. März 1917; Wohnorte: St George, Utah und Pocatello, Idaho; Possible Relatives: Brian Douglas Nelson, Carmen B Nelson, Susan Nelson>; Idaho, Southern Counties Obituaries, 1943-2013 <George Willard Nelson. St. George, Utah - George Willard Nelson, 81, died March 31, 1998. He was born in Salt Lake City, Utah on March 1, 1917, to Robert C. and Hannah C. Larsen Nelson. He was reared in Salt Lake City, and graduated from Granite High School and Salt Lake Business College. He then moved to Pocatello, Idaho, in 1936 to work for First Security Bank. George married Carmen Lewis in Pocatello, Idaho, on November 1, 1941. In 1942 he began service in the United States 13th Air Force, and was stationed in the South Pacific for the duration of the Worl War II. After the war he was associated with a longtime Pocatello business, the Lewis Style Shop, for 23 years. When the Lewis family sold the business and property, George traveled for the First Security Bank - Bank Americard Division. He retired later as a real estate appraiser for Bannock County. George was past commander of the American Legion, Chef de Gare of the '40 and 8', life member of the Elks Club, and a member of the Fourth Ward of the LDS Church in Pocatello. George and his wife enjoyed bowling, golf and traveling. They spent many winters in Arizona and California visiting their daughter, son and grandchildren. For the past five and a half years they lived in St. George, Utah. George is survived by his wife, Carmen; a daughter, Susan, and graddaughters, Kathryn and Cheryl, of Sacramento, California; a son, Brian [Suzanne] and grandchildren Christopher and Jessica, of Seal Beach, California; and a brother, Clarence, of Ft. Belvoir, Verginia. A memorial service will be held in the summer of 1998 in Pocatello, Idaho. Donations may be made in George's memory to the American Cancer Society>)" und "Findagrave (November 2018; George W. Nelson; geb. 1. März 1917, gest. 31. März 1998; Bestattet/Burial: Mountain View Cemetery, Pocatello, Bannock County, Idaho; Plot: 46E, 3, 10W)".

1. Nelson Susan > 4.1
2. Nelson Brian Douglas * 08.06.1954
> 4.2

Idaho, Southeast Counties
Obituaries, 1864-2007

Carmen Bernice
Lewis Nelson

Mountain View Cemetery, Pocatello,
Bannock County, Idaho

George W. Nelson
1917 - 1998

 Carmen B. Nelson
1917 - 2007

GOTTSLEBEN Frederick Duane Jr. rk < 2.2
* 20.08.1926 Clark Lebensorte:  Watertown  
Eltern: Gottsleben Frederick (Fred) William , Hansen (Hanson) Ida Grace

Quellen: "Familytreemaker.genealogy.com/Richard-C-Hansen (März 2014)", "FamilySearch (März 2014; hier: South Dakota State Census, 1935 <Fredrick D Gottsleben; 8 Jahre; geb. um 1927 in Clark, South Dakota; Wohnort: Sisseton ward 3, Roberts, South Dakota; Eltern geb. in Iowa>; United States Census, 1940 <Fred Jr Gottsleben; 13 Jahre; geb. um 1927 in South Dakota; Wohnort: Sisseton City, Sisseton, Roberts, South Dakota; Eltern: Fred Gottsleben, 38 Jahre und Ida Gottsleben, 39 Jahe, beide geb. in Iowa; Schwester: Beverly Gottsleben, 11 Jahre geb. in South Dakota>; United States World War II Army Enlistment Records, 1938-1946 <Frederick D Gottsleben; Military Service; Einberufung: 19. Januar 1945; Einberufungsdauer: Enlistment for the duration of the War or other emergency, plus six months, subject to the discretion of the President or otherwise according to law; Eiberufung in Ft Snelling, Minnesota; geb. 1926 in South Dekota; Bildungsniveau: 3 years of high school>; Minnesota, Birth Index, 1935-2002 <Geburt der Tochter Linda Marie>; United States Public Records, 1970-2009 <Fred D Gottsleben, Wohnort: Watertown, South Dakota, geb. 20. August 1926>)", "Nrs.stparchive.com/Archive (Mai 2017; Newspaper archive of The Northern Star, Clinton, Minnesota <In Todesanzeige der Mutter Ida Gottsleben Hinweis auf Wayne, Mark, Todd and David Gottsleben [Pallbearers were Wayne, Mark, Todd and David Gottsleben]>)" und "Thepublicopinion.com (April 2019; 05.10.2017; Hochzeitdatum <Fred and Claudia Gottsleben will celebrate 70 years of marriage on Oct. 14. 2017; Fred und Claudia Gottsleben feiern am 14. Oktober 70 Jahre Ehe. Das Paar hat sechs Kinder, 11 Enkelkinder und sieben Urenkelkinder>)".

oo 14.10.1947
SAMSON Claudia Mary
* 24.07.1928 Eden Lebensorte: Eden Watertown  
Eltern: Samson Stephen , Cordie Hildegard A. (Hilda)

Quellen: "FamilySearch.org (Mai 2017; hier: United States Census, 1930 <Claudia Samson; Wohnort: Eden, Marshall, South Dakota; 1 Jahr alt; geb. um 1929 in South Dakota; Eltern: Stephen Samson, 27 Jahre alt, geb in South Dakota und Hildegard Samson, 19 Jahre alt, geb. in South Dakota>; United States Census, 1940 <Name: Claudie M Samson; Wohnort: Eden Town, Eden, Marshall, South Dakota; 11 Jahre alt; geb. um 1929 in South Dakota; Eltern: Stephen T Samson, 37 Jahre alt, geb. in South Dakota und Hilda A Samson, 29 Jahre alt, geb. in South Dakota; Schwestern: Rose M Samson, 9 Jahre alt, geb. in South Dakota und Mavis E Samson, 4 Jahre alt, geb. in South Dakota; Bruder: Allan R Samson, 8 Jahre alt, geb. in South Dakota>; South Dakota State Census, 1945 <Claudia Samson; Wohnort: Eden, Marshall, South Dakota; 16 Jahre alt; geb. um 1929 in Eden, South Dakota; Eltern geb. in South Dakota>; Minnesota, Birth Index, 1935-2002 <Vorname: Claudia Mary bei Geburt der Tochter Linda Marie>)", "Familytreemaker.genealogy.com/Richard-C-Hansen (März 2014)", "Nrs.stparchive.com/Archive (Mai 2017; Newspaper archive of The Northern Star, Clinton, Minnesota <In Todesanzeige der Schwiegermutter Ida Gottsleben Hinweis auf Wayne, Mark, Todd and David Gottsleben [Pallbearers were Wayne, Mark, Todd and David Gottsleben]>)" und "Mylife.com/claudia-gottsleben (November 2018; <Claudia Gottsleben is 90 years old and was born on 7/24/1928. Currently, she lives in Watertown, SD. Sometimes Claudia goes by various nicknames including Claudia M Gottsleben. Her ethnicity is Caucasian, and religious views are listed as Christian. Claudia is now married>)".

1. Gottsleben Linda Marie * 28.03.1948 Big Stone County > 4.3
Gottsleben Wayne F. * 20.05.1950 > 4.4
3. Gottsleben Mark S. * 04.05.1957 > 4.5
4. Gottsleben Todd J. * 26.04.1959 > 4.6
5. Gottsleben David Allan * 22.07.1964 > 4.7

Claudia und
Frederick Gottsleben
70 years of marriage
on Oct. 14.

GOTTSLEBEN Beverly Jeanne 71Jhr 6Mo 1Wo < 2.2
* 27.10.1928 † 05.05.2000 Montevideo Lebensorte:  Montevideo  
Eltern: Gottsleben Frederick (Fred) William , Hansen (Hanson) Ida Grace

Geboren in South Dakota. - Quellen: "Familytreemaker.genealogy.com/Richard-C-Hansen (März 2014)", "FamilySearch (September 2015; hier: United States Census, 1940 <Wohnort: Sisseton City, Sisseton, Roberts, South Dakota>; Minnesota, Birth Index, 1935-2002 <Geburt der Kinder>; Internationaler Genealogie-Index <Beverly Jean Gottsleben; geb. 27. Juni 1928 [?]; gest. 5 Mai 2000 Montevideo, Chippewa, MN>; United States Public Records, 1970-2009 <Beverly J Amborn; Wohnort: Montevideo, Minnesota, United States; geb. 27. Oktober 1928; Verwandschaft: Kenneth L Amborn, Kevin M Amborn, Michelle Amborn>; United States Social Security Death Index <Berverly J Amborn, geb. 27. Oktober 1928 in South Dakota; Letzter Wohnort: Montevideo, Chippewa, Minnesota; gest. 5. Mai 2000>; Minnesota Death Index, 1908-2002 <Beverly Jean Amborn; gest. 5. Mai 2000 in Montevideo, Chippewa, Minnesota; geb. 27. Oktober 1928 in South Dakota; Mädchenname der Mutter: Hanson [Hansen]>)" und "Findagrave.com (Mai 2017; Burial: Saint Joseph Cemetery, Montevideo, Chippewa County, Minnesota)".

oo <.1951
AMBORN Kenneth Lawrence 75Jhr 6Mo
* 05.08.1924 † 07.02.2000 Montevideo Lebensorte:  Montevideo  
Eltern: Amborn Rober A. , Goeller Catherine M.

Quellen: "FamilySearch (Mai 2017; hier: United States Census, 1940 <Kenneth L Amborn, 15 Jahre alt, geb. um 1925 in Minnesota, Wohnort: Watertown, Watertown Village, Carver, Minnesota; Eltern: Robert A Amborn, 47 Jahre, geb in Wisconsin und Cathrine M Amborn, 39 Jahre, geb. in Minnesota; Geschwister: Robert E Amborn, 18 Jahre, Pauline K Amborn, 17 Jahre und James A Amborn, 8 Jahre, alle geb. in Minnesota>; Minnesota, Birth Index, 1935-2002 <Geburt der Kinder>; United States Public Records, 1970-2009 <Kenneth L Amborn, Wohnort: Montevideo, Minnesota, geb. 5. August 1924; Verwandschaft: Beverly J Amborn, Kevin M Amborn, Michelle Amborn>; Minnesota Death Index, 1908-2002 <Kenneth Lawrence Amborn, geb. 5. August 1924 in Minnesota, gest. 7. Februar 2000 in Montevideo, Chippewa, Minnesota; Mädchenname der Mutter: Goeller>)", Findagrave.com (Mai 2017; Burial: Saint Joseph Cemetery, Montevideo, Chippewa County, Minnesota)" und "Familytreemaker.genealogy.com/Richard-C-Hansen (März 2014)".

1. Amborn Kathryn Carol * 14.12.1951 Big Stone County > 4.8
2. Amborn Keith Robert * 10.11.1952 Big Stone County
> 4.9
3. Amborn Karen Marie * 18.09.1954 Big Stone County

Quelle: FamilySearch (März 2014; hier: Minnesota, Birth Index, 1935-2002 <Karen Marie Amborn; geb. 18. September 1954 in Big Stone, Minnesota; Eltern: Kenneth Lawrence Amborn und Beverly Jeanne Gottsleben>; United States Public Records, 1970-2009 <Karen Amborn, auch: Karen Marie Strand; geb. 18. September 1954; Wohnort: Phoenix, Arizona>).

4. Amborn Kevin Michael * 16.03.1965 Chippewa County > 4.10

Saint Joseph Cemetery, Montevideo,
Chippewa County, Minnesota

Kenneth L Amborn
1924 - 2000

Beverly J Amborn
1928 - 2000

GOTTSLEBEN Derald Eugene 74Jhr 5Mo 2Wo < 2.3
* 02.03.1935 Clark † 19.08.2009 Lincoln Lebensorte: Clark Lincoln  
Eltern: Gottsleben George Albert , Steele Lillian Anna

Quellen: "Lincoln Journal Star (24. August 2009 <Derald E. Gottsleben, 74, of Lincoln, died Wednesday, 8/19/09. Born, 3/25/35 [?] in Clark, S.D. to George and Lillian Gottsleben. Served in the USMC during the Korean Conflict. Owned & Operated Rent-A-Wash/Vac-Shack. Derald also owned, renovated, managed, and maintained 48 different properties in Lincoln. Survivors: children: Bruce Gottsleben, Bradley Gottsleben, Kathy Ramaekers, Teresa Gottsleben, Darla Gottsleben, Becky Gottsleben; 16 grandchildren; four great grandchildren. Preceded in death by parents and wife, Patricia. Celebration of Life 12:30 p.m. Monday, 8/24/09 at Lincoln Memorial Funeral Home, 6800 S. 14th St., Lincoln. Inurnment in Lincoln Memorial Park. Memorials to Lincoln Lancaster County Habitat for Humanity>)", "Itctel.com/sdclark (April 2019: hier: Clark County Marriages <Derald Gottsleben Heirat am 1. März 1956>)", "Mypages.allwest.com (März 2014; hier: Relatives of Bruce Rognan)", "FamilySearch (März 2014; hier: United States Census, 1940 <Wohnort: Ward 1, Rock Falls, Coloma Township, Whiteside, Illinois>)", "Findagrave.com (März 2014; <Derald Eugene Gottsleben; geb. 2 März 1935 in Clark, Clark County, South Dakota, gest. 19. August 2009 in Lincoln, Lancaster County, Nebraska; Bestattet/Burial: Lincoln Memorial Park, Lincoln, Lancaster County, Nebraska)" und "Mundia.com (März 2014)".

oo 01.03.1956 Clark
HARVEY Patricia (Pat) Ann 67Jhr 3Mo 3Wo
* 03.02.1937 † 29.05.2004 Lincoln Lebensorte:  Lincoln  
Eltern: Harvey William Montell , Gates Helen Marguarite

Quellen: "Mypages.allwest.com (März 2014; hier: Relatives of Bruce Rognan)", "FamilySearch (November 2018; hier: United States Census, 1940 <Patricia Ann Harvey; geb. um 1937, 3 Jahre alt; Wohnort: Clark City, Clark, Clark, South Dakota; Eltern: Montell Harvey, 28 Jahre alt und Helen Harvey, 22 Jahre alt, beide geb. in South Dakota; Bruder: Bernard Harvey, 1 Jahr alt, geb. in South Dakota>; United States Public Records, 1970-2009 <Patricia A [Pat] Gottsleben; geb. 3 Februar 1937; Wohnort: Lincoln, Nebraska; Possible Relatives: Audrey A Gottsleben, Bradley D Gottsleben, Bruce D Gottsleben, Darold E Gottsleben, Gottsleben Helen Krutak, Lillia A Gottsleben, Meagan Gottsleben, Rick Gottsleben, Teresa M Gottsleben>)", "Findagrave (November 2018; <Patricia A Gottsleben; geb. 1937, gest. 29. Mai 2004 in Lancaster County, Nebraska; Bestattet/Burial: Lincoln Memorial Park, Lincoln, Lancaster County, Nebraska>)" und "Mundia.com (März 2014)".

1. Gottsleben Bruce Daniel * 02.01.1957 > 4.11
2. Gottsleben Bradley (Brad) Dean 51Jhr 11Mo 2Wo * 12.05.1958 Aberdeen † 30.04.2010 Aurora > 4.12
3. Gottsleben Kathy Steele * 08.05.1960 > 4.13
4. Gottsleben Teresa (Terry) M. * 02.06.1961 > 4.14
5. Gottsleben Darla Jean * 08.03.1963 > 4.15
6. Gottsleben Becky J. * 04.11.1965 > 4.16

Derald Eugene

Lincoln Memorial Park,

Derald E.
Together Forever
Patricia A.

Kathy, Darla, Bruce,
 Bradley, Terry
und Becky

GOTTSLEBEN Gary Leo 61Jhr 1Mo 2Wo < 2.5
* 30.03.1947 Watertown † 16.05.2008 Saint Paul Lebensort: Minneapolis   
Eltern: Gottsleben Leo Leroy ,
Dunder Bernice Lucille

Quellen: "FamilySearch (Dezember 2018; hier: Minnesota, Marriage Index, 1958-2001 <Gary K Gottsleben, geb. um 1948, 19 Jahre alt, Heirat am 2. April 1967 in Hennepin, Minnesota mit Patricia Johnston, geb. um 1948, 19 Jahre alt>; Minnesota, Birth Index, 1935-2002 <Geburt der Tochter Connie Rebecca>; Minnesota, Divorce Index, 1970-1995 <Gary L Gottsleben, 26 Jahre alt, Scheidung am 5. April 1974 in Hennepin, Minnesota von Patricia F Gottsleben, 26 Jahre alt>; United States Public Records, 1970-2009 <Gary L Gottsleben; geb. 30. März 1947; Wohnort: Minneapolis, Minnesota>; United States Social Security Death Index <Gary Leo Gottsleben; geb. 30. März 1947 in Minnesota, gest. 16. Mai 2008>; Familienstammbaum <Gary Gottsleben; geb. 30. März 1947 in Watertown, Codington, South Dakota, gest. 16. Mai 2008 in Saint Paul, Ramsey, Minnesota>)" und "Ancestry.com (August 2015; hier: Sackmaster Family Tree)".

oo 02.04.1967 Hennepin County
JOHNSTON Patricia Fern
* 27.08.1947

Quelle: FamilySearch (Dezember 2018; hier: Minnesota, Marriage Index, 1958-2001 <Patricia Johnston, geb. um 1948, 19 Jahre alt, Heirat am 2. April 1967 in Hennepin, Minnesota mit Gary K Gottsleben, geb. um 1948, 19 Jahre alt>; Minnesota, Birth Index, 1935-2002 <Geburt der Tochter Connie Rebecca; Geburt der Kinder Stefany Michele und Jacob Johnston>; Minnesota, Divorce Index, 1970-1995 <Patricia F Gottsleben, 26 Jahre alt, Scheidung am 5. April 1974 in Hennepin, Minnesota von Gary L Gottsleben, 26 Jahre alt>; Minnesota Marriage Index, 1958-2001 <Patricia Gottsleben, geb. um 1947, 27 Jahre alt, Heirat am 29. November 1974 in Hennepin, Minnesota mit Michael F Kukachka, geb. um 1947, 27 Jahre alt>; Library/books <The History of the Johnston, Gibson, Moore families and allied lines; Patricia Fern Johnston; geb. 27. August 1947, Heirat Juli [?] 1967 mit Gary L. Gottsleben; Eltern: Talbot William Johnston, geb. 6. April 1921 in Washington und Constance Raynes>).

1. Gottsleben Connie Rebecca * 10.07.1972 Hennepin County > 4.17

POIRIER Donald L. 62Jhr 1Wo Navy veteran, engineer < 2.6
* 27.09.1932 Clark † 04.10.1994 Chandler Lebensorte:  Clark Chandler Phoenix
Eltern: Poirier Leo J. , Gottsleben Mary Isabelle

Quelle: FamilySearch (Dezember 2018; hier: United States Census, 1940 <Donald Poirier; geb. um 1933 in South Dakota, 7 Jahre alt; Wohnort: Clark City, Clark, Clark, South Dakota, davor: Payette, Idaho; Eltern: Leo Poirier, 39 Jahre alt und Mary Poirier, 27 Jahre alt, beide geb. in South Dakota; Schwester: Joanne Poirier, 1 Jahr alt, geb. in Idaho>; South Dakota, Department of Health, Index to Births 1843-1914 and Marriages 1950-2016 <Donald Poirier, geb. um 1932, 24 Jahre alt, Heirat am 29. Dezember 1956 in Clark, South Dakota mit Lola Batien, geb. um 1933, 23 Jahre alt>; United States Public Records, 1970-2009 <Donald L Poirier; geb. 27. September 1932; Wohnorte: Phoenix, Arizona, Chandler, Arizona und Centennial, Colorado; Possible Relatives: Kathy Noel Poirier, Lola F Poirier, Mark David Poirier>; Arizona Obituary Index to Arizona Newspapers, 1993-1994 <Donald L Poirier, geb. um 1932 in Clark, South Dakota, gest. 4. Oktober 1994 in Mesa, Maricopa, Arizona, 62 Jahre alt; Ehefrau: Lola Poirier; Kinder: Denise Hartshorn und Mark Poirier; Mutter: Mary Poirier; Schwester: Joanne Bowers; Donals L. Poirier, 62, of Chandler, an engineer, died Oct. 4, 1994. He was born in Clark, S.D., and was an navy veteran. Survivors include his wife, Lola; daughter Denise Hartshorn; son, Mark; mother, Mary; sister, Joanne; and two grandchildren. Services are private. Contributions: to a favorite charity. Valley of the Sun Mortuary and Cemetery>).

oo 29.12.1956 Clark
BATIEN Lola (Leola) F.
* 11.10.1933 Lebensorte: Clark Phoenix  
Eltern: Batien Lee D. , Peters Theresa I.

Quelle: FamilySearch (Dezember 2018; hier: United States Census, 1940 <Leola F Batien; geb. um 1934, 6 Jahre alt; Wohnort: Collins Township, Clark, South Dakota; Eltern: Lee D Batien, 37 Jahre alt, und Theresa I Batien, 36 Jahre alt; beide geb. in South Dakota>; South Dakota, Department of Health, Index to Births 1843-1914 and Marriages 1950-2016 <Lola Batien, geb. um 1933, 23 Jahre alt, Heirat am 29. Dezember 1956 in Clark, South Dakota mit Donald Poirier, geb. um 1932, 24 Jahre alt>; United States Public Records, 1970-2009 <Lola F Poirier; geb. 11. Oktober 1933; Wohnorte: Phoenix, Arizona, Chandler, Arizona und Centennial, Colorado; Possible Relatives: Donald L Poirier, Kathy Noel Poirier, Mark David Poirie>).

1. Poirier Denise * .um.1957 > 4.18
2. Poirier Mark David * 01.09.1959

Quelle: FamilySearch (Dezember 2018; hier: United States Public Records, 1970-2009 <Mark David Poirier; geb. 1. September 1959; Wohnort: Phoenix, Arizona; Possible Relatives: Donald L Poirier, Kathy Noel Poirier, Lola F Poirier>).

Arizona Obituary Index

Donald L Poirier

POIRIER Joanne M. rk < 2.6
* 25.08.1938 Lebensort: Clark   
Eltern: Poirier Leo J. , Gottsleben Mary Isabelle

Quellen: "FamilySearch (Dezember 2018; hier: United States Census, 1940 <Joanne Poirier; geb. um 1939 in Idaho, 1 Jahr alt; Wohnort: Clark City, Clark, Clark, South Dakota; Eltern: Leo Poirier, 39 Jahre alt und Mary Poirier, 27 Jahre alt, beide geb. in South Dakota>; South Dakota, Department of Health, Index to Births 1843-1914 and Marriages 1950-2016 <Joanne Poirer, geb. um 1938, 18 Jahre alt, Heirat am 28. August 1956 in Clark, South Dakota, mit John Bowers, geb. um 1933, 23 Jahre alt; Wohnort: Raymond, Clark, South Dakota>); United States Public Records, 1970-2009 <Joanne M Bowers; geb. 1. September 1938 [?]; Wohnort: Clark, South Dakota; Possible Relatives: John R Bowers>)" und "MyLife.com (Dezember 2018; <Joanne M Bowers is 80 years old and was born on 8/25/1938. Currently, she lives in Clark, SD. Her ethnicity is Caucasian, whose political affiliation is currently a registered Republican; and religious views are listed as Christian. Joanne is now married>)".

oo 28.08.1956 Clark
BOWERS John R. (Jack) 76Jhr 2Mo 4Wo rk Farmer
* 02.10.1932 Madelina † 30.12.2008 Clark Lebensorte: Madelina Clark  

Quellen: "FamilySearch (Dezember 2018; hier: South Dakota, Department of Health, Index to Births 1843-1914 and Marriages 1950-2016 <John Bowers, geb. um 1933, 23 Jahre alt, Heirat am 28. August 1956 in Clark, South Dakota, mit Joanne Poirer, geb. um 1938, 18 Jahre alt; Wohnort: Raymond, Clark, South Dakota>)" und "Findagrave (Dezember 2018; <John R. 'Jack' Bowers; geb. 2. Oktober 1932, gest. 30. Dezember 2008; Bestattet/Burial: Saint Boniface Cemetery, Clark, Clark County, South Dakota; Plot: NE Lot 118 Gr 3. - John R. 'Jack' Bowers, age 76, Clark, died in the Golden Living Center at Clark on Tuesday afternoon, December 30, 2008 due to cancer. Funeral services will be held on Saturday, January 3, 2009 at 11AM in the Furness Funeral Home Chapel at Clark with Fr. Bill Hamak and Pastor Donna Nickels officiating. Music will be provided by Wendy Christman. The casketbearers will be Doug Loomis, Doug Bergan, Larry Brenden, Bryan Trapp, Ken Luvaas and John Dallmann. The American Flag will be folded and presented by Rob McGraw, Post Commander, Smith-Cagley American Legion Post of Clark assisted by Jason Coenen. Burial will follow in the St. Boniface Cemetery at Clark. Visitation will be held on Friday from 4-6 PM at the Furness Funeral Home at Clark and after 9AM on Saturday in the funeral home chapel. He was born in Madelia, MN, the son of Earl Robert and Hattie Lucille (Meyer) Bowers. For the first few years of his life he was raised by his grandparents in Minnesota and then at the age of 9 he moved to a farm south of Raymond with his father. He helped on the family farm and attended school in Fordham Township through the eighth grade. Following his schooling he continued helping on the farm until entering the United States Army in 1953. He served his country as part of the 60th infantry in Germany until December of 1954. After his discharge, he returned to Clark County and worked for various farmers and also for Schlagel Construction. On August 28, 1956 he was united in marriage to Joanne Poirier at St. Michaels Catholic Church in Clark. The couple lived on a farm until moving into Clark in 1959. He worked for Hubbard Implement from 1959-1961 and then began a 12 year employment with the Clark County Highway Department. In 1965, he and his brother Richard 'Punk' owned and operated Bowers Repair, but returned to the county in 1966. In 1973 he and a brother, Don, purchased Schlagel Construction, which became Bowers Construction, partnering with Don until 1977, at which time he, Jack, became sole owner. He retired on January 1 of 1995. Jack will long be remembered for his hard work ethic. Some of his fondest moments in life were spent fishing, boating - especiallywith his inboard motor boat-and camping, in recent years at the Missouri River. He loved visiting, having coffee with friends, rummaging together with his wife at various yard sales, taking trips to Yankton on October 1st every chance to watch paddle fishing and using various pieces of electronic gadgets, especially the CB radio and side band radios. He also enjoyed trips to Pierre to see the Christmas trees in the State Capitol building and going to see the Peace Gardens in North Dakota. Survivors include his wife of over 52 years, a son, three grandchildren and siblings. He also leaves a sister-in-law, in Watertown and many nieces and nephews. Preceding him in death were his parents, siblings, Merlyn Kruthoff, Duane, Richard 'Punk' [Betty] Bowers, Lucille and Gene Kruthoff>)".

GOTTSLEBEN John Joseph < 2.7
* 25.07.1944 Ramsey Lebensorte:  Tucson  
Eltern: Gottsleben Joseph Francis , Kennedy Constance J.

Quellen: "FamilySearch (März 2014; hier: Minnesota, Birth Index, 1935-2002 <John Joseph Gottsleben; geb. 25. Juli 1944 in Ramsey, Minnesota; Eltern: Joseph F. Gottsleben und Constance J. Kennedy>; United States Public Records, 1970-2009 <John Gottsleben; Wohnorte: Oro Valley/Catalina, Arizona, Carlsbad, California; Weitere Namen: Barbara Lou Gottsleben>)", "Tucson business <Divorce decrees, 12. November 2004; Barbara Gottsleben vs. John Gottsleben, Tucson Arizona>)" und "MyLife.com (Dezember 2017; John Joseph Gottsleben, 74 Jahre alt; Wohnorte: Tucson, AZ, Franktown, CO; Verwandte: Margaret Borzillo, Melissa Rudh, Barbara Gottsleben; Work: Independent airlines/aviation professional. John Gottsleben is 74 years old and was born on 7/25/1944. Currently, he lives in Tucson, AZ Franktown, CO. His ethnicity is Caucasian, whose political affiliation is currently a registered Republican; and religious views are listed as Christian. John is now married. Other family members and associates include Margaret Borzillo and Melissa Rudh)".

N.N. Barbara Lou
* 17.09.1952 Lebensorte:  Tucson  

Quellen: "FamilySearch (Dezember 2018; hier: United States Public Records, 1970-2009 <Barbara Lou Gottsleben; geb. 17. September 1952; Wohnorte: Oro Valley, Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, Franktown, Colorado, Carlsbad, California; Possible Relatives: John J Gottsleben>)" und "MyLife.com (Dezember 2018; Barbara L Gottsleben, auch: Barbara Helm, Barbara L Webb; Wohnorte: Kailua Kona, HI, Rancho Santa Margarita, CA, Holualoa, HI; Verwandte: Erin Biller, Amber Bushong, Aleta Hall, Margaret Borzillo, Kimberly Hall-Detamore, Marilyn Delahoussaye, John Gottsleben, Melissa Rudh, Lawrence Webb, Wendell Webb und Dana Webb. Barbara Gottsleben is 66 years old and was born on 9/17/1952. Currently, she lives in Kailua Kona, HI; and previously lived in Rancho Santa Margarita, CA, Holualoa, HI, Holualoa, HI and Holualoa, HI. Sometimes Barbara goes by various nicknames including Barbara L Helm and Barbara L Gottsleden. Barbara is now married. Other family members and associates include Erin Biller and Amber Bushong)".

GOTTSLEBEN Mary Louise Lehrerin < 2.9
* 12.06.1947 Lebensorte: Montrose Norman Sioux Falls 
Eltern: Gottsleben Bernard John , Hess Helen Louise

Quellen: "Facebook (Juni 2014; <geb. 12.06.xxxx>; Arbeit und Ausbildung: Montrose High School [Abschlussjahrgang 1965], Montrose, South Dakota; Northern State University [Abschlussjahrgang 1969], Aberdeen, South Dakota; Norfolk Public Schools [Norfolk, Nebraska, 1969 bis 1971]; Sisseton Public Schools [1971 bis 1982]; Blanchard Public Schools [Blanchard, Oklahoma, 1983 bis 1992]; Norman Public Schools [1992 bis 2012])", "Todesanzeigen ihres Vaters (Watertown Public Opinion, Watertown, SD. Wednesday, December 5, 2007) und ihrer Mutter (Juli 2015)", "FamilySearch (Mai 2019; hier: South Dakota, Department of Health, Index to Births 1843-1914 and Marriages 1950-2016 <Mary Gottsleben; geb. um 1947. 29 Jahre alt; Heirat am 10. August 1976 in Roberts, South Dakota, mit Stephen Barse, geb. um 1950, 26 Jahre alt>)" und "My Life.com (Dezember 2018; Mary Louise Barse, auch: Mary L Barse, 71 Jahre alt; Wohnort: Norman, OK; Verwandte: Jamie Barse, Matthew Barse, stephen Barse, Laura Anderson. Mary Barse is 71 years old and was born on 6/12/1947. Currently, she lives in Norman, OK. Sometimes Mary goes by various nicknames including Mary L Barse and Mary Louise Barse. Her ethnicity is Caucasian, whose political affiliation is currently a registered Democrat; and religious views are listed as Christian. Mary is now married. Other family members and associates include Jamie Barse and Matthew Barse)".

oo 10.08.1976 Roberts County
BARSE Stephen (Steve) James
* 12.09.1949 Riverside Lebensorte: Riverside Norman  

Quellen: "FamilySearch (Dezember 2018; hier: California Birth Index, 1905-1995 <Stephen James Barse; geb. 12. September 1949 in Riverside, California; Name der Mutter: Campbell>; United States Public Records, 1970-2009 <Stephen James Barse, auch: Steven J Barse; geb. 12. September 1949; Wohnorte: Bixby, Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma; Possible Relatives: Jamie L Barse, Laura Augustine Barse, Mary Louise Barse, Matthew James Barse, Nancy Barse>)", "Todesanzeigen des Schwiegervaters (Watertown Public Opinion, Watertown, SD. Wednesday, December 5, 2007) und der Schwiegermutter (Juli 2015)" und "MyLife.com (Dezember 2018; Stephen James Barse, auch: Steve James Barse, 69 Jahre alt; Wohnorte: Norman, OK, Cushing, OK, Oklahoma City, OK. Stephen Barse is 69 years old and was born on 9/12/1949. Currently, he lives in Norman, OK; and previously lived in Cushing, OK and Oklahoma City, OK. Sometimes Stephen goes by various nicknames including Steve James Barse and Steve Barse. His ethnicity is Caucasian, whose political affiliation is currently a registered Democrat; and religious views are listed as Christian. Stephen is now married)".

1. Barse Matthew (Matt) James * 02.03.1979

Quellen: "Facebook (Mai 2014; <Arbeit und Ausbildung: The University of Oklahoma [August 1997 bis 2000, Fine Arts], Norman [Oklahoma); Lowdown Entertainment, LLC [Writer/Director/Editor/Producer/Owner/Freelancer, Mai 1997 bis heute], Norman [Oklahoma]. Berufliche Kenntnisse: Directing, Screenwriting, Video production, Videoschnitt>)", "Todesanzeige der Großmutter Helen Gottsleben (Internet, Juli 2015)" und "MyLife.com (Dezember 2018; Matthew [Matt] James Bars, 39 Jahre alt; Wohnort: Norman, OK; Verwandte: Jamie Barse, Stephen Barse, Mary Barse, Laura Anderson. Matthew Barse is 39 years old and was born on 3/2/1979. Currently, he lives in Norman, OK. Sometimes Matthew goes by various nicknames including matthew james barse and matthew j barse. He currently works as a Writer/Director/Producer/Editor at Lowdown Entertainment. Matthew is now married. Other family members and associates include Jamie Barse and Stephen Barse)".

2. Barse Laura Augustine * 16.09.1982

Quellen: "Facebook (Juni 2014; <Arbeit und Ausbildung: Norman High School, Norman, Oklahoma; University of Memphis [Abschlussjahrgang 2006, Innenarchitektur); Hnedak Bobo Group [Interiors Resource Coordinator/Designer, Juni 2006 bis November 2008] Memphis; Maharam [Sales Coordinator, März 2009 bis November 2009], Atlanta; Contract Interior Designer [Juni 2010], Memphis; Anderson Design Group Interiors [Designer], Laguna Beach, Kalifornien. Name: Laura Barse Anderson)" und MyLife.com (Dezember 2018; Laura Augustine Barse, auch: Laura A Anderson, 36 Jahre alt; Wohnorte: Atlanta, GA, Memphis, TN, Norman, OK; Verwandte: Stephen Barse, John Sensing, Bobby Anderson, Gina Anderson, Melissa Anderson, Mary Barse, Harold Anderson, James Anderson, Kayo Anderson, Jamie Barse, Matthew Barse. Laura Anderson is 36 years old and was born on 9/16/1982. Currently, she lives in Atlanta, GA; and previously lived in Memphis, TN and Norman, OK. Sometimes Laura goes by various nicknames including Laura Barse and Laura Augustine Barse. Other family members and associates include Stephen Barse and John Sensing)".

Mary Louise Gottsleben

GOTTSLEBEN David B. rk Men's track head coach (University of South Dakota) < 2.9
* 22.07.1953 Lebensort: Yankton   
Eltern: Gottsleben Bernard John , Hess Helen Louise

Long-time Coyote head coach Dave Gottsleben took on his new role as a volunteer assistant after his retirement in the summer of 2017. Gottsleben boasted a fruitful 33-year career at South Dakota. Gottsleben received his undergraduate (1975) and master's degree (1980) from South Dakota State. Gottsleben was twice named the NCAA Division II Coach of the Year by the U.S. Track and Field/Cross Country Coaches Association. He has won more conference championships than any coach in USD history with 20 between men's cross country and men's indoor and outdoor track and field. Under Gottsleben, the Coyote men accumulated 125 All-America awards with seven NCAA titles and 13 NCAA runner-up performances. USD's lone NCAA Division II team title also came under Gottsleben at the 1997 NCAA Cross Country Championships. Gottsleben's teams captured 20 conference championships between the North Central Conference, the Great West Conference and the Summit League. The Coyotes were one of the most consistent teams in the NCC with six NCC titles, 15 runner-up performances and a pair of third-place efforts in the last 24 NCC meets. Gottsleben has been inducted to the South Dakota Sports Hall of Fame (2015), Howard Wood Dakota Relays Hall of Fame (2016), the Drake Relays Hall of Fame (2017) and Sioux City Relays Hall of Fame (2001). He also received the NCAA Division II Men's and Women's Track and Field Coaches Association Award in 1994 for his distinguished service to Division II track and field. Gottsleben and his wife, Helen, reside in Yankton. He has one daughter, Kendra. - Dave Gottsleben, South Dakota head men's track and field coach Dave Gottsleben is inducted into the South Dakota Sports Hall of Fame in 2015. The Hall of Fame was established by the South Dakota Sportswriters Association in 1968 with a mission to preserve, document and display South Dakota's sports history. A Brookings native and 1971 Montrose High and 1975 South Dakota State grad, Gottsleben is in his 31st season (2014-2015) as the University of South Dakota head men's track and field coach. While at USD, he's been a conference coach of the year a total of 18 times (in the North Central Conference, Great West and Summit League) and he was an eight-time regional coach of the year at the Division II level and twice a national coach of the year (1997 and 2006). He's guided the Coyotes to 16 conference titles (nine in the NCC, four in the Summit and three in the Great West). Gottsleben not only built the program into a power at the NCAA Division II level but has guided USD through a successful transition to Division I status. Gottsleben's Coyotes have won three straight Summit indoor titles and they won their first Summit outdoor title in 2014. This was the first outdoor team title since the NCC meet in 2006. After establishing the Coyotes as one of the top programs in the Division II NCC, Gottsleben continued that success when USD joined NCAA Division I and the Great West Conference. He guided USD to three straight indoor titles. The Coyotes finished second all three years at the outdoor conference meet. At USD he has coached athletes who have earned 165 All-American honors, as well as six national champions. He led his squads to eight top-10 finishes at Division II nationals, including third at the 1997 indoor and 2000 outdoor meets and fourth at the 2001 indoor and 2006 outdoor meets. In 1994 he received the NCAA Division II Men's and Women's Track and Field Coaches Association Award for his distinguished service to Division II track. He was chosen the College Men's Coach of the Year by the South Dakota Sportswriters Association in 2000 and 2014. He's in the Sioux City Relays and Division II Coaches halls of fame, and he was an Honorary Referee at the Howard Wood Dakota Relays. Gottsleben was the coach at Menno High School from 1975-1979, and men's and women's track coach at Dakota State from 1980-1984, where he was SDIC coach of the year twice. - Quellen: "goyotes.com/coaches.aspx?rc=874 (Dezember 2018)", "sdshof.com/inductees/david-gottsleben (Dezember 2018)" und "FamilySearch (Dezember 2018; hier: South Dakota, Department of Health, Index to Births 1843-1914 and Marriages 1950-2016 <David Gottsleben, geb. um 1954, 51 Jahre alt, Heirat am 6. März 2005 in Yankton, South Dakota, mit Helen Reid, geb. um 1956, 49 Jahre alt>; United States Public Records, 1970-2009 <David B Gottsleben, auch: Dave B Gottsleben; geb. Juli 1953; Wohnorte: Yankton, South Dakota und Vermillion, South Dakota; Verwandte: Betsy Drew Gottsleben, Kendra Gottsleben>)".

DREW Betsy rk Teacher
* 15.10.1952 Lebensort: Sioux Falls   

Quellen: "FamilySearch (Dezember 2018; hier: United States Public Records, 1970-2009 <Betsy Drew Gottsleben; Also known as: Betsy E Drew, Betsy A Gottsleben, Betsy D Gottsleben; geb. 1. September 1952 [?]; Wohnorte: Sioux Falls, South Dakota; Madison, South Dakota; Vermillion, South Dakota; Possible Relatives: David B Gottsleben, Kendra Gottsleben> und <Betsy Drew, auch: Betsy Gottsleben; geb. 15. Oktober 1952; Wohnorte: Sioux Falls, South Dakota, Vermillion, South Dakota>)" und MyLife.com (Dezember 2018; Betsy A Drew, auch: Betsy D Gottsleben, Elizabeth Gottsleben, Betsy Drew Gottsleben, Elizabeth Drew, 66 Jahre alt; Wohnorte: Sioux Falls, SD, Vermillion, SD, Madison, SD; Verwandte: Kendra Gottsleben, David Gottsleben. Betsy Drew is 66 years old and was born on 10/30/1952 [?]. Currently, she lives in Sioux Falls, SD; and previously lived in Vermillion, SD, and Madison, SD. Sometimes Betsy goes by various nicknames including Elizabeth Gottsleben and Elizabeth Drew. Betsy is now married. Other family members and associates include Kendra Gottsleben and David Gottsleben)".

1. Gottsleben Kendra * 03.11.1984 Sioux Falls

Kendra Gottsleben's life is defined by her positive outlook and success in overcoming obstacles, not MPS - the rare genetic condition she was born with. A 2010 Augustana graduate, Kendra works as a special projects coordinator within the Center for Disabilities at the Sanford School of Medicine. Her first book, "Live, Laugh, Lemonade: A Journey of Choosing to Beat the Odds" is currently at the printer. - Whatever Happened To: 'Live, Laugh, Lemonade'. Kendra Gottsleben continues to squeeze life's lemons until not one more drop of juice can be wrung out of them. That's why she titled her first book, which is now at the printer, "Live, Laugh, Lemonade: A Journey of Choosing to Beat the Odds." "I would say it's inspirational but kind of an autobiography," Gottsleben says. "To someone it might be a straight-up autobiography, to someone else it might be more an inspirational memoir. It's me talking about the things I've gone through in my life and how I've chosen to squeeze those lemons." - Gottsleben, who shared her story in the July 19, 2011, Argus Leader, was born with the metabolic disorder mucopolysaccharidoses. The enzymes needed to help build bone, cartilage, tendons, corneas, skin and connective tissue function much more slowly than they should. Her variation - MPS Type 6 - allowed her to grow to only 40 inches tall. Her corneas are cloudy, although she has vision, a heart valve leaks and she uses a motorized chair. - But Gottsleben, social media coordinator with the Sanford School of Medicine/USD Center for Disabilities, views her disabilities as nothing more than speed bumps. The Vermillion native says that in the months since she spoke at a TEDx Sioux Falls conference, her life has changed. "I've been nominated for the Tribute to Women at the YWCA," she says. "I feel more confident than I already did. I feel like I'm accomplishing way more goals. I'm checking them off my list. I'm really at a happy point in my life right now." - Gottsleben, whose book is being printed at AlphaGraphics in Sioux Falls, undergoes weekly treatments, receiving an infusion that takes up to six hours to complete. She is trying to decide how many books to order, wavering between 500 and 1,000. "I didn't write the book to become famous, and if I have books left over, I have books left over," she says. "But when I think of what I could potentially do, I think (1,000) would be OK. I'd like to get parents to see it." - Gottsleben has been asked to write a blog entry for the website of Handicap This!, a live stage show hosted by two men, one who has cerebral palsy and one who evolved from caretaker to friend. It's part of a whirlwind life she wasn't expecting. "I've got to pinch myself every once in a while," she says. - Quelle: Article by Jill Callison from the Argus Leader.

oo 2 06.03.2005 Yankton
REID Helen Lucille
* 07.09.1955 Lebensorte:  Yankton  

Quellen: "FamilySearch (Dezember 2018; hier: South Dakota, Department of Health, Index to Births 1843-1914 and Marriages 1950-2016 <Helen Reid, geb. um 1956, 49 Jahre alt, Heirat am 6. März 2005 in Yankton, South Dakota, mit David Gottsleben, geb. um 1954, 51 Jahre alt>; United States Public Records, 1970-2009 <Helen Lucille Reid; geb. 7. September 1955; Wohnorte: Irwin, Iowa, Joplin, Missouri, Webb City, Missouri; Possible Relatives: Cindy M Degraffen Reid, Cristy L Reid, Kathleen J Sunde, Robert Brian Reidhead, Robert Leroy Cartright, Robert Nelson Reid, Walter H Reid>)" und "MyLife.com (Dezember 2018; Helen Lucille Reid, auch: Helen L Reid, 63 Jahre alt; Wohnorte: Yankton, SD, Joplin, MO. Helen Reid is 63 years old and was born on 9/7/1955. Currently, she lives in Yankton, SD; and previously lived in Joplin, MO. Sometimes Helen goes by various nicknames including Helen Lucille Reid and Helen L Reid. Helen is now married)".

David 'Dave' B. Gottsleben

GOTTSLEBEN Sheila Ann rk Logopädagogin (Audiologist) < 2.9
* 12.04.1959 Lebensorte: Lake Preston Orlando  
Eltern: Gottsleben Bernard John , Hess Helen Louise

Quellen: "Facebook (Juni 2014; Arbeit und Ausbildung: Lake Preston High School [Abschlussjahrgang 1977], Lake Preston, South Dakota; South Dakota State University [Abschlussjahrgang 1981, Logopädie], Brookings; Purdue University [Abschlussjahrgang 1983, Audiologie], West Lafayette; Walter Reed Army Medical Center, Washington D.C. [Audiologist, 1983 bis 1987]; Arnold Palmer Hospital for Children [Audiologist, 1987 bis 2004])", "Todesanzeigen ihres Vaters (Watertown Public Opinion, Watertown, SD. Wednesday, December 5, 2007) und ihrer Mutter (Internet, Juli 2015)" und "MyLife.com (Dezember 2018; Sheila Ann Gottsleben, auch: Shelia Gottsleben Hazelroth, 59 Jahre alt; Wohnorte: Maitland, FL, Orlando, FL, Winter Park, FL, Silver Spring, MD; Verwandte: John Hazelroth, Darya Hazelroth, Matthew Hazelroth. Sheila Gottsleben is 59 years old and was born on 4/12/1959. Currently, she lives in Maitland, FL; and previously lived in Orlando, FL, Winter Park, FL and Silver Spring, MD. Sometimes Sheila goes by various nicknames including Sheila A Gottsleben and Shelia Gottsleben. Her ethnicity is Caucasian, whose political affiliation is currently a registered Democrat; and religious views are listed as Christian. Sheila is now married. Other family members and associates include Matthew Hazelroth and John Hazelroth)".

HAZELROTH John P. Betriebswirt, Stadtplaner
* 13.01.1957 Lebensorte: Detroit Orlando Maitland 

Quellen "Facebook (Juni 2014; Arbeit und Ausbildung: Troy High School, Troy, Michigan; Albion College [Betriebswirtschaftslehre], Albion, Michigan; Wayne State University [Stadtplanung], Detroit; J.P.H. Associates, Inc [President, 1995 bis heute], Orlando, FL)", "Todesanzeige des Schwiegervaters (Watertown Public Opinion, Watertown, SD. Wednesday, December 5, 2007)", "FamilySearch (Dezember 2018; hier: United States Public Records, 1970-2009 <John P Hazelroth; geb. 13. Januar 1957; Wohnorte: Troy, Michigan, Orlando, Florida, Winter Park, Florida, Maitland, Florida; Weitere Namen: Francis Gustaf Hazelroth, Matthew Paul Hazelroth>)" und "My Life.com (Dezember 2018; John P Hazelroth, auch: John B Hazelroth, John P Voth; Wohnorte: Maitland, FL, Orlando, FL, Winter Park, FL, Silver Spring, MD; Verwandte: Darya Hazelroth, Atthew Hazelroth, Sheila Gottsleben, Matthew [Paul?] Hazelroth. John Hazelroth is 61 years old and was born on 1/13/1957. Currently, he lives in Maitland, FL; and previously lived in Orlando, FL, Winter Park, FL and Silver Spring, MD. Sometimes John goes by various nicknames including John P Hazelroth and John B Hazelroth. His ethnicity is Caucasian, whose political affiliation is currently a registered Democrat; and religious views are listed as Christian. John is now married. Other family members and associates include Darya Hazelroth and Matthew Hazelroth)".

1. Hazelroth Matthew Paul * 19.08.1989

Quellen: "Todesanzeige der Großmutter Helen Gottsleben (Juli 2015)", "FamilySearch (Dezember 2018: hier: United States Public Records, 1970-2009 <Matthew Paul Hazelroth; geb. 19. August 1989; Wohnort: Maitland, Florida; Weitere Namen: John P Hazelroth>)" und "MyLife.com (Dezember 2018; [1] Matthew Paul Hazelroth, 29 Jahre alt; Wohnorte: Saint Petersburg, FL, Maitland, FL; Verwandte: Matthew Hazelroth, Darya Hazelroth, John Hazelroth, Sheila Gottsleben. Matthew Hazelroth is 29 years old and was born on 8/19/1989. Currently, he lives in Saint Petersburg, FL; and previously lived in Maitland, FL. Sometimes Matthew goes by various nicknames including Matthew Paul Hazelroth. Other family members and associates include Matthew Hazelroth and Darya Hazelroth; [2] Matthew Hazelroth, 33 Jahre alt; Wohnort: Maitland, FL; Verwandte: matthew [Paul?] hazelroth, John Hazelroth, Sheila Gottsleben, Darya Hazelroth. Matthew Hazelroth is 33 years old and was born on 11/1/1985. Currently, he lives in Maitland, FL. His ethnicity is Caucasian, and religious views are listed as Christian. Matthew is now married. Other family members and associates include Matthew [Paul?] Hazelroth and John Hazelroth)".

2. Hazelroth Darya (Dasha) A. * 06.12.1993

Quellen: "Todesanzeige der Großmutter Helen Gottsleben (Juli 2015)" und "MyLife.com (Dezember 2018; Darya A Hazelroth; Wohnort: Maitland, FL. Darya Hazelroth is 25 years old and was born on 12/6/1993. Currently, she lives in Maitland, FL. Sometimes Darya goes by various nicknames including Darya A Hazelroth. Her ethnicity is Native American, whose political affiliation is currently a registered Democrat. Darya is now married)".

Sheila Ann Gottsleben

MOELLER Stephanie Gay < 2.11
* 22.02.1944 Hays Lebensorte: Hays Ramsey  
Eltern: Moeller Edward Joseph , Gottsleben Evelyn Cecilia

Quellen: "FamilySearch (Februar 2018; hier: Texas Birth Index, 1903-1997 <Stephanie Gay Moeller, geb. am 22. Februar 1944 in Hays, Texas; Eltern: Edward J Moeller und Evelyn C Gottsteben [Gottsleben]>; Minnesota Birth Index, 1935-2002 <Stephanie Moeller und William Warnecke; Geburt der Tochter Antoinette Lyn Warnecke am 22. Mai 1960 in Ramsey, Minnesota>; Minnesota Birth Index, 1935-2002 <Stephanie Gay Moeller und William Warnecke; Geburt der Tochter Paris Lea Warnecke am 15. Juni 1961 in Ramsey, Minnesota>; Minnesota Marriage Index, 1958-2001 <Stephenie Warnecke; 22 Jahre alt, geb. um 1944; Heirat am 30. April 1966 in Ramsey, Minnesota mit Thomas A Layer; 24 Jahre alt, geb. um 1942>; Minnesota Birth Index, 1935-2002 <Stephanie Gay Moeller und Thomas Allen Layer; Geburt des Sohnes Thomas Allen Layer Jr. am 26. August 1968 in Ramsey, Minnesota>)" und "Karen Holte (Persönliche Mitteilung/Korrespondenz ab Februar 2018 <Stephanie Moeller Layer is my birth mother. Stephanie married a second time to Thomas Layer, Sr and then had a son Thomas Layer, jr. Tom Jr passed away in May 2017 of Bile duct cancer>)".

3. o-o HOIUM Karen Jane * 03.04.1964 Ramsey > 4.19

oo um.1960
WARNECKE William Bernard
* 10.04.1937 Ramsey Lebensorte: Ramsey Saint Paul  
Eltern: Warnecke William P. , Greider Beulah

Quelle: FamilySearch (Februar 2018; hier: Minnesota Birth Index, 1935-2002 <William Bernard Warnecke; geb. am 10. April 1937 in Ramsey, Minnesota; Eltern: William P. Warnecke und Beulah Greider>; United States Census, 1940 <William Warnecke; 2 Jahre alt, geb. um 1938 in Minnesota; Wohnort: Ward 12, St. Paul, St. Paul City, Ramsey, Minnesota; Eltern: William P Warnecke, 34 Jahre alt, geb. in Minnesota und Beulah Warnecke, 36 Jahre alt, geb in Illinois>; Minnesota Birth Index, 1935-2002 <William Bernard Warnecke und Carol Marie Jaworski; Geburt des Sohnes William Joseph Warnecke am 24. November 1957 in Ramsey, Minnesota>; Minnesota Birth Index, 1935-2002 <William Warnecke und Stephanie Moeller; Geburt der Tochter Antoinette Lyn Warnecke am 22. Mai 1960 in Ramsey, Minnesota>; Minnesota Birth Index, 1935-2002 <William Warnecke und Stephanie Gay Moeller; Geburt der Tochter Paris Lea Warnecke am 15. Juni 1961 in Ramsey, Minnesota>); South Dakota, Department of Health, Index to Births 1843-1914 and Marriages 1950-2016 <William Warnecke; 27 Jahre alt, geb. um 1937; Wohnort: St Paul, Ramsey, Minnesota; Heirat am 22. Mai 1964 in Codington, South Dakota mit Diane Gabel, 23 Jahre alt, geb. um 1941> und Minnesota Birth Index, 1935-2002 <William B. Warnecke und Diane Gabel; Geburt des Sohnes William Raymond Warnecke am 23. September 1964 in Ramsey, Minnesota>).

1. Warnecke Antoinette Lyn * 22.05.1960 Ramsey

Quelle: FamilySearch (Februar 2018; hier: Minnesota Birth Index, 1935-2002 <Antoinette Lyn Warnecke, geb. am 22. Mai 1960 in Ramsey, Minnesota; Eltern: William Warnecke und Stephanie Moeller>).

2. Warnecke Paris Lea * 15.06.1961 Ramsey

Quelle: FamilySearch (Februar 2018; hier: Minnesota Birth Index, 1935-2002 <Paris Lea Warnecke, geb. am 15. Juni 1961 in Ramsey, Minnesota; Eltern: William Warnecke und Stephanie Gay Moeller>).

oo 2 30.04.1966 Ramsey
LAYER Thomas Allen
* 03.03.1942 Morrison County Lebensorte: Morrison County Ramsey Saint Paul 
Eltern: Layer William Henry , Dudek Sarah Ann

Quelle: FamilySearch (Februar 2018; hier: Minnesota Birth Index, 1935-2002 <Thomas Allan Layer, geb. 3. März 1942 in Morrison; Eltern: William Henry Layer und Sarah Ann Dudek>; Minnesota Marriage Index, 1958-2001 <Thomas A Layer; 24 Jahre alt, geb. um 1942; Heirat am 30 April 1966 in Ramsey, Minnesota mit Stephenie Warnecke, 22 Jahre alt, geb. um 1944>; Minnesota Birth Index, 1935-2002 <Thomas Allen Layer und Stephanie Gay Moeller; Geburt des Sohnes Thomas Allen Layer Jr. am 26. August 1968 in Ramsey, Minnesota> und United States Public Records, 1970-2009 <Thomas A Layer, also known as: T Layer; Birth date 03 Mar 1942; Residence places: Fort Dodge, Iow; Saint Paul, Minnesota and Maplewood, Minnesota; Possible Relatives: Paris L Layer, Stephanie G Layer>).

4. Layer Thomas Allen Jr. 48Jhr 8Mo 1Wo * 26.08.1968 Ramsey † 08.05.2017

Quellen: "FamilySearch (Februar 2018; hier: Minnesota Birth Index, 1935-2002 <Thomas Allen Layer Jr.; geb. 26. August 1968 in Ramsey, Minnesota; Eltern: Thomas Allen Layer und Stephanie Gay Moeller> und United States Public Records, 1970-2009 <Thomas Allen Layer; geb. 26. August 1968; Wohnort: Fort Dodge, Iowa>)", "Karen Holte (Persönliche Mitteilung/Korrespondenz Februar 2018 <Thomas Layer Jr. passed away in May 2017 of Bile duct cancer>)" und "MyLife.com (Dezember 2018; Thomas Allen Layer; geb. 26.8.1968, gest. 8.5.2017; Wohnorte: Des Moines, IA, Saint Paul, MN; He works as an IT Manager at Reliastar Financing Ii)".

GOTTSLEBEN Sharon Ann Krankenschwester, Maklerin < 2.22
* 03.12.1953 Quinn Lebensorte: Philip Broomfield  
Eltern: Gottsleben James William , Coleman Myrna

Quellen: "Familienarchiv Baxter/Gottsleben, USA (Mitteilung Darwin Baxter, Januar 2018)", "Familytrees (www.mwsw.com)", "Facebook (Dezember 2014, Ausbildung: St. Martin's Academy, La Mesa, Californien. University of Northern Colorado, Greeley)" und "MyLife.com (Dezember 2018; Sharon Ann Baxter, auch: Sharon A Baxter; 65 Jahre alt; Wohnorte: Arvada, CO, Louisville, CO; Verwandte: Zachary Baxter, Darwin Baxter, Jessica Larson. Sharon Baxter is 65 years old and was born on 12/3/1953. Currently, she lives in Arvada, CO; and previously lived in Louisville, CO. Sometimes Sharon goes by various nicknames including Sharon A Baxter and Sharon Ann Baxter. She currently works as a Medical at. Sharon is now married. Other family members and associates include Zachary Baxter and Darwin Baxter)".

oo 22.08.1981 Loveland
BAXTER Darwin Russell
* 20.12.1957 Redfield Lebensorte: Redfield Broomfield  
Eltern: Baxter Franklin Paul , Schultz Marion Marie

Quellen: "Familienarchiv Baxter/Gottsleben, USA (Mitteilung Darwin Baxter, Januar 2018; <Darwin Russell Baxter; born 20 Dec 1957 in Redfield, Spink, South Dakota, USA oo Sharon Gottsleben; born 03 Dec 1953 in Quinn, Pennington, South Dakota, USA, married 22 Aug 1981 in Loveland, Larimer, Colorado, USA>)", "Familytrees (www.mwsw.com)", "Myheritage.de (Mai 2017; Darwin R Baxter hat Sharon A Gottsleben 1981 in Colorado geheiratet)", "Facebook (Dezember 2014 <Studium Colorado State University; geb. 20. 12.>; November 2017 <My dad, Paul Baxter, passed away about a week ago on November 18 at age 84. He will be missed! He was a big influence in my life and others. He taught us to love and respect people around the world. He also taught us to appreciate science and ways to help the environment. I have a greater appreciation for geneology, photography, and education because of him. Thanks Dad!>)" und "MyLife.com (Dezember 2018; Darwin Russell Baxter, auch: Darwin R Baxter, Darvwin Baxter, 60 Jahre alt; Wohnort: Broomfield, CO; Verwandte: Zachary Baxter, Sharon Baxter, Jessica Larson. Darwin Baxter is 60 years old and was born on 12/20/1957. Currently, he lives in Broomfield, CO. Sometimes Darwin goes by various nicknames including Darvwin Baxter and Darwin R Baxter. His political affiliation is currently a registered None. Darwin is now married. Other family members and associates include Zachary Baxter and Sharon Baxter)".

1. Baxter Jessica Lee * 30.11.1983 > 4.20
2. Baxter Zachary (Zach) Eli * 08.04.1985

Quellen: "Familytrees (www.mwsw.com)", "Facebook (Dezember 2014)" und "MyLife.com (Dezember 2018; Zachary Baxter is 33 years old and was born on 4/8/1985. Currently, he lives in Denver, CO, Loveland, CO, Louisville, CO. Sometimes Zachary goes by various nicknames including Zachary Eli Baxter and Zachary E Baxter. His ethnicity is Caucasian, and religious views are listed as Christian)".

Sharon Ann
Gottsleben Baxter

Sharon und Darwin Baxter

Gottsleben Baxter

3.14 GOTTSLEBEN Barbara J. < 2.22
* 16.09.1958 Lebensorte:  Rapid City  
Eltern: Gottsleben James William , Coleman Myrna

Quellen: "Familytrees (www.mwsw.com)", "Facebook (Dezember 2015)", "Familysearch (Dezember 2018; hier: United States Public Records, 1970-2009 <Barbara J Gottsleben, auch: Barb J Larsen und Barbara J Larsen; geb. 16. September 1958; Wohnort: Rapid City, South Dakota; Verwandte: Carl P Larsen, Kathy L Gottsleben>)" und "MyLife.com (Dezember 2018; Barbara J Larsen, auch: Barb Larsen, Barbara J Gottsleben, Barb J Larsen, Barb J Gottsleben, 60 Jahre alt; Wohnorte: Caputa, SD, Rapid City, SD. Barbara Larsen is 60 years old and was born on 9/16/1958. Currently, she lives in Caputa, SD; and previously lived in Rapid City, SD. Sometimes Barbara goes by various nicknames including Barb J Larsen. Her ethnicity is Caucasian, whose political affiliation is currently a registered Democrat; and religious views are listed as Christian. Barbara is now single. Other family members and associates include Carl Larsen and Kathy Gottsleben)".

oo <.1989
* 01.06.1953
Eltern: Larsen Rollo A. , Knappe Katharina

Quellen: "Familytrees (www.mwsw.com)", "FamilySearch (Dezember 2018; hier: United States Public Records, 1970-2009 <Carl P Larsen; geb. Juni 1953; Wohnort: Rapid City, South Dakota; Possible Relatives: Barbara J Gottsleben>)" und "MyLife.com (Dezember 2018; Carl P Larsen, 65 Jahre alt; Wohnorte: Caputa, SD, Rapid City, SD; Verwandte: Dustin Larsen, Kara Larsen, Michael Larsen, Rollo Larsen, Travis Larsen, Barbara Larsen, Carrie Larsen. Carl Larsen is 65 years old and was born on 6/1/1953. Currently, he lives in Caputa, SD; and previously lived in Rapid City, SD. Sometimes Carl goes by various nicknames including Carl P Larsen. Other family members and associates include Dustin Larsen)".

1. Larsen Kara * . .1989

Quelle: Familytrees (www.mwsw.com). Facebook Kara Katharina

2. Larsen Dustin * . .1991

Quelle: Familytrees (www.mwsw.com).dustin larsen , 27 caputa, SD, 57725-6520 PLACES LIVED caputa, SD caputa, SD RELATIVES dustin larsen michael larsen carl larsen barbara larsen rollo larsen kara larsen Dustin Larsen is 27 years old and was born on 11/20/1991. Currently, he lives in Caputa, SD. Other family members and associates include dustin larsen and michael larsendustin larsen , 27 rapid city, SD, 57701-7628 PLACES LIVED rapid city, SD RELATIVES dustin larsen carl larsen barbara larsen kara larsen Dustin Larsen is 27 years old and was born on 11/20/1991. Currently, he lives in Rapid City, SD. Other family members and associates include dustin larsen and carl larsen.

GOTTSLEBEN Carolyn K. Teacher < 2.22
* 09.02.1961 Philip Lebensorte: Philip Dupree  
Eltern: Gottsleben James William , Coleman Myrna

Quellen: "Facebook (Dezember 2015; Carolyne Gottsleben ist Lehrerin im Dupree School District. Dupree, SD ist ein kleiner Ort mit 475 Einwohnern. Carolyn schreibt auf ihrer Website: 'I was born in Philip, South Dakota several years ago! My parents are James and Myrna Gottsleben. I have 3 older sisters and 1 younger brother. I grew up on the family farm/ranch 18 miles northwest of Philip. I attended country school for 8 years. I attended the country school named Deadman until the 4th grade when it closed. We then went to the country school named Alfalfa Valley 3 1/2 miles from home. Alfalfa Valley is one of the few country schools in South Dakota still open today. I attended St. Martins in Rapid City my 9th grade year. I then attended Philip High School my 10th, 11th, and 12th grade graduating in 1979. I attended college at South Dakota State University in Brookings, South Dakota. I graduated with a B.S. degree in Home Economics in May 1983. I started my first teaching experience in Dupree, South Dakota, teaching Home Economics. I came with the thought that I will stay two or three years and then move on. Time goes fast and those two or three years have turned into 18 years and I'm still teaching in the Dupree School District! In the 18 years, I have taught a combination of Computer Science, Keyboarding, and Home Economics classes. I find teaching fun and rewarding. Keeping up with the changes in technology is a never ending job. I am creating this web page during my attendance at Dupree TTL [Technology for Teaching and Learning] June 2001. The upcoming school year, I will be teaching 7th grade Keyboarding, 8th grade Keyboarding, and Computer Studies I. Teaching is a full time job, even if you get time off in the summer! Parenting, is now my second full time job. In 1992, I married Jim Brooks, jr. In 1993, Brittany Kay was born, and in 1995, Lee James was born. Jim works for the State Department of Transportation, Brittany will be a 3rd grader in Dupree, and Lee will be in Kindergarten. Jim also spends many hours of volunteer work for the Dupree Ambulance and Fire Department')", FamilySearch (Dezember 2018; hier: United States Public Records, 1970-2009 <Carolyn K Brooks, auch: Carlene Brooks, Carolyn K Gottsleben; geb. 9. Februar 1961; Wohnort: Philip, South Dakota, Dupree, South Dakota; Weitere Namen: James W Gottsleben, Myrna M Gottsleben)" und "MyLife.com (Dezember 2018; Carolyn K Brooks, auch: Carolyn Gottsleben, Carolyn K Gottsleben, 57 Jahre alt; Wohnort: Dupree, SD; Verwandte: Bill Gottsleben, Jayne Gottsleben, James Gottsleben, Carlene Griffith, James Brooks, Lee James Brooks, Myrna Gottsleben, Brittany Brooks. Carolyn Brooks is 57 years old and was born on 2/9/1961. Currently, she lives in Dupree, SD. Sometimes Carolyn goes by various nicknames including Carolyn K Gottsleben and Carolyn Gottsleben. Her ethnicity is Caucasian, whose political affiliation is currently a registered Democrat; and religious views are listed as Christian. Carolyn is now married. Other family members and associates include Bill Gottsleben and Jayne Gottsleben)".

oo 1992
BROOKS James H. Principal at Dupree Volunteer Fire Department
* 25.02.1960 Lebensort: Dupree   

Quellen: "Familytrees (www.mwsw.com)", "FamilySearch (Dezember 2018; hier: United States Public Records, 1970-2009 <James H Brooks, auch: James Brooks; geb. 25. Mai 1960; Wohnort: Dupree, South Dakota>)" und "MyLife.com (Dezember 2018; James H Brooks, 58 Jahre alt; Wohnort: Dupree, SD; Verwandte: Carlene Griffith, Carolyn Brooks, [James] Lee brooks, Brittany Brooks. James Brooks is 58 years old and was born on 5/25/1960. Currently, he lives in Dupree, SD. Sometimes James goes by various nicknames including James H Brooks. He currently works as a Principal at Dupree Volunteer Fire Dept. Other family members and associates include Carlene Griffith and Carolyn Brooks)".

1. Brooks Brittany Kay * 18.02.1993

Quellen: "Familytrees (www.mwsw.com)", "Facebook (Dezember 2015)" und "MyLife.com (Dezember 2018; Brittany Brooks, 25 Jahre alt; Wohnort: Dupree, SD; Verwandte: James Brooks, Carlene Griffith, Carolyn Brooks, Lee Brooks. Brittany Brooks is 25 years old and was born on 2/18/1993. Currently, she lives in Dupree, SD. Other family members and associates include James brooks and [Lee] James Brooks)".

2. Brooks Lee James * 20.10.1995

Quellen: "Familytrees (www.mwsw.com; Angabe des Geburtsjahres)" "MyLife.com (Dezember 2018; Lee Brooks, 23 Jahre alt; Wohnort: Dupree, SD. Lee Brooks is 23 years old and was born on 10/20/1995. Currently, they lives in Dupree, SD").

GOTTSLEBEN William (Bill) F. Farmer < 2.22
* 02.12.1964 Lebensort: Philip   
Eltern: Gottsleben James William , Coleman Myrna

Quellen: "Facebook (Mai 2017)", "Familytrees (www.mwsw.com)" und "FamilySearch (Dezember 2018; hier: United States Public Records, 1970-2009 <William F Gottsleben, auch: Bill Gottsleben; geb. 2. Dezember 1964; Wohnort: Philip, South Dakota; Possible Relatives: James W Gottsleben, Jayne M Gottsleben>)".

GAIKOWSKI Jayne M. Teacher (Philip High School)
* 02.10.1960 Lebensort: Philip   
Eltern: Gaikowski Donald F. , Reese Genevieve

Quellen: "Facebook (Juni 2014; Arbeit und Ausbildung: Webster High School, Webster, South Dakota; Dakota State University, Madison, South Dakota; Haakon School District: 1st Grade Teacher; May 2015 retirement after 29 years of teaching; geb. 2. Oktober ...)", "Familytrees (www.mwsw.com)", "FamilySearch (Mai 2019; hier: United States Public Records, 1970-2009 <Jayne M Gottsleben; auch: Jayne M Gaikowski; geb. 1. September 1963 [?]; Wohnort: Philip, South Dakota; Possible Relatives: James W Gottsleben, William F Gottsleben>)" und "MyLife.com (Dezember 2018; Jayne M Gottsleben, auch: Jayne M Gaikowski; Wohnort: Philip, SD; Verwandte: Tara Gottsleben, Myrna Gottsleben, Bill Gottsleben, James Gottsleben, Carolyn Brooks, Chana Gottsleben. Jayne Gottsleben is 58 years old and was born on 10/1/1960. Currently, she lives in Philip, SD. Sometimes Jayne goes by various nicknames including Jayne M Gaikowski and Jayne M Gottsleben. Her ethnicity is Caucasian, and religious views are listed as Christian. Jayne is now married. Other family members and associates include Tara Gottsleben and Myrna Gottsleben)".

Jayne und Bill Gottsleben

1. Gottsleben Chana Mary 27Jhr 7Mo
* 30.12.1991 Philip † 04.08.2019 Rawlins Lebensorte: Philip Fort Collins

Quellen: "Facebook <Studium: American InterContinal University London; Arbeit: South Dakota Art Museum, Gillian Steinhardt Jewelry, Cover to Cover & The Index>", "Familytrees (www.mwsw.com)", "MyLife.com (Dezember 2018; Chana Gottsleben, 26 Jahre alt; Wohnort: Philip, SD. Chana Gottsleben is 26 years old and was born on 12/30/1991. Currently, she lives in Philip, SD)", "K2radio.com (Joy Greenwald, August 8 <Two Fort Collins, Colorado residents were killed in a head-on crash on U.S. 287 northwest of Rawlins Sunday evening [August 4]. The Wyoming Highway Patrol says 28-year-old Siva Chintala was headed south near mile marker 23 when he lost control of his car due to rainy conditions and poor tires and collided head-on with an oncoming vehicle. Chintala and his passenger, 27-year-old Chana Gottsleben, were buckled up, but both died at the scene. The driver of the other vehicle suffered minor injuries. Chintala and Gottsleben are the 97th and 98th people to die on Wyoming's highways this year)" und "Rushfuneralhome.com (August 2019; Chana Mary Gottsleben of Fort Collins, Colorado formerly of Philip, South Dakota, died on Sunday, August 4, 2019 as a result of a tragic car accident at the age of 27. Chana was born on December 30, 1991, the first of three girls born to William [Bill] and Jayne Gottsleben of rural Philip. Chana was a soft-spoken, quiet, kind, and sweet person with an adventurous spirit. She dearly loved her family. Her sisters accurately describe her as a model child. That trait followed with her into adulthood and translated into being well-grounded and humble with a terrific work ethic. Chana grew up learning how to work on the ranch/farm; whether it was helping with sheep and cattle work or driving tractors and equipment. She helped where-ever needed. Chana began her education at Alfalfa Valley Rural School [grades K-7] near her home. She then attended Philip High School and graduated with the Class of 2010. She went on to receive her BA in Apparel Merchandising from South Dakota State University, SDSU, in Brookings, South Dakota. During her studies she spent a semester studying fashion at American InterContinental University in London, England. She did her Senior Internship in New York City, New York with a jewelry designer in the summer of 2013. Activities and groups Chana took pride in were: Farmer's Union Youth; where she was honored as a Torchbearer, on the Junior Advisory Council, and received the Friendship Award as a young adult. During her high school years FCCLA, Music, and Volleyball were a big part of her life. She was a member of the SDSU Color Guard - Pride of the Dakotas Marching Band and SDSU Merchandising Club. Chana was employed as a Coordinator at TJ Maxx in Rapid City, South Dakota. She then transferred with the company to Fort Collins, Colorado in June 2018. It was there that she met the love of her life, Siva Chintala, who had much in common and shared her passion for travel and fashion. At a young age, it was evident Chana loved fashion and wanted to live in a big city. Chana enjoyed traveling and worked hard to make her dreams a reality. In her young life she journeyed extensively throughout Europe and the United States. Chana had many talents; she had a flair for decorating, was artistically creative, and had a way with written words. She enjoyed photography, shopping, and designing fashion accessories. Survivors include her parents Bill and Jayne Gottsleben of Philip; two sisters Tara Gottsleben and Tyana Gottsleben both of Philip; one paternal grandmother Myrna Gottsleben of Philip; one niece Hadley Gottsleben of Philip; and a host of other relatives and friends. She was preceded in death by her paternal grandfather James 'Jim' Gottsleben and her maternal grandparents, Donald 'Don' and Genevieve 'Genny' Gaikowski. Siva Chintala perished in the accident alongside Chana. Chana will remain forever young in our hearts. A visitation will be held from 5-7 p.m. on Sunday, August 11, with a prayer service starting at 7 p.m. at Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Philip. Mass of Christian Burial will be held at 10:00 a.m. on Monday, August 12, at the Philip High School Fine Arts Building. Interment will follow at the Masonic Cemetery in Philip)".

Chana Mary Gottsleben
Siva Chintala


2. Gottsleben Tara * 02.05.1994 > 4.21
3. Gottsleben Tyana * 27.05.1997

Quellen: "Familytrees (www.mwsw.com)" und "Facebook (Mai 2017)".

PEKRON Nancy H. < 2.23
* 16.10.1955 Lebensorte: Philip Brandon  
Eltern: Pekron Henry (Hank) , Gottsleben Mary Agnes

Quellen: "Familytrees (www.mwsw.com)", "FamilySearch (Dezember 2018; hier: South Dakota, Department of Health, Index to Births 1843-1914 and Marriages 1950-2016 <Nancy Pekron, geb. um 1955, 21 Jahre alt, Heirat am 8. Dezember 1976 in Pennington, South Dakota, mit Douglas Hovland, geb. um 1950, 26 Jahre alt>; United States Public Records, 1970-2009 <Nancy H Hovland; geb. 16. Oktober 1955; Wohnort: Sioux Falls, South Dakota>)" und "MyLife.com (Dezember 2018; Nancy H Ehrhardt, auch: Nancy H Hovland, 63 Jahre alt; Wohnorte: Brandon, SD, Sioux Falls, SD; Verwandte: Douglas Hovland, Richard Ehrhardt und Ryan Hovland. Nancy Ehrhardt is 63 years old and was born on 10/16/1955. Currently, she lives in Brandon, SD; and previously lived in Sioux Falls, SD. Sometimes Nancy goes by various nicknames including Nancy H Ehrhardt and Nancy H Houland. Her ethnicity is Caucasian, whose political affiliation is currently a registered Republican; and religious views are listed as Christian. Nancy is now married. Other family members and associates include Douglas Hovland and Richard Ehrhardt)".

oo 08.12.1976 Pennington
HOVLAND Douglas (Dough) A.
* 16.10.1950 Lebensorte:  Quinn Sioux Falls 

Quellen: "Familytrees (www.mwsw.com)", "FamilySearch (Dezember 2018; hier: South Dakota, Department of Health, Index to Births 1843-1914 and Marriages 1950-2016 <Douglas Hovland, geb. um 1950, 26 Jahre alt, Heirat am 8. Dezember 1976 in Pennington, South Dakota, mit Nancy Pekron, geb. um 1955, 21 Jahre alt>)" und "MyLife.com (Dezember 2018; Douglas A Hovland, auch: Doug Hovland, 68 Jahre alt; Wohnorte: Quinn, SD, Brooklyn, WI, Sioux Falls, SD. Douglas Hovland is 68 years old and was born on 10/16/1950. Currently, he lives in Quinn, SD; and previously lived in Brooklyn, WI, Sioux Falls, SD. Sometimes Douglas goes by various nicknames including Doug Hovland)".

1. Hovland Ryan * 26.09.1976

Quellen: "Familytrees (www.mwsw.com)" und "MyLife.com (Dezember 2018; Ryan D Hovland, 42 Jahre alt; Wohnorte: Sioux Falls, SD, Brookings, SD, Brandon, SD; Verwandte: Nancy Ehrhardt. Ryan Hovland is 42 years old and was born on 9/26/1976. Currently, he lives in Sioux Falls, SD; and previously lived in Brookings, SD, Brandon, SD. Sometimes Ryan goes by various nicknames including Ryan D Havland and Ryan D Hovland. Other family members and associates include Nancy Ehrhardt)".

oo 2
EHRHARDT Richard (Rick) L.
* 16.10.1954 Lebensorte:  Brandon  

Quellen: "Familytrees (www.mwsw.com; hier: Name und Geburtsjahr)" und "Familysearch (Dezember 2018; hier: United States Public Records, 1970-2009 <Richard L Ehrhardt, auch: R Ehrhardt; geb. 16. Oktober 1954; Wohnort: Brandon, South Dakota; Possible Relatives: Nancy H Ehrhardt>)".

PEKRON Steven (Steve) W. rk Farmer < 2.23
* 14.04.1957 Lebensorte: Philip Milesville  
Eltern: Pekron Henry (Hank) , Gottsleben Mary Agnes

Quellen: "Familytrees (www.mwsw.com)" und "FamilySearch (Dezember 2018; hier: United States Public Records, 1970-2009 <Steve Pekron, auch: Steven W Pekron; Wohnort: Milesville, South Dakota; Weitere Namen: Henry J Pekron, Mary A Pekron, Nina L Runner>)".

oo <.1993
RUNNER Nina L rk
* 15.12.1961 Lebensort: Philip   

Quellen: "Familytrees (www.mwsw.com)" und "FamilySearch (Dezember 2018; hier: United States Public Records, 1970-2009 <Nina L Runner, auch: Nina L Pekron; geb. 15. Dezember 1961; Wohnorte: Philip, South Dakota, Brookings, South Dakota, Pierre, South Dakota; Possible Relatives: Henry J Pekron, Mary A Pekron, Steven W Pekron>)".

1. Pekron Zane * . .1993

Quellen: "Familytrees (www.mwsw.com)" und "Rapidcitydiocese.org (Dezember 2018; May 16, 2018, Zane Pekron, The road to priesthood: 'You are exactly where God wants you to be'; On May 24, Zane Pekron will be ordained a transitional deacon at the Cathedral of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Rapid City, at 7 p.m. All are welcome to attend. He recently spoke to the West River Catholic about his experiences. Age: 25; Home Parish: St. Mary, Milesville; Parents: Steve and Nina Pekron. Education: Minor seminary Immaculate Heart of Mary, Winona, Minn.; major seminary St. Paul School of Divinity, St. Paul, Minn; Pastoral Learning: Duc in Altum, Institute for Priestly formation, worked on the Pine Ridge Reservation with Jesuits, and hospital ministry program through the seminary; Summer Learning Experience: St. Joseph, Spearfish; St. Paul, Belle Fourche. - Hobbies: I grew up on a cattle ranch so I like working with horses - roping and riding. I also enjoy playing different sports. Favorite Book: Lone Cowboy by Will James)".

Ordination to the Priesthood

Zane Pekron
28. Mai 2019

2. Pekron Allison * 17.07.1995

Quellen: "Familytrees (www.mwsw.com)" und "Facebook (Dezember 2018; Allison Pekron, Nurse, geb. 17.07.1995)".

3. Pekron Grace * . .2001

Quelle: Familytrees (www.mwsw.com).

PEKRON Beth Ann rk < 2.23
* 21.07.1958 Lebensorte: Philip Gillette  
Eltern: Pekron Henry (Hank) , Gottsleben Mary Agnes

Quellen: "Familytrees (www.mwsw.com)", "FamilySearch (Dezember 2018; hier: South Dakota, Department of Health, Index to Births 1843-1914 and Marriages 1950-2016 <Beth Pekron, geb. um 1959, 17 Jahre alt, Heirat am 9. Juli 1976 in Haakon, South Dakota mit Daniel Walker, 20 Jahre alt, geb. um 1956>; United States Public Records, 1970-2009 <Beth Anne Walker; geb. 21. Juli 1958; Wohnorte: Gillette, Wyoming, Philip, South Dakota; Possible Relatives: Anne Walker, Bethanne A Walker, Dan Walker, Daniel K Walker, Dean M Walker, Gillette Walker, Melinda R Walker, Nathan Adam Walker, Theresa R Reczek>)" und "Facebook (Dezember 2018; Beth Pekron Walker; Ausbildung/Beruf: Selbständig, Director of Advising, Testing & Career Services/Adjunct Professor bei Gillette College; Studium: University of Wyoming, Social sciences im Gillette College, Psychologie in der University of Wyoming)".

oo 09.07.1976 Haakon
WALKER Daniel K.
* 10.02.1956 Lebensorte:  Gillette  

Quellen: "Familytrees (www.mwsw.com)" und "FamilySearch (Dezember 2018; hier: South Dakota, Department of Health, Index to Births 1843-1914 and Marriages 1950-2016 <Daniel Walker, 20 Jahre alt, geb. um 1956, Heirat am 9. Juli 1976 in Haakon, South Dakota mit Beth Pekron, geb. um 1959, 17 Jahre alt>; United States Public Records, 1970-2009 <Daniel K Walker; geb. 10. Februar 1956; Wohnort: Gillette, Wyoming>)".

1. Walker Melinda (Mindi) Rae * 02.12.1976 > 4.22
2. Walker Jeremiah J. * 16.04.1979

Quellen: "Familytrees (www.mwsw.com)" und "MyLife.com (Dezember 2018; Jeremiah J Walker, 39 Jahre alt; Wohnort: Philip, SD; Verwandte: Theresa Walker, Beth Walker, Daniel Walker. Jeremiah Walker is 39 years old and was born on 4/16/1979. Currently, he lives in Philip, SD. Sometimes Jeremiah goes by various nicknames including Jeremiah J Walker. Other family members and associates include Theresa Walker and Beth Walker)".

3. Walker Nathan Adam * 15.05.1984

Quellen: "Familytrees (www.mwsw.com)" und "FamilySearch (Dezember 2018; hier: United States Public Records, 1970-2009 <Nathan Adam Walker; geb. 15. Mai 1984; Wohnort: Gillette, Wyoming; Weitere Namen: Anne Walker, B A Walker, Beth Anne Walker, Dan Walker, Daniel K Walker, Gillette Walker, Melinda R Walker, Theresa R Reczek>)".

Beth Pekron Walker

PEKRON Karen M. < 2.23
* 21.12.1959 Lebensorte: Philip Rapid City  
Eltern: Pekron Henry (Hank) , Gottsleben Mary Agnes

Quellen: "Familytrees (www.mwsw.com)", "FamilySearch (Dezember 2018; hier: South Dakota, Department of Health, Index to Births 1843-1914 and Marriages 1950-2016 <Karen Pekron, geb. um 1969, 20 Jahre alt, Heirat am 2. Mai 1980 in Haakon, South Dakota, mit Jerry Kroetch, geb. um 1959, 21 Jahre alt>; United States Public Records, 1970-2009 <Karen M Kroetch; geb. 20. Dezember 1959; Wohnort: Philip; Possible Relatives: Brooke Kroetch, Jerry L Kroetch, Jerry Kroetch, Joshua Kroetch>)" und "MyLife.com (Dezember 2018; Karen M Kroetch, 58 Jahre alt; Wohnorte: Philip, SD, Rapid City, SD; Verwandte: Gabriela Kroetch, Brooke Kroetch, Martin Kroetch, Bruce Kroetch, Arthur Kroetch, Jerry Kroetch, Amber Weinert, Joshua Kroetch. Karen Kroetch is 58 years old and was born on 12/20/1959. Currently, she lives in Philip, SD; and previously lived in Rapid City, SD. Sometimes Karen goes by various nicknames including Karen M Kroetch. She currently works as a VP Financ at Krofam Inc. Karen's education includes attending Philip Jr Sr High School. Other family members and associates include Gabriela Kroetch and Brooke Kroetch)".

oo 02.05.1980 Haakon
* 20.09.1958 Lebensort: Philip   

Quellen: "Familytrees (www.mwsw.com)", "FamilySearch (Dezember 2018; hier: South Dakota, Department of Health, Index to Births 1843-1914 and Marriages 1950-2016 <Jerry Kroetch, geb. um 1959, 21 Jahre alt, Heirat am 2. Mai 1980 in Haakon, South Dakota, mit Karen Pekron, geb. um 1969, 20 Jahre alt>; United States Public Records, 1970-2009 <Jerry L Kroetch; geb. 15. April 1958 [?]; Wohnort: Philip, South Dakota; Possible Relatives: Brooke Kroetch, Joshua Kroetch, Karen M Kroetch>)" und "MyLife.com (Dezember 2018; Jerry L Kroetch, 60 Jahre alt; Wohnort: Philip, SD; Verwandte: Ross Kroetch, Karen Kroetch, Linda Kroetch, Joshua Kroetch, Arthur Kroetch, Eleanor Kroetch, Brooke Kroetch, Lisa Kunz, Julie Daly, Bruce Kroetch, Gabriela Kroetch. Jerry Kroetch is 60 years old and was born on 9/20/1958. Currently, he lives in Philip, SD. Sometimes Jerry goes by various nicknames including Jerry L Kroetch. He currently works as a President at Scotchman Industries, Inc. Jerry's education includes attending Philip Jr Sr High School. Other family members and associates include Ross Kroetch and Karen Kroetch)".

1. Kroetch Joshua (Josh) L. * 06.11.1980 > 4.23
2. Kroetch Brooke * 13.08.1982

Quellen: "Familytrees (www.mwsw.com)", "FamilySearch (Dezember 2018; hier: United States Public Records, 1970-2009 <Brooke Kroetch; geb. 13. August 1982; Wohnort: Philip, South Dakota>)" und "MyLife.com (Dezember 2018; Brooke Kroetch, 36 Jahre alt; Wohnort: Philip, SD; Verwandte: Gabriela Kroetch, Karen Kroetch, Jerry Kroetch, Dustin Formanek, Joshua Kroetch. Brooke Kroetch is 36 years old and was born on 8/13/1982. Currently, she lives in Philip, SD. She currently works as a Marketing & Sales at Scotchman Industries. Brooke's education includes attending the university of south dakota. Brooke is now single. Other family members and associates include Gabriela Kroetch and Karen Kroetch)".

PEKRON Theresa Jeanne < 2.23
* 09.12.1961 Lebensorte: Philip Arvada  
Eltern: Pekron Henry (Hank) , Gottsleben Mary Agnes

Quellen: "Familytrees (www.mwsw.com; Theresa Pekron, geb. 9. Dezember 1961)", "FamilySearch (Dezember 2018; hier: United States Public Records, 1970-2009 <Theresa J Pekron, auch: Theresa P Goertz, Theresa Pekron Goertz; geb. 9. Dezember 1961; Wohnorte: Gillette, Wyoming, Westminster, Colorado, Denver, Colorado, Lakewood, Colorado, Laramie, Wyoming; Possible Relatives: David Allen Goertz>)" und MyLife.com (Dezember 2018; Theresa Jeanne Pekron, auch: Theresa J Goertz, Theresa Pekron Goertz, 57 Jahre alt; Wohnorte: Arvada, CO, Westminster, CO, Gillette, WY; Verwandte: David Goertz, Jeffery Goertz. Theresa Pekron is 57 years old and was born on 12/9/1961. Currently, she lives in Arvada, CO; and previously lived in Westminster, CO, Gillette, WY. Sometimes Theresa goes by various nicknames including Theresa J Pekron-Goertz and Theresa Jeanne Pekron. She currently works as a Finance Intergration Team at MillerCoors. Theresa's education includes attending Philip Jr Sr High School. Theresa is now married. Other family members and associates include David Goertz and Jeffery Goertz)".

oo <.1996
GOERTZ David Allen
* 05.10.1954 Lebensorte:  Westminster  

Quellen: "Familytrees (www.mwsw.com; David Goertz, geb. 1954)", "FamilySerach (Dezember 2018; hier: United States Public Records, 1970-2009 <David Allen Goertz, auch: Dave A Goertz; geb. 5. Oktober 1954; Wohnorte: Lakewood, Colorado, Westminster, Colorado, Laramie, Wyoming; Possible Relatives: Theresa J Pekron Goertz, Theresa P Goertz>)" und "MyLIfe.com (Dezember 2018; David Allen Goertz, auch: Dave Goertz, 64 Jahre alt; Wohnorte: Westminster, CO, Denver, CO, Lakewood, CO. David Goertz is 64 years old and was born on 10/1/[?] 1954. Currently, he lives in Westminster, CO; and previously lived in Denver, CO and Lakewood, CO. Sometimes David goes by various nicknames including David Allen Goertz and David A Goertz)".

1. Goertz Jeffery (Jeff) * 03.03.1996

Quellen: "Familytrees (www.mwsw.com; Jeff Goertz, geb. 3. März 1996)" und "MyLife.com (Dezember 2018; Jeffery Guy Goertz, 22 Jahre alt; Wohnort: Arvada, CO. Jeffery Goertz is 22 years old and was born on 1/1/[?] 1996. Currently, he lives in Arvada, CO. Sometimes Jeffery goes by various nicknames including Jeffery Guy Goertz. His ethnicity is Caucasian, and religious views are listed as Christian. Jeffery is now single)".

Theresa Pekron

PEKRON Joe (Joseph) N. < 2.23
* 09.05.1964 Lebensorte:  Hot Springs  
Eltern: Pekron Henry (Hank) , Gottsleben Mary Agnes

Quellen: "Familytrees (www.mwsw.com; Joe Paktron, geb. 9. Mai 1964)", "FamilySearch (Dezember 2018; hier: United States Public Records, 1970-2009 <Joe N Pekron, auch: Joe Pekron, Joseph N Pekron; Wohnorte: Buffalo Gap, South Dakota, Hot Springs, South Dakota; Possible Relatives: Julie A [Julia A] Pekron, Katie Pekron>)" und "MyLife.com (Dezember 2018; Joseph N Pekron, auch: Joe N Pekron, Joe Pekron; 54 Jahre alt; Wohnorte: Hot Springs, SD, Sheridan, WY; Verwandte: Kelsey Allen, Katie Fox, Julia Pekron, Cody Pekron. Joseph Pekron is 54 years old and was born on 4/1/[?]1964. Currently, he lives in Hot Springs, SD Sheridan, WY. Sometimes Joseph goes by various nicknames including Joe E Pekron and Joseph N Pekron. Joseph is now married. Other family members and associates include Kelsey Allen and Katie Fox)".

oo <.1990
* 24.04.1964 Lebensorte:  Hot Springs  
Eltern: Jensen Thorlu Frank , Simon Albertine

Quellen: "Familytrees (www.mwsw.com; Julie Jenson, geb. 1964)", "FamilySearch (Dezember 2018; hier: United States Public Records, 1970-2009 <Julie Pekron, auch: Julie A Pekron; geb. April 1964; Wohnorte: Hot Springs, South Dakota, Spearfish, South Dakota; Possible Relatives: Joe N Pekron, Joseph Pekron>; United States, GenealogyBank Obituaries, 1980-2014 <Julie Pekron beim Tod des Vaters Thurlo Frank Jensen; geb. um 1924, gest. 29. Juli 2012 in Spearfish, SD>)" und "MyLife.com (Dezember 2018; Julia Ann Pekron, auch: Julie A Pekron, Julia Jensen, Julia A Jensen, 54 Jahre alt; Wohnorte: Hot Springs, SD, Sheridan, WY; Verwandte: Cody Pekron, Kelsey Allen, Joseph Pekron, Katie Fox. Julia Pekron is 54 years old and was born on 4/24/1964. Currently, she lives in Hot Springs, SD Sheridan, WY. Sometimes Julia goes by various nicknames including Julie A Pekron and Julie Pekron. Julia is now married. Other family members and associates include Cody Pekron and Kelsey Allen)".

1. Pekron Katie Albertine * 24.07.1990 > 4.24
2. Pekron Cody Joseph * 07.06.1994

Quellen: "Familytrees (www.mwsw.com; Cody Pekron, geb. 1994)" und "MyLife.com (Dezember 2018; Cody Joseph Pekron, 24 Jahre alt; Wohnorte: Miles City, MT, Hot Springs, SD; Verwandte: Julia Pekron, Joseph Pekron, Katie Fox, Kelsey Allen. Cody Pekron is 24 years old and was born on 6/7/1994. Currently, he lives in Miles City, MT; and previously lived in Hot Springs, SD. Cody is now married. Other family members and associates include Julia Pekron and Joseph Pekron)".

3. Pekron Justin * . .1995

Quelle: Familytrees (www.mwsw.com; Justin Pekron, geb. 1995).

PATTNO Maria A. < 2.24
* 28.06.1973 Lebensort: Hastings   
Eltern: Pattno Thomas James (Tom) Jr , Gottsleben Helen Ann

Quellen: "Familytrees (www.mwsw.com; Maria Pattno, geb. 28. Juni 1973)", "Nachruf auf ihren Vater Thomas Pattno <Daughter Maria Pattno (Tad Dinnell) and granddaughter Madison Pattno, all of Hastings>" und MyLife.com (Dezember 2018; Maria A Pattno, 45 Jahre alt; Wohnort: Hastings, NE; Verwandte: Ann Pattno, Aaron Pattno, Thomas Pattno, Madison Pattno. Maria Pattno is 45 years old and was born on 6/28/1973. Currently, she lives in Hastings, NE. Sometimes Maria goes by various nicknames including Maria A Pattno. She currently works as an Owner at Mental Health & Wellness. Maria is now single. Other family members and associates include Ann Pattno and Aaron Pattno)".

1. o-o PATTNO Madison Love * 17.11.1997

Quellen: "Familytrees (www.mwsw.com; Madison Love Slinkard [?], geb. 17. November 1997)", "Facebook (Dezember 2018; Madison Pattno)" und "Nachruf auf ihren Großvater Thomas Pattno <Daughter Maria Pattno (Tad Dinnell) and granddaughter Madison Pattno, all of Hastings>".

DINNELL Tad Andrew
* 31.12.1975 Lebensorte:  Hastings  

Quellen: "FamilySearch (Dezember 2018; hier: United States Public Records, 1970-2009 <Tad Andrew Dinnell; geb. 31. Dezember 1975; Wohnorte: Colorado Springs, Colorado, Hurlburt Field, Florida, Kirtland Afb, New Mexico, Hastings, Nebraska; Possible Relatives: Ken Dinnell, Kenneth R Dinnell, Leea O Dinnell, Lua Dinnell, Tami A Dinnell, Yi O Dinnell>)" und "MyLife.com (Dezember 2018; Tad Andrew Dinnell, auch: Tadd Dinnell, 42 Jahre alt; Wohnorte: Hastings, NE, Hurlburt Field, FL, Lincoln, NE. Tad Dinnell is 42 years old and was born on 12/31/1975. Currently, he lives in Hastings, NE; and previously lived in Hurlburt Field, FL and Lincoln, NE. Sometimes Tad goes by various nicknames including Tadd Dinnell and Tad Andrew Dinnell. Tad is now married)" und "Nachruf auf den Schwiegervater Thomas Pattno <Daughter Maria Pattno (Tad Dinnell) and granddaughter Madison Pattno, all of Hastings>".

Maria Pattno

Generation 4

4.1 NELSON Susan < 3.1
Eltern: Nelson George Willard , Graff (Lewis) Carmen Bernice

Quelle: FamilySearch (November 2018; hier: Idaho, Southern Counties Obituaries, 1943-2013 <Nennung beim Tod der Eltern: daughter Susan of Sacramento, California; daughter Susan Nelson>; California Birth Index, 1905-1995 <bei Geburt der Töchter>).

1. o-o ODEN Kathryn Diane * 13.05.1977 Sacramento

Quelle: FamilySearch (November 2018; hier: California Birth Index, 1905-1995 <Kathryn D Oden; geb. 13. Mai 1977 in Sacramento, California; Name der Mutter: Nelson>; United States Public Records, 1970-2009 <Kathryn Diane Oden; geb. 13. Mai 1977; Wohnorte: Studio City, Santa Monica und Sacramento, California; Possible Relatives: Charles Michael Oden, Cheryl Ann Oden, Susan L Nelson>; Idaho, Southern Counties Obituaries, 1943-2013 <Nennung beim Tod der Großeltern: Kathryn and Cheryl, of Sacramento, California; Kathryn and Cheryl Oden>).

2. o-o ODEN Cheryl Ann * 16.11.1979

Quelle: FamilySearch (November 2018; hier: California Birth Index, 1905-1995 <Cheryl Ann Oden; geb. 16. November 1979 in Sacramento, California; Name der Mutter: Nelson>; United States Public Records, 1970-2009 <Cheryl Ann Oden; geb. 16. November 1979; Wohnorte: Costa Mesa, Newport Beach und Sacramento, California; Possible Relatives: Charles Michael Oden, Kathryn Diane Oden, Susan L Nelson>; Idaho, Southern Counties Obituaries, 1943-2013 <Nennung beim Tod der Großeltern: Kathryn and Cheryl, of Sacramento, California; Kathryn and Cheryl Oden>).

NELSON Brian Douglas < 3.1
* 08.06.1954 Lebensorte:  Seal Beach  
Eltern: Nelson George Willard , Graff (Lewis) Carmen Bernice

Quelle: FamilySearch (November 2018; hier: Idaho, Southern Counties Obituaries, 1943-2013 <Nennung beim Tod der Eltern: son, Brian [Suzanne] of Seal Beach, California; son Brian Nelson>; Washington Marriage Index, 1969-2014 <Brian D Nelson Heirat am 3. Mai 1980 in Whitman, Washington mit Suzanne K Doak>; United States Public Records, 1970-2009 <Brian Douglas Nelson; geb. 8 Juni 1954; Wohnorte: Seal Beach, California; Pocatello, Idaho; Phoenix, Arizona; Possible Relatives: Carmen B Nelson, Christopher B Nelson, George Willard Nelson, Susan Nelson, Suzanne Doak Nelson>).

oo 03.05.1980 Whitman
DOAK Suzanne Kay 50Jhr 5Mo 2Wo
* 14.10.1954 † 28.03.2005 Lebensort: Whitman   

Quellen: "FamilySearch (November 2018; hier: Washington Marriage Index, 1969-2014 <Suzanne K Doak Heirat am 3. Mai 1980 in Whitman, Washington mit Brian D Nelson>; United States Public Records, 1970-2009 <Suzanne K Doak; geb. 14. Oktober 1954; Wohnort: Pocatello, Idaho>)" und "Findagrave (November 2018; <Suzanne Kay Doak Nelson; geb. 14. Oktober 1954 in Washington, gest. 28. März 2005 in California; Bestattet/Burial: Colfax Cemetery, Colfax, Whitman County, Washington; Plot: Masonic, Addition, Lot 47, Grave 1>)".

1. Nelson Christopher

Quelle: FamilySearch (November 2018; hier: Idaho, Southern Counties Obituaries, 1943-2013 <Nennung beim Tod der Großeltern: Christopher and Jessica, of Seal Beach, California; Christopher and Jessica Nelson>).

2. Nelson Jessica

Quelle: FamilySearch (November 2018; hier: Idaho, Southern Counties Obituaries, 1943-2013 <Nennung beim Tod der Großeltern: Christopher and Jessica, of Seal Beach, California; Christopher and Jessica Nelson>).

GOTTSLEBEN Linda Marie < 3.2
* 28.03.1948 Big Stone County Lebensorte: Big Stone County Watertown  
Eltern: Gottsleben Frederick Duane Jr. , Samson Claudia Mary

Quellen: "FamilySearch (März 2014; hier: Minnesota, Birth Index, 1935-2002 <Linda Marie Gottsleben; geb. 28. März 1948 in Big Stone, Minnesota; Eltern: Fred Duane Gottsleben und Claudia Mary Samson>; South Dakota, Department of Health, Index to Births 1843-1914 and Marriages 1950-2016 <Linda Gottsleben, geb. um 1948, 21 Jahre alt Heirat am 30. August 1969 in Codington, South Dakota mit David Wagner, geb. um 1949, 20 Jahre alt; Wohnort: Watertown, Codington, South Dakota>)" und "Facebook (Februar 2020)".

oo 30.08.1969 Codington
* 11.11.1948 Lebensort: Watertown   

Quellen: "FamilySearch (März 2014; hier: South Dakota, Department of Health, Index to Births 1843-1914 and Marriages 1950-2016 <David Wagner, geb. um 1949, 20 Jahre alt, Heirat am 30. August 1969 in Codington, South Dakota mit Linda Gottsleben, geb. um 1948, 21 Jahre alt; Wohnort: Watertown, Codington, South Dakota>)" und "Mylife.com/david-wagner (November 2018; <David Wagner is 70 years old and was born on 11/11/1948. Currently, he lives in Big Stone City, SD; and previously lived in Milbank, SD, Milbank, SD and Mobile, AL. Sometimes David goes by various nicknames including Dave Wagner, David L Wagner and David E Wagner. His ethnicity is Caucasian, whose political affiliation is currently a registered Democrat; and religious views are listed as Christian. David is now married. Other family members and associates include Linda Wagner, Shawn Stehly, Josh Wagner and Jody Unzen>)".

Linda Marie Wagner,
geb. Gottsleben

GOTTSLEBEN Wayne F. < 3.2
* 20.05.1950 Lebensort: Brandon   
Eltern: Gottsleben Frederick Duane Jr. , Samson Claudia Mary

Quellen: "Nrs.stparchive.com/Archive (Mai 2017; Newspaper archive of The Northern Star, Clinton, Minnesota <In Todesanzeige der Großmutter Ida Gottsleben Hinweis auf Wayne, Mark, Todd and David Gottsleben [Pallbearers were Wayne, Mark, Todd and David Gottsleben]>)", "Wassfuneralhome.com (April 2017; <In Todesanzeige des Schwiegervaters: Julie and Wayne Gottsleben of Brandon, SD [Greg Gottsleben; Angie Gottsleben - Skya]>)", "FamilySearch (November 2015; hier: South Dakota, Department of Health, Index to Births 1843-1914 and Marriages 1950-2014 <Wayne Gottsleben Heirat am 7. Juni 1975 in Union, South Dakota mit Julie Miller>; United States Public Records, 1970-2009 <Wayne F Gottsleben; geb. 20. Mai 1950; Wohnort: Brandon, South Dakota; Possible Relatives: Gregory A Gottsleben, Julie L Gottsleben>)", "Theknot.com/us/angie-gottsleben-and-jasten-white-may-2017 (Mai 2017; Hochzeit am 19. Mai 2017 in Sioux Falls, SD <Wayne and Julie Gottsleben - Parents of Bride Angie Gottsleben: My journey in life has been inspired by my parents. Having a life on the fast lane with activities every weekend and events during the week. Being involved on traveling teams with both basketball and softball made for long trips with hotel stays. Not even a question asked my parents were right there by my side. During high school and college events I would always look up in the stands and find my parents at most every single game my true supporters. I can't express enough how grateful my life has been this far to have my parents by my side. Thanks for showing me the value of what a family means. Now I have the opportunity to continue what you have taught me to bring to my own family. Love you>)", "Wassfuneralhome.com (Mai 2017; Traueranzeige des Schwiegervaters)" und "Mylife.com/wayne-gottsleben (November 2018; <Wayne Gottsleben is 68 years old and was born on 5/20/1950. Currently, he lives in Brandon, SD. Sometimes Wayne goes by various nicknames including Wayne F Gottsleben. His ethnicity is Caucasian, and religious views are listed as Christian. Wayne is now married. Other family members and associates include Julie Gottsleben, Angie Gottsleben and Gregory Gottsleben>)".

oo 07.06.1975 Union County
* 04.07.1955 Lebensort: Brandon   
Eltern: Miller James Quinten , Keehn Wanda

Quellen: "Wassfuneralhome.com (Mai 2017; Traueranzeige des Vaters)", "FamilySearch (November 2015; hier: South Dakota, Department of Health, Index to Births 1843-1914 and Marriages 1950-2014 <Julie Miller Heirat am 7. Juni 1975 in Union, South Dakota mit Wayne Gottsleben>; United States Public Records, 1970-2009 <Julie L Gottsleben; geb. 1. September 1957[?]; Residence Place: Brandon, South Dakota; Verwandte: Gregory A Gottsleben, Wayne F Gottsleben>)" und "Mylife.com/julie-gottsleben (November 2018; <Julie Gottsleben is 63 years old and was born on 7/4/1955. Currently, she lives in Brandon, SD; and previously lived in Sioux Falls, SD>)".

1. Gottsleben Gregory A. * 07.10.1979

Quellen: "Wassfuneralhome.com (Mai 2017; Traueranzeige des Großvaters Miller)", "FamilySearch (November 2018; hier: United States Public Records, 1970-2009 <Gregory A Gottsleben; Wohnorte: Brandon und Vermillion, South Dakota; Weitere Namen: Julie L Gottsleben, Wayne F Gottsleben>)", "Theknot.com/us/angie-gottsleben-and-jasten-white-may-2017 (Mai 2017; Hochzeit am 19. Mai 2017 in Sioux Falls, SD <Greg Gottsleben - My older brother Greg has always been there for guidance and advice. He has now taking the role of being a huge part of our day and wedding Jasten and I. So thankful to have him by my side couldn't ask for a better person to do us the honors. Thanks for always being there your the best big brother a sister could as for in life. Also being an amazing Uncle to Skya she absolutely adores you>)" und "Mylife.com/gregory-gottsleben (November 2018; <Gregory Gottsleben is 39 years old and was born on 10/7/1979. Currently, he lives in Phoenix, AZ and Brandon, SD. Sometimes Gregory goes by various nicknames including Greg Gottsteber and Gregory A Gottsleben. His ethnicity is Caucasian, and religious views are listed as Christian. Gregory is now single. Other family members and associates include Angie Gottsleben and Pamela [Ann] Burns>)".

2. Gottsleben Angela D. (Angie) * .um.1985 > 5.1

GOTTSLEBEN Mark S. rk < 3.2
* 04.05.1957 Lebensorte:  Watertown  
Eltern: Gottsleben Frederick Duane Jr. , Samson Claudia Mary

Quellen: "Nrs.stparchive.com/Archive (Mai 2017; Newspaper archive of The Northern Star, Clinton, Minnesota <In Todesanzeige der Großmutter Ida Gottsleben Hinweis auf Wayne, Mark, Todd and David Gottsleben [Pallbearers were Wayne, Mark, Todd and David Gottsleben]>)", "FamilySearch.org (März 2014; hier: United States Public Records, 1970-2009 <Mark S Gottsleben; geb. 15.[?] Mai 1957; Wohnorte: Fargo, North Dakota und Watertown, South Dakota; Possible Relatives: Karla Kay Gottsleben>)" und "Mylife.com/mark-gottsleben (November 2018; <Mark Gottsleben is 61 years old and was born on 5/4/1957. Currently, he lives in Watertown, SD. Sometimes Mark goes by various nicknames including mark s gottsleben. His ethnicity is Caucasian, whose political affiliation is currently a registered Independent; and religious views are listed as Christian. Mark is now married>)".

oo 21.04.1990 Watertown
ENGELHART Karla Kay 52Jhr 10Mo 3Wo rk
* 24.02.1963 Watertown † 21.01.2016 Watertown Lebensort: Watertown   
Eltern: Engelhart Eugene Elliot , Burchardt Bernice

Quellen: "Thepublicopinion.com/obituaries (April 2017; <Karla K. [Mrs. Mark] Gottsleben, age 52, of Watertown, SD, was welcomed to God's Kingdom on Thursday, January 21, 2016, at Prairie Lakes Hospital in Watertown. She fought a courageous 10 month battle with cancer. Funeral Mass will be at 10:30 a.m. on Monday, January 25, 2016, at Holy Name Catholic Church in Watertown. Father Michael Wensing will be the celebrant. Music will be provided by Donna Williams as organist with Becky Lubbers as soloist. The family is requested to meet at the church on Monday by 10:00 a.m. for a prayer service. Visitation will be at Crawford-Osthus Funeral Chapel in Watertown on Sunday from 2-5 p.m. with a 5:00 p.m. Scripture Wake service. Visitation will continue prior to services at the church on Monday. Burial will be at St. Mary's Cemetery in Watertown. Honorary pallbearers will be her co-workers at WAPA, Nick and Danielle's friends and their families and all of the 'Karla Krew'. Active pallbearers will be Karla's brothers: Ken Engelhart, Keith Engelhart, Kevin Engelhart, Kurt Engelhart and Kelly Engelhart. Karla was born on February 24, 1963, in Watertown, SD, to Eugene and Bernice [Burchardt] Engelhart. She was a 1981 graduate of Watertown High School. After high school, Karla started her career at WAPA, where she worked for 34 years. On April 21, 1990, Karla married Mark Gottsleben at Holy Name Catholic Church in Watertown. They started their family in their yellow dream house with a white picket fence. Karla dedicated her life to her children, Nickolas and Danielle. Her two children were her pride and joy. Karla exhibited a strong faith as a member of Holy Name Catholic Church. She enjoyed running marathons, biking and following her children's sporting events. Karla truly loved spending quality time with her family and friends. Karla was known for her strong faith, never ending love and positive outlook on life. Karla is survived by her husband, Mark, and her two children, Nickolas and Danielle, all of Watertown; five brothers: Ken [Carol] Engelhart of Minneapolis, MN, Keith [Becky] Engelhart of Eden Prairie, MN, Kevin [Jill] Engelhart of Sioux Falls, SD, Kurt [Jill] Engelhart of Watertown, and Kelly [Dona] Engelhart of Sarasota, FL; and three sisters: Kathy [Gary] Leighton, Kris [Roger] Remien and Sister Kim Engelhart, all of Watertown. She was preceded in death by her parents>)", FamilySearch.org (März 2014; hier: United States Public Records Index <Karla Kay Gottsleben in Fargo, North Dakota; Geburtsdatum>)", "Findagrave.com (März 2016 <Saint Marys Cemetery, Watertown, Codington County, South Dakota>)" und "Ancestry.com (Januar 2016 <Angabe der Eltern>)".

1. Gottsleben Danielle

Quellen: "Thepublicopinion.com/obituaries (April 2017; Tod der Mutter)" und "Facebook (November 2018; <Danielle Gottsleben; Ausbildung: South Dakota State University, 2016 bis 2020, Brookings. - Watertown High School, SD, 2012 bis Mai 2016>)".

2. Gottsleben Nickolas (Nick) Mark * 17.05.1993

Quellen: "University of Sioux Falls (Internet; <Born May 17, 1993 ... son of Mark and Karla Gottsleben ... has one sister, Danielle ... accounting major ... professional goal to become a CPA ... favorite athlete is Aaron Rodgers ... enjoys hanging out with friends, watching T.V. and playing video games ... at just 13, Nick carded a hole-in-one on a 120 yard par three with a six iron>)" und "Thepublicopinion.com/obituaries (April 2017; Tod der Mutter)".

Karla K. Gottsleben
1963 - 2016

GOTTSLEBEN Todd J. < 3.2
* 26.04.1959 Lebensorte:  Watertown  
Eltern: Gottsleben Frederick Duane Jr. , Samson Claudia Mary

Quellen: "Nrs.stparchive.com/Archive (Mai 2017; Newspaper archive of The Northern Star, Clinton, Minnesota <In Todesanzeige der Großmutter Ida Gottsleben Hinweis auf Wayne, Mark, Todd and David Gottsleben [Pallbearers were Wayne, Mark, Todd and David Gottsleben]>)", "FamilySearch (Dezember 2015; hier: South Dakota, Department of Health, Index to Births 1843-1914 and Marriages 1950-2014 <Todd Gottsleben, 24 Jahre alt, geb. um 1959 Heirat am 22. Oktober 1983 in Codington, South Dakota mit Cami Berger, 20 Jahre alt, geb. um 1963>; United States Public Records, 1970-2009 <Todd J Gottsleben; geb. 26. April 1959; Wohnort: Watertown, South Dakota; mögliche Verwandte: Cami J Gottsleben>)" und "Mylife.com/todd-gottsleben (November 2018; <Todd Gottsleben is 59 years old and was born on 4/26/1959. Currently, he lives in Watertown, SD. Sometimes Todd goes by various nicknames including Todd J Gottsleben. His ethnicity is Caucasian, whose political affiliation is currently a registered Democrat; and religious views are listed as Christian. Todd is now married. Other family members and associates include Kelci Boniface and Kali Gottsleben>)".

oo 22.10.1983 Codington
* 12.01.1963 Lebensorte:  Watertown  

Quellen: "FamilySearch (Dezember 2015; hier: South Dakota, Department of Health, Index to Births 1843-1914 and Marriages 1950-2014 <Cami Berger, 20 Jahre alt, geb. um 1963 Hochzeit am 22 Oktober 1983 in Codington, South Dakota>; United States Public Records, 1970-2009 <Cami J Gottsleben; geb. 12. Januar 1963; Wohnorte: Waukesha, Wisconsin und Watertown, South Dakota; Mögliche Verwandte: Todd J Gottsleben>)" und "Mylife.com/cami-gottsleben (November 2018; <Cami Gottsleben is 55 years old and was born on 1/12/1963. Currently, she lives in Watertown, SD. Sometimes Cami goes by various nicknames including Comi Gottsleben and Cami J Gottsleben. She currently works as an Owner at Identities By Cami. Her ethnicity is Caucasian, whose political affiliation is currently a registered Democrat; and religious views are listed as Muslim. Cami is now married. Other family members and associates include Kelci Boniface and Kali Gottsleben>)".

1. Gottsleben Kelci Jo * .um.1988 > 5.2
2. Gottsleben Kali M. * .um.1991 > 5.3

Todd und
Cami Gottsleben

GOTTSLEBEN David Allan < 3.2
* 22.07.1964 Lebensorte: Bloomington Minneapolis  
Eltern: Gottsleben Frederick Duane Jr. , Samson Claudia Mary

Quellen: "Nrs.stparchive.com/Archive (Mai 2017; Newspaper archive of The Northern Star, Clinton, Minnesota <In Todesanzeige der Großmutter Ida Gottsleben Hinweis auf Wayne, Mark, Todd and David Gottsleben [Pallbearers were Wayne, Mark, Todd and David Gottsleben]>)" und "FamilySearch.org (März 2018; hier: Minnesota, Marriage Index, 1958-2001 <David A Gottsleben, 29 Jahre alt, geb. um 1964, Heirat am 9. Oktober 1993 in Hennepin, Minnesota mit Sherri L Lysholm, 26 Jahre alt, geb. um 1967>, <David Gottsleben, 32 Jahre alt, geb. 22. Juli 1964, Heirat am 30. Juni 1997 in Minnesota mit Sheryl Petersen, 37 Jahre alt, geb. 19. April 1960>; Minnesota, Divorce Index, 1970-1995 <Scheidung von Sherri L Murray [Lysholm] am 12. Mai 1995 in Hennepin>; Minnesota, Birth Index, 1935-2002 <bei Geburt der Kinder; Vorname: David Allan>; United States Public Records, 1970-2009 <David A Gottsleben; geb. 22. Juli 1964; Wohnorte: Bloomington und Minneapolis, Minnesota; Possible Relatives: Sherri L Gottseleden [Gottsleben], Sheryl M Gottsleben>)".

oo 09.10.1993 Hennepin
MURRAY Sherri Lee
* 29.03.1967 Hennepin Lebensort: Hennepin   
Eltern: Murray William Joseph , Farnham Constance Diane

Quelle: FamilySearch.org (März 2014; hier: Minnesota, Birth Index, 1935-2002; Minnesota, Marriage Index, 1958-2001; Minnesota, Divorce Index, 1970-1995 <1. Scheidung am 27. Februar 1990 in Hennepin, 2. Scheidung am 12. Mai 1995 in Hennepin>).

oo 2 30.06.1997
PETERSEN Sheryl Marie
* 19.04.1960 Blue Earth Lebensort: Blue Earth   
Eltern: Petersen Kenneth Lyle , Singer Audrey Ann

Quelle: FamilySearch.org (Oktober 2014; hier: Minnesota, Birth Index, 1935-2002; Minnesota, Marriage Index, 1958-2001 <Sheryl Petersen, 37 Jahre alt, geb. 19. April 1960, Heirat am 30. Juni 1997 in Minnesota mit David Gottsleben, 32 Jahre alt, geb. 22. Juli 1964>).

1. Gottsleben Ryan David * 11.12.1998 Hennepin County

Quellen: "FamilySearch.org (März 2014; hier: Minnesota, Birth Index, 1935-2002 <Ryan David Gottsleben; geb. 11. Dezember 1998 in Hennepin, Minnesota; Eltern: David Allan Gottsleben und Sheryl Marie Petersen Gottsleben>)" und "National geographer (Juli 2015 <Ryan Gottsleben, Minnesota, United States Member since 2014>)".

2. Gottsleben Zachary Kenneth * 03.01.2001 Hennepin County

Quelle: FamilySearch.org (März 2014; hier: Minnesota, Birth Index, 1935-2002 <Zachary Kenneth Gottsleben; geb. 3. Januar 2001 in Hennepin, Minnesota; Eltern: David Alan Gottsleben und Sheryl Marie Petersen Gottsleben>).

AMBORN Kathryn Carol < 3.3
* 14.12.1951 Big Stone County Lebensort: Big Stone County   
Eltern: Amborn Kenneth Lawrence , Gottsleben Beverly Jeanne

Quelle: FamilySearch (März 2014; hier: Minnesota, Birth Index, 1935-2002 <Kathyrn Carol Amborn; geb. 14. Dezember 1951 in Big Stone, Minnesota; Eltern: Kenneth Lawrence Amborn und Beverly Jeanne Gottsleben>, <Kathryn Carol Amborn und Sean Timothy O'Brien bei Geburt der Tochter Shannon Tierney O'Brien>; United States Public Records, 1970-2009 <Kathryn Carol O'Brien; geb. 14. Dezember 1951; Wohnort: Minneapolis, Minnesota; Possible Relatives: Cathy O'Brien, Shannon T O'Brien>).

O'BRIEN Sean Timothy

Quelle: FamilySearch (März 2014; hier: Minnesota, Birth Index, 1935-2002 <Sean Timothy O'Brien und Kathryn Carol Amborn bei Geburt der Tochter Shannon Tierney O'Brien>).

1. O'Brien Shannon Tierney * 03.01.1984 Hennepin

Quelle: FamilySearch (März 2014; hier: Minnesota, Birth Index, 1935-2002 <Shannon Tierney O'Brien; geb. 3. Januar 1984 in Hennepin, Minnesota; Eltern: Sean Timothy O'Brien und Kathryn Carol Amborn>).

AMBORN Keith Robert < 3.3
* 10.11.1952 Big Stone County Lebensort: Big Stone County   
Eltern: Amborn Kenneth Lawrence , Gottsleben Beverly Jeanne

Quelle: FamilySearch (März 2014; hier: Minnesota, Birth Index, 1935-2002 <Keith Robert Amborn; geb. 10. November 1952 in Big Stone, Minnesota; Eltern: Kenneth Lawrence Amborn und Beverly Jeanne Gottsleben>; Minnesota Marriage Index, 1958-2001 <Keith R Amborn, 23 Jahre alt, geb. um 1953, Heirat am 22. Mai 1976 in Yellow Medicine, Minnesota mit Becky L Eid, 22 Jare alt, geb. um 1954>).

oo 22.05.1976 Yellow Medicine County
EID Becky Lynn
* 03.10.1953 Chippewa County Lebensort: Chippewa County   

Quelle: FamilySearch (März 2014; hier: Minnesota, Birth Index, 1935-2002 <Becky Lynn Eid; geb. 3. Oktober 1953 in Chippewa, Minnesota; Eltern: Richard Edmund Eid und Idell Margaret Anderson>; Minnesota Marriage Index, 1958-2001 <Becky L Eid, 22 Jare alt, geb. um 1954, Heirat am 22. Mai 1976 in Yellow Medicine, Minnesota mit Keith R Amborn, 23 Jahre alt, geb. um 1953>; United States Public Records, 1970-2009 <Becky L Amborn; geb. 1. September 1955 [?]; Wohnort: Montevideo, Minnesota; Possible Relatives: Charylynn Ambron, Keith R Amborn, Nicholas K Amborn, Nick K Amborn, Rebecca L Amborn, Timothy D Amborn>).

1. Amborn Nicholas Keith * 30.11.1977 Chippewa County

Quelle: FamilySearch (März 2014; hier: Minnesota, Birth Index, 1935-2002 <Nicholas Keith Amborn; geb. 30. November 1977 in Chippewa, Minnesota; Eltern: Keith Robert Amborn und Becky Lynn Eid>).

2. Amborn Timothy David * 18.05.1979 Chippewa County

Quelle: FamilySearch (März 2014; hier: Minnesota, Birth Index, 1935-2002 <Timothy David Amborn; geb. 18. Mai 1979 in Chippewa, Minnesota; Eltern: Keith Robert Amborn und Becky Lynn Eid>).

3. Amborn Charlynn Marie * 27.07.1982 Chippewa County

Quelle: FamilySearch (März 2014; hier: Minnesota, Birth Index, 1935-2002 <Charlynn Marie Amborn; geb. 27. Juli 1982 in Chippewa, Minnesota; Eltern: Keith Robert Amborn und Becky Lynn Eid>).

AMBORN Kevin Michael < 3.3
* 16.03.1965 Chippewa County Lebensorte: Chippewa County Anoka  
Eltern: Amborn Kenneth Lawrence , Gottsleben Beverly Jeanne

Quelle: FamilySearch (März 2014; hier: Minnesota, Birth Index, 1935-2002 <Kevin Michael Amborn; geb. 16. März 1965 in Chippewa, Minnesota; Eltern: Kenneth Lawrence Amborn und Beverly Jeanne Gottsleben>; Minnesota Marriage Index, 1958-2001 <Kevin M Amborn, 20 Jahre alt, geb. um 1965, Heirat am 4. Mai 1985 in Chippewa, Minnesota mit Michele M Andersen, 19 Jahre alt, geb. um 1966>; United States Public Records, 1970-2009 <Kevin M Amborn; geb. 16. März 1965; Wohnorte: Montevideo, Anoka und New Hope, Minnesota; Possible Relatives: Beverly J Amborn, Kenneth L Amborn, Michelle Amborn>).

oo 04.05.1985 Chippewa County
ANDERSEN Michele Marie
* 03.08.1965 Lebensorte:  Anoka  

Quelle: FamilySearch (März 2014; hier: Minnesota Marriage Index, 1958-2001 <Michele M Andersen, 19 Jahre alt, geb. um 1966, Heirat am 4. Mai 1985 in Chippewa, Minnesota mit Kevin M Amborn, 20 Jahre alt, geb. um 1965>; Minnesota, Birth Index, 1935-2002 <Name bei Geburt der Kinder: Michele Marie Anderson Amborn>; United States Public Records, 1970-2009 <Michele M Amborn; geb. 3. August 1965; Wohnorte: Granite Falls, New Hope und Montevideo, Minnesota; Possible Relatives: Beverly J Amborn, Kenneth L Amborn, Kevin M Amborn>).

1. Amborn Michael Kevin * 15.10.1988 Hennepin

Quelle: FamilySearch (März 2014; hier: Minnesota, Birth Index, 1935-2002 <Michael Kevin Amborn; geb. 15. OKtober 1988 in Hennepin, Minnesota; Eltern: Kevin Michael Amborn und Michele Marie Anderson>).

2. Amborn Kaylie Michele * 20.05.1991 Anoka

Quelle: FamilySearch (März 2014; hier: Minnesota, Birth Index, 1935-2002 <Kaylie Michele Amborn; geb. 20. Mai 1991 in Anoka, Minnesota; Eltern: Kevin Michael Amborn und Michele Marie Anderson Ambor>).

3. Amborn Kelsey Marie * 21.08.1994 Anoka

Quelle: FamilySearch (März 2014; hier: Minnesota, Birth Index, 1935-2002 <Kelsey Marie Amborn; geb. 21. August 1994 in Anoka, Minnesota; Eltern: Kevin Michael Amborn und Michele Marie Anderson Ambor>).

GOTTSLEBEN Bruce Daniel Federal Aviation Administration < 3.4
* 02.01.1957 Lebensorte: Watertown Lincoln  
Eltern: Gottsleben Derald Eugene , Harvey Patricia (Pat) Ann

Quellen: "FamilySearch (November 2015; hier: United States Public Records, 1970-2009 <Bruce D Gottsleben; geb. 2. Januar 1957; Wohnort: Lincoln, Nebraska; Possible Relatives: Audrey A Gottsleben, Betz Gottsleben, Bradley D Gottsleben, Derald E Gottsleben, Helen E Krutak-Gottsleben, Helen Elizabeth Krutak, Lynn R Hallowell-Gottsleben, Mary E Gottsleben, Patricia A Gottsleben, Robert Gottsleben>)", "Mypages.allwest.com (März 2014; hier: Relatives of Bruce Rognan <Ehefrau von Bruce Gottsleben: Cheryl Sucovoty>)", "Facebook (September 2015; hier: Angabe der Kinder und [Wieder-]Heirat mit Lynn am 20.05.2010 [?])", "Lincoln Journal Star. February 09, 2014 (November 2015 <We celebrated our first Valentine's Day as man and wife one day after our wedding 10 years ago, and every day since has been like a holiday with you! We have grown together, were blessed with a wonderful child and your career has skyrocketed. I couldn't be prouder or love you more! It hasn't always been perfect, though. Ask Lynn about that scratch on her arm! Your loving husband, Bruce>)" und "MyLife.com (November 2018; Bruce Daniel Gottsleben, 61 Jahre alt; Wohnort: Lincoln, NE; Verwandtschaft: Mary Sukovaty, Derald Gottsleben, Robert Gottsleben, Audrey Gottsleben, Lynn Hallowell-Gottsleben, Patricia Gottsleben, Bradley Gottsleben, Scott Gottsleben, Betz Gottsleben; Beruf: Air traffic controller. - Bruce Gottsleben is 61 years old and was born on 1/2/1957. Currently, he lives in Lincoln, NE. He currently works as an Air Traffic Controller at US FAA>)".

* 03.10.1963 Lebensorte:  Lincoln
Eltern: Sukovaty Ronald E. , Jeannoutot Dionne 

Quellen: "Mypages.allwest.com (März 2014; hier: Relatives of Bruce Rognan <Ehefrau von Bruce Gottsleben: Cheryl Sucovoty>)", "Facebook (Mai 2017; hier: Sherry Griffeth <Mädchenname: Sukovaty; Sohn: Scott Gottsleben>)", "FamilySearch (November 2018; hier: Nevada Marriage Index, 1956-2005 <Sherry Ann Gottsleben Heirat am 10. Februar 1992 in Clark, Nevada mit Jody A Griffeth>; United States Public Records, 1970-2009 <Sherry A Gottsleben, Sherry A Griffeth; geb. 3. Oktober 1963; Wohnort: Lincoln, Nebraska; Possible Relatives: Jodee Griffith, Judy A Griffeth, Jody A Griffith, Lewis R Griffith>)" und "Mylife.com (November 2018; <Sherry Ann Griffeth, 55 Jahre alt; Wohnort: Lincoln, NE; Verwandte: Scott Gottsleben, Bruce Gottsleben, Patricia Gottsleben, Betz Gottsleben u.a. - Sherry Griffeth is 55 years old and was born on 10/3/1963. Currently, she lives in Lincoln, NE. Her ethnicity is Caucasian, whose political affiliation is currently a registered Republican; and religious views are listed as Christian. Sherry is now single, and also has 2 children. Other family members and associates include Scott Gottsleben and Jody Griffeth>)".

2. Gottsleben Scott Ryan * 05.08.1987 > 5.4

oo 2 2010
HALLOWELL Lynn Renee Doctor of physical therapy, vice president community services
* 07.01.1974 Lebensort: Lincoln   

Quellen: "Facebook (November 2015)", "FamilySearch (November 2015; hier: United States Public Records, 1970-2009 <Name: Lynn Renee Hallowell-Gottsleben am 08 Jun 1998 wohnhaft 420 Frost Dr., Lincoln, Nebraska; vom 06 Dec 2005-29 Oct 2007 wohnhaft 3201 Whitlock Rd, Lincoln, Nebraska; weitere Namen: Bruce D Gottsleben, Derald Gottsleben; Name: Lynn Gottsleben, auch: Lynn Renee Hallowell; Geb. 07 Jan 1974; wohnhaft vom 01 Feb 2006-05 Dec 2008 3201 Whitlock Rd, Lincoln, Nebraska; mögliche Verwandte: Allen D Hallowell, Donita K Hallowell, Warren Haqll>)", "Madonna TherapyPlus ProActive (Internet, 2006 <Mitarbeiterprofile: Lynn Hallowell-Gottsleben, PT, DPT: Lynn is the director of outpatient therapy for Madonna and a physical therapist for Madonna TherapyPlus South clinic. Lynn obtained her doctorate of physical therapy from Creighton University after studying exercise science at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Lynn's continuing education has emphasized manual therapy. Lynn enjoys all aspects of physical therapy, but her strongest interests are in orthopedics and post-surgical. Lynn's hobbies include landscaping, crafts, taking part in the family farm activities and assisting her husband in raising their English Bulldogs.>)", "Lincoln Journal Star. February 10, 2014 (Internet, November 2015 <Madonna Rehabilitation Hospital has appointed Lynn Hallowell-Gottsleben, PT, DPT as vice president, community services. A graduate of Creighton University with a clinical doctorate in physical therapy, Hallowell-Gottsleben started her career at Madonna TherapyPlus in 1998. A former staff clinician and clinic manager for Madonna TherapyPlus, Hallowell-Gottsleben previously served as director of outpatient services. In her new role she will provide executive leadership for Madonna TherapyPlus, ProActive, Fit for Work and Soteria. - Madonna Rehabilitation Hospital is one of the nation's foremost facilities for medical rehabilitation and research. Specializing in traumatic brain injury, spinal cord injury and pediatric rehabilitation, Madonna offers hope and healing to thousands of patients from throughout the country each year. Madonna's team of highly specialized physiatrists, therapists, rehabilitation nurses, clinicians and researchers work with the most advanced technology to help each person achieve the highest level of independence. Madonna Rehabilitation Hospital is located at 5401 South Street in Lincoln, Nebraska>)" und "Mylife.com (November 2018; <Lynn Renee Hallowell-Gottsleben, 44 Jahre alt; Wohnort: Lincoln, NE; Lynn Hallowell-Gottsleben is 44 years old and was born on 1/7/1974. Currently, they lives in Lincoln, NE; and previously lived in Palmyra, NE>)".

1. Gottsleben Mya

Quelle: Facebook (September 2015; hier: bei Bruce Gottsleben Angabe der Tochter).

Lynn und
Bruce Gottsleben

GOTTSLEBEN Bradley (Brad) Dean 51Jhr 11Mo 2Wo < 3.4
* 12.05.1958 Aberdeen † 30.04.2010 Aurora Lebensorte: Lincoln Aurora  
Eltern: Gottsleben Derald Eugene , Harvey Patricia (Pat) Ann

Quellen: "Lincoln Journal Star JournalStar (März 2014; hier: posted: Wednesday, May 5, 2010 <Bradley Dean Gottsleben, 51, Aurora, Mo. formerly of Lincoln, died Friday 4/30/10. Born at Aberdeen S.D. to Derald and Patricia Gottsleben. Survivors: wife, Audrey; sons, Robert, Larry, Richard, George; daughters, Meagan, Ina May; three grandchildren; brother, Bruce; sisters, Kathy, Terry, Darla, Becky. Memorial service: 4 p.m., Wednesday, 5/5/10, Williams Funeral Home, 300 South Central st., Marionville, MO 65705. Memorial to the family; 23743 Lawrence 1230, Aurora, MO. 65605>)", "FamilySearch (November 2015; hier: United States Social Security Death Index <Bradley D Gottsleben; geb. 12 Mai 1958, gest. 30. April 2010>)", "Mundia.com (März 2014)", "Mypages.allwest.com (März 2014; hier: Relatives of Bruce Rognan)" und "Mylife.com (November 2018; <Bradley Dean Gottsleben; Wohnort: Aurora, MO. Bradley Gottsleben is ... years old and was born on 5/12/1958. He lives in Aurora, MO. Sometimes Bradley goes by various nicknames including Bradley Dean Gottsleben and Bradley Gottsleban>)".

* 02.06.1960 Lebensorte: Lincoln Austin  

Quellen: "FamilySearch (November 2018; hier: United States Public Records, 1970-2009 <Mary E Sukovaty, wohnhaft 15 Nov 2007 in Lincoln, Nebraska; Mary E. Gottsleben>, <Marvin M Twersky, auch: Mary E Sukovaty und Mary Gottsleben; geb. 15. Juni 1960; Wohnorte: Austin, Texas, Lincoln, Nebraska; Possible Relatives: Bradley D Gottsleben, Dana Twersky, Dionne L Sukovaty, Mili Twersky, Nell Twersky, Randy Lee Sukovaty, Robert Gottsleben, Ronald E Sukovaty, Tillie Sukovathy>; United States, GenealogyBank Obituaries, 1980-2014 <Mary Gottsleben-Sukovaty; Nachruf/Obituary vom 1. Oktober 2008 auf den Vater Warren W Roelfs; 83 Jahre alt, geb. 15. Oktober 1924 in Diller, gest. 28. September 2008 in Austin, Texas; Mutter: Frieda; Geschwister: Mary Gottsleben-Sukovaty; Reva Quakenbush; Sue Bohr; Mardell Roelfs>)", "Facebook (November 2015 <Bei Mary Gottsleben [Sukovaty] Hinweis auf Schwiegertochter Tiffany Gottsleben, Ehefrau von Rick Gottsleben; Kommentar von Rick Gottsleben zu Mary Gottslebens Foto: You still look like my little sister not my mother, lol. 7. November 2012>)", "Mypages.allwest.com (März 2014; hier: Relatives of Bruce Rognan)" und "Mylife.com (November 2018; <Mary E Sukovaty, 58 Jahre alt; Wohnorte: Austin, TX, Waverly und Lincoln, NE; auch: Mary E Gottsleben; Verwandte: Terry Gottsleben, John Sukovaty, Bradley Gottsleben, Derald Gottsleben, Becky Gottsleben, Teresa Gottsleben, Patricia Gottsleben, Ronald Sukovaty, Bruce Gottsleben, Robert Gottsleben, Darlene Nemec. Mary Sukovaty is 58 years old and was born on 6/2/1960. Currently, she lives in Austin, TX; and previously lived in Waverly, NE, and Lincoln, NE. Sometimes Mary goes by various nicknames including Mary E Gottsleben. Mary is now married. Other family members and associates include Terry gottsleben and John Sukovaty)".

1. Gottsleben Robert (Rob) Derald * 30.01.1981 > 5.5
2. Gottsleben Richard (Rick) * 03.09.1984 > 5.6

3. Gottsleben Meagan * .11.1985

Quellen: "Mypages.allwest.com (März 2014; hier: Relatives of Bruce Rognan)" und "Familysearch (November 2018; hier: United States Public Records, 1970-2009 <Meagan Gottsleben; geb. November 1985; Wohnort: Lincoln, Nebraska; Weitere Namen: Audrey A Gottsleben, Bradley D Gottsleben, Darold E Gottsleben, Lillian A Gottsleben, Patricia A Gottsleben, Rick Gottsleben, Teresa M Gottsleben>)".

oo 2
CATHER Audrey Ann
* 09.05.1958 Lebensorte: Lincoln Aurora  

Quellen: "FamilySearch (November 2018; hier: Texas Marriages, 1966-2010 <Audrey A Cather, geb. um 1958, 24 Jahre alt, Heirat am 26. Juni 1982 in Collin, Texas mit Larry G Wise, geb. um 1960, 22 Jahre alt>; Texas Divorce Index, 1968-2010 <Audrey A Wise, geb. um 1958, 30 Jahre alt, Scheidung am 30. September 1988 in Dallas, Texas von Larry G Wise, geb. um 1960, 28 Jahre alt; Ehedatum: 26. Juni 1982; 2 Kinder unter 18 Jahren>; United States Public Records, 1970-2009 <Audrey Cather; geb. 9. Mai 1958; Wohnort: Richardson, Texas>, <Audrey A Gottsleben, auch: Audrey A Cather; geb. 9. Mai 1958; Wohnorte: Clatonia und Lincoln, Nebraska; Possible Relatives: Bradley D Gottsleben, Bruce D Gottsleben, Mary E Gottsleben, Robert Gottsleben>)", "Mypages.allwest.com (März 2014; hier: Relatives of Bruce Rognan)" und "Mylife.com (November 2018; <Audrey Ann Gottsleben, 60 Jahre alt; Wohnorte: Aurora, MO, Clatonia und Lincoln, NE; Verwandte: Bruce Gottsleben, Robert Gottsleben, Derald Gottsleben. Audrey Gottsleben is 60 years old and was born on 5/9/1958. Currently, she lives in Aurora, MO; and previously lived in Clatonia, NE and Lincoln, NE. Sometimes Audrey goes by various nicknames including Audrey A gottsleben and Audrey Gottsleban. Other family members and associates include Bradley Gottsleben and Bruce Gottsleben>".

4. Gottsleben Ina May * . >.1994 > 5.7  
5. Gottsleben George * 13.12.1994

Quellen: "Facebook (November 2015)" und "Mypages.allwest.com (März 2014; hier: Relatives of Bruce Rognan)".

Bradley Dean Gottsleben

GOTTSLEBEN Kathy Steele < 3.4
* 08.05.1960 Lebensorte: Omaha Lincoln  
Eltern: Gottsleben Derald Eugene , Harvey Patricia (Pat) Ann

Quellen: "FamilySearch.org (März 2014; hier: Nebraska Marriages, 1855-1995 <Kathy Steel Gottsleben, 33 Jahre alt, Heirat am 31. Juli 1993 in Omaha, Douglas, Nebraska mit Steven Francis Ramaeker, 36 Jahre alt>; United States Public Records, 1970-2009 <Kathy S Gottsleben, auch: Kathy S Ramaekers; geb. 15. Mai 1974 [richtig: 8. Mai 1960]; Wohnorte: Omaha und Lincoln, Nebraska, Sioux City, Iowa; Possible Relatives: Steven M Ramaekers>)", "Mypages.allwest.com (März 2014; hier: Relatives of Bruce Rognan)" und "MyLife.com (Dezember 2018; <Kathy Steel Ramaekers, 58 Jahre alt, auch: Kathy S Gottsleben, Kathy S Rollins; Wohnort: Omaha, NE; Verwandte: Patricia Gottsleben, Danielle Rollins, Keri Ramaekers, Stephen Ramaekers, Steven Ramaekers, Steve Rollins, Bradley Gottsleben, Carrie Rollins, Darla Gottsleben, Derald Gottsleben, Bill Rollins. Kathy Ramaekers is 58 years old and was born on 5/8/1960. Currently, she lives in Omaha, NE; and previously lived in Lincoln, NE and Sioux City, IA. Sometimes Kathy goes by various nicknames including Kathy S Gottsleben. Her ethnicity is Caucasian, and religious views are listed as Christian. Kathy is now married. Other family members and associates include Patricia Gottsleben and Danielle Rollins)".

oo <.1985
ROLLINS Steven Harry Owner at Waterbug Boats
* 30.10.1958 Lebensorte: Louisville Hastings Wadley 

Quellen: "Mypages.allwest.com (März 2014; hier: Relatives of Bruce Rognan <Name: Steve Russell [?]>)", "FamilySearch (Dezember 2018; hier: United States Public Records, 1970-2009 <Steven Harry Rollins, auch: Steve Rollins und Harry S Rollins; geb. 30. OKtober 1958; Wohnorte: Louisville, Georgia und Hastings, Nebraska; Possible Relatives: Bernice Jones Rollins, Bernice M Rollins, Bernice Rollins, Kathy Rollins, Michele Hodges, Ondrea M Rollins, Roger Rollins, Tracy D Schmitz, Willie A Rollins Jr>)", "Whitepages.com (Dezember 2018; <Harry Steve Rollins; Wohnorte: Louisville und Wadley, GA, Hastings, NE; Family: Bill B Rollins, Mable J Bailey, Danielle M Rollins, Kathy Steel Ramaekers, Carrie E Rollins, Ondrea M Rollins, Steve H Rollins, Michele M Rollins>)" und "MyLife.com (Dezember 2018; <Steve Rollins, 60 Jahre alt, auch: Steve H Rollins, Steven Rollins, Harry S Rollins, Harry Steve Rollins; Wohnorte: Louisville, GA und Wadley, GA, Hastings, NE; Verwandte: Bill Rollins, Kathy Ramaekers, Michele Rollins, Bernice Rollins. Steve Rollins is 60 years old and was born on 10/30/1958. Currently, he lives in Louisville, GA; and previously lived in Wadley, GA, and Hastings, NE. Sometimes Steve goes by various nicknames including Steve H Rollins and Steven Rollins. He currently works as an Owner at Waterbug Boats. Steve is now married. Other family members and associates include Bill Rollins and Kathy Ramaekers>)".

1. Rollins Danielle * 06.02.1984

Quellen: "Mypages.allwest.com (März 2014; hier: Relatives of Bruce Rognan <Name: Danielle Russell [?]>)" und "MyLife.com (Dezember 2018; Danielle M Rollins, 34 Jahre alt; Wohnorte: Brooklyn, NY und Astoria, NY; Verwandte: Carrie Rollins, Jacqueline Ching, Kathy Ramaekers, Bill Rollins. Danielle Rollins is 34 years old and was born on 2/6/1984. Currently, she lives in Brooklyn, NY; and previously lived in Astoria, NY. Sometimes Danielle goes by various nicknames including Danielle M Rollins. Danielle is now single. Other family members and associates include Carrie Rollins and Jacqueline Ching>)".

2. Rollins Bill B. * 21.01.1986 > 5.8 

oo 2 31.07.1993 Omaha
RAMAEKERS Steven Francis
* 26.03.1957 Lebensorte: Omaha Lincoln  

Quellen: "FamilySearch.org (März 2014; hier: Nebraska Marriages, 1855-1995 <Steven Francis Ramaeker, 36 Jahre alt, Heirat am 31. Juli 1993 in Omaha, Douglas, Nebraska mit Kathy Steel Gottsleben, 33 Jahre alt>"; United States Public Records, 1970-2009 <Steven M Ramaekers, auch: Steven [Steve] F Ramaekers; geb. 26. März 1957; Wohnorte: Omaha und Lincoln, Nebraska; Possible Relatives: Kathy S Gottsleben, Kathy S Ramaekers>)", "Mypages.allwest.com (März 2014; hier: Relatives of Bruce Rognan)" und "MyLife.com (Dezember 2018; <Steven [Steve] F Ramaekers, 61 Jahre alt; Wohnorte: Lincoln und Omaha, NE, Sioux City, IA; Verwandte: Kathy Ramaekers, Alexander Ramaekers. Steven Ramaekers is 61 years old and was born on 3/26/1957. Currently, he lives in Omaha, NE; and previously lived in Lincoln, NE, and Sioux City, IA. Sometimes Steven goes by various nicknames including Steve Ramaekers and Steven F Ramackers. His ethnicity is Caucasian, whose political affiliation is currently a registered Republican; and religious views are listed as Christian. Steven is now married. Other family members and associates include Kathy Ramaekers and Alexander Ramaekers>)".

3. Ramaekers Alexander Richard * 16.05.1994

Quellen: "Mypages.allwest.com (März 2014; hier: Relatives of Bruce Rognan)" und "MyLife.com (Dezember 2018; <Alexander Richard Ramaekers, 24 Jahre alt; Wohnort: Omaha, NE. Alexander Ramaekers is 24 years old and was born on 5/16/1994. Currently, he lives in Omaha, NE>)".

GOTTSLEBEN Teresa (Terry) M. < 3.4
* 02.06.1961 Lebensort: Lincoln   
Eltern: Gottsleben Derald Eugene , Harvey Patricia (Pat) Ann

Quellen: "FamilySearch (November 2015; hier: United States Public Records, 1970-2009 <Teresa M [Terry M] Gottsleben, auch: Teresa M Harbour; geb. 2. Juni 1961; Wohnorte: Lincoln, Nebraska und Tustin, California; Possible Relatives: Audrey A Gottsleben, Bradley D Gottsleben, Darold E Gottsleben, Lillian A Gottsleben, Meagan Gottsleben, Patricia A Gottsleben, Rick Gottsleben, Richard Lee Harbour>", "Facebook (November 2015)", "Mypages.allwest.com (März 2014; hier: Relatives of Bruce Rognan)" und "MyLife.com (Dezember 2018; <Teresa M Gottsleben, auch: Teresa M Harbour, 57 Jahre alt; Wohnorte: Lincoln, NE und Palm Harbor, FL; Verwandte: Patricia Gottsleben, Darla Gottsleben, Becky Gottsleben, Mary Sukovaty, Bradley Gottsleben, Derald Gottsleben. Teresa Gottsleben is 57 years old and was born on 6/2/1961. Currently, she lives in Lincoln, NE; and previously lived in Palm Harbor, FL. Sometimes Teresa goes by various nicknames including Teresa M Gottsleben and Teresa Harbour. Her ethnicity is Native American. Teresa is now married>)".

HARBOUR Richard (Rick) Lee
* 1956 Lebensort: Lincoln   

Quellen: "FamilySearch (November 2015; hier: United States Public Records <Richard [Rick] Lee Harbour; geb. 1956; Wohnorte: Henderson, Nevada, Lincoln, Nebraska, Costa Mesa und Tustin, California; Possible Relatives: Barbara R Harbour, Debbie G Combs, Gianina Harbour, Ramona Harbour, Richard Rex Harbour, Suzanne Jane Harbour, Teresa M Gottsleben, Timothy Richard Harbour>)" und "Mypages.allwest.com (März 2014; hier: Relatives of Bruce Rognan)".

1. Harbour Timothy (Tim) Richard * 31.07.1986 Orange

Quellen: "FamilySearch (Dezember 2018; hier: California Birth Index, 1905-1995 <Timothy Richard Harbour; geb. 31. Juli 1986 in Orange, California; Mutter: Gottsleben>; United States Public Records, 1970-200 <Timothy Richard Harbour; geb. 1986; Wohnort: Henderson, Nevada; Weitere Namen: Gianina Harbour, Ramona Harbour, Richard Lee Harbour>)", "Mypages.allwest.com (März 2014; hier: Relatives of Bruce Rognan)" und "MyLife.com (Dezember 2018; <Timothy Richard Harbour, 32 Jahre alt; Wohnort: Henderson, NV; Verwandte: Suzanne Harbour, Gianina Harbour, Teresa Gottsleben. Timothy Harbour is 32 years old and was born on 7/31/1986. Currently, he lives in Henderson, NV. His ethnicity is Caucasian, whose political affiliation is currently a registered Republican; and religious views are listed as Christian. Timothy is now single. Other family members and associates include Suzanne Harbour and Gianina Harbour>)".

GOTTSLEBEN Darla Jean < 3.4
* 08.03.1963 Lebensort: Lincoln   
Eltern: Gottsleben Derald Eugene , Harvey Patricia (Pat) Ann

Quellen: "FamilySearch.org (Dezember 2018; hier: United States Public Records, 1970-2009 <Darla Jean Gottsleben; geb. 8. März 1963; Wohnort: Lincoln, Nebraska>)", "Mypages.allwest.com (März 2014; hier: Relatives of Bruce Rognan <Darla Gottsleben was born in 1962 [!]. She married John Beck>)" und "MyLife.com (Dezember 2018; <Darla Jean Gottsleben, 55 Jahre alt; auch: Darla Whitaker; Wohnort: Lincoln, NE; Verwandte: Jon Whitaker, Teresa Gottsleben, Derald Gottsleben, Patricia Gottsleben, Becky Gottsleben, Kathy Ramaekers, Michael Whitaker, Bradley Gottsleben, Terry Gottsleben. Darla Gottsleben is 55 years old and was born on 3/8/1963. Currently, she lives in Lincoln, NE. She currently works as a Baker at The Grain Bin Bread Company. Other family members and associates include Jon Whitaker and Teresa Gottsleben>)".


Quellen: "Mypages.allwest.com (März 2014; hier: Relatives of Bruce Rognan <John Beck married Darla Gottsleben>)" und "Legacy.com (Dezember 2018; hier: Kondolenzbuch zum Tod von Patricia Gottsleben <Gottsleben Family, I'm very sorry to hear about your loss. Pat was a wonderful lady. John Beck, June 03, 2004. Lafayette, CO>)"

1. Beck Travis John

Quellen: "Facebook (November 2015; Darla Gottsleben <I have a 22 year old son, Travis J. Beck>)", "Twitter.com/Travisjohnbeck (Dezember 2018; <Travis Beck @Travisjohnbeck. Nebraska Boy. Writer/Comic/Musician. Founder of Comedy Water. Host of LA Tonight podcast>)" und "Mypages.allwest.com (März 2014; hier: Relatives of Bruce Rognan)".

GOTTSLEBEN Becky J. < 3.4
* 04.11.1965 Lebensort: Lincoln   
Eltern: Gottsleben Derald Eugene , Harvey Patricia (Pat) Ann

Quellen: "Facebook (November 2015)", "FamilySearch.org (März 2014; hier: United States Public Records, 1970-2009 <Becky J Gottsleben, auch: Becky J Smith und Becky J Maly; geb. 4. November 1965; Wohnorte: Lincoln und Waverly, Nebraska; Verwandte: Darla J Gottsleben, Jean M Cardwell, Lyle D Maly, Mark Smith, Pat A Gottsleben>)", "Mypages.allwest.com (März 2014; hier: Relatives of Bruce Rognan)", "MyLife.com (Dezember 2018; <Becky J Gottsleben, auch: Becky J Smith und Becky J Maly; Wohnorte: Lincoln und Waverly, NE; Verwandte: Terry Gottsleben, Darla Gottsleben, Lu Maly, Sally Maly, Mary Sukovaty, Patricia Gottsleben, Dolores Maly, Bradley Gottsleben, Terry Maly, Derald Gottsleben, Lumir Maly. Becky Gottsleben is 53 years old and was born on 11/4/1965. Currently, she lives in Lincoln, NE; and previously lived in Waverly, NE. She currently works at chase suites hotel. Her ethnicity is Caucasian, and religious views are listed as Christian. Becky is now single>)" und "Whitepages.com (Dezember 2018; <Becky J Gottsleben; Wohnorte: Lincoln und Waverly, NE; Family: Mark Allen Smith, Bruce Daniel Gottsleben, Terry James Maly, Terry M Gottsleben, Teresa M Gottsleben, Audrey A Gottsleben, Derald E Gottsleben, Dera Gottsleben, Rick Gottsleben, Meagan Gottsleben, Dera Gottsleben>)".

SMITH Mark Allan
* 20.10.1955 Lebensort: Lincoln   

Quellen: "Mypages.allwest.com (März 2014; hier: Relatives of Bruce Rognan)" und "FamilySearch (Dezember 2018; hier: United States Public Records, 1970-2009 <Mark Allen Smith; geb. 20. Oktober 1955; Wohnort: Lincoln, Nebraska; Possible Relatives: Becky J Smith, Elizabeth A Meeks-Smith, Marilyn A Smith, Richard F Smith>)".

2. Smith Jessica (Jessie) * 18.07.1988

Quellen: "Facebook (November 2015)" und "Mypages.allwest.com (März 2014; hier: Relatives of Bruce Rognan)".

oo 2 <.1992
MALY Lyle D.

Quelle: Mypages.allwest.com (März 2014; hier: Relatives of Bruce Rognan).

1. Maly Sam

Quelle: Facebook (November 2015).

3. Maly Edward (Eddie) * . .1992

Quellen: "Facebook (November 2015)" und "Mypages.allwest.com (März 2014; hier: Relatives of Bruce Rognan)".

GOTTSLEBEN Connie Rebecca < 3.5
* 10.07.1972 Hennepin County Lebensort: Hennepin   
Eltern: Gottsleben Gary Leo , Johnston Patricia Fern

Quelle: FamilySearch.org (März 2014; hier: Minnesota Birth Index, 1935-2002 <Connie Rebecca Gottsleben; geb. 10. Juli 1972 in Hennepin, Minnesota; Eltern: Gary Leo Gottsleben und Patricia Fern Johnston>; Minnesota, Marriage Index, 1958-2001 <Connie R Gottsleben, geb. 10. Juli 1972, 26 Jahre alt, Heirat am 26. Juni 1999 in Minnesota mit Jeffrey R Sackmaster, geb. 31. Oktober 1968, 30 Jahre alt>; United States Public Records, 1970-2009 <Connie R Gottsleben, auch: Connie R Sackmaster; geb. 10. Juli 1972; Wohnorte: Minneapolis, Minnesota, Seguin, Texas, San Antonio, Texas; Possible Relatives: Fehmi Benslaama, Jeffrey R Sackmaster, Melissa L Sackmaster, Patricia A Sackmaster, Ronald J Sackmaster, Stephen L Sackmaster>; Minnesota, Birth Index, 1935-2002 <Geburt des Sohnes Joel Jeffrey>).

oo 26.06.1999
* 31.10.1968 Hennepin Lebensort: Hennepin   
Eltern: Sackmaster Ronald John , Lukas Patricia Ann

Quelle: FamilySearch (Dezember 2018; hier: Minnesota, Birth Index, 1935-2002 <Jeffrey Roy Sackmaster; geb. 31. Oktober 1968 in Hennepin, Minnesota; Eltern: Ronald John Sackmaster und Patricia Ann Lukas>; Minnesota Marriage Index, 1958-2001 <Jeffrey R Sackmaster, geb. 31. Oktober 1968, 30 Jahre alt, Heirat am 26. Juni 1999 in Minnesota mit Connie R Gottsleben, geb. 10. Juli 1972, 26 Jahre alt>; United States Public Records, 1970-2009 <Jeffrey R Sackmaster; geb. 31. Oktober 1968; Wohnort: Brooklyn Park, Minnesota; Possible Relatives: Connie R Gottsleden [Gottsleben], Melissa L Sackmaster, Patricia A Sackmaster, Ronald J Sackmaster, Stephen L Sackmaster>).

1. Sackmaster Joel Jeffrey * 23.12.2000 Hennepin County

Quelle: FamilySearch (März 2014; Minnesota, Birth Index, 1935-2002 <Joel Jeffrey Sackmaster; geb. 23. Dezember 2000 in Hennepin, Minnesota; Eltern: Jeffrey Roy Sackmaster und Connie Rebecca Gottsleben Sackmaster>).

POIRIER Denise < 3.6
* um.1957
Eltern: Poirier Donald L. , Batien Lola (Leola) F.

Quelle: FamilySearch (Dezember 2018; hier: South Dakota, Department of Health, Index to Births 1843-1914 and Marriages 1950-2016 <Denise Poirier, geb. um 1957, 19 Jahre alt, Heirat am 11. Dezember 1976 in Brown, South Dakota, mit Kelly Hartshorn, geb. um 1958, 18 Jahre alt>).

oo 11.12.1976 Brown County
* um.1958

Quelle: FamilySearch (Dezember 2018; hier: South Dakota, Department of Health, Index to Births 1843-1914 and Marriages 1950-2016 <Kelly Hartshorn, geb. um 1958, 18 Jahre alt, Heirat am 11. Dezember 1976 in Brown, South Dakota, mit Denise Poirier, geb. um 1957, 19 Jahre alt>).

HOIUM  Karen Jane < 3.12
* 03.04.1964 Ramsey Lebensorte: Ramsey Starbuck  
Eltern: ### , Moeller Stephanie Gay

Quellen: "FamilySearch (März 2018; hier: Minnesota Marriage Index, 1958-2001 <Karen J Hoium; 20 Jahre alt, geb. um 1964; Heirat am 30. Juni 1984 in Pope, Minnesota mit Milo D Holte; 19 Jahre alt, geb. um 1965>; United States Public Records, 1970-2009 <Karen Jane Holte; Wohnort: Starbuck, Minnesota; Possible relatives: Ashley J Holte, Milo D Holte>; Minnesota Birth Index, 1935-2002 <Karen Jane Hoium und Milo Dane Holte bei Geburt der Kinder Ashley Jo Holte, geb. 11. Mai 1986 in Douglas, Minnesota und Jared Dane Holte, geb. 7. Februar 1989 in Douglas, Minnesota>)" und "Karen Holte (Persönliche Mitteilung/Korrespondenz ab Februar 2018 und Facebook <I was born on April 3, 1964 in Ramsey County Hospital. Stephanie Moeller Layer is my birth mother. My adoptive parents are Jerome and Corrine Hoium; Happy Sibling Day to my brother Gary Hoium, geb. 16. März 1962>)".

oo 30.06.1984 Pope County
HOLTE Milo Dane
* 07.09.1964 Lebensorte:  Starbuck  

Quelle: FamilySearch (März 2018; hier: Minnesota Marriage Index, 1958-2001 <Milo D Holte; 19 Jahre alt, geb. um 1965; Heirat am 30. Juni 1984 in Pope, Minnesota mit Karen J Hoium; 20 Jahre alt, geb. um 1964>; Minnesota Birth Index, 1935-2002 <Milo Dane Holte und Karen Jane Hoium bei Geburt der Kinder Ashley Jo Holte, geb. 11. Mai 1986 in Douglas, Minnesota und Jared Dane Holte, geb. 7. Februar 1989 in Douglas, Minnesota>; United States Public Records, 1970-2009 <Milo D Holte; geb. am 7. September 1964; Wohnort: Starbuck, Minnesota; Possible relatives: Ashley J Holte, Karen Jane Holte>).

1. Holte Ashley Jo * 11.05.1986 Douglas > 5.9
2. Holte Jared Dane * 07.02.1989 Douglas

Quelle: FamilySearch (März 2018; hier: Minnesota Birth Index, 1935-2002 <Jared Dane Holte; geb. 7. Februar 1989 in Douglas, Minnesota; Eltern: Milo Dane Holte und Karen Jane Hoium Holte>).

Karen und Milo

BAXTER Jessica Lee < 3.13
* 30.11.1983 Lebensorte: Denver Louisville  
Eltern: Baxter Darwin Russell , Gottsleben Sharon Ann

Quellen: "Familytrees (www.mwsw.com)", "Facebook (Dezember 2014)", "Familysearch (Dezember 2018; hier: United States Public Records, 1970-2009 <Jessica Lee Baxter; geb. 30. November 1983; Wohnorte: Louisville, Colorado, Fort Collins, Colorado; Weitere Namen: Darwin Russell Baxter, Sharon A Baxter, Zachary Eli Baxter>)" und "MyLife.com (Dezember 2018; Jessica Lee Larson, auch: Jessica Lee Baxter, Jessica Baxter; Wohnorte: Denver, CO, Fort Collins, CO, Broomfield, CO; Verwandte: Allan Baxter, David Larson, Sharon Baxter, Darwin Baxter, Leigh Larson, Nicole Santomarco, Zachary Baxter. Jessica Larson is 35 years old and was born on 11/30/1983. Currently, she lives in Denver, CO, Fort Collins, CO, Broomfield, CO. Sometimes Jessica goes by various nicknames including Jessica Lee baxter and Jessica Baxter. Jessica is now married. Other family members and associates include Allan Baxter and David Larson)".

oo 20.08.2012
LARSON David Brian
* 15.11.1983 Lebensorte: Boulder Louisville  

Quellen: "Facebook (Dezember 2014; Brian Larson, Heirat: 20. August 2012)" und "MyLife.com (Dezember 2018; David Brian Larson, auch: David B Larson, Brian Larson; Wohnorte: Denver, CO, Boulder, CO; Verwandte: David Larson, Noelle Tallman, Joan Larson, Jessica Larson. David Larson is 35 years old and was born on 11/15/1983. Currently, he lives in Denver, CO; and previously lived in Boulder, CO. Sometimes David goes by various nicknames including David Brian Larson and David B Larson. Other family members and associates include David Larson and Noelle Tallman)".

1. Larson Jaden Grey * 26.12.2015 Louisville

Quelle: Facebook (Dezember 2015 <Brian Larson: I would like to formally introduce the newest member of our family, Jaden Grey Larson, weighing in at 7 pounds and 10 ounces and 21 inches long. He was born on Saturday, December 26th at 4:25am. We are incredibly excited and blessed to welcome him into our family>).

4.21 GOTTSLEBEN Tara < 3.16
* 02.05.1994 Lebensort: Philip   
Eltern: Gottsleben William (Bill) F. , Gaikowski Jayne M.

Quellen: "Familytrees (www.mwsw.com)", "Facebook (Mai 2017)" und "MyLife.com (Dezember 2018; Tara Gottsleben, 24 Jahre alt; Wohnort: Philip, SD. Tara Gottsleben is 24 years old and was born on 5/2/1994. Currently, she lives in Philip, SD)".

1. o-o GOTTSLEBEN Hadley Ren * 07.09.2015

Quelle: Facebook (Dezember 2017).

Tara Gottsleben

WALKER Melinda (Mindi) Rae Teacher < 3.19
* 02.12.1976 Lebensorte: Rapid City Spearfish  
Eltern: Walker Daniel K. , Pekron Beth Ann

Quellen: "Familytrees (www.mwsw.com)", "Facebook (Dezember 2018; Mindi Walker Coslet, teacher)" und "FamilySearch (Dezember 2018; hier: United States Public Records, 1970-2009 <Melinda R Walker, auch: Melinda Rae Bogue; geb. 2. Dezember 1976; Wohnorte: Rapid City, South Dakota, Fountain, Colorado, Fort Carson, Colorado, Columbia, South Carolina, Spearfish, South Dakota, Fort Campbell, Kentucky; Possible Relatives: Anne Walker, B A Walker, Beth Anne Walker, Dan Walker, Daniel K Walker, Gillette Walker, Heidi Katherine Tschacher, Howard D Bogue, Justin H Bogue, Linda Louise Bogue, Mindi Bogue, Nathan Adam Walker, Or Linda L Bogue, Robert S Bogue, Theresa R Reczek>)" und "My Life.com (Dezember 2018; Melinda Rae Coslet, auch: Melinda Rae Walker, Melinda Rae Bogue, 42 Jahre alt; Wohnorte: Spearfish, SD, Colorado Springs, CO; Verwandte: Sean Walker, Robert Bogue, Linda Bogue, Robin Wallace, Justin Bogue, Heidi Tschacher, Howard Bogue, Tara Stonebraker, Robert Coslet, Nathan Walker, Bill Walker. Melinda Coslet is 42 years old and was born on 12/2/1976. Currently, she lives in Spearfish, SD; and previously lived in Colorado Springs, CO. Sometimes Melinda goes by various nicknames including Melinda R Bogue. She currently works as a Broker Associate at Coldwell Banker Cheyenne Mnt Realty. Her ethnicity is Caucasian, and religious views are listed as Christian. Melinda is now married. Other family members and associates include Sean Walker and Robert Bogue)".

oo <.1996
BOGUE Justin H. Works at army
* 16.04.1973
Eltern: Bogue Gregory Allen , Cleveland Cheryl L.

Quellen: "Familytrees (www.mwsw.com)", "FamilySearch (Dezember 2018; hier: United States Public Records, 1970-2009 <Justin H Bogue; geb. 16. April 1973; Wohnorte: Colorado Springs, Colorado, Columbus, Georgia, Clarksville, Tennessee, Rapid City, South Dakota; Possible Relatives: Heidi Katherine Tschacher, Howard D Bogue, Linda Louise Bogue, Melinda R Walker, Mindi Bogue, Melinda Rae Bogue, Or Linda L Bogue, Robert S Bogue>)" und "MyLife.com (Dezember 2018; Justin H Bogue, 45 Jahre alt; Wohnorte: Lillington, NC, Fountain, CO, Newcastle, WY, Spearfish, SD; Verwandte: Melinda Coslet, Valorie Bogue, Heidi Tschacher, Howard Bogue, Robert Bogue, Linda Bogue. Justin Bogue is 45 years old and was born on 4/16/1973. Currently, he lives in Lillington, NC; and previously lived in Fountain, CO, Newcastle, WY and Spearfish, SD. Sometimes Justin goes by various nicknames including Justin H Bogue. He currently works at army. Justin's education includes attending south dakota school of mines and technology. Justin is now married. Other family members and associates include Melinda Coslet and Valorie Bogue)".

1. Bogue Mitchel J. * 19.12.1996

Quellen: "Familytrees (www.mwsw.com)" und "MyLife.com (Dezember 2018; Mitchel J Bogue, 21 Jahre alt; Wohnorte: Colorado Springs, CO, Spearfish, SD; Verwandte: Melinda Coslet. Mitchel Bogue is 21 years old and was born on 12/19/1996. Sometimes Mitchel goes by various nicknames including Mitchel J Bogue. Other family members and associates include Melinda Coslet)".

2. Bogue Jackson * . .1999

Quelle: Familytrees (www.mwsw.com).

oo 2 <.2010

Quelle: Facebook (Dezember 2018; Ehefrau: Mindi Walker Coslet, teacher).

KROETCH Joshua (Josh) L. < 3.20
* 06.11.1980 Lebensort: Philip   
Eltern: Kroetch Jerry L. , Pekron Karen M.

Quellen: "Familytrees (www.mwsw.com)", "FamilySearch (Dezember 2018; hier: South Dakota, Department of Health, Index to Births 1843-1914 <Joshua Kroetch, geb. um 1981, 21 Jahre alt, Heirat am 27. Oktober 2002 in Haakon, South Dakota, mit Gabriela Gronova, geb. um 1979, 23 Jahre alt>; United States Public Records, 1970-2009 <Josh Kroetch; Wohnort: Philip, South Dakota; Weiterer Name: Gabriela Kroetch>)" und "MyLife.com (Dezember 2018; Joshua L Kroetch, 38 Jahre alt; Wohnort: Philip, SD; Verwandte: Karen Kroetch, Jerry Kroetch, Brooke Kroetch, Gabriela Kroetch. Joshua Kroetch is 38 years old and was born on 11/6/1980. Currently, he lives in Savage, MN; and previously lived in Philip, SD. Sometimes Joshua goes by various nicknames including Joshua L Kroetch. He currently works as a Manufactures Sales Rep at Scotchman Industries, Inc. His ethnicity is Hispanic American [?], whose political affiliation is currently a registered Unaffiliated/Non Affiliated; and religious views are listed as Christian. Joshua is now single. Other family members and associates include Karen Kroetch and Jerry Kroetch)".

oo 27.10.2002 Haakon
GRONOVA Gabriela
* um.1979 Lebensort: Philip   

Quellen: "FamilySearch (Dezember 2018; hier: South Dakota, Department of Health, Index to Births 1843-1914 <Gabriela Gronova, geb. um 1979, 23 Jahre alt, Heirat am 27. Oktober 2002 in Haakon, South Dakota, mit Joshua Kroetch, geb. um 1981, 21 Jahre alt>; United States Public Records, 1970-2009 <Gabriela Kroetch; Wohnort: Philip, South Dakota; Weiterer Name: Josh Kroetch>)" und "MyLife.com (Dezember 2018; Gabriela L Kroetch; Wohnorte: Savage, MN, Lakeville, MN, Philip, SD. Currently, she lives in Savage, MN; and previously lived in Lakeville, MN and Philip, SD. Her ethnicity is Hispanic American, whose political affiliation is currently a registered Unaffiliated/Non Affiliated; and religious views are listed as Christian. Gabriela is now single)".

PEKRON Katie Albertine < 3.22
* 24.07.1990 Lebensorte:  Newell Hot Springs 
Eltern: Pekron Joe (Joseph) N. , Jensen Julie A.

Quellen: "Familytrees (www.mwsw.com; Katie Pekron, geb. 1990)" und "FamilySearch (Dezember 2018; hier: United States Public Records, 1970-2009 <Katie Pekron; Wohnort: Hot Springs, South Dakota; Weitere Namen: Joe Pekron, Julie Pekron>)", "FamilySearch (Dezember 2018; hier: South Dakota, Department of Health, Index to Births 1843-1914 and Marriages 1950-2016 <Katie Pekron, geb. um 1990, 25 Jahre alt, Heirat am 17. Oktober 2015 in Butte, South Dakota, mit Brian Fox, geb. um 1990, 25 Jahre alt; Wohnort: Newell, Butte, South Dakota>)" und "MyLife.com (Dezember 2018; Katie Albertine Fox, auch: Katie Pekron, 28 Jahre alt; Wohnorte: Newell, SD, Hot Springs, SD; Verwandte: Cody Pekron, Joseph Pekron, Julia Pekron, Brian Fox. Katie Fox is 28 years old and was born on 7/24/1990. Currently, she lives in Newell, SD; and previously lived in Hot Springs, SD. Sometimes Katie goes by various nicknames including Katie Pekron. Katie is now married. Other family members and associates include Cody Pekron and Joseph Pekron)".

oo 17.10.2015 Butte County
FOX Brian
* um.1990 Lebensorte:  Newell  

Quelle: FamilySearch (Dezember 2018; hier: South Dakota, Department of Health, Index to Births 1843-1914 and Marriages 1950-2016 <Brian Fox, geb. um 1990, 25 Jahre alt, Heirat am 17. Oktober 2015 in Butte, South Dakota, mit Katie Pekron, geb. um 1990, 25 Jahre alt; Wohnort: Newell, Butte, South Dakota>).

Generation 5

GOTTSLEBEN Angela D. (Angie) < 4.4
* um.1985 Lebensorte: Brandon Alexandria  
Eltern: Gottsleben Wayne F. , Miller Julie L.

Quellen: "Brandon Valley High School (Internet 2006; <High-School-Profil von Angie Gottsleben: 'Hometown: Brandon, SD; High School: Brandon Valley High School; Junior College: Iowa Lakes Community College; High School Coach: Mark Stadem; Junior College Coach: Brian Radtke; Height: 5'7"; Position: Guard; Parents: Wayne and Julie Gottsleben; Class: Senior; Major: Elementary and Special Education with Coaching. - As a Junior: First season at DSU. Angie became a dependable long-range shooter for Lady T's, hitting 41.7 % from behind the arc on 25 of 60 shooting. This ranks her 6th all-time in single season three point field goal percentage. Had season high 13 points against Dickinson State in January. Scored 11 points against Shawnee State in first round of NAIA National Tournament. - As a Junior College Athlete: Angie continued her success in basketball at Iowa Lakes CC. Her long-range shooting skills help ILCC to 19 wins and a third place finish in the Regional Tournament. As a sophomore, Angie's squad finished with 21 wins and another third place finish in the Regional Tournament. Iowa Lakes lost to perennial national power Kirkwood CC in the final game of the playoffs to advance to the National Tournament. - As a High School Athlete: Angie was the leading scorer for her Brandon Valley Lynx team both her junior and senior seasons. As a junior, she set the school record for three-point shots in a single game and a season while receiving All-Conference honors. An All-State Tournament selection and Honorable Mention All-Stater as a senior, Angie received a 'White' letter and her picture was placed on the Brandon Valley Wall of Fame'>)", "Wassfuneralhome.com (Mai 2017; Traueranzeige des Großvaters Miller <Angie Gottsleben - Skya>)", "Theknot.com/us/angie-gottsleben-and-jasten-white-may-2017 (Mai 2017; Hochzeit am 19. Mai 2017 in Sioux Falls, SD <Wayne and Julie Gottsleben - Parents of Bride: My journey in life has been inspired by my parents. Having a life on the fast lane with activities every weekend and events during the week. Being involved on traveling teams with both basketball and softball made for long trips with hotel stays. Not even a question asked my parents were right there by my side. During high school and college events I would always look up in the stands and find my parents at most every single game my true supporters. I can't express enough how grateful my life has been this far to have my parents by my side. Thanks for showing me the value of what a family means. Now I have the opportunity to continue what you have taught me to bring to my own family. Love you>; <Greg Gottsleben - My older brother Greg has always been there for guidance and advice. He has now taking the role of being a huge part of our day and wedding Jasten and I. So thankful to have him by my side couldn't ask for a better person to do us the honors. Thanks for always being there your the best big brother a sister could as for in life. Also being an amazing Uncle to Skya she absolutely adores you>) und "Fastpeoplesearch.com/angela-d-gottsleben (November 2018; <Angela D Gottsleben; 33 Jahre alt; Wohnorte: Alexandria, SD; Mitchell, SD; Sioux Falls, SD; Brandon; Related to: Gregory A Gottsleben, Julie L Gottsleben, Wayne F Gottsleben>)".

oo 19.05.2017 Sioux Falls
WHITE Jasten
* um.1984 Lebensort: Alexandria   

Quellen: "Theknot.com/us/angie-gottsleben-and-jasten-white-may-2017 (Mai 2017; Hochzeit 19. Mai 2017 in Sioux Falls, SD)", "Fastpeoplesearch.com/ms-jasten-j-white (November 2018; <Jasten J White, 34 Jahre alt>)", "Facebook (November 2018; Wohnt in Alexandria, South Dakota; Stammt aus Salem, South Dakota)" und "Mylife.com/jasten-white (November 2018; <Currently, he lives in Alexandria, SD; and previously lived in Salem, SD. Sometimes Jasten goes by various nicknames including Jasten J White. His ethnicity is Caucasian, whose political affiliation is currently a registered Republican; and religious views are listed as Christian>)".

1. White Skya May * <.10.2012

Quelle: Theknot.com/us/angie-gottsleben-and-jasten-white-may-2017 (Mai 2017; Hochzeit der Eltern <Skya White. Our beautiful daughter is beyond excited for this day to come. We are so blessed to have her be a part of our wedding day. We are proud parents of the young lady she is becoming. Thanks for being our Sunshine Skya May>).

2. White N.N. * <.05.2018

Quelle: Facebook (November 2018).

Gottsleben White

5.2 GOTTSLEBEN Kelci Jo < 4.6
* um.1988 Lebensorte: Watertown Fargo  
Eltern: Gottsleben Todd J. , Berger Cami J.

Quellen: "University of Sioux Falls (Dezember 2015; <USF Women's Golf Bio: Kali Gottsleben Watertown has one sister, Kelci>)", "FamliySearch (Oktober 2018; hier: South Dakota, Department of Health, Index to Births 1843-1914 and Marriages 1950-2016 <Kelci Gottsleben, geb. um 1988, 21 Jahre alt, Heirat am 24. Juli 2009 in Codington, South Dakota mit Jeremy Boniface, geb. um 1985, 24 Jahre alt; Wohnort: Fargo, Cass, North Dakota>)", "Mylife.com/kelci-boniface (November 2018; <Kelci Boniface, Currently, she lives in West Fargo, ND; and previously lived in Watertown, SD. Sometimes Kelci goes by various nicknames including Kelci Gotteleben and Kelci Gottsleben. Her ethnicity is Caucasian, and religious views are listed as Christian>)", "Fastpeoplesearch.com (November 2018; <Kelci Jo Boniface, Age 31, Used to live: Fargo, ND, Watertown, SD, Moorhead, MN; Related to: Jeremy W Boniface, Cami J Gottsleben, Kali M Gottsleben, Todd J Gottsleben>)" und "Thepublicopinion.com (September 2019; Jeremy and Kelci Boniface wedding, 2009)".

oo 24.07.2009 Codington
* um.1985 Lebensorte:  Fargo  

Quellen: "FamliySearch (Oktober 2018; hier: South Dakota, Department of Health, Index to Births 1843-1914 and Marriages 1950-2016 <Jeremy Boniface, geb. um 1985, 24 Jahre alt, Heirat am 24. Juli 2009 in Codington, South Dakota mit Kelci Gottsleben, geb. um 1988, 21 Jahre alt; Wohnort: Fargo, Cass, North Dakota>)", "Fastpeoplesearch.com/jeremy-w-boniface (November 2018; Jeremy W Boniface, Age 33, Used to live: West Fargo, ND and Fargo, ND, Related to: Kelci Jo Boniface, Cami J Gottsleben, Kali M Gottsleben, Todd J Gottsleben>)", "Mylife.com/jeremy-boniface (November 2018; <Jeremy Boniface; Currently, he lives in West Fargo, ND; and previously lived in Fargo, ND and Moorhead, MN. Sometimes Jeremy goes by various nicknames including Jeremy Bonifacio. His ethnicity is Caucasian, and religious views are listed as Christian>)" und "Thepublicopinion.com (September 2019; Jeremy and Kelci Boniface wedding, 2009)".

1. Boniface Kinsley

Quelle: Theknot.com/us/kali-gottsleben-and-brett-denman-jun-2019 (Juni 2019; Bei Hochzeit der Tante Kali Gottsleben; Kinsley Boniface, Flower Girl, Niece of the Bride>).

2. Boniface Brayden

Quelle: Theknot.com/us/kali-gottsleben-and-brett-denman-jun-2019 (Juni 2019; Bei Hochzeit der Tante Kali Gottsleben; Brayden Boniface, Ring Bearer, Nephew of the Bride>).

Jeremy and Kelci Boniface
Wedding, 2009

5.3 GOTTSLEBEN Kali M. Teacher < 4.6
* um.1991 Lebensorte: Watertown Sioux Falls  
Eltern: Gottsleben Todd J. , Berger Cami J.

Quellen: "University of Sioux Falls (Internet, Dezember 2015 <USF Women's Golf Bio: Kali Gottsleben Watertown. Daughter of Todd & Cami Gottsleben [...] has one sister, Kelci [...] elementary education major [...] professional goals are to teach grade school and coach in Sioux Falls [...] member of the FCA and SAAC [...] enjoys playing intramural sports at USF>)", "Ksfy.com/content/news/Hood-Magazine-announces-2017-Teacher-of-the-Year (Mai 2017; Kali Gottsleben was named Hood Magazine 'Teacher of the Year' for 2017. Gottsleben was nominated by students Shyla and Caleb. She's in her fourth year as a second grade teacher at Freedom Elementary School. Students were asked to write why their teacher is deserving of the award in 250 words or less. Gottsleben grew up in Watertown. She graduated high school in 2009 and received her Bachelor's Degree in Elementary Education from the University of Sioux Falls. She also was on USF's golf team)", "Whitepages.com (November 2018; <Kali Gottsleben, Age 27, Lives in Sioux Falls, SD and Watertown, SD; Related to Cami J Gottsleben, Todd J Gottsleben>)", "Fastpeoplesearch.com (November 2018; <Kali M Gottsleben, Age 27, Used to live: Sioux Falls, SD, Watertown, SD; Related to: Cami J Gottsleben, Kelci Jo Boniface, Todd J Gottsleben, Jeremy W Boniface>)" und "Theknot.com/us/kali-gottsleben-and-brett-denman-jun-2019 (Juni 2019; <Kali and Brett, June 15, 2019, Watertown, SD. The Wedding, Saturday, June 15, 2019 in Watertown, SD. 'Brett and I knew each other in high school and secretly both had a crush on each other! Brett went to college at St. Cloud State and I went to the University of Sioux Falls. After college, Brett moved to Sioux Falls and text me that we should do some golf tournaments together! Low and behold, we did a couples golf tournament and people were calling him my husband, and of course, I went along with it! The rest is history!' - Kelci Boniface, Maid of Honor, Sister of the Bride; Jeremy Boniface, Groomsman, Brother in Law of the Bride; Kinsley Boniface, Flower Girl, Niece of the Bride; Brayden Boniface, Ring Bearer, Nephew of the Bride>)".

oo 15.06.2019 Watertown

Quelle: Theknot.com/us/kali-gottsleben-and-brett-denman-jun-2019 (Juni 2019; <Kali and Brett, the Wedding, Saturday, June 15, 2019 in Watertown, SD. 'Brett and I knew each other in high school and secretly both had a crush on each other! Brett went to college at St. Cloud State and I went to the University of Sioux Falls. After college, Brett moved to Sioux Falls and text me that we should do some golf tournaments together! Low and behold, we did a couples golf tournament and people were calling him my husband, and of course, I went along with it! The rest is history!' - Jenna Denman, Bridesmaid, Sister in Law of the Groom: Scott Denman, Best Man, Brother of the Groom; Brian Denman, Groomsman, Brother of the Groom>).

Kali und Brett Denman

5.4 GOTTSLEBEN Scott Ryan < 4.11
* 05.08.1987 Lebensorte:  Broomfield  
Eltern: Gottsleben Bruce Daniel , Sukovaty Sherry Ann

Quellen: "Facebook (September 2015; hier: bei Bruce Gottsleben Angabe des Sohnes Scott)", "Myregistry.com (Mai 2017; hier: Shannon Gottsleben & Scott Gottsleben, Baby Registry March 8th, 2016)" "Facebook (Mai 2017; hier: Sherry Griffeth <Mädchenname: Sukovaty; Sohn: Scott Gottsleben>)", "Mypages.allwest.com (März 2014; hier: Relatives of Bruce Rognan <Cheryl Sucovoty married Bruce Gottsleben; They had the following children: Scott Gottsleben was born on 5 Aug 1987>)" und "Mylife.com (November 2018; <Scott Gottsleben is 31 years old and was born on 8/5/1987. Currently, he lives in Johnstown, CO; and previously lived in Broomfield, CO and Conway, AR. Sometimes Scott goes by various nicknames including Scott Ryan Gottsleben. His ethnicity is Caucasian, and religious views are listed as Christian>)".

oo 2015
MCCOY Shannon Elaine
* 21.03.1979 Lebensorte: Broomfield Denver  
Eltern: McCoy Wes , Sypherd Julie

Quellen: "Facebook (Mai 2017; hier: Shannon McCoy-Gottsleben und Nennung der Schwiegertochter bei Bruce Gottsleben's Geburtstag)", "Mylife.com (November 2018; <Shannon Elaine Gottsleben, 39 Jahre alt; Wohnort: Johnstown. Shannon Gottsleben is 39 years old and was born on 3/21/1979. Currently, she lives in Johnstown, CO; and previously lived in Westminster, CO, Longmont, CO and Hastings, NE. Sometimes Shannon goes by various nicknames including Shannon Elaine McCoy and Shannon E McCoy. She currently works as a Principal at Shannons Healthy Living. Other family members and associates include Scott Gottsleben and Jessica McCoy>)" und "Familysearch (November 2018; hier: United States Public Records, 1970-2009 <Shannon Elaine McCoy; geb. 21 März 1979; Wohnorte: Broomfield, Lafayette und Denver, Colorado; Hastings, Nebraska, weitere Namen: Shane Wesley Mccoy>)".

1. Gottsleben Hayden * 22.02.2016

Quelle: Facebook (Mai 2017; hier: bei Shannon McCoy-Gottsleben Angabe des Namens und Geburtsdatums).

Scott und Shannon

5.5 GOTTSLEBEN Robert (Rob) Derald < 4.12
* 30.01.1981 Lebensorte: Lincoln Aurora  
Eltern: Gottsleben Bradley (Brad) Dean , Sukovaty Mary E.

Quellen: "Weddingchapelmissouri.com (November 2015; Rob & Tammy Gottslebens Hochzeit am 10. September 2011 in der Wedding Chapel at Shepherd's Field in Mt. Vernon, MO)", "Mypages.allwest.com (März 2014; hier: Relatives of Bruce Rognan)" und "Mylife.com (November 2018; <Robert Derald Gottsleben, 37 Jahre alt; Wohnorte: Aurora, MO und Lincoln, NE; Verwandte: Tammy Gold, Audrey Gottsleben, Bruce Gottsleben, Mary Sukovaty, Derald Gottsleben, Bradley Gottsleben, Richard Gottsleben. Robert Gottsleben is 37 years old and was born on 1/30/1981. Currently, he lives in Aurora, MO; and previously lived in Lincoln, NE. Sometimes Robert goes by various nicknames including Rob Gottsleben and Robert D Gottsleben. His ethnicity is Caucasian, religious views are listed as Christian. Other family members and associates include Tammy Gold and Audrey Gottsleben>)".

oo 10.09.2011 Mount Vernon
* 22.09.1972 Lebensorte: Aurora Mount Vernon  
Eltern: Weidmann Stephen E. , N.N. Vickie L.

Quellen: "Facebook (November 2015 <Its Me ... You want to know ask me and I will tell. Ive done alot and been in alot of places. Very proud of my 2 children. Geoffrey [Gold, geb. 3. März 1990] ... and Ashleigh [Gold, geb. 24. Mai 1994]. Love my babies; Eltern: Vickie und Stephen Weidmann>)", "FamilySearch (November 2018; hier: Texas Divorce Index, 1968-2010 <Tammy Lee Austin, 33 Jahre alt, geb. um 1972, Scheidung am 21. März 2005 in Kaufman, Texas, von Brian Lee Austin, 36 Jahre alt, geb. um 1969; Ehedatum: 9. Juli 1994; 1 Kind unter 18 Jahren>; United States Public Records, 1970-2009 <Tammy Lee Gold, auch: Tammy L Austin; geb. 22. September 1972; Wohnort: Mount Vernon, Missouri; mögliche Verwandte: Angie E Gold, Gary A Austin, Geoffrey S Gold, James A Gold, Jimmy Gold, Larry D Gold Sr, Lee Gold, Nancy J Gold, William P Gold>)" und "Weddingchapelmissouri.com (November 2015; Rob & Tammy Gottslebens Hochzeit am 10. September 2011 in der Wedding Chapel at Shepherd's Field in Mt. Vernon, MO)".

Robert und
Tammy Gottsleben

5.6 GOTTSLEBEN Richard (Rick) < 4.12
* 03.09.1984 Lebensorte: Lincoln San Diego  
Eltern: Gottsleben Bradley (Brad) Dean , Sukovaty Mary E.

Quellen: "Facebook (Juli 2015 <On behalf of me and Tiffany, wait hold on, I am not half I'm like 2/3. This should read better, on 2/3 of Tiffany and I, we would like to thank everyone who could make the wedding and/or the reception(also the gifts) for coming. It may not have been the best wedding ever but as my dad always did we thought it was perfect for just winging it, lol. Can't say it enough from the bottom of our hearts, we really did appreciate everyone who helped make this our perfect wedding. I tagged most of the people but there are others that where there and we haven't forgotten you either. Pictures to come, thanks to Trisha Von Busch for doing our pictures, Tammy Gottsleben for doing Tiffany's hair and keeping her sane. Shout out to my brothers Rob and George Gottsleben for keeping me sane well mostly, lol. Thanks to [my mother] Mary Sukovaty for giving us a place to stay and got a few nights for ourselves. Last but not least thank you to our family who watched over us and made the weather hold out for us. Next time we are home we will try and plan a dinner and drinks>; <Familienmitglieder: Lilyan Gottsleben, Tochter; George Gottsleben, Bruder; Ina May Johnson, Schwester; Larry Wise Jr., Bruder; Meagan Wise, Schwester; Rob Gottsleben; Bruder; Audrey Cather Gottsleben, [Stief]Mutter; Bradley Gottsleben, Vater; Mary Gottsleben, Mutter; Courtney Cather, Tante; Hayleigh Marie Houston, Cousine>)", "Classmates.com (Juli 2015; <Richard Gottsleben 2002 graduate of Wilber-Clatonia High School in Wilber, NE>)" und "Mypages.allwest.com (März 2014; hier: Relatives of Bruce Rognan)".

1. o-o GOTTSLEBEN Lilyan * 09.11.1999

Quelle: Facebook (Juni 2017).

oo 08.07.2015
LEFCOWITZ Tiffany (Minas)
* 05.04.1980 Lebensorte: Mount Pocono San Diego  
Eltern: Lefcowitz Andrew M. , Brown Susan

Quelle: Facebook (Juli 2015).

2. Gottsleben Teya * 04.04.2014

Quelle: Facebook (April 2017).

Richard und Tiffany

Rick, Lilyan, Teya,
Tiffany, Tammy und
Rob Gottsleben

GOTTSLEBEN Ina May < 4.12
*  >.1994
Eltern: Gottsleben Bradley (Brad) Dean , Cather Audrey Ann

Quellen: "Mypages.allwest.com (März 2014; hier: Relatives of Bruce Rognan)" und "Facebook (Juni 2017)".

oo 17.12.2011

Quelle: Facebook (Juni 2017).

ROLLINS Bill B. < 4.13
* 21.01.1986 Lebensort: Omaha   
Eltern: Rollins Steven Harry , Gottsleben Kathy Steele

Quellen: "Mypages.allwest.com (März 2014; hier: Relatives of Bruce Rognan <Name: Bill Russell [?]>)", "FamilySearch (Dezember 2018; hier: United States Public Records, 1970-2009 <Bill B Rollins; geb. 21. Januar 1986; Wohnort: Omaha, Nebraska; Weitere Namen: Carrie E Rollins>)" und "MyLife.com (Dezember 2018; <Bill B Rollins, 32 Jahre alt; Wohnort: Omaha, NE; Verwandte: Danielle Rollins, Carrie Rollins, Kathy Ramaekers. Bill Rollins is 32 years old and was born on 1/21/1986. Currently, he lives in Omaha, NE. Sometimes Bill goes by various nicknames including Bill B Rollins. His ethnicity is Caucasian, whose political affiliation is currently a registered Republican; and religious views are listed as Christian. Bill is now married. Other family members and associates include Danielle Rollins and Carrie Rollins>)".

* 19.06.1985 Lebensort: Omaha   

Quelle: MyLife.com (Dezember 2018; <Carrie E Rollins, auch: Carrie E Meacham, 33 Jahre alt; Wohnorte: Omaha, NE und Wisconsin Dells, WI; Verwandte: Bill Rollins, Jane Meacham, Kathy Ramaekers, Danielle Rollins. Carrie Rollins is 33 years old and was born on 6/19/1985. Currently, she lives in Omaha, NE; and previously lived in Wisconsin Dells, WI. Sometimes Carrie goes by various nicknames including Carrie E Rollins and Carrie E Meacham. Her ethnicity is Caucasian, whose political affiliation is currently a registered Republican; and religious views are listed as Christian. Carrie is now married. Other family members and associates include Bill Rollins and Jane Meacham>).

HOLTE Ashley Jo < 4.19
* 11.05.1986 Douglas Lebensort: Douglas   
Eltern: Holte Milo Dane , Hoium (Nasby/Moeller) Karen Jane

Quellen: "FamilySearch (März 2018; hier: Minnesota Birth Index, 1935-2002 <Ashley Jo Holte; geb. am 11. Mai 1986 in Douglas, Minnesota; Eltern: Milo Dane Holte und Karen Jane Hoium>; United States Public Records, 1970-2009 <Ashley J Holte; auch bekannt als: Ashley Jo Odland; geb. am 11. Mai 1986; Wohnorte: Starbuck, Minnesota und Davie, Florida; Weitere Namen: Anthony Paul Odland>)" und Facebook (März 2018; hier: Ashley Odland <Heirat am 28. Juni 2008>)".

oo 28.06.2008
ODLAND Anthony Paul Dr. med (Clinical Psychologist)
* 10.11.1985 Douglas Lebensort: Douglas   
Eltern: Odland Donald Mark , Johnston Patricia Joan

Quellen: "FamilySearch (März 2018; hier: Minnesota Birth Index, 1935-2002 <Anthony Paul Odland; geb. 10. November 1985 in Douglas, Minnesota; Eltern: Donald Mark Odland und Patricia Joan Johnston>; United States Public Records, 1970-2009 <Anthony Paul Odland; geb. 10. November 1985; Wohnorte: Carlos, Minnesota und Davie, Florida; Weitere Namen: Ashley Jo Odland; Donald Mark Odland Jr; Mark Patri Odland; Matthew J Odland; Mark Md Family Pract Odland; Patricia J Odland>)" und "Sanfordhealth.org (April 2018; Anthony Odland is originally from Western Minnesota. He has a wife and two boys. In his spare time, he enjoys spending time with his family and friends, traveling, the outdoors, and being active playing sports such as tennis and basketball. Depending on the season, you can find Anthony outside running, wake boarding, or fishing in the summer, or sledding and building a snow fort in the winter with his kids. - Dr. Odland chose to become a health care provider because he likes getting to know people and help figure out how to best help them. His father was a family physician for years, and Anthony saw the far-reaching impact one individual can have on many)".

1. Odland Henry Miles * 12.07.2013 Chicago
2. Odland Barron Liam * 04.01.2015 Naperville
3. Odland Thea Everly * 09.04.2018 Fargo

Kinder Quelle: Facebook (April 2018; hier: Eintrag beim Vater Anthony Odland)

Anthony und Ashley

und Anthony

Stand : 10.09.2019
Erstellt mit PC-AHNEN 2019

Stand: September 2019
Klaus Gottsleben
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